InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bits & Pieces ❯ Opposites Attract ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Opposites Attract
Author: Spaceghst407
Theme: Grave
Genre: Introspective, Romance
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Kagome ponders her feelings for a certain taiyoukai.

I must be crazy.

Kagome couldn't deny the feelings she was developing towards the stoic taiyoukai. He must have been responsible for countless graves, for the loss of so much life, yet her heart beat a little faster when he was near. Her breath caught in her lungs and her body was assaulted by a delightful tingle.

Yes he was cold and he ruled with ruthless resolve, but she also knew him to be gentle and kind on occasion to those few he deemed worthy; a small human child, an uppity imp, and now herself. For reasons she couldn't fathom, he wanted her near. A silly ningen woman.

Kagome frowned at his back as he walked ahead of her. He was so graceful in everything that he did, while she had trouble not tripping over her own two feet. What was it about him that drew her to him? They were nothing alike.

Kagome stopped walking as her thoughts took over. Sesshoumaru paused and turned to her, a single regal brow arched slightly. Kagome sighed as her heart twitched when she met his golden gaze. Who was she kidding? Who cares if she was crazy?

She would follow him anywhere.

A/N: Originally written for Dokuga's Weekly Perfection Contest. Prompt – Grave. Please review!
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