InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Calming Violence, forever mine [sesshoumaru] Part 2 of Calming Violence ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch 7: Pregnant, afraid and in love
Stepping out of the room Robin looked up at Sesshoumaru, Silva, Sorekaze, Stephen, Tokimune, Maria and Rin all stood behind the worried lord. "Milord," he began closing the door "Lady Devani's pregnant," he said, giving a long blink Sesshoumaru frowned looking at the door the doctor. "That does explain her moods, but why the power boost?" he asked. "She is other milord, only you and she and the five new guards know what and who she really is so I don't know what the pregnancy will do to her," he explained. "What's pregnant' mean?" Rin asked a small frown on her face looking down at her Robin says "She's going to have a baby,"
Devani POV
Looking down at your now bare stomach you frown, it was still all nice and flat, perfectly toned and yet under all that muscle and flesh was a growing child. This child, this baby would be really powerful you could feel it, knew it. And while he, she, it was inside you, you could tap into that power. "Odd," you say to no one as you ran your left hand down your stomach, it explained a lot of hit but made you feel vulnerable. There was a light knock on the door so you said "Enter," still staring at your belly trying to see it in your head how someone could be inside you.
"Devani?" Sesshoumaru asked closing the door but not coming closer, you could tell he felt unsure of his welcome, as if you might be angry with him or something. Holding out your hand you look at him "Sesshoumaru come here, please, come hold me," you say watching a small smile cross his face. As soon as he was close enough you grabbed his hand, gently and placed it onto the flat expanse of your stomach. At first he looked shocked but that changed quickly into a soft wonder and love. "There's a little person in there, our little person," you smile gently before saying "I hope he comes out like you, I know he'll be powerful, very powerful."
Sitting down he kept his hand on your stomach as he asked "And how do you know this?" his eyes leaving your belly to stare at your face. "Coz he's related to I can sort of tap into his power, I think while he's in me I'll be able to," you say putting a hand on his, closing your eyes as you make a small content sound. You felt him move lying down beside you, his hand leaving your stomach to struck the side of your face. Cuddling your face aganst the warmth of his had you sigh opening your eyes. "We're having a baby," you say voice quiet, soft and full of joy. He made a small noise like a laught and smiled "Yes, we are," he said voice gentle.
"I love you Sesshoumaru," you whisper staring into his eyes leaning into you he whisperesd "And I love you," before kissing you. It started gentle, soft but quickly turned harsh, hungry and full of passion like you'd just melt into him. Groaning as there was yet another knock on the door you pull away but cidle up to him. Sighing he says "Come in," when the door opened, everyone else filled in making you laugh, rushing over Rin Jumped on the bed "Your going to have a baby!" she cried full of exitement. Nodding you grin at her "You'll have to help me think of a name," you say drawing her down to you ito your and Sesshoumaru's arms.
"Congradulations, a baby joyus news inded," Sorekaze said smiling down at you, Silva looked happy but caususe almost worried. Marai was grinning ear to ear, Tokimune was smiling but stayed close to the door and Stephen looked over joyed, it was the happiest you'd ever seen him. Robin just stared down at the three of you with a perfect bedside blank face. "Thanks Sorekaze, do ask Luranan what she sees for our child," you reply as someone traced a finger across your stomach making you jump. Looking down you saw Rins hand pressed gently aganst it and Sesshoumaru tracing the out line of her tiny hand onto it.
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After Sesshoumaru got everyone to leave you both lay on the bed quietly, holding eachother, his head resting on your stomach as if he was trying to hear the baby. Running one hand threw his hair you smile, he was whispering ever so quielty to your belly. You could feel his lips move as they brushed your skin "What are you telling our child?" you ask amusement thick in your tone. It was cute, really cute. "That our child has a beautiful mother, who I love very much and that it shall grow up powerful and become the next ruler of our great lands," kissing your belly button he rolled over so he could still listen and look at you at the same time.
Smiling you trace the line of his jaw, the thicker bottom lip only to have him bit it gently, pulling it into his mouth as he whispered through your mind {Your the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I'm proud to call you my mate and even more honoured and happy to have you bare my children}. Blushing you had to fight the urge to squirm {I love too and I am honoured to have your child Sesshoumaru what do you hear?} he closed his eyes before speaking. "Your body doing what it normally does, your heart beat and a second, fainter heartbeat," opening his eyes he sat up kissing you gently.
As he lay back down you asked "So what happened to Shade, I didn't hurt him to bad did I, when I threw my little temper tantrum?" grinning he replied "He passed out a little after you left the room, he's still out of it in one of the guest rooms." "Opps" you say giggling as you went back to quietly petting his hair, leaning back you close your eyes yawning. You were beat not five hours into the day and you wanted a nap "Go on, go to sleep, I'll watch over you," Sesshoumaru said sitting up. Nodding as he pulled the covers over the two of you, you snuggle up to the warmth of his body and fall into the darkness, dreams, the last thing you remember was him whispering "I love you," the nothing.
Sesshoumaru POV
Looking down at her you smile, she was about to make one of your many dreams come true, a powerful baby to carry on your line. Running a hand down her cheek you whisper "Thank you," before she made a small noise very like a whimper. Her face contorted and her mouth opened, another whimper escaping as a tear slide down the side o her face. "Hush, shhh," you whisper pulling her closer kissing her forehead hoping your touch would sooth her only to have her scream. Pulling back startled you blink rapidly listening to the ringing in your ear. Not wanting to wake her you cuddle her close to you and rock her gently.
Devani POV -Dream-
Walking out of your bedroom you follow the sounds of weeping, a heavy pain filled sound that echoed threw the hall. Looking down you notice your stomach was nicely round, fat and heavily pregnant. Opening your mouth to call out only to have no sound come out from your throat. Startled you stop and try to talk but still no sound, frowning you begin to walk again only to be stoped as a sharp pain erupted from your stomach. Looking down you see that you were no longer pregnant, naked and covered in blood. Looking away from your stomach you hurry towards that broken sound.
It was Rin's room, that painful cry was coming from her room. Opening the door you look in to see Sesshoumaru sitting by the balcony cradling her shaking form, he too was covered in blood. A sound, a growl like noise made you turn. There was suddenly a little boy with short silvery blond hair, one gold eye the other grey green, a silver bordered magenta moon crescent on his forehead. He was wearing a white and green version of Sesshoumarus kimono which was blood splattered, his small hands dripping with blood. He grinned, flashing shape, pointed animalistic teeth, an evil glint in his eye before he walked right through you.
Making a small fearful sound you turn to watch him walk closer to Sesshoumaru and Rin who was now watching him, face pale, fear written in unforgettable lines. Standing Sesshoumaru says "You've done enough boy, now leave," pain, loss in his voice. "Oh, but father I have yet to begin, mother always said I was special. Mother said I would rule when you were both gone, well it's time you both left. Mother saved that pitiful excuse for a creature, paid her life for it, now I shale take her life...and yours, but the order in which you go is up to you," the boy said malice in his voice. "Bane don't do this," Rin cried as Sesshoumaru pushed her behind him.
"Oh but sweet Rin I will do this and I shale enjoy it...immensely," Bane said. You could see the reluctance in Sesshoumaru, everyone could "Bane your mother, devani, believed you would do great things, good things..." Sesshoumaru said but the boy cut him off "Well she was an idiot." Stepping closer to Sesshoumaru and Rin he continued "Her mating you proved that, Jadea was right to call her an abomination, a dirty thing." Rage flashed on Sesshoumaru's face before he snapped "Do not, ever talk about her like that, she deserves better and well you know it." "All I know well is that she is dead, she died loving you and hating her only son, me. All I know well is that you and your human brat will join her soon," Bane said advancing.
Tears filled your eyes and another whimper crawled from your throat as you watched. And when Sesshoumaru fell, when he lay lifeless on the floor you screamed then the dream changed. You lay on your bed unable to move, unable to scream, unable to cry out, a dark shadowy form stood behind Bane, it's shadowed hands on his shoulders then nothing, darkness.

Looking into Kohana's mirror Naraku smirked "So Sesshoumaru has a new weakness, I must meet this 'Devani' KAGURA!" he shouted not taking his eyes off of the woman in the mirror. "You yelled?" she asked walking over to him. "I want you to go pay a visit to our good friend, Sesshoumaru appeared behind the woman. His arms wrapped around her waist as she learned back into him, a smile on her face as he whispered into her ear making her flush. "Bring me the wench and the girl and we'll see if we can get the great dog lord to bow to me for their safety," he said watching.