InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Courtship ❯ Chapter nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were enjoying a small lunch when Kagome barged into the hut and lunged at Sango. Sango was thankful that she was sitting on the floor and that Kirara was behind her in her larger form to help support her or she would have toppled over by Kagome's sudden weight. After overcoming her shock, Sango realized that Kagome was crying and practically shaking. Quickly growing concerned, Sango wrapped her arms around Kagome and tried to coax her to talk but all that came from Kagome's mouth was more sobs.

Miroku and Shippo quickly went to Kagome when they heard Sango ask what was wrong. Miroku gently placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to get her to talk while Shippo stroked her cheek and begged her to stop crying.

None worked. Her three friends were left to figure out what had happened on their own. Considering all that had been happening in the past few days, it wasn't hard for Sango and Miroku were quick to realize that it had something to do with Inuyasha but poor Shippo was clueless. He had no idea what could have caused Kagome to cry like this and each sob and tear was like a knife to his young heart. Coming close to tears himself; Shippo squeezed between Sango and Kagome and snuggled against Kagome's stomach.

He sighed when Kagome wrapped an arm around him and calmed down slightly. She was still crying but her sobs had turned into hiccups. Sensing that her friend had calmed enough to talk, Sango lifted Kagome's head from her shoulder.

"Kagome, tell me what happened."

Sango's voice was calm and soothing to Kagome and Kagome faintly remembered that was the tone her mother used to use when she was upset. The thought brought more tears to her eyes. She wanted her mother now and for the first time in months, she wished the well still stood.

Kagome buried her face back into Sango's shoulder, causing the older woman to grunt in surprise, and began to cry harder. Faintly the words "Inuyasha" and "kiss" were heard. It wasn't enough to tell them what was wrong but it was enough to give them an idea. Slowly, Miroku rose to his feet and got his staff before heading out the door.

Sango didn't question him. She didn't have to. She knew where Miroku was going and agreed with his actions. She would have gone too but her condition wouldn't allow it and Kagome needed comfort, so she put all her focus on the girl in her arms.

Miroku didn't have any idea where Inuyasha was and he realized that when he entered the forest. So he decided to take his chances and head to where he knew the fruit trees were. He got lucky. Inuyasha was there, sitting on the forest floor and leaning against a tree. The expression on his face was a combination of confusion and a pout. Miroku approached the hanyou and quickly took notice of the spilt basket. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion but kept his mouth shut as he sat beside Inuyasha. He was about to speak but Inuyasha beat him to it.

"How's Kagome?"

Miroku's brows rose. He thought he was going to have to coax Inuyasha into talking and for Inuyasha to speak first; he had to be really worried. He did look miserable, Miroku realized and he leaned against the tree and tapped his staff on the ground.

"Crying on my wife's shoulder."

Inuyasha sighed and looked down into his lap. Miroku watched him and whatever harsh feelings Miroku had for the hanyou at the moment, quickly turned to pity.

"Tell me what happened."

It wasn't an order but a request and Inuyasha didn't fight it. But he didn't speak right away but curled up a little more. Whether it was a protective reaction or if Inuyasha was trying to sort through everything, Miroku didn't know.

"I don't know where to start?"

"Try the beginning."

Inuyasha immediately blushed but he gave in.

"I was watching her pick the plums and her shirt rode up. It was a prefect opportunity."

"For what?"

Inuyasha looked at Miroku who held up his hands in apology and signaled for him to continue. Inuyasha immediately looked away.

"To touch her. Only this time, it tickled her." Inuyasha softly smiled at the memory. "She dropped and took me with her."

Miroku couldn't help but chuckle. That was a sight he would have looked to have seen. Inuyasha, who had battled youkai and defeated Naraku, was dropped by a ticklish girl. He was going to have to tease Inuyasha latter about that but right now, it could wait.

"We exchanged some words and then I started tickling and wrestling with her."

"That explains the spilt fruit."

Inuyasha nodded.

"Then I kissed her."

Inuyasha paused there, as if expecting judgment. Miroku stared at Inuyasha. So he had stolen the kiss. Miroku doubted that Kagome would have minded that. If she had, then she would have gone to village pissed and would have avoided everyone until she calmed down. No, for Kagome to be as upset as she was, she didn't mind the kiss at all. It was probably what Inuyasha had done or most likely, what had gone through Kagome's mind after the kiss that had upset her.

"Continue." Miroku requested.

Inuyasha leaned his head against the tree and closed his eyes.

"She liked it," he explained. "She wouldn't have responded the way she had if she didn't. But next thing I knew, she had pushed me away. After telling me that she wasn't ready, she ran off." Inuyasha looked at Miroku. "What does that mean?"

Miroku closed his eyes and relaxed. So the reason Kagome was so upset had nothing to do with Inuyasha's actions but her own inner fear that he loved her for her face and nothing more. Miroku sighed. Inuyasha would never figure it out and Kagome would never tell him. It was all left to Miroku.

"It means she's not ready," Miroku answered.

"But she was responding?"

"That doesn't matter. Besides, something got in the way."


Miroku opened his eyes and stared hard at Inuyasha.


Inuyasha flinched and lowered his eyes. Now he understood. Kagome was afraid that he still loved Kikyo and only wanted her because she resembled the dead miko. She couldn't have been more wrong. Inuyasha did think that Kagome was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen but it had nothing to do with the fact that she looked like Kikyo. Kagome had an inner light that glowed off her face, something Kikyo never had. When Kikyo smiled, he felt pity and sadness for her but when Kagome smiled, his spirit soured and when she smiled at him, he felt like he had received the greatest gift in the world and he would sacrifice everything just to see her smile.

Miroku calmed a little when he saw that Inuyasha had realized what was going on with Kagome. Casually, he picked a plum off the ground and examined it. Shrugging, he bit into it and made a face. The fruit could have gone a few more days on the tree. It was typical of a woman to pick an unripe fruit.*

"Kagome loves you," Miroku said and tossed the bitten plum to the ground. "She had loved you for as long as I've known you but her fear of being compared to Kikyo kept her from reaching for you." Miroku looked over to Inuyasha. "And now it keeps you from her."

Inuyasha sighed and looked to the sky like it had all the answers to his problems.

"What do I do?" He asked.

Miroku shrugged.

"I have no idea." He told Inuyasha and he too looked up to the sky. "Telling her you love her for her alone isn't going to work but I do know that you should continue to court her and maybe she'll see that you do love her."

Inuyasha looked at Miroku, is eyes no longer sad but full of determinations.

"I hadn't planned on stopping."

Miroku smiled.

"Glad to here it but we have another problem."

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. Another problem was not something he needed now.

"What problem?"


Now Inuyasha was confused. Last time he had checked, Shippo was fine. Annoying but fine.

"What's wrong with him?"

Miroku closed his eyes in frustration. Inuyasha had not thought at all about the kit who was now Kagome's adoptive son.

"What are you going to do about him?"

"What the hell are you talking about monk?"

Miroku opened his eyes and glared at the hanyou.

"I mean, are you going to start acting like a father to the kit or are you going to keep hitting his head every time he pisses you off?"

Inuyasha suddenly grew very pale.


Miroku gritted his teeth.

"Yes, Inuyasha, father. If you want to mate with Kagome, you're going to have to become Shippo's father too."

Inuyasha leaned back against the tree.


Miroku leaned toward Inuyasha as he tightened his grip on his staff, ready to bash the hanyou's head in if need be.

"I'm hoping that this doesn't change anything." Miroku threatened. "You are still going to court Kagome?"

Inuyasha turned back to Miroku so fast that his neck cracked.

"Now what are you talking about?" Inuyasha growled. "Of course I am. I just never thought about the runt, okay?"

Miroku relaxed and leaned back but he didn't lessen his threatening glare.

"Good, but you need to start treating Shippo a little better or Kagome will never accept you."

With that said, Miroku stood.

"I've said everything I needed to. I'm going home."


"What now?"

Inuyasha slowly stood and looked off toward the western lands. He thought for a moment before continuing.

"I'm going to be leaving tomorrow morning and I'll be gone a few days." Inuyasha looked back at Miroku. "I need you to watch over Kagome for me until I get back."

Miroku narrowed his eyes, this time in curiosity instead of anger.

"Where are you going?"

Inuyasha smiled and shook his head. "I'm not telling you but it's something for Kagome."

Miroku smiled. Finally, Inuyasha was thinking for himself.

"Good. Then have a good journey."

Miroku bent down and grabbed another plum before turning and walking away. Inuyasha watched Miroku go and as he threw the plum behind him, mumbling about women and unripe fruit. Inuyasha smiled then looked at his feet before frowning. Shippo. Damn, he didn't know what to make of that. He liked the kit and was almost as protective of him as he was Kagome but was he ready to be a father? Inuyasha looked back toward the western lands. No, he wasn't ready to be a father but for Kagome, he was willing to try. Nodding to himself, Inuyasha leapt up the tree and settled himself on one of the thick branches. He had a long journey tomorrow and he had one last thing he wanted to do before he left. But before he even did that, he had best take another nap so he would be fully rested. He just hoped that his next idea was a good one.

It was a few hours before dawn and Inuyasha had finally managed to find another flower for Kagome. This one wasn't as difficult to find as the last one but it still took longer than he had wanted. This time it was a kakitsubata (rabbit ear iris).

Inuyasha went to Miroku and Sango's hut instead of Kaede's. He knew that Kagome had stayed there tonight. Inuyasha didn't know why. It could have been because she was still seeking comfort from Sango or because she was trying to avoid him. Inuyasha guessed it was the later. He hoped it wasn't but he bet it was. Inuyasha slowly entered the hut and looked around. Kagome had settled herself in front of the hearth in the main room instead of going into one of the bedrooms.

Inuyasha was thankful of that. There was more of a chance that Miroku and Sango would awaken if they heard him walking through the house and though he knew that they knew about him courting Kagome, he still didn't want them to see his efforts.

Slowly, Inuyasha walked up to Kagome and knelt next to her. She was sleeping with her back to him and was curled protectively around something. Leaning over slightly, he discovered it was Shippo. He was snuggled against Kagome's stomach with a small hand clutching her shirt. Normally, Inuyasha would have had to hold back a growl but now he only smiled. If he was going to be Shippo's father he was going to have to stop being jealous every time the kit curled against Kagome.

Inuyasha looked from Shippo to Kagome. She was sleeping peacefully. He sighed in relief. He was afraid that after today she would have nightmares but she was resting peacefully. Inuyasha's heart swelled as he watched her and he gently ran a hand through her hair.

"How could you think that I didn't love you, Kagome?" he whispered. "You're everything to me."

Inuyasha laid the flower next to her head and gently kissed her cheek. He smiled when she mumbled his name and curled a bit more around Shippo. Shippo yelped in distress at that moment and Inuyasha looked down at the kit. He was having a nightmare. He could tell by how Shippo tried to curl deeper into Kagome and by the soft whimpers he was releasing deep in his throat. Concerned, for the kit and that he would wake Kagome; Inuyasha reached over Kagome and shook Shippo's shoulder. It took a moment, but Shippo slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Inuyasha. Before he could say anything, Inuyasha covered his mouth and looked to Kagome. Shippo seemed to understand for he nodded.

Inuyasha slowly released Shippo, then watched as the kit wiggled free of Kagome's hold and climbed up to sit on her hip. Kagome wrinkled her nose, seeming to know that something had changed but she remained asleep. She even took advantage of Shippo's absence to roll on her stomach, causing Shippo to leap to the floor on the other side. Sitting on his haunches, he looked up at Inuyasha.

"What are you doing in here?" Shippo whispered.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes.

"That's none of you're business."

Shippo pouted but his nose caught a sent of something and he looked to the flower. His face brightened when he saw it and he looked up at Inuyasha, his eyes glowing.

"Is that for Kagome?"

Inuyasha fought back his growl of annoyance but nodded.

Shippo's smile got bigger.

"She'll love it."

Inuyasha couldn't fight the soft smile at the thought but he quickly wiped it away and stared at the kit.

"What were you dreaming about?"

Shippo frowned and looked to the floor.

"Nothing important."

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes.

"Important enough to cause you to whimper."

"Forget it. It's something stupid."

"Then you wouldn't have been clinging to Kagome the way you were. Now tell me."

Shippo bit his lip. Clearly not comfortable with the situation but he gave in.


Inuyasha's eyes widened when he heard that.


"I dreamt about the last battle," Shippo answered and he turned from Inuyasha so he wouldn't see the tears in his eyes, "only this time, you lost and everyone died. I know it's stupid but-"

"It's not stupid." Inuyasha interrupted.

Surprised, Shippo looked to Inuyasha.

"But we won."

"We did, but it could have gone the other way." Inuyasha explained and he looked out the door. "Sometimes, even I think about it; what could have happened. Naraku could have won. Could have managed to kill one of us. Kagome was badly hurt, the same with Miroku, and I know I wasn't much better. So no, it's not stupid."

Shippo sighed and looked to the ground. He felt better now but he still felt silly for dreaming about something that never happened. Sighing again, he looked up to Inuyasha.


Inuyasha nodded and looked to Kagome to make sure she had slept through it all. Seeing that she was, he looked back at Shippo.

"I'm going to be gone fore a few days-"

"What? Why? Did I do something wrong? Please-"

Inuyasha scrambled for Shippo and clamped his hand over his mouth.

"Shh." Inuyasha looked back to Kagome and relaxed when he saw she hadn't been disturbed before looking back at Shippo. He still kept his mouth covered just in case. "It's nothing like that. I'm not mad at you or anyone. I need to go take care of something. Something important and I need you to watch over Kagome."

The panic left Shippo's eyes and was replaced with childlike pride. Pushing Inuyasha's hand off him, Shippo stood to his full height.

"I will guard her with my life."

Inuyasha smiled and motioned the kit to go back to bed. Shippo did but since Kagome had rolled onto his spot he settled for curling next to her head, after moving the flower to make sure he wouldn't squish it. Inuyasha watched him then gave on last glance to Kagome and grabbed the blouse that Sango left on her chair before leaving the hut.

The journey to Sesshoumaru's castle was quick and pleasant. If everything went well here, Inuyasha could be home sooner than he originally thought he would. Inuyasha was perched on a tree limb, watching the castle and wondering how the hell he was going to get in. He hadn't sent word that he was going to be paying Sesshoumaru a visit so he didn't even know that anyone was home. Sesshoumaru wasn't exactly the type that liked to settle down. He was very protective of his land and spent most of his time patrolling.

Inuyasha sighed. He wasn't going to get anywhere if he just sat there. He quickly dropped to the ground and slowly walked up to the entrance. He didn't know why he was so on guard. He and his brother had forgotten their quarrel, or more likely, put it behind them. Maybe it was because the castle looked so much like Naraku's that it sent his hair standing on end.

Inuyasha paused at the gate and looked around. There wasn't any guard to annoyance him and he couldn't just hop over the wall. He could feel the energy of a barrier and knew he'd be in for one hell of shock if he did. Looking around for a minute, he decided to do the only thing he could do.

"Sesshoumaru!" He yelled to the castle, "Get your ass out here, I need to talk to you."

A few moments later, Jaken came mumbling to the gate. Inuyasha watched him use the staff to lower the barrier and wondered if he should torment the toad a little bit since he knew that Jaken didn't like coming to get him. He decided to against it. He had too much to do for games and he wanted to get back to Kagome as soon as he could.

"What do you want, Inuyasha?" Jaken squawked at him.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at the toad.

"I'll tell Sesshoumaru, not you."

With that, he walked past Jaken and ignoring the protest from the small youkai, headed for the castle. He was half way there when Rin came running out of the main door and ran to him, screaming his name over and over. Inuyasha braced himself for the inevitable and Rin launched herself into his arms. Inuyasha immediately caught her and grunted when she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed for all her small arms were worth.

"Rin is happy to see you, Inuyasha." Rin cried when she felt Inuyasha hug her back.

"Me too Rin." Inuyasha replied with a smile and gently lowered her to the ground. "Where is Sesshoumaru?"

"Right here."

Inuyasha looked up and saw Sesshoumaru standing at the doorway, his eyes on Rin when she immediately ran back to him. He placed a hand on her head affectionately then sent her to play with Jaken who squawked in protest. Rin of course, ignored the protest and tackled Jaken. Both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha smirked before looking at each other.

"What brings you here, Inuyasha?" Sesshoumaru asked.

Inuyasha slowly approached him.

"I need your help."

Sesshoumaru acted as if he wasn't surprised.

"What about?"

"Kagome needs clothes."

Now Sesshoumaru did show his surprise. He gave Inuyasha a dumbfounded stare before coming to his senses and scolded at his younger brother.

"And how am I to help with that?" Sesshoumaru asked, "I know nothing about what women like in clothing, especially that one."

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes.

"I know you know some one that does."

Sesshoumaru smiled, "That I do. Follow me."

Sesshoumaru led the way into the castle and guided Inuyasha through several halls until he came to a door in the back of the castle. He knocked on the door, an action that surprised Inuyasha since he didn't seem the type to knock, and after hearing a soft "come in" Sesshoumaru stepped through the door and Inuyasha followed.

It took awhile for Inuyasha to adjust to the darkness of the room but when he did, he saw that the room was a large bedroom. It was so large that it could have held a large party and still had plenty of room. It was lit in candlelight and there were few of them. Some of them seemed to be floating in midair but when Inuyasha looked closer, he saw that they were actually held by a single thread of silk webbing. A small fire was lit in the hearth in the middle of the room but it gave little warmth or light. There was a small futon in the far corner of the room but it was well hidden by shadows and it was only due to Inuyasha's youkai sight that he was able to see it. Silk fabric of all colors were scattered about the floor but the mess seemed to have a certain order to it.

On the other side of the hearth, a woman sat on the ground, studying a piece of material as if it was the most precious thing on earth. It was clear that she was a youkai. She practically reeked of the blood and judging by his experience, Inuyasha could tell that she was a spider youkai. Inuyasha couldn't help but stiffen. He had bad experience with them. But despite her blood, she was beautiful. Her hair was the purest black and spilt behind her in a river of darkness. Her ears were like Sesshoumaru only not as pointed and her lips were blood red and they stood out against her pale skin. Like Sesshoumaru she also had a moon shape mark on her forehead but there was a small star in the center of it and like her lips, the mark was blood red. From those lips, Inuyasha was able to see her fangs even though her mouth was closed. That didn't surprise him. Spiders' fangs were abnormally long.

Sesshoumaru stepped farther into the room

"Good evening,Taka." He politely greeted.

Taka slowly looked up to Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha almost stepped back. He wasn't expecting her eyes to be red. They reminded him of Naraku. Taka sensed the movement and looked over to Inuyasha and studied him a moment before looking back to Sesshoumaru.

"Is it evening?" she asked.

Sesshoumaru nodded.

"Has the sun fallen?"

Sesshoumaru shook his head.

"Not yet. In a few more hours it will be though."

Taka thought for a moment then sighed and went back to working with the fabric.

Inuyasha stared at the youkai a moment before looking at Sesshoumaru.

"Why did she want to know that?" He asked, "Doesn't she go out?'

"Only at night." Sesshoumaru answered and sensing more questions, he continued. "Taka is a rare type of spider youkai, you can almost say she is the last of her kind but there are others. We just don't know were they are. Her kind are unable to go into the daylight. I don't know why. I think it hurts them but I have never seen wounds appear on her skin when she did venture into the light." Sesshoumaru looked at Inuyasha, "I think it's only in her head but I haven't been able to convince her."

Sesshoumaru slowly walked up to the hearth and stood before it. Sensing his eyes, Taka looked up to him.

"You're still here?" Inuyasha watched as her eyes made random movements as if searching for something in her mind before looking back at Sesshoumaru. "Why?"

"I have a favor to ask."

"A favor?" Taka looked away and stared at the hearth. Again her eyes made random movements but this time she looked at Inuyasha. "What favor?"

Sesshoumaru looked at Inuyasha.

"She's asking you." He told him.

Inuyasha looked at Sesshoumaru, clearly surprised. He looked back at Taka and found her still watching him. He tried to speak but found the words caught in his throat. He didn't know why but she truly terrified him.

Sesshoumaru sighed and looked back at Taka.

"May I speak for him?" he asked.

Taka's eyes seemed to flicker back to life and she looked at Sesshoumaru.

"Yes. Of course." She put the fabric aside but her hand was shaking when she did so. "What is it?"

"Inuyasha has a woman," Sesshoumaru told her, "and she needs clothes."

Taka smiled and she looked at Inuyasha. She seemed to be fully there now and Inuyasha relaxed.

"A woman?" Taka repeated. "The youngest lord has a woman before the eldest?" Taka chuckled as Sesshoumaru growled. "Of course he would. He's not as cold as you?"

"Are you going to help him or what?" Sesshoumaru growled.

Taka smiled and stood. Inuyasha was a little taken back that she stood almost as tall as Sesshoumaru but she seemed far more delicate. Studying her more closely, Inuyasha decided that there was no muscle to her. She was all skin and bones. Why? Was Sesshoumaru not taking good care for her or was the youkai crazy enough not to take care of herself? Inuyasha glanced at Sesshoumaru but quickly looked back to Taka when she started to approach him.

Despite her delicate appearance there was power in her walk and Inuyasha felt that she could kill him with a thought. He fought the need to step back and the instinctive growl that built in his throat when she stepped up to him.

She studied him for a moment before smiling. Inuyasha gulped. She didn't just have two fangs she had six. All her canines were fangs and the first upper bicuspids were smaller fangs. Inuyasha did not want her going for his throat.

"I'll help," she told him, "but I need to know what she likes."

Inuyasha hesitated but reached into his hoari and pulled out Kagome's blouse. Taka took it before Inuyasha even handed it to her. Inuyasha stared at it in surprise but relaxed when he saw her unfold it and hold it before her like it was a present. She truly did look excited and it wasn't even hers.

"Something new." Taka said to no one unparticular. "Something very new. But there are many holes. Something new that is something old."

Inuyasha stared at Taka like she had lost her mind and after glancing at Sesshoumaru who only shrugged he decided she had.

"Can you imitate it?"

Taka looked at Inuyasha and her eyes flashed in fury.

"I do not imitate." She growled, "I create."

"Can you create something like this?" Sesshoumaru corrected, coming up to Taka and pointing to the blouse but not touching it.

Taka smiled at him.

"It's new, but very simple. I can create many in half a day."

Inuyasha couldn't help but smile, then he remembered that he had one more thing to ask.

"Can you make kimonos for her too."

When Taka looked at him, she was practically glowing.

"Yes, I will make them but I need her measurements."

Inuyasha frowned. Taka's smile only got bigger.

"It's okay. I will go to her and get them."

"That's not a good idea." Sesshoumaru said before Inuyasha got the chance. "Inuyasha wants to surprise her."

Taka looked to Sesshoumaru then back to Inuyasha. "A present. I wait for the night then."

"Which night?" Inuyasha asked.

"Which night do you want?" Sesshoumaru asked for Taka who was studying the blouse.

"A night that I'm there."

Sesshoumaru smiled in understanding and nodded.

"The night after you return to her then."

Inuyasha nodded his agreement.

"Very new and very old." Taka suddenly said and grabbed Inuyasha's arm.

Inuyasha flinched but didn't pull away. Instead, he looked down at her hand while she pulled his sleeve, clearly wanting him to follow her. He was surprised to see that her claws were smaller than his but there were as black as her hair. He couldn't understand this youkai. She looked both harmless and deadly at the same time.

He let Taka guide him through the room to a certain pile of clothes. She released him there and held her hand out to the fabrics.

"Pick," she ordered then grabbed his sleeve again and led him to another pile. "Pick," she ordered again before once again taking his sleeve.

It went that way until she had guided him to every pile in the room. Then she went back to her seat in front of the hearth and picked up the fabric she had been working with. She alternated between that and Kagome's blouse. Inuyasha looked at Sesshoumaru who shrugged again but clearly looked amused. Inuyasha shook his head and bent down to the fabrics.

He was in there for half an hour. Taka never made a sound except for occasional humming but she seemed not to take any notice of them. Sesshoumaru stayed in the room with him and never left his side. He also remained silent except to tell Inuyasha to make sure the piles remained separate. Inuyasha had glanced up at him at one point and noticed that he never took his eyes off Taka as if he too was afraid of her.

After handing twelve different fabrics for blouses and eight fabrics for kimonos to Taka who seemed to grow even more excited as she studied each fabric as if for the first time, he left the room. When Sesshoumaru closed the door, Inuyasha was leaning against the wall.

"Are you alright?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"What is wrong with her?"

"Obsession," Sesshoumaru answered and leaned against the opposite wall. "From what I have learned from her and what I have read, her kind are obsessed with weaving. All day and all night they will work, until they die of exhaustion."

Inuyasha closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

"It seemed she could destroy me with a thought."

Sesshoumaru didn't even smile.

"She is powerful, very powerful if fact but at the same time, harmless. She'll only attack in anger."

Inuyasha opened his eyes and looked at Sesshoumaru.

"I angered her."

Sesshoumaru waved his hand to dismiss it.

"Only slightly and it wasn't about her work but what she could do. Besides, you didn't know her and she knew it. If it had been I or Jaken, she would have tried to kill us."

"What about Rin?"

"Rin has never meet her and I had another servant take her measurements."

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes.

"You don't trust her with Rin, yet you're letting her approach Kagome."

"I will be there. She's powerful, but no match against me. Besides, she's calmer in the night. Almost…almost sane."

Inuyasha shook his head before walking down the hall. Sesshoumaru followed in step beside him. They didn't speak again until they were outside, in the evening sun.

"How long has she been in there?" Inuyasha asked.

Sesshoumaru shrugged, "Longer than I've been born I guess."

Inuyasha looked back towards the door.

"How long will she be with all the material I gave her?"

Sesshoumaru smiled.

"Not long. She's very good at what she does and what she meant by `many' was about fifty."

Inuyasha's eyes widened before smiling, "I guess I'll be home sooner than I thought."

Sesshoumaru nodded.

"I'll let you know when the `blouses' are finished," he said before heading back into the castle, leaving Inuyasha alone.

Inuyasha watched him go before climbing the nearest tree and settling himself on one of the lower branches. He wasn't the least bit tired and he wasn't going to rest knowing that in a few more hours, Taka would be out of her room. No, he didn't want to be caught sleeping with her around. So instead, he settled for watching Rin play tricks on Jaken who protested the entire time.

After a few minutes, Rin noticed Inuyasha in the tree and quickly went to the tree. Debating for a moment, she began to climb it. When Inuyasha realized what she was doing he quickly picked her up and settled her in his lap since that was clearly what she wanted. She sighed comfortably and snuggled against him. It wasn't long before she fell asleep. Inuyasha didn't protest but held her close and was almost taken in when he noticed how small and delicate she seemed. Smiling, Inuyasha took of his hoari and wrapped it around her and drifted into the thought of how it would feel to hold his own child.

*I wrote the whole unripe fruit thing from experience. My mom will by unripe fruit so it can finish ripening in the fridge and both my dad and brother complain about it. When my dad buys fruit he buys them ripe and they end up rotting before he gets to them. And he still complains when my mom buys unripe fruit. I wonder if he'll ever figure it out.

AN: Next chapter, Inuyasha returns to Kagome baring gift and finds out some else has been trying to court her.