InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Early December ❯ Thirteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I'm really not in the mood to answer this question. Take a wild stab in the dark and you'll probably hit right on, though. (I don't own it.)

Author's Note: Hey, guys.

::sighs:: I'm all depressed. . . so many long term projects, tests, etc, etc, it makes me all stressed. . . and when I get stressed I get irritated. . . and then I get depressed. . . and then I get all angsty. . .

::perks up:: But it's vacation now, so yea! ^_^ Just what I need!

One: All right, this was my fault.

I was stupid.

I let the flood gates open:

~Okay, I'm gonna say this only because I have an opinion on it. Okay, since Kag IS all human, and Inu is half human, half demon (hanyou), that would make the pup one-fourth demon. Know why? Because there's three parts human, one part demon. Kag isn't half of anything, while Inu is part of two things. I know I'm probably confusing you, but this is just my opinion. It's like, if an all-American and a half-Canadian, half-American get together (and I'm just using them as examples), then the child would essentially be three-fourths American, one-fourth Canadian. Get it? Anywayz, great chapter! (Yes, I know. I probably ruined this review with all the scientific stuff.) And trust me, I know what you're talking about when it comes to Kirara's name. I love the analogy, though. "...she sounds like a demented musical note..." Anywayz, keep it up, and post soon! I absolutely LOVE your fic!~

~Okay I had to speak up about Kagome and Inuyasha's pup. You are correct, it can be half demon, but it could be full demon, 1/4 demon, not even demon, you see these things called genetics they work like this, my good friend Dexter's dad is all black, his mom his 3/4 black, his mom's mom was half white. He turned out ALL white. Brown hair, blue eyes, white skin, he only had a 1/4 of him that was white, but because he had that little bit of him that was white, it somehow was the dominant gene. Now when I think of demons, I think dominant, so I would think if there was a demon and human that mated, the demon side would be the dominat gene because of the stronger blood, there are endless possibilities of turn outs for the child, just because your whole dad's side had green eyes, and so does your mom's except for her great great grandma who had brown, doesn't mean you are gonna come out w/ green eyes or even brown, they could big together and become BLUE! Lol my best friend has 6 toes, and her brother who was just born has 6 toes too, it is a dominant gene, but her next sibling could coem out w/ 5 even though it would be the recessive gene. See what I mean?~

~Hm... on the half-demon/quarter-demon thing, it's not an issue of math. Making a few assumptions (which I will specify later), I've tried to explain it simply. It's GENETICS; it doesn't work like that. It's... like... think of a circle.

Now, cut the circle exactly in half. Inuyasha is one half, and Kagome is another. (Or, er... okay, the half-circles are the sperm and the egg, if the circle analogy doesn't work for you.) Kagome's half would stay all human. So the baby would HAVE to have a half-human genetic code.

It's Inuyasha's half of the circle that gets complicated. See, he could give ONLY demon chromosomes, or he could give ONLY human chromosomes. Ideally, Inuyasha gives an equal amount of human and demon chromosomes in his part of the circle, so his half-circle would be divided into two equal quarters, and when his half joins with Kagome's half, the baby has only a quarter amount of demon chromosomes, and three-quarters of human chromosomes.

That's why people say the baby would only be a quarter youkai, but it's really just a matter of... as I already said, luck. The baby could be anything from half-demon to human--it's up to you. ^-^

The whole argument I've made above is based on the idea that human and demon chromosomes are very, very close. If they're identical, then only a MALE child of Inuyasha could have a demon heritage. (If anyone wants to know about that, just email me. It's because Inuyasha's demonic traits would be on the Y chromosome, basically). If they're not identical, then you could write that demons have something other than X and Y, but it doesn't really matter.

And that's all very, very general. Because it's a manga, and demons don't exist, so we have no way of knowing what their genetics are anyway. The main point is that it's not LIKELY that the child would be half-demon, but it IS POSSIBLE. Of course, it's also possible that the child would be a cat, but I didn't want to ask about that... (Kidding... I think...)~

~Okay, well about the whole half demon/1/4 demon thing...genetically, there is a 50/50 chance that Kagome's kid will turn out a hanyou, or turn out to be human. See, when I read your author's note, I had the compelling urge to do a punnet square. So, I doodled a punnet square on my hand[ i have a thing for writting stuff on my hand;my friend has officially banned me from using all markers because of it]and i got this.

Demonhuman-human-demonhuman-human. So for all you people out there who say that the pup will be 1/4 guys must of failed science. See, according to GENETICS, the thing that decides who we are[or what we are,as the case may be...] Inu's pup WILL be either 100% human, or 50% demon. So hah!

[BTW- You're story is fabulous, although I love Nightmare's Memories just as much. Excuse the rant...]

And to close off the ongoing and redundant review, I have written a one-shot called 'Her Gift' about Inu and Kag's kid. If you have time, please critizise and critique me! Arigato Gozaimasda.~

Just a *taste* of all the reviews I had like that. -_-; (The irony is, is that this was what I was trying to *AVOID*. . .)

Now, people- I love hearing everyone's opinions! I'm flattered by the fact that you're all so into this that you'd make punnet squares (aren't those fun? ^_^)! But please! @_@ My head hurts enough after school without all these physics/life science lessons!

Let's leave it at this:

I personally believe that Inu and Kag would have a half-demon child. You may believe what you wish. In this story the child will be- - -. . . - - - I don't care. Whatever. I never really specified in the *story* what it would be, so you can believe what ever you'd like.

Let's close the issue now, okay? ^_^

(But just a note: I *do* appreciate everyone sharing their opinions with me AND reviewing, and I don't mind long reviews- it's just the fact that I didn't want to get into this argument! ^_^;;;)

Two a: Does Kikyo really mean `Balloon Flower'?

Two b: What the hell *is* a `Balloon Flower'?!

A: To my knowledge, yes. I was reading an interview with Takahashi-san and she said that's what Kikyo meant. (And Inu-Yasha, contrary to popular belief, doesn't mean `dog demon'. It means `dog forest spirit'. [I'm serious])

B: I believe Balloon Flowers are those red flowers in the background of the My Will ending.

Three: Can you make a one-shot of Inu-Yasha and where his love of The Wizard of Oz came from?

If I have time. I have so many ideas- chapter and one-shot- lodged in my head it's hard to find time for all of them! ^_^;

Four: How did Inu uses the well? Buy the candy? Wouldn't he stick out in the crowd?

Don't despair, for it shall be discussed this chapter! ^_~

Five: This hasn't been asked yet, but I know it will be:

Will this fic be over in early December?

No. Early December is right around the corner- and we're currently only in month 3 (where we'll be for a few more chapters). It'd be cool if that *was* when I managed to end it (ED- not month 3)- but that would mean no updates in any of my other stories for a long time- and it'd still probably take me until *late* December. ^_^;;;

Six: Have you decided on a name/gender/looks for the pup?

Yep! ^_^ But gomen- you guys can't know `till he/she's born! ^_^

Seven: This is really more just a statement, but I'd appreciate if you all read it anyway. (Unless you've read it in A Pirate's Life For Me. Then you can skip it. ^_^)

A lot of people have been asking me to read their stories and / or to e-mail them.

Let me begin with this- I am TOTALLY flattered and VERY honored that you'd specifically request me to read a story. I really, truly am! The thing is, though, that with school, chores, updates, etc.- I'm kinda pressed for time.

Now, while this DOES *NOT* mean I won't read your story, it does mean it might take me a little while. As much as I'd love to devote all my time to you guys and to my stories- I can't. (Stupid school. . .)

So this is just a note to say that if you've asked me to e-mail or to read a story and I haven't done so yet, it in no way means that I'm ignoring you or think you unworthy of my time or anything- it just means I'm kinda pressed at the moment for anything other than breathing. (And the occasional update. ^_~)


I think that's all. . .

Oh! Wait-

Squeakers-chan and anyone else reading Nightmare's Memories that's wondering about my dad:

He's fine. The night he came home he looked totally beat, but okay. ^_^ We ARE being sued (-_-), but no damage yet since they're really only suing our insurance company. . . Keep your fingers uncrossed (crossing them is bad luck ^_~) for us, though, please! ^_^

Anyway. . .

After that *insanely* long AN. . .

It's time to start the chapter! ^_^

^_^ Enjoy!

(PS. Before any of you say it- despite the length of the AN, the chapter is not any shorter than usual. In fact, it's a little longer.)


~Chapter Thirteen: Story Time~

~Inu-Yasha's PoV~

"Whatcha got there, Kagome-chan?" Sango blinks as my mate munches happily on the contents of a fancy little box. Kag readjusts her baggy green sweater- the one she insists upon wearing despite the boiling weather and my worries of her getting heat-stroke- and over-sized pj pants before answering.

"Chocolate covered cherries," she chirps happily, sitting gracefully on a log near the stream we are all relaxing by. Shippo and Kaguya- momentarily oblivious to our conversation- are playing in the crystalline waters as Sango shines up her boomerang. Miroku looks up from the worn magazine Kagome had packed him, cocking his head.

"What again?" he questions, closing the magazine and carefully sitting on it- a weak attempt to hide its contents from his wife.

Lucky for him she hadn't noticed it yet.

"Chocolate covered cherries!" she repeats cheerfully, popping another in her mouth. She grins widely up the tree I am perched in.

"Those fruits covered in the cho-cal-ate?" Kaguya calls from the stream, giggling as Shippo gently splashes her with water.

"Yup," Kagome beams. "Inu-chan got them for me."

"Oh HO," the monk slowly smiles. "Did he, now? Interesting. . ."

"What of it?" I growl, glaring down at him from the corner of my eye.

I don't like his tone of voice. . .

"I'm simply pondering over how you got your hands on a box of these fabled candies when they have not yet been invented," Miroku shrugs indifferently, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "What did you do- go through the well and steal them from a gro-cer-ee store?"

"Inu-chan! Did you do that?" Kag gasps, dropping the box as if it had burnt her.

"No!" I cry, sending a murderous look in my friend's direction. "I did no such thing!"

"Then how *did* you get a hold of them?" Shippo questions, crawling out of the river and drying off doggy-style. Kaguya giggles as water droplets shower her in moisture and iridescent light.

"Keh," I grumble, hopping out of my tree and landing gracefully next to my mate. "It makes no difference."

"But I want to know!" Kaguya whines, leaping out of the stream as well so as to race around me in a quite annoying fashion. "Come on, Unccy Inu! Tell the story!"

"Yeah, `Unccy Inu'," Sango grins, looking up from her weapon. "We're all *dying* to hear how you did it."

"Tell us, tell us!" the exterminator's daughter choruses repeatedly.

"Gods- This sounds like the opening to a corny musical number," Kagome murmurs under her breath, a small smile playing on her lips.

. . . ?

We all glance back at her, nonplused.

Her smile becomes a nervous one. "Er- never mind."

A moment of silence passes-

And then Kaguya regains her train of thought.

"Tell the story! Tell the story!" the little girl commands, sitting next to her father and looking at me with expectancy.

I sigh.

Not getting out of this one. . .

Or is there. . . ?

"Fine," I surrender, flopping down on the floor and crossing my legs and arms. "I'll tell you how I did it. . ."

Everyone watches me intently as I take a deep breath and clear my throat.

"I hopped through the well and. . ."

"And. . . ?" everyone repeats slowly.

"And they were there."

. . .

"Is that all. . . ?" Miroku presses. "You're not gonna tell us *where* you found them or anything? You're just going to end it there?"

"Oops- no. Of course not!"

They look relieved.

"I forgot- The end."

I can't help but smirk at their dry faces. "There. Now that's it."

. . .

"That's all?" Shippo asks blankly, staring with an exasperated expression.

"Mmmm. . ." I drone, `thinking it over'. "Mmm-yeah, that's it, yeah."

Then I hop up in my tree before anyone can grab my neck and promptly fall into a light sleep.


I continue to keep my eyes shut, even though I woke long ago. Instead of alerting the girls- who are washing clothes- to my conciseness, I simply flip my ears their way; listening in.

And hey- don't think of me as an eavesdropper- - -

Simply think of me as a concerned friend.

Everyone knows people are more open when they don't think anyone else is listening.

"Thanks for helping me do laundry, Kagome-chan!"

"No problem!" my mate replies kindly, dropping what sounds like a large basket to the ground. "It's my pleasure! I've got nothing better to do, anyway."

"Well, I really appreciate the assistance. I've got a TON to wash this week since I got some new clothes from Kaede!"

"Really? New?"

"Mhm! Well. . . New handed-down clothes. Want me to show you some? They're really quiet beautiful- wonderful condition!"


"All right!"

The sound of ruffling clothes drifts through the river front for a few moments. Then Sango presumably straightens, showing off the outfits.

"This one's for Miroku- - -"

"Ew. . . I really don't think red is his color. . ."

"No, but it's free. . ."

"True. . ."

"Okay- and this one's for Kaguya. . ."

"Ooo! She'll look so adorable!"

"I know!"

The girls squeal together and I try not to roll my eyes. Rolling my eyes would mean I would first have to open them first, thus potentially blowing my cover.

"And this festival kimono is for me! Don't you just love it, Kagome-chan?" the exterminator asks excitedly. "I can't wait to try it on!" "

"Wow, it's beatiful, Sango-chan. . ." Kag whispers. I can hear her fingers gently brush the silk.

"And I also got these blouses and skirts for work days. Kinda tight, but they'll do."

"They'll look good on you," my mate replies cheerfully. Yet I *did* catch a faint, strained note in her tone.

. . .

"Would you like to borrow some, sometime?" Sango continues, missing the subtle hint laced in Kagome's voice.

Kag-chan doesn't reply for a moment. Then-

"Can we talk about something else, Sango-chan?" she asks softly.

"Hm? Oh. . . sure. . . ?"



But it is soon broken by the demon exterminator.

"How do you think Inu-Yasha got a hold of those candies, Kagome-chan?" Sango questions, wringing something out over the stream.

"Why does it really matter?" my mate retorts calmly, flapping a cloth free of water. "He says he didn't steal them, and that's all that really matters."

"Aren't you curious?"

"Not really, no."

"Even a little?"


Sango sighs in a somewhat exasperated fashion. "Don't you care at al-?"

"No, Sango, I really don't," Kagome interrupts, sounding irritated as she throws an outfit to the side. I hear it fall to the ground with a soft `fwump'.

My eyes open half way as I glance down towards the girls.

Sango is blinking at Kag with concern. "Kagome-chan? What's wron-?"

"I really don't feel like talking about it," she sniffs, wiping her eyes whilst glaring at the laundry in her large wicker basket.

The exterminator sends her friend a worried glance before allowing her gaze to drift across the clothes. She's silent for a moment, and then her eyes light up with dawning comprehension. In fact, the look on her face suggests someone who just put together two and two and came up with the correct answer of four.

"Ah. . ."

"`Ah' what?!" my mate snaps, throwing the soap she was holding to the ground in annoyance.

"Nothing," Sango covers lightly, picking up said soap and washing it off in the stream.

I blink down at the girls.

What's wrong exactly . . . ? Something's obviously amiss. . .


The two females finish the laundry quickly and Sango soon after departs- luckily for the absent-minded Miroku, still oblivious to his magazine. However, Kagome- saying that she wants to relax by the river for a while- stays behind. So my mate sits (supposedly alone, as I am still `asleep') under my tree; leaning back against the trunk as she slowly folds clothes; muttering to herself.

"I hate it," she grumbles, still sniveling slightly.

I mentally sigh in relief that she's not- as of now- crying.

Only snuffling. . .

But why?

What's wrong?

"I hate them, hate them, hate them!" she hisses, throwing one of her forest green skirts at a near-by bush, which was soon followed by her school blouse.

After a few moment of intense stares in their direction Kagome sighs and gets to her feet. Slowly trekking over to the shrub, she peals off her sweater and pants, standing for a moment in nothing but her underwear, relishing the soft, cool breeze.

I can't blame her.

After how long she's been wearing that gods-be-damned sweater in the middle of summer. . .

Closing her eyes lightly and taking a deep breath, she slowly pulls on her uniform with practiced grace.

She stands their for a moment, doing nothing, poised before the stream.

Then she slowly opens her eyes and looks down at her reflection.

. . .

"Rrrrgh!" she snarls, kicking her mirrored form angrily, sending splashes and waves over the calm surface of the water; soaking herself. "I hate this!" she snarls again, tugging at her blouse in an antsy fashion as she trembles.

As I watch in wide eyed confusion, she storms into the middle of the river, destroying her reflection whenever it surfaces. Once again pulling off her shirt and skirt- soaking herself to the bone- she begins crying; her salty tears mixing with the river water. "Doesn't fit. . . disgusting. . . hate it!" she whispers angrily, throwing her sopping clothes onto the strip of beach.

I can't take it anymore. What's wrong?!

Only one way to find out. . .

Before she could register what was happening I had already leapt out of my tree, snatched her from the water, and landed upon the shore; taking off the outer layer of my haori and wrapping it around her quivering form.

"What the hell has gotten into you?!" I half sigh, half growl, staring down at my mate as she shivers and snuffles, rubbing moisture from her eyes.

"I hate it," she chokes.

Yeah, I sorta gathered *that*. . .

"You hate *what*?!"


"Those *WHAT*?!" I press, exasperated as she waves her arms like a pinwheel.


. . .


"Clothes," I repeat blankly. "You hate. . . clothes."

She wiggles with anxiety, looking anywhere but at me as her eyes fill with tears.

What is it with her and crying?!

If there's anything *I* hate- it's her tears!

"I can't wear anything anymore. I'm hot and itchy and fat. My normal clothes don't fit well- I look like I pig! I'm gross and bloated and ugly!" she fumes, swallowing loudly as she trembles. "I hate it! I'm so gods be damned disgusting!"

"Kag-chan- - -"

"Stop it, Inu-Yasha! I don't want to hear it!" Kagome cuts me off, shaking her head. "Nothing you can say or do will make me feel better right now!"

. . .



. . .

"What if I tell you a story?"

". . . Story?" she blinks, the abrupt and odd answer jolting her out of her angsty thoughts.

Hey, I need *something* to bring her out of depression- randomness works.

I nod solemnly. "The story of. . of. . . um. . . of the Chocolate Covered Cherries."

Note to me: Have better story ideas for the future.

"Gee," she drawls dryly, allowing me to brush a tear from her eye. "It sounds like a classic."

"Of course it is!" I huff, not quite sure what a `classic' is. "Now would you like me to tell you the story or not?"

"It doesn't have anything to do with the candy you brought me, does it?"

"Um. . . no?"

"All right, then," she shrugs, snuggling a little closer to me and snuffling as I take in her sweet scent. "Tell me."

"Okay," I begin importantly. "Once upon a time there was a hanyou. He had a very sad mate. She was feeling down in the dumps because she was being stupid and questioning her own worth in comparison to her incarnation's. She ignored her mate when he tried to tell her to stop being an idiot and ran off."

Kagome remains silent, her eyes half lidded and her face expressionless as I look to the sky, trying to cover up the true inspiration of this story.*

"But her mate- being brave and loyal and. . . I dunno, other hero-of-the-story-worthy-stuff- followed and brought her back home- but she had been tired from crying (which she does much too often) and had fallen asleep. But since she was obviously depressed, her mate wanted to do something special for her."

"I bet this is where the chocolate covered cherries come in," Kag comments softly, her scent slowly changing from one of held, angry energy to one of pacified relaxation.

"Yup. The hanyou couldn't think of anything else to do for her other then to get his hands on some Chocolate Covered Cherries- a candy that he knew his mate wanted but couldn't get since she and the candy were from a different era. So he hopped through the magic well that brought him to her time in the hopes of brining her some."

"Wow, where do you come up with such original story lines, Inu-Yasha?" my mate asks, a small smile playing on her lips.

I can't help but frown.

"Don't you like my story?"

"I never said that- I like it just fine," she retorts indignantly though still grinning softly. "Continue!"

"All right, all right. So the hanyou gets to his mate's time with no problem- but then he realizes that he doesn't know where to find the candy. So instead of getting himself hopelessly lost in her big village, he simply goes and knocks on her family's house's door to ask for help."

I can feel my mate stiffen in my arms.


Has she figured out I'm basing my story on actual events? (Have I made it that obvious. . . ?)

"And. . . um. . . what did this hanyou *say* to his mate's family. . . ?" Kagome questions nervously, shifting uncomfortably once or twice.

"When his mate's mother opened the door he ignored her questions and simply asked for her help in locating chocolate covered cherries. She was reluctant `cause she really missed her daughter and was worried about her, but since the hanyou firmly told her not to fret so much and that his mate was fine, she calmed down at bit. Then she helped the hanyou out by going to the store for him and buying the candy while the hanyou got to watch a weird show called `Yu-Gi-Oh' and was taught how to play Pokemon by his mate's little brother. Then his mate's mom came back with the candy and the hanyou thanked her for her help and offered her the `magic scroll' that his mate's grandfather had plastered to his back when he was winning at Pokemon. Then he hopped through the well and returned to his mate. She was happy with the candy and he was happy that she stopped crying `cause she always ruined her pretty scent and lost her beautiful smile whenever she turns on the waterworks."

Kagome looks off into space for a moment, contemplating the tale.

"And the moral of the story is- - -!" I announce importantly, gently turning her chin. "Crying is stupid and you shouldn't do so `cause if you do, I have to make up more stupid stories. Okay?"

My mate look slowly up at me, giggling softly as she smiles. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pulls me into a tight, surprise hug.

"Thanks," she whispers as she loosens her grasp, slowly getting to her feet.

"For what?" I question, blinking at her as I stand.

She simply shakes her head, grinning.

Whatever. At least she's not crying.

Shrugging it off, I tie my haori around her like a makeshift dress.

"Until your other clothes dry off," I explain when she looks at me oddly.

Glancing over at the discarded basket of laundry and her moist outfits she stiffens slightly.

"Remember my story's moral," I warn her softly, instinctively preparing for the worst- sobs. "Think of the stupid tales I'll have to tell. . ."

Kagome's frown disintegrates as I say this, transforming into a soft laugh- like magic.

"Right," she smiles, linking her hand with my own. "`Stupid stories'. Got it."

"Hey, Kagome-chan!" calls an approaching voice though the woods. "Are you gonna come back yet, or are ya just gonna- oh! Inu-Yasha!"

Sango grins at the pair of us as she emerges from the forest, blinking at our outfits but saying nothing.

She seems to notice the angry, depressed look in Kag's eyes has disappeared.

"Well, come on you two!" she admonishes, gesturing for us to join her. "Kagome-chan, Shippo and Kaguya got their hands on your chocolate covered cherries and are devouring them as we speak and- - - I was. . ."

Her voice trails off as her eyes fall upon a magazine laying innocently on a nearby log.

Curiously walking over, she picks it up- not noticing the looks Kagome and I exchange before furtively covering our ears.

Sango's eyes widen.

Sango's face pales.

Sango takes in the not-so-innocent pictures belonging to the innocent looking `Playboy'.

5. . .

4. . .

3. . .

2. . .

1. . .




Gomen nasai it took me so fricken' long to update- I've been so busy. -_- ::sigh:: Yeah, I know, my excuse for everything- but it remains true!

Moving along, though, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^_^ Kagome and her mood swings and stuff. . . fun. ^_~

Anyway, next chapter should be the last chapter whilst in month three. . . End of the first tri. . .

Didja know women get *reaaaally* horny around then. . . ?

^_~ Lol!

Anyway, I'll try to update ASAP!

Please R&R!

Ja ne!

*And he does so oh so very well, huh? ^_~ (And another note about Inu's story- in case you didn't figure it out, I wrote it poorly on purpose. Makes it sound more like Inu's telling it, ne? ^_~)