InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Expect the Unexpected ❯ You've Got To Be Kidding! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I like this chapter. I think it sets the characters down pretty well.   Chapter Two: You’ve Got To Be Kidding!

The klaxon ringing of her alarm woke Kagome abruptly. She peeled her face from the textbook it was stuck in. She didn’t remember falling asleep…she had stayed up late studying and must have drifted off. She blearily got up to bathe and dress. She took a quick bath--she would have loved to take a long one, but she had already slept in--and, with a towel wrapped about her reentered the room.

She was still rather tired, so she didn’t notice the surprised hanyou outside her window. Once she was in the safety of her own room she cast the towel aside and proceeded to dress. Inu-Yasha tactfully fell off the roof, face burning. Kagome heard the soft thud below and, now a bit more decently covered, went to her window. Nothing was there. She needed more sleep…she was starting to hear things.

Kagome regretfully finished dressing and went to grab a quick breakfast. She wasn’t ready to go to school yet. Finally she disappeared downstairs and Inu-Yasha breathed a sigh of relief. He was back in the go-shinboku, feeling that it would be the safest place to hide until Kagome left. Then he’d follow her and make sure nothing happened to her. He blushed slightly. She probably wouldn’t like that, especially since he had already accidentally espied her in her room.

Inu-Yasha had heard the loud ringing, and wary of it still, gone to Kagome’s window to make certain that she was all right. She hadn’t been there when he arrived. He debated on going in or not, but it turned out best that he hadn’t as Kagome walked in a second later, clad in only a towel. Before the hanyou could react, she had thrown the towel off and he had lost his footing on the roof. He had quickly fled to the go-shinboku, lest she see that it was him. He didn’t want to be ‘sat’ especially, and he couldn’t give away the fact that he was here.

After a short while, Kagome emerged from her house and walked hurriedly from the shrine. Inu-Yasha followed her to school, keeping out of sight, dashing along the rooftops. He waited around the school grounds the entire day, always keeping Kagome near. Near the end of the school day, the hated scent of Naraku reached Inu-Yasha’s nose. There were too many in the building to tell exactly who it was coming from, but Inu-Yasha knew it had to be that boy. A rumbling growl shook his chest. No one was allowed to touch Kagome…especially not Naraku’s minions. * * *

Kagome glanced out the window, looking carefully for anything out of place. She had gotten a suspicious feeling earlier. She had been so tired this morning that she had ignored the feeling that someone was following her, but she still felt it now. Once, she had briefly caught a flash of red and silver out the window by chance. Now she was almost certain that Inu-Yasha had followed her to school.

Why would he have? Kagome grumbled under her breath. He was probably trying to make sure she was actually going to school, or else he planned on dragging her off as soon as school ended. There was no chance of that. She had too much work to finish, and she had a date this afternoon. She wasn’t really looking forward to it, but she had skipped so many of Hojo’s invitations. She couldn’t do that to the poor boy again.

The day passed slowly, and the watching eyes never left her. She grew more and more certain--and more and more incensed--that her hanyou was following her. Wait…had she just thought that? Her hanyou! She had not just thought that. It was impossible. She must still be tired…that had to be it. Her cheeks were a bit pink, she knew…she just hoped no one else noticed it. Her friends were definitely too nosy.

By the time school ended, Kagome was ready to ‘sit’ Inu-Yasha from out of frustration. Yuka had noticed her blushing earlier and asked about it in between classes. Kagome had denied it, but Yuka had thought it had something to do with Hojo. After Kagome denied that, she said it must have something to do with that ‘two-timing jerk’. Grrrrr…oh great, she was growling now. Inu-Yasha was going to be ‘sat’ until his back broke! Why couldn’t he stay out of her head?

Kagome held back after school, letting the other kids flee to their after school enjoyments. Once the coast was clear, Kagome stood stiffly and shouted, “Sit!” She heard a strangled ‘Ack!’ and the hard thudding of something hitting the earth from a goodly height. He deserved even more than that.

She walked around the corner and came upon the prostrate form of the sulking hanyou. He was grumbling under his breath and Kagome could just barely make out some his favourite phrases. She chose to ignore them. She stood above the spellbound form and glared down at him. He apparently felt her ill-temper, for he shivered slightly. Even the mighty Inu-Yasha respected the wrath of the young miko.

“Inu-Yasha, what are you doing here?” Her voice was deceptively calm, but Inu-Yasha knew that dangerous tone. This girl was almost scary sometimes…of course, he’d never admit to being frightened by some weak human. Inu-Yasha scoured his mind for some sort of excuse that would appease the girl, but his mind didn’t seem to be working very well in the face of her fury. Shit.

“I was protecting you, wench.” His voice was gruff. He drew himself into a sitting position, the spell finally having worn off. He avoided looking her in the face.

Kagome looked at him in surprise. She hadn’t expected this answer, not at all. She had thought perhaps he would say he had come to yell at her for leaving, or to drag her back to ‘where she belonged’. She knew that Inu-Yasha felt the need to protect her in the chaotic era he was from…but he was protecting her in her own time as well? She was…flattered.

But what did she need protection from in her own time? There wasn’t really anything to worry about, save the few muggers that were bound to exist in such a large city. She didn’t go out at night or to any dubious locations, so she didn’t really have to worry even about that. Still, that he would come to protect her made her very happy…even if she didn’t really need his protection. That he thought so much of her was enough.

Kagome wanted to be mad at him still, to give him the scolding she had been planning, but his concern for her ended that. She smiled a small smile and crouched down beside the hanyou. “Inu-Yasha, I’m glad that you would want to protect me, but there isn’t anything to worry about. This is my time…we don’t have to worry about youkai or even bandits anymore.”

“Feh! That just shows how stupid you are, wench. There is always danger to watch out for…and I’m not going to let you get hurt.” The hanyou paused for slightly too long before remembering to add, “We need you to find the jewel shards, after all.”

Kagome grinned inwardly. That slip hadn’t gone unnoticed. “I told you Inu-Yasha, there is nothing to worry about. Sure, there are still some bad people out there, but I never put myself in a position to be in danger from them. I never go near them, Inu-Yasha.”

Said hanyou growled in frustration. “Feh…you are so stupid, girl. You are around it all the time! You practically invite danger to your doorstep…In fact, you welcome it there and go on ‘dates’ with it!” Maybe he shouldn’t have said so much.

Kagome’s eyes narrowed. So this was what it was about. She supposed she should still be flattered by his jealousy, but it was not quite as heart-warming as what she had thought was concern. “Oh, so you saw Hojo invite me on a date, did you, Inu-Yasha? That is none of your business. You have no right to get jealous.” Kagome ignored his indignant sputtering and went on. “Hojo is a nice boy and a friend. He is no danger to me at all.”

“THEN WHY DOES HE SMELL LIKE NARAKU!” The hanyou roared, sending several birds flying from the trees about them.

Kagome froze. “W-what? What are you talking about Inu-Yasha.”

He pierced her with a narrow-eyed gaze and lowly growled. “That bastard boy smells just like Naraku, Kagome. He must be one of Naraku’s minions. He’s found you, or he’s looking for you at least.”

Kagome gave a nervous laugh. What an absurd idea…Hojo…with Naraku? It was so ridiculous. Then why was Inu-Yasha being so serious? “Inu-Yasha…don’t joke about such things…”

“I’m not joking! I’m not lying! I’m telling you the truth!” She could not find any hint of deception in his eyes at all. But it was impossible.

“Higurashi?” What?

Kagome spun about in a flash, seeming to stand without actually standing up. Hojo stood there, looking a bit uncomfortable…abashed maybe. “Higurashi…you didn’t forget about our date did you? We were going to go to the movies after school today…but if you’re busy with your friend…” He waved in Inu-Yasha’s direction.

“What? No, I didn’t forget Hojo! I’m sorry, but I was talking to Inu-Yasha, and I got distracted. I didn’t realized it was so late already. I’m really sorry, Hojo!”

The boy smiled shyly. “That’s all right, Higurashi. If you’re busy, we can go see it tomorrow. I’m sorry for disturbing you when you were busy talking to your friend…Inu-Yasha? Well goodbye. Nice to meet you by the way Inu-Yasha. See you tomorrow Higurashi!” Kagome simply stared at the boy as he quickly disappeared from sight.

She turned to the open-mouthed hanyou. He hadn’t even been able to stand. Surprise shone in every aspect of his bearing. “That is Naraku’s evil minion?” Her sarcasm was obvious.

Inu-Yasha seemed to finally come to himself. That boy had been so sickeningly weak. Why would Naraku bother making such a creation? The answer came quickly to him. Because no one would expect it…especially not Kagome. Inu-Yasha nearly shuddered. Had he not smelled the hated scent wafting from the boy, he would not have believed it either.

“Yes, Kagome, that boy is not a boy. He is one of Naraku’s creations…and I have to protect you from him. You’re not going anywhere with him. I’m going to kill him, and I’m going to kill Naraku.”

Kagome stared at him, incredulous. How could he still stick to that horrible excuse? “You’ve got to be kidding! Hojo is harmless, and I’m not going to let you scare me, simply because you are jealous. I’m going on that date with him tomorrow, then I’ll go back through the well. Right now, I have work to do. Good day, Inu-Yasha.” With that she walked off, ignoring that outraged sputtering behind her.

Dammit, Kagome! She was so stubborn. He was not jealous! He followed her home, even though she knew he was there this time. He wasn’t going back until she was safe this time. He was going with her on her ‘date’ even if he had to hide the whole time. He would prove that this Hojo was evil. No one could really be that weak!

Then he’d get to tear the boy to pieces, just like he was going to do to Naraku when he finally found him. But he’d enjoy killing Hojo tremendously…maybe even more than Naraku. Well, maybe not that much, but it would be a close thing. He could already imagine it. The boy’s cry in death…Kagome’s thanks for protecting her, admitting that Inu-Yasha had been right all along. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow!

End of Chapter Two


I was so impatient writing this…I wanted to kill Hojo at the beginning…sigh…I don’t like that guy.

-Chevalier Mal Fet