InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Expect the Unexpected ❯ I Told You So ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha…is this really necessary?

Chapter Nine: I Told You So

It was hard to reconcile the events of the last few hours with those of the past few days. They didn’t match at all. Sure, Kagome understood that Inuyasha hadn’t been himself. She kind of understood how that would happen. The hanyou had lived an exceptionally unhappy life. People who were miserable would often withdraw and block their feelings. If he had blocked them so completely, then that would explain the change in his person, for the most part.

She still wasn’t quite certain what had caused him to want her dead though. She had seen his face…he had wanted her dead. What had caused that. Something he had said after her family had woken came to her. “It was strange. Mostly, I didn’t feel anything…but I still felt hurt. And every once in a while my barrier would slip and my feelings would come back…the pain was always the strongest…I could even feel it through the barrier.” If he had been in such mental agony, only able to feel pain, then she could understand that he would want her to die.

She had apparently cut Inuyasha deeply…right into his heart. She truly did regret her actions. Kagome hadn’t forgotten what had caused her to lash out so cruelly. Inuyasha had needed some form of rebuke…but the one she had chosen had obviously been the wrong one. He shouldn’t have been jealous of Hojo in the first place. If he hadn’t known that she loved him then, he did now. She shouldn’t have any problems from the hanyou about Hojo any more, right? Still, Inuyasha was a very jealous mind. He probably would take any boy near her as a threat. She would just have to prove that she was his…Kagome blushed at that thought. Being with Inuyasha was a dream come true. She could hardly believe that it had really happened…but it had.

Kagome was so happy at that moment that little things like her hanyou’s jealous nature, Hojo’s awkward advances, and Naraku couldn’t even faze her. She had her mate…the one that she loved. Of course, Inuyasha had not yet come out and admitted his feelings, but they were obvious when they shone in his eyes like that. Kagome had seen what she had longed for so long to see, after she had kissed him. His beautiful golden eyes had spoken better than any words could have.

It had taken a while to settle her family though. Thathad been an ordeal that she never wanted again. Luckily, they didn’t remember very much. Mostly they remembered having terrifying dreams. Kagome had told them that a demon had caused them, but it was gone now, even though she knew Naraku wasn’t dead yet. He had to be the one who had attacked her family. Who else would? Who else even knew about her and Inuyasha?

It was a disturbing thought that Naraku might still live in her time. That would mean that they had failed to kill him. Did that mean that their group was fated to fail…to die? It was not something Kagome wanted to consider in such a happy moment. She wouldn’t be able to bear losing Inuyasha, not now that she had him. Kagome didn’t know if her heart could survive losing Inuyasha…not again.


Inuyasha was once more sitting in the branches of the go-shinboku in Kagome’s time. But now he wasn’t hiding. He just needed some place to think. His mind was still awhirl with the events of the past day. His whole mind seemed numb in amaze.

It had been very sudden when he’d remembered what was so important about Kagome’s time. He had slowly been regaining his feelings through the day, beginning with an increase in the pain that wouldn’t go away. Then he had began to feel the pain in his wounds and irritation with his friends. He had begun to return to the grumpy hanyou that they expected.

Inuyasha had remembered that Kagome was in danger from this Hojo fiend and discovered that he did not want Kagome to be hurt. He had remembered his promise to himself that he would protect Kagome even if she despised him for it. He had nearly broken that vow. He would not make that mistake again.

He shouldn’t sit there wondering over Kagome’s kiss, but he was slow to slide to the ground. Inuyasha was still too elated to find that Kagome loved him. He lethargically made his way towards the house. In an instant, though, all of his ease disappeared to be replaced by tense readiness. That scent…That damned boy was here!

Inuyasha raced towards the house, but too late he noticed Kagome coming from the front door. She waved happily at him. The hanyou’s eyes widened in horror at what he saw. Hojo stood directly behind her, without her notice, that vapid smile still on his face, but an evil gleam in his eyes. Inuyasha opened his mouth to shout warning but nothing would come. Hojo raised one newly-clawed hand and swung down at Kagome, his claws tearing the air in a deafening shriek.

Kagome must have noticed the look in Inuyasha’s eyes, because she threw herself to the side just in time, and Hojo’s claws shredded into her left shoulder, coming so near her precious heart. She cried out in surprise and pain and fell to the ground before the evil demon. Hojo simply smiled down at her foolishly.

Inuyasha snarled madly and launched himself at the boy. Halfway through the air Inuyasha suddenly felt a fiery pain in his stomach. He looked down to find a thick thorned vine run through him, holding him a good foot above the ground. Hojo laughed, one small laugh…not even remotely evil. Only his eyes betrayed him.

The shrine grounds exploded into a mass of debris and small vines as they erupted from the earth, slicing viciously at the hanyou. Inuyasha screamed in pain as sharp thorns ripped through his clothes to and skin, sending blood spraying from so many wounds. With a supreme effort, the hanyou managed to thrust the large vine from his stomach. He collapsed to the ground, rolling away from the attacking vines, and came up within leaping distance of the villainous Hojo.

Inuyasha shouted a wordless cry of fury and leapt straight at the fiend. His claws tore straight through the boy’s head, splitting that vacuous expression in half, and then the world exploded about the hanyou. He blacked out. He could still feel, for he felt bits of shrapnel riddling his body as the entire shrine seemed to explode. He landed hard on the earth and rolled for several feet.

His vision returned gradually and he found himself laying amidst the wreckage of Hojo’s thorned vines, which lay in pieces about the shrine. Hojo himself was nowhere to be seen, not even a corpse. Inuyasha groaned, half in frustration, half in pain. Had the damned boy escaped then? How could he have? Inuyasha had split his head in half…but he had not actually seen the boy die, so he had to assume he was still alive.

Inuyasha closed his eyes to slip back into the blackness. His eyes snapped back open, clarity finally returning. Kagome! The hanyou dragged himself to his feet and stumbled over to where Kagome lay with a small vine across her belly. He pushed the vine off of her, noting that it had scratched her through her uniform. “Kagome?”

When she didn’t respond, Inuyasha nearly panicked, but he looked her over and found that she was not too badly wounded. The wound in her shoulder was deep, and bleeding profusely, but it would not be fatal. With a sigh of massive relief, Inuyasha picked the girl up into his arms and carried her to the house, which had been miraculously undamaged by the maelstrom. Kagome’s mother took one look at her and sent the boy and the man running for first aid supplies. Inuyasha sat down with Kagome and would not let go even when they bandaged her.


Kagome came around towards dusk, blinking confusedly at the bright lights of the house. She lay in the living room, on the couch, wrapped warmly in blankets against some warm cushions. Had she fallen asleep? Why was she in the living room? She felt very sore and cried out sharply when she tried to move. A fierce pain shot through he shoulder, as well as other pains in the rest of her body. What was that! Then it all came back to her.

She had walked out to go see Inuyasha at the go-shinboku. She had been hoping to get him alone for a private talk…well, actually she had wanted to find someplace to continue the kissing they had started earlier. He had been running towards her, and she could not help but feel her spirits soar at the sight of him. Then she had seen his eyes. The fear in them was palpable. She didn’t know how she had reacted so quickly, but she had flung herself away just in time to dodge the worst of the blow.

The worst of the physical blow. The most painful blow was what she saw when she looked at her attacker. Hojo had stood over her, smiling down at her with his usual innocence…but his eyes…his eyes had been more malevolent than Naraku’s ever had. Kagome shuddered at the mere memory of those eyes. She felt ill to know that those eyes belonged to Hojo. He had been so innocent.

Kagome shivered, thinking it the cold, but realizing that she still could feel those eyes upon her. She burrowed against the soft warmth of the cushions, brow furrowing as a thought came to her. When had they gotten these cushions? Kagome turned her head to see what she was resting upon to find herself half-laying on a slumbering Inuyasha.

A fierce blush burned on her face and she tried to scramble away, but the hanyou’s arms wrapped about her and pulled her to him. Had she really been sleeping with him? In the living room? Oh no! That meant that her mother surely knew about this! Her blush became even hotter. Kagome tried to pull from Inuyasha’s grasp but succeeded only in waking him.

He smiled up at her with warm eyes, relief evident in his gaze. “Kagome…I…I am so happy that you are awake. I am so happy that you are okay! You were nearly killed!” Inuyasha wrapped her in a tight hug that cause her injuries to scream, but Kagome hugged back just as hard. She needed the comfort more than she needed to forget about the pain of her wounds.

Oh, Inuyasha, how could it be true! It was horrible!” Inuyasha pulled her up into a sitting position with him, the blankets sliding off of them. Kagome suddenly felt cold and looked down. She was in nothing but her bra and panties! If her blush could have gotten any hotter, she probably would have set the couch on fire.

Inuyasha smiled, seeing her furious blush. He had been holding her even as they undressed her to wash and bandage her wounds. He wouldn’t put her down and her mother had just given up, seeing his resolve. He had been to busy worrying before to admire her body, but he took his chance now.

His chance didn’t last long. As soon as Kagome saw his admiring gaze, she pulled the blankets about her as best she could, blocking most of his view. The hanyou sighed. Pulling her close again, Inuyasha simply held her against him. They did not move for some time. Finally Kagome grew sleepy again and lay down beside him to sleep. As she drifted off, the hanyou whispered in her ear, “I told you so.”

Kagome’s last thought as she drifted off into peaceful--or not so peaceful, since they involved a lot of kissing--dreams of Inuyasha, was that her hanyou was truly asking to be ‘sat’.

End of Chapter Nine
