InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Expect the Unexpected ❯ Falling Star (Shining Fang) ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha…is this really necessary?

Chapter Thirteen: Falling Star (Shining Fang)

Kagome could not help but stare at Inuyasha as he stood there, face a mixture of determination, anger, and protectiveness. His eyes shone brightly in the misty light, and Kagome could not help but notice how absolutely heroic he looked at that moment. All he really needed was for the sun to rise up directly behind him and surround him in bright morning light. But considering that it was already somewhere towards noon, that didn't seem likely. As it was, Kagome thought that she had never seen a more beautiful sight.

Hojo, on the other hand, didn't seem to enjoy the view at all. His mouth opened and closed in stunned silence as he looked upon the rather intimidating hanyou, and he seemed unable to accept what his cruel red eyes were showing him. He let out a hiss, and it seemed for a moment that his smile would slip, but of course it didn' the thing permanently fixed on his face?

"HANYOU! Why can't you just die!" Hojo's voice was a rasping hiss now, like the smoke that seemed to make up his body.

Inuyasha gave the demon a cocky smirk and flexed his claws absently. "As if a little weakling like yourself could kill me! You're nothing but hot air!"

Hojo glowered at the hanyou, eyes flashing brilliantly. "You can't win! You can't! I've waited too long for this day to come!" Inuyasha laughed derisively, but Kagome gasped as Hojo began to swell in size, expanding.

The miasma that made up his body roiled within him, a fuming mass of evil and hate. Inuyasha stared a moment, startled by this turn of events, but quickly recovered dashed towards Kagome. He swept her into his arms and carried her away from the ever-growing mass of black mist. Kagome shivered as a thunderous voice boomed behind them. "Hanyou.I will not let you escape.I will have my revenge." Kagome listened as the voice faded slowly, growing more distant with each soaring leap Inuyasha took.

Soon, the voice was gone altogether, and Kagome and Inuyasha were left in the dim silence. It was growing brighter, but the sunlight was weak through the mists. The streets were empty, dead. Either everyone had fled or had locked themselves in their homes. Kagome hoped they would be safe.

She turned her face to look at Inuyasha's, and met his gaze. They stared into one another's eyes for several moments and his lips slowly drew near her own. A deep rumbling startled them from the moment, though, and Kagome gasped in shock as she saw a horrific sight over Inuyasha's shoulder. The hanyou turned and was stunned.

Rising above most of the buildings was a swirling black form, a pseudo-human mass of black mist. Hojo towered above them, evil eyes boring into Kagome's soul. They were so full of malice. Hojo's face extended towards them, stretching it's neck longer and longer until it was almost on level with them.

"Oh, no don't mind me, was such a touching made me almost ill.I was quite ready to crush you both, even though that would deprive me of the fun I had planned for you."

Inuyasha growled and leapt back from the evil face. He set Kagome down and stood before her. "Don't you ever learn, you bastard? You'll never touch Kagome! I'm going to rip that smile off of your damned face!"

Inuyasha leapt at the hovering head, slashing angrily with his claws. Hojo pulled his head back hastily and swung an enormous black arm at the hanyou. Inuyasha grunted in surprise as he was flung across the street and into the wall of some building. He stood quickly and shook his head as if to clear it, before jumping high into the air, claws flashing again.

He sliced deep into the dark form. In fact, he flew straight through it, crashing into the building on the other side of the street. What the hell? Damn it! How was he supposed to kill a cloud of smoke?

Hojo laughed spitefully, ripping a lamp post from the street and brandishing it like a club in his gigantic fist. Inuyasha turned and drew Tetsusaiga, but not in time to block the pole that crashed into his skull and sent him flying down the street. Tetsusaiga went skittering across the pavement some distance away from him.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome ran over to where the hanyou lay, blood flowing freely from the side of his head. She knelt by his side and shook him. "Inuyasha, are you all right? Inuyasha?" Inuyasha only shuddered briefly in response. Kagome stood abruptly as Hojo laughed.

"Higurashi, your hanyou will never speak to you again.I will crush him, and then you will be until I no longer want you can die as well. Now stand away from the bastard hanyou, so that I can finish him and move on to you."

Kagome glared furiously at the giant form. "You won't ever kill Inuyasha! And you won't ever have me, either! We're going to kill you once and for all!"

Hojo gave a rumbling snarl. "How dare you speak to me like that! You worthless bitch!"Hojo swung a massive hand at Kagome's small form and sent her crumpling to the pavement, barely concious. "Now you will get to see your beloved hanyou 'll never see him again!"

"No! Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed at the hanyou.

The sound of her voice seemed to rouse him, and he blinked hazily. Inuyasha coughed raggedly, blood trickling from his mouth, but he slowly rose to his feet. He saw Kagome sprawled in the street and snarled in fury.

"Oh, you're awake already, hanyou? Don't are about to go to sleep !"Hojo's fists crashed into the ground where Inuyasha had stood, but the hanyou had leapt away to the Tetsusaiga and now held it transformed.

"You hurt will not live any longer. No one hurts Kagome! I will kill you if it takes all of my strength!"

Hojo's eyes opened wide in surprise as Inuyasha swung the Tetsusaiga and the world exploded about him. Kagome had to shield her eyes from the blinding light of the explosion. As the light faded, she looked anxiously about for Hojo, but saw nothing. A wet splattering sound made her notice the dark, almost inky stuff raining across the street. A bit fell near her and she realized what it was. It was the an inky poison. Was Hojo dead?

Inuyasha stood, breathing heavily as he listened for any sign of the demon. A slight gurgling caught his attention. At the center of the blast, in a pool of liquid miasma, there was a small shape. Inuyasha walked nearer to see what it was, Tetsusaiga ready. Laying in pool was a face, foolish smile still plastered up on it.

The miasma that made up the face bubbled as it tried to speak, sounds only coming out as incoherent gurgling. Hojo tried to laugh, to make one last insult to the hanyou, but could not form the words to do it. Inuyasha stared at the thing for several seconds before smashing it beneath his sword. Inky miasma splashed across the pavement, and the gurgling stopped.

"I hate that smile."

End of Chapter Thirteen
