InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ From Hate, Comes Love ❯ A Day Like Any Other ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Stupid Jerky Lawyer: I hate this name. Just get this over with.
ME: Touchy, oh well. I OWN INUYASHA!! (get's evil glare) FINE!! I don't, Inuyasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi.
Stupid Jerky Lawyer: Well there you are, can you please just get back to your story. I need coffee.
ME: Whatever, Here you go enjoy : )
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A Day like Any Other
“Akemi, WAKE UPP!!!!!” Kagome screamed at her daughters ears. Kagome frowned, `She's exactly like her father.' An idea popped into her head. She walked to the middle of their large hut, and sucked in a breath.
“INUYASHA, AKEMI, TOSHIRO, RAMEN FOR BREAKFAST!” In an instant, three exited faces stood in front of the pregnant miko. Kagome's smile of victory spread across her face. Inuyasha kissed his mate gently on the lips, causing his children to pretend gag. The adults separated and marveled at their family. Akemi had just celebrated her seventeenth birthday. She was gorgeous. Her wavy, raven hair matched her mother's, with the exception of two silver triangular dog ears, but it was her eyes that were still the most beautiful part of her. (AN: If you don't remember her eyes, go look at the prologue) Toshiro was now 12 and a carbon copy of his father, except for his ears which had black tips at the top. But he was much more mild mannered, like his mother. Akemi was the child that acted like Inuyasha the most, though she was loving she had a temper, and when you get her mad WATCH OUT. Akemi was training with her parents to control weapons. She was especially fond of her mother's bow and arrows, but she was also skilled with swords. Kagome looked at her swollen belly and wondered of her new baby. Would it look like her or Inuyasha? Would it be well mannered and kind? Maybe it would be rude and selfish. She had no idea but she wanted to meet them badly. Kagome snapped out of her day dreams to see three hungry half demons staring at her with puppy dog eyes.
“Mama,” Akemi whined, “where's the Ramen?” Kagome realized that she would have to make them Ramen before they got mad, so she hurried off to boil the water. She laughed the entire time the Ramen cooked.
After breakfast the family went their separate ways. Kagome had miko training with Lady Kaede. Toshiro went to play with other young boys from the village. Inuyasha had to help Miroku with an exorcism in a nearby village, but promised to be back by lunch to help Akemi with fighting practice. That meant Akemi had the whole morning free. She chooses to help Kaede clean up around the hut, while Kaede was with Kagome gathering herbs.
After cleaning for most of the morning Akemi went for a walk in the village. She was meet with the usual stares of the village men. Akemi was use to eyes following her, but she had no interest in pursuing or being pursued by anyone. One day she wanted to fall in love, but not anytime soon. Right now, Akemi's heart belonged to fighting.
“Akemi!” A masculine voice called out. She turned to see Ken, Sango and Miroku's son, running to her. His violet eyes shone with excitement. His thick, dark brown hair fell right above his shoulder blades. Many village girls found him attractive, but Akemi saw him as more of a brother than anything. His parents had once hoped that Akemi would one day be Ken's wife, him only being one year older than her. She put an end to that dream soon after she found out about it.
“Ken, how are you?” Akemi said taking in his outfit, it looked a lot like her dads but his was made out of a plentiful cloth and dark purple while her father's was made from the hairs of the fire rat and a bright red.
“Your father sent me; he won't be back till tonight so he can't have battle practice today. But he said he'll help you practice all day tomorrow, sorry.” Ken said apologetically
“It's fine really. He didn't do it on purpose.” Akemi said, hiding the tears that threatened to spill over. She quickly turned away from Ken and quickly bounded into the nearest tree. From there she leapt further and further away from her home and deeper into the Forest of Inuyasha. She finally came to a stop in an open field her father used as a practice ground. She sat in the middle of the field and wept.
“I thought I smelt tears, I didn't expect to find a hanyou.” A cocky voice called out to her. She was ready to rip this boy's throat out at invading a place so sacred to her, but to insult her by calling her a hanyou was too far. With her hands in fists she turned to face the intruder. She twirled to become nose to nose with the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.