InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Carved in Stone ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Romance
Rating: A
Warnings: None
Word Count: 500

~ Carved in Stone ~

“Merry Christmas, Kagome.” Inuyasha murmured, holding out the sloppily wrapped bundle he had finished just before jumping through the well.

The holiday had been explained to everyone, and he had agreed to let her to spend the time with her family, but the more he’d thought about it, and what everyone else had given her, the more guilty he’d felt that he didn’t have anything for her, himself. He had told her that he wouldn’t come to pester her, that her present was him allowing her to return at her own pace, trusting that she wouldn’t dawdle needlessly. She had smiled, thanking him sincerely. His declaration had stemmed from being caught off guard when the others had all presented her with their presents. Kagome had been equally surprised, not having expected anything from her friends in the past. They hadn’t known of the holiday for very long. What sneaky schemers they were! Some gifts were more for her entire family than just her, but the miko was understandably touched. Miroku had given her some of his ofuda for her shrine home, wards for protection and prosperity. Sango had given her one of her spare trick knives, stating she would teach her how to use it. Inuyasha had to admit, he loved the idea of Kagome having a backup weapon in case she ran out of arrows, or was caught off guard by an enemy making a grab for her. With her long sleeves she could easily use the hidden blade; he wished he’d thought of something like that. Kaede’d given Kagome a bundle of herbs to take back with her, the fresh stuff always tasting better than anything bought in a store. Shippou had presented her with a collection of drawings.

Everyone had given her something, but him. That was what had led to Inuyasha sheepishly telling her she was free to return whenever she wanted. She must have sensed how uncomfortable he’d become because she had thanked him warmly, telling him openly how much that meant to her, vowing to not take advantage of his generosity.

She had liked his present, but he still felt horrible for not giving her anything tangible.

Which brought him to that moment, breaking his word of not bothering her though he wasn’t there to bring her back. It was Christmas Eve, after all. It was late; Kagome had been in bed, awoken by his knocking at her window. He didn’t want the others to see.


“Just open it.” His voice was soft, his cheeks red.

Unwrapping the bundle revealed a smooth slate of rock. She furrowed her brow.

“Turn it over.”

She gasped.

Carved into the surface of the stone was both of their names.


“I’ve heard you use the expression ‘not carved in stone’ for things that are uncertain, so I thought…well…”

Leaning forward, he kissed her gently.

Her eyes watered.

“I know I don’t open up much, but you and me, we’re certain.”

It was a merry Christmas, indeed.

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