InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ One Little Mistake ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): General
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, prelude to platonic nudity
Word Count: 500

~ One Little Mistake ~

He was a dead man. Any second now, she was going to start screaming her lungs out at him, and he would deserve every decibel.

At least it was just the two of them, so their friends wouldn’t bear witness to his verbal execution. They had separated while fighting a pair of bird youkai, each in possession of a jewel shard. Sango and Miroku chased one atop of Kirara while he did his best to chase the other one from the ground, leaping at intervals in the hopes that Kagome could shoot it. It was déjà vu all over again for the duo, though she was a much better shot these days. The youkai had been taken care of, its shard caught midair.

That was the good news.

The bad news was that from the ground, going 60mph, while concentrating on a target in the sky, it was hard to notice where the soft, snow covered earth ended and the harsh, frozen rivers began. The really bad news was that once airborne and coming in for a landing, there wasn’t too much that could be done about trajectory.

Kagome’s terrified gasp had been his only warning, as she’d tightened her arms around him.

“Oh shit! Hold on, Kagome!” he’d cried, straightening his legs to take the full impact of breaking the ice.

What a baka! He hadn’t made such a stupid mistake since he was a pup. But crashing into the freezing water, his thoughts weren’t on how to blame it on the sun in his eyes. Kicking powerfully, he had launched them both up and out of the river like a dolphin at sea, then using his speed, when he touched down on the ice he was up again before it had a chance to crack further, quickly getting them to shore. Kagome’s death grip around his neck started to loosen, and he started to panic, turning and grabbing the miko bridal style before taking off again. They were surrounded by snowy mountains, but fortunately that region was known for hot springs, and inhaling deeply, it didn’t take him long to find one.

Some snow monkeys spooked and took off at their arrival, like he cared. His only concern was the women in his arms who wouldn’t stop shaking or clutching his robes. Not wasting any time, he lowered them both into the steamy pool. Kagome’s rigid posture relaxed almost immediately, and now that the crisis had been averted, Inuyasha was convinced it was only a matter of seconds before she let him have it. After all, at some point they’d have to get out, and still be wet, in the cold.

But her rant never came.


“I guess the most logical thing would be to undress and lay our clothes on the rocks so they can dry at least partway.” came her quiet reply, glancing his way hesitantly.

His eyes widened.


He could wear wet clothing, but that wouldn’t be fair to her.

He gulped.


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