InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Hunger ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Hentai, Romance
Rating: Y
Warnings: Violent Sexual Content - Nudity, Implied N/C
Word Count: 500

~ Hunger ~

In the forest, Kagome paused in her work collecting herbs, removing the round bauble she kept in her robes, fingering it thoughtfully. Now that the mission was over, the miko from the future was stuck in the past, unable to pass through the well. She’d had the opportunity to tell her family farewell, though, so she was all right. Staying in the past meant staying with Inuyasha, after all, so it wasn’t all bad.

“Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of this thing before it’s too late.” she mumbled aloud, cupping the sphere in her palm. “Inuyasha still wants it to become a full youkai.” she stated with a sigh, tucking it back away.

As if summoned by the sound of his name, it was in that moment that Inuyasha appeared on the scene, approaching where she knelt.

“There you are…” he commented.

“Is everything all right?”

“I’ve been looking for you.” he stated, his tone of voice almost too soothing, like a stalker.

The sound gave her pause, as she glanced up to meet his knowing eyes nervously. He’d really been giving her the creeps lately, as if the presence of the jewel was slowly corrupting him.

“Well you found me.” she replied, cautiously reaching for her bow.

“That I did.” he agreed before lunging, earning a shriek of surprise as he pushed Kagome down, ripping open her miko robes to steal the treasure held within.


Laughing, he gazed at the round item he held between his fingers, then smirking, he swallowed it whole. Her eyes widened in terror as his closed in bliss, and when they reopened, they were crimson, and instantly locked on her panicked gaze.

“Did you honestly expect me to wait forever?” he cooed patronizingly. “I’ve played ‘Mr. Nice Hanyou’ for far too long. It’s time you got to know the real me.”

That said, he continued ripping open her robes, Kagome’s screams muffled by the hand clamped over her mouth. He gazed down at her hungrily, his crazed, demonic eyes promising both pain and pleasure as he rendered her naked before making quick work of his own clothing. She took the opportunity to scramble to her feet and run, but he quickly caught up with her and pinned her against a tree, his eager flesh pressing against her body.

“You’ll regret that.”

Holding both of her wrists in one hand he kicked her legs open with his own, chuckling darkly as she tried to struggle as he aligned himself.

Before he could enter her though, a familiar voice calling out their names brought him to a screeching halt.

“Fuck.” he cursed, quickly releasing her wrists.

“What is it?” she asked, no longer acting afraid of the man before her.

Disappointed amber eyes met concerned chocolate.

“Playtime’s over, Koi. Sango’s looking for us.”

Sighing, they both got dressed.

“Hey, got any more ‘sacred jewels’?” he teased as they exited the woods.

Giggling, Kagome handed her husband another sesame dumpling.

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