InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ The Beast Within ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): General, Drama, Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: Mention of hypothetically potential rape
Word Count: 500

~ The Beast Within ~

Inuyasha watched as Kagome finally turned away, her angered form disappearing down the well. He didn’t sigh in relief until he could no longer scent her enticing odor.

Kagome was in heat.


Stupid humans and their stupid monthly cycles… he cursed as he slouched his shoulders, bounding off into the forest.

What made it so much worse this time was that it was also spring, meaning his inner beast was ready to mate. Never mind that nobody in their right mind would want to be the mate of a hanyou. The others glared after him for his actions, for the pointless argument that had created two new ‘Inuyasha’ craters and sent Kagome home in a huff.

What they didn’t understand was that the fight hadn’t been pointless.

He was in a unique and screwed over position because as an inu-hanyou, Kagome and the spring combined affected him in a way that nobody else ever would, or that anybody else would ever experience around her. Inu-youkai normally sought out each other during spring; it was not within any species’ instinct to breed outside of its race. But because Inuyasha was hanyou, he was much more able to resist the urge to seek out a fellow canine. On the other hand, because Inuyasha was hanyou, it meant that he was also drawn to humans. He could detect human pheromones far more powerfully than a human man ever would, the domesticated animals that were humans almost completely oblivious to the natural way in which they lured each other. There was such a thing as love, after all. His mother had loved his father. As two completely different species they had not been drawn together hormonally, but bringing his own human heart into play was like the final nail in the coffin.

He loved Kagome.

He could resist the pull of spring when it came to running off to find and mate a bitch in heat, he could resist the mild temptation of other human females with a mere passing glance and sniff of appreciation, but because he loved Kagome it was all he could do to keep from throwing her down and ravishing her body until it became round with his child. If she didn’t leave until she was no longer fertile, he would end up raping her.

What the others hadn’t heard during the fight was when he had told her this, quietly, remorsefully; defeated, he’d confessed to Kagome the true severity of his animal lusts and why she had to leave. She had been angry, but because of the way he’d talked about himself. Monster. Rapist. Filthy hanyou.

Feeling a pulse of magic from the well, he returned angrier than she had left, prepared to rip her a new one. He was surprised by the powerful stench of perfume that rose into the air, masking everything else.


Hoisting her out of the well, he took a deep breath, sneezed, then smiled.


Squeezing his hand, she returned his smile.

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