InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Que Sera, Sera ( Chapter 52 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Suspense, Drama
Rating: T
Warnings: Disturbing imagry
Word Count: 500

Happy apocalypse, everyone! Catch ya on the flip side!

~ Que Sera, Sera ~

Emerging on her side of time, Kagome immediately knew something was wrong by the starlight she could see overhead. Hustling out of the well as quickly as possible, she gaped in horror at what remained of the well house, the charred framework still hot to the touch.
"No..." she murmured quietly, a tragic mishap the first thought to come to mind. It couldn't be arson, could it?

Hoping everyone was unharmed she headed for the family house, only to freeze and almost collapse to her knees in shock at the sight of her home. Or what was left of it. It too had been reduced to nothing but ashes.

"No!" she shouted, running towards the remains as fast as her feet would carry her.

Nothing...there was nothing left. Where was her family? Had they...gotten out all right? The ruins were fresh, the ground still smoldering. In the chill of the December night she could feel the heat that scorched the earth where her childhood home had once stood.

Shock starting to set in, Kagome began talking to herself, desperate to keep it together.

“I...need to go to the police...see if they know what the people here. They'll want to know where I was...I'll say I was visiting a friend... But what if they want to talk to Inuyasha? No, that won't work. I'll think of something else...”

First things first, though, she needed to make sure her family was okay. She'd worry about what to tell the police if and when they questioned her whereabouts later.

Mind made up, she ran for the steps that led down to the street, and that time she did collapse to her knees.

It was all gone. All of it. The once lit skyscrapers that graced the horizon were misshapen blackened husks, twisted metal frames that used to be cars littering the street. It looked like a bomb had gone off. The only thing unmarred, by whatever miracle, was the Goshinboku.

 Then, like the wicked hand of fate, or by the demented humor of a Twilight Zone inspired author, a rouge sheet of newspaper chose that precise moment to blow past in the faint breeze. The sporadic flickering of a lone street lamp illuminated the paper as it caught Kagome's eye and she focused on the date; December 21st, 2012.

Bolting upright, Kagome gasped in preparation for a scream that never came, as her surroundings slowly dawned on her.

She was safe. In her bed. On the morning of December 21st.

She remembered now; she'd come back yesterday to study for a test, only to get bombarded by media hype by her friends when she'd asked to borrow their notes. Was she afraid? Did she think anything bad was really going to happen? Thinking about it now, Kagome snorted, amused. After facing what she's faced fighting Naraku, she could handle anything.

“Bring it on.” she stated confidently, positive that nothing would happen, and that if it did, she would survive it.