InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Out of the mouth of babes ( Chapter 56 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): General, Romance
Rating: A
Warnings: None
Word Count: 500

~ Out of the mouth of babes ~

Inuyasha and Kagome hadn't had a fight, although the miko's melancholy mood was obvious, despite her trying to smile like everything was fine. She always got upset after Inuyasha had seen Kikyou, though not for the reason the others believed. She wasn't hurt that he was 'two-timing' her; she believed Inuyasha that all he and Kikyou did was talk, not that she could really consider it cheating even if they did do more since, even if you ignored the whole 'reincarnation' thing, Kikyou had come first. Honestly, Inuyasha was cheating on Kikyou with her, if you wanted to get technical, although Kagome refused to think about it that way, either. It wasn't like the two of them ever did anything, although they were each aware of the other's feelings. But despite the fact that she loved him, and he her, he still planned on sacrificing himself and following Kikyou into Hell...'if that is her wish'...which Kagome knew it was. Everyone knew the undead miko desired nothing more than to bring Inuyasha with her into death, though nobody understood the decision.

Some understood it even less than others.

“I'm confused...” Shippou spoke up suddenly as Kagome poked their campfire, while Miroku and Sango sat nearby polishing their weapons and Inuyasha perched in a tree to avoid the evil stares of his armed companions.

“Confused about what, Shippou-chan?” Kagome inquired, unknowingly opening the floodgate.

“If Inuyasha goes to Hell with Kikyou, won't he really be there all alone?”

The silence was deafening.

“Shippou-chan...” Sango started, “I don't think-”

“But think about it,” he interrupted, believing Sango was going to argue his conclusion. “Kagome is Kikyou's reincarnation, right? So how can Kikyou's soul go into Hell if her soul actually came out of Kagome? If her body dies, wouldn't that piece of soul just go back to where it came from?”

Nobody dared glance Inuyasha's way, although Miroku hesitantly cleared his throat and said, “Spiritual workings are rather complicated, Shippou, and Kagome-sama is from the future, so it is likely that Kikyou-sama's soul, while it traveled to her through Kagome-sama, is in fact the soul of the fallen Kikyou-sama that had been in Hell after her death, not yet reincarnated, in which case her soul would indeed return to Hell, leaving Kagome-sama unaffected.”

“Oh...” Shippou said, before adding, “At least until she gets reincarnated again.”

Kagome cringed, mentally willing Shippou to shut up. He didn't.

“After 500 years Kikyou's soul will come back as Kagome, and Inuyasha will still be alone for the rest of eternity after that.”

“Well...” Miroku started, quieting quickly as Inuyasha landed beside them.

“Feh, think you're so smart.” he grumbled to the kit.

“Smarter than you! Why die with Kikyou when she already came back to life as Kagome to be with you?”

Inuyasha couldn't rightfully answer that. Would dying with Kikyou really mean that, ultimately, they would each be alone again? kid.