InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Recompense ( Chapter 57 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Romance, Hentai
Rating: Y
Warnings: Language, Nudity, Sexual content
Word Count: 500

~ Recompense ~

Inuyasha was inconsolable. This was the worst thing that ever could have happened. The worst thing he ever could have done.

“Inuyasha, calm down. I'm fine, really.” Kagome tried to reassure him for the umpteenth time, though he was having none of it.

Hobbling after him as he stormed off deeper into the woods, the simple fact that she was limping was proof to him that she was not fine, not to mention the scratches and puncture wounds that littered her otherwise flawless, naked body.

Kagome couldn't really say how it'd happened, but they'd known of their love for each other for some time now. They were alone, taking their time heading back to Kaede's while Sango went with Miroku to Mushin's to check on his kazaana, Shippou tagging along to play with Hachi. Alone at camp, they'd snuggled next to each other, then one thing had led to another, and while it had been a little painful for Kagome, all first times were mildly unpleasant for the girl. It was no big deal.

Okay, so Inuyasha had ended up really getting into it and he'd gotten a little...rougher...than she had been anticipating, lost in the pleasure of the moment, but it was still no big deal. It wasn't like he'd savagely ripped her clothes off or sank his fangs into her flesh. She did have a few scratches here and there, and light punctures where he'd gripped her hips, but she would heal. Well...the ones on her hips might scar a bit...but she still wasn't angry about it. Yes it had hurt, but she knew Inuyasha hadn't meant to hurt her, and honestly, the fact that he'd let himself go, that he'd been so into it, made her heart soar. She was sure she could teach him to be a bit gentler, provided he ever let himself touch her ever again.

“Inuyasha, please...” she pleaded, to which he snapped back, “Just leave me the fuck alone, before I accidentally kill you or something.”

Okay, that's it... “Osuwari!”

He didn't protest as his nude form was forced to the forest floor, although he did curse up a storm when Kagome rolled him onto his back and proceeded to straddle his crotch.

“Seriously, Inuyasha? Two seconds after coming down from the best high ever, you go and freak out and storm off? I don't think so. Osuwari.”

That one was gentle, and just reinforced the spell, keeping him pinned, and suddenly, Kagome's eyes lit up with an ingenious plan. So she was still a little sore...she would still enjoy it. No pain no gain, right?

Leaning forward, she purred seductively, “I know how you can make it up to me...osuwari...”

That said, she started grinding against him, getting his body excited, and his eyes widened in panic as he realized her plan. He couldn't let her do this! Although, on the other hand, if he couldn't move, then he couldn't accidentally hurt her...

He smirked.