InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ De Profundis ( Chapter 61 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Angst, Romance
Rating: Y
Warnings: Language, Sexual situations
Word Count: 500

~ De Profundis ~

Groaning, it took Inuyasha a moment to get his bearings. He had been in excruciating agony a moment ago, now he just felt weak. Pushing himself up from his prone position, he noticed his clawless fingers, black hair framing his face, and realized with a sense of dread that for the second time in his life, he was human with a moon in the sky.


He hated being purified.

At least it was temporary.

It took his weakened hearing a moment, but eventually the sound of crying reached him. Instantly all concern regarding himself was vaporized in the face of making sure Kagome was okay. Turning, it was like being purified a second time from the pain in his chest at seeing her looking so broken.

His poor night vision didn't stop him from noticing her torn clothing, as she rocked back and forth curled up in a little ball, hugging her knees, face down as she sobbed.

He opened his mouth to say...something...but what could he say? He had transformed, again, and unlike last time, he remembered everything. He wasn't sure if that was a blessing or a curse, although morbidly he supposed not knowing would have been worse. At least this way he knew everything he had, and thankfully hadn't done.

After killing the attacking youkai, when Kagome had attempted to give him Tetsusaiga he had knocked it from her hand, openly ogling her up and down. Then calling her “Mate” he'd swooped her up and ran off to the isolated forest clearing they now sat in. He had then attempted to...attempted to... Damn it, he'd known for a while now that he'd wanted to make Kagome his mate, but kami, not like that.

Thank the gods she had stopped him.

He must've made a noise because suddenly, Kagome's head jerked upright, her eyes meeting his. She stared, her expression unreadable. He gulped. Then...

“Oh, Inuyasha!”

She threw herself at him, knocking him back over to lie on top of him as she clutched his robes and continued sobbing.

The hell? Why doesn't she hate me?

“I'm so sorry!” she cried.

The hell???

You're sorry? I'm the one who-”

“I can't believe I turned my powers on you...” she interrupted, not hearing him.

“Fuck, Kagome, I'm glad you did.”

She nodded. “I knew you wouldn't want to be stuck with me forever.”

“Wait, what?”

She explained why she did it, then, to save him from himself, from making a terrible mistake. He loved Kikyou, not her. He explained in turn that the only mistake would have been taking her by force, but that he'd wanted her for months now. Her, not Kikyou. Under different circumstances, being stuck with her forever was exactly what he wanted. Kagome then confessed that she felt the same way, and hadn't been afraid of him.

“I didn't really want to resist you...” she admitted brazenly.

Grinning, he rolled them over and kissed her.