InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Defile ( Chapter 65 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Action, Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: Sexual language
Word Count: 500

~ Defile ~

Inuyasha was livid. The stinking, ugly excuse for a youkai that was only a threat because it possessed a jewel shard had just called Kagome his whore.

It wasn't the first time a youkai, or human, had mistaken Kagome's short skirt for a reflection of her 'profession' in his era, of course, and kami knew it wouldn't be the last, but it was the way this youkai had said it that had Inuyasha seeing, and turning, red.

It hadn't just been the jab, when Kagome drew back an arrow, that he needed his whore to fight his battles for him. It was the way the youkai, who could in fact smell that Kagome was untouched, had then gone on to describe what he imagined Inuyasha wanted to do with her once they were no longer hunting jewel shards.

“I bet you just can't wait to be done with me so you can run your filthy hanyou paws up those bare legs of hers, drop your hakama and defile her with your tainted-”

That was as far as he got.

“Shut up!” Inuyasha shouted, his face as red as his robes from both anger and embarrassment. “I would never do that to Kagome!”

Sango and Miroku both cringed at the look of pain that flashed across Kagome's face before she hardened herself. There was a youkai with a jewel shard they were facing off against, after all. This was no time to get upset, and this was also not the first time Inuyasha had publicly rejected her.

Still, it stung. But then belatedly, something occurred to Kagome, as Inuyasha charged the youkai and aimed for the shard, the hanyou unaware of the effect his words had had on her.

It was just as well, since the longer she thought about it, the less hurt she became. The youkai had talked about his 'filthy hanyou paws' and 'defiling' her, and Inuyasha had said he would never do that to her. To her, not with her.

Oh, Inuyasha...that's not really how you feel, is it?

She waited until later, the youkai killed, the shard collected. As they sat around the campfire that night, she boldly took a seat beside him, uncaring of their audience. She'd loved him for so long.

Taking his hand in hers, he startled, but didn't yank his hand back as he looked into her eyes.


“You know this isn't filthy, right?”

She kissed his palm.


“It would not be 'defiling' me.”

He blushed crimson.

Miroku coughed, then said he'd go gather more firewood, a stuttering Sango going with him while carrying a confused Shippou.

Inuyasha waited until they were out of hearing range, then sighed.

“Yes, it would be.”

“And what if I don't care?”


Eyes wide, he couldn't finish, and then he couldn't speak because her mouth was on his, kissing him fiercely. Pulling back, she whispered, “You are not filthy, or tainted, and I would be happy to be your woman.”

He smiled.
