InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by A Moment ❯ Chapter 18 Distress ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hanging by A Moment
by Lor
Gomen! I know I haven't updated in forever… blame college. Well, I guess it didn't really help that while I was at college I was with my insanely sweet and loving boyfriend… and well future fiancé. He's starting to save up to get me an engagement ring ^_^ Also there's the fact that I was pretty sick for months upon months. From like October to mid-March, then I was put on medication that helped stop the pain. After a bunch of blood tests, my rheumatologist thinks I have fibromyalga. So I get to be in pain for the rest of my life pretty much, unless I take some meds of course.
I'm going to try to write this chapter sorta dark but who knows if I shall succeed. I'm in a really good mood and wide-awake… at like two in the morning.
Sorry one more thing! Those who were annoyed by my grammar… it shall be improved! I took a journalism class that was basically entirely grammar. Though, some things I know some will disagree with… sorry Journalism does have a lil bit of a different grammar style!
Remember to R&R!
' .... ' thoughts

" ..... " dialogue

~ ...... ~ fl
ashback or dream sequence
Chapter 18
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Oi Miro!” Sango called running after him at the end of the school day. Miroku turned back in her direction only to get walked into by a short freshman kid, “HEY watch where you're going shrimp!” he scoffed pushing the kid away into the crowd. “What's up Sango?” “Roru's missing. Akio said he was going to meet her at his car right after class, but when he got there she wasn't. But there's a big dent in the side of his car parked by the curb.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
When Roru awoke she had no clue where she was, or how long she had been in this room. The room she was in showed all kinds of distress, not really the good design style mind you. It appeared that every piece of furniture in the room was broken, or nearly so, piles of trash were in the corners, piles of dirt and dust and a lone light bulb hanging from the ceiling casting a dingy light.
`Where am I' Roru wondered as she tried to rub her temples to try to relieve a growing headache.
That was when she noticed her arms were tied behind her back, and that she was lying on a bare mattress.
`Was I…' her eyes went wide as she quickly assessed the state her clothing was and how her body felt, “Thank Kami…” she muttered to herself. Granted her skirt looked pretty dirty, but at least it was still around her knees and her t-shirt was still covering everything and not ripped.
“So sleeping beauty has finally awoken to join me,” she heard a voice say, coming from the shadowed doorway.
“Kyro why are you doing this to me! I don't have feelings for you anymore and I've left that life behind me! Why can't you just let me get on with my life?” she cried trying not to sound weak. “Yea, we have a past, but it's that a past nothing now or ever in the future.”
Kyro stepped into the dirty light, “Is that so? It appears to me that I control your present along with your future,” he said with a sly grin.
Roru just watched him, trying not to let her fear be shown in her eyes, “You can never control me, Kyro. I am my own person.”
“Ah but I am the one free to go where I wish. While you, my dear, should be more inclined to be kind to me, as you are the one presently tied up.”
She began to respond with a snide remark, then quickly realized that he had a point. “Since I seem to be stuck here for now, will you at least let me be more comfortable?” she asked as nicely as she could.
Kyro smiled lightly and stepped forward before squatting down to her level, “Depends on what you think being comfortable is.”
“Like maybe untying me? Or if you don't want to do that can I at least have a glass of clean water and an aspirin or two?” once again Roru was trying to sound like she still had a slight bit of control over the situation, but not sound too aggressive. “After you banged me into Akio's car… and however you threw me on this bed, I have a bad headache.”
He paused before answering her. A series of thoughts seemed to be going through his mind, most likely thinking through his actions before doing anything. “I suppose you can have something for that headache. Though, I'm afraid, sweetie, that those ropes must remain. I don't forget things easily,” he said gesturing to a thin scar along the left side of his face.
The pet names and how he spoke began to make Roru feel like gagging. This is how he always used to act before he did something terrible, and that was when they were dating. She could only imagine what he was planning now that so many things had happened between them.
Carefully watching her as he backed out of the room, Kyro smiled to himself and let out a soft chuckle, “Just wait right there for me, not like you really have anywhere to go.” With that statement he closed the door behind him, leaving Roru alone once again in the dirty room.
Roru looked around the room frantically, searching for something, anything that would help her escape. After straining and struggling for many minutes, she was still unable to get her hands loose. She gave up for the time being and began to quietly sob. Through her sobs she began to softly sing,
“Blink and you miss a beat.
Keep one of your eyes open at all times.
Think that you're on the brink?
The shit hasn't even begun to hit the fan.
Consequence you'll see will be stranger than a gang of drunken mimes.
Situation has a stink.
Better clear the air before your son becomes a man.
Everything's been augmented, you've been left so far behind.
Think, for sure, next time you should wear a pair of eyes in the back of your head.
Consequence you've seen has been stranger than sci-fi of any kind.
Situation baffles me.
I guess it's true you too are one of the walking dead.
You better think fast!
'Cause you never know what's coming around the bend.
You better not blink.
Consequence is a bigger word than you think.
It's bigger than you or me”
Crying harder she rolled herself into as much of a ball as she could muttering, “I should have known better…”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
An orange-red glow was being cast over the land, signaling the beginning of another day. Kagome, Yash, Sango and Miroku could be seen standing in a grassy parking lot divider just inside school grounds.
“What the fuck do you mean you still can't find her?!” Kagome yelled, hands on her hips. Her eyes narrowed as she stepped towards the so-called hanyou that “could find anyone and anything.” “I had to lie to my mother last night! How do you think I felt doing that? When we all know damn well she wasn't staying over at Sango's!”
“It's not like I haven't tried Kags!” Yash quickly said, “I'm doing the best I can at the moment.”
“I had to kick Roru's bag under my bed when my mother tried calling her! Do you have any idea how heart wrenching it was to hear my mom say that `apparently Roru thinks she can make her own choices' and storm off in a huff! And to hear Roru's ringer for a missed call go off? I broke down crying!”
Sango placed a hand gently on her friend's shoulder, “We'll find her don't worry.”
“Yea but how soon? What if it's too late?” Kagome replied with a sniffle.
At that moment Akio joined the group, “Never say anything like that again,” he said in a gruff tone. “I found something out. Some dorky freshmen saw a guy show up by my car around 2:30. From how they described him it had to be Kyro.” He paused for a moment taking a deep breath, “They saw him shove her into my car before pulling her into some black van heading towards downtown.”
“They could remember all that but did absolutely nothing to help her?” Miroku said his eyes flashing with anger.
“They said they were too afraid to do anything, the asswipes,” Akio spat running his hands back through his hair, palms against his skull. He was clearing showing his distress.
“There has to be something we can do,” Kagome, said looking between Yash and Akio.
They all were silent for a few moments at least until Sango cleared her throat to get the others' attention. “I think I have an idea, something that Roru mentioned to me a few weeks ago. Granted she didn't want me to say anything about it to anyone, but considering the circumstances…”
“Get to the point!” Akio burst out. Everyone was silent for a moment, “Sorry, stressful here, ok?”
“Easier to act then for me to explain it, who has the biggest car?” Sango said quickly.
“Uh, me I guess,” Miroku said, “I drove my dad's Audi Q7 today.” After seeing a few blank faces he added, “SUV.”
“Let's go.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Roughly, five minutes later the SUV made a screeching left turn out of the school parking lot onto a relatively empty road.
“So what exactly is your idea, Sango?” Kagome said turning to look at her friend from her position in the front passenger seat.
“Roru has this idea that you can do some stuff most people can't… I do not know how to explain it; it's just something she mentioned in passing one day. Basically, focus on Roru and tell Miroku which way to turn,” Sango explained swiftly.
“Are you serious? We're going to try to find Roru by letting Kags just decide which way to turn?!” Miroku said looking back at Sango.
“Eyes on the road!” Yash yelled at him, getting the idiot to pay attention to his driving.
“I'm serious. Kagome which way do you think we should go?”
“Uh…” Kagome said looking rather baffled.
“Just concentrate!” Akio said, “We have faith in you, so just try.”
She closed her eyes, letting her mind go free. Somehow, she was able to see a dark room, with Roru lying in it, crying. “I think I have an idea of where she is,” Kagome said in a soft voice, “Make a left up here,” she directed Miroku.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It seemed as though days had passed by, though in reality it had only been about twelve hours. Roru had cried herself into a fitful sleep, her eyes crusted closed by her tears. Her legs were splayed across the bare mattress as though she had been running in her sleep; her forehead was covered with sweat, matting her hair down onto her face.
“Tsk tsk, it can't be comfortable to sleep like that, sweetie,” Kyro said entering the room, a strange gleam in his eyes.
Roru instantly jolted awake, her eyes fixed on him with fear. “It wasn't a dream?” Her lower lip quivered.
“Of course not,” he responded with an eerie smile. He moved across the room to sit down on the mattress beside her, “It looks like those must hurt,” he said rubbing the raw marks on her arms that had formed from Roru trying to free herself from the bonds. “Not to mention the unsightly marks on your tantalizing legs.”
“And that's making it hurt worse!” she spat right back at him trying to wiggle away, only causing her skirt to hike up on her thighs an inch.
Kyro's eyes narrowed and gripped her wrists, right were the raw skin was. “You only got this by trying to escape. If you actually had succeeded you'd be in more pain then you are now,” he said gripping her so tight that tears began to stream down her face.
“You can't think of a comeback, can you?” he smirked, enjoying seeing her in pain. “Just wait until later, then you'll learn the real meaning of being in pain.” Then he threw her arms back down onto the bed and went to the door, “Oh and just for that, no breakfast. And to think I actually had made you some toast.” With that, he left the room once again, closing the door and turning off the light, leaving Roru in total darkness.
With tears streaming down her face, Roru looked around the room, wondering how much time had passed. “Please find me soon,” she uttered before closing her eyes and curling back into a ball.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Remember to Review!
The song lyrics I used are from the song, Consequence by Incubus.
And I've already started the next chapter… yay!