InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In the shoes of a high school hanyou. ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After almost two years of neglect, I've finally decided to repost my story. I've updated it with this chapter that I hope flows well into where I was trying to go before. For a while, I almost felt like I was trying to write someone elses story. I can see all the major flaws in the old chapters now like for example, the fact that Sango is too loud and short-tempered. I'm leaving her that way only because I didn't want to hurt the story line. Thanks again to those who reviewed my story and humble apologies for not updating sooner. I think I finally remembered what was going on so without further ado, I give you the long awaited update to “In the Shoes of a High School Hanyou”.
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“Inuyasha? It's Kagome. Did I wake you?” She asked gentally.
“No but who the hell can sleep here? You're in highschool, for crying out loud! Why the hell do you have a 9:30 bedtime?!” He whispered harshly into the dark of the room.
“Just calm down. My mother likes to make sure we get plenty of rest so we can pay attention in school.” She sounded like she was trying to calm a raging bull but it would be stupid to start an argument over something as trivial as bedtime.
“Yeah, whatever. Whaddaya want, Higurashi?” He grumbled impatiently, sounding less intimidating with such a high, feminine voice.
“The thing is, your brother came in here not too long ago and was making sure you didn't forget all the stuff you had to do tomorrow. He said something about a suit and a dinner and something for your little sister, who is absolutely precious by the way.” her speech began to speed up towards the end of the statement, making her sound like what she was: a mildly frantic teenaged girl.
“Chill out, already! The suit fitting is tomorrow at 3:00, Shiori's play is at 6:30, father's banquet is at 7:00 on friday and Alexia's party is at 9:15. I hate those stupid banquets so you aren't going, and you'll be picking me up for the party at 9:00 sharp.” He listed everything simply from memory as if it were the easiest thing in the world.
“Um, o-okay.” Kagome muttered, taking notes on one of the scraps of paper beside the bed. “Wait, can you just cancel on your family like that? That isn't very nice.”
“Humph, who cares? I do it every time. All you gotta do is say you aren't going and you have other plans that evening. When Sesshomaru starts yelling, tell him to fuck off and be done with it.”
“I can't say that! I can barely look your brother in the eye, let alone sling profanities at him!” Kagome was starting to panic.
“Fine, have it your way. Play sick and hide in bed all day. My brother never buys it but it always fools Shiori and our father. Sneek out later, call to tell them you were feeling better, if you're worried about getting busted, and that you didn't want to go to the banquet late. Dad will let you off the hook and Miroku's uncle will always vouche for you. We can stay all night if we want.” Inuyasha was starting to feel a little smug. It was fun corrupting the little princess in his body.
“No, we can't. I have a 10:30 curfew! You won't be able to stay later than that.” Kagome placed a hand near her mouth, not wanting anyone to hear her.
“You've gotta be kidding me! I haven't had a curfew that early since I was in preschool! Alright then, I'll just tell your mom you'll be sleeping over at Sango's and that way, you can be out as late as you want.” He shrugged though he knew she couldn't see it.
“You can't lie to my mother! I don't want to betray her trust just for some stupid party I don't even want to go to.” Kagome plopped back onto the bed and sighed heavily in exasperation.
“Look, if you wanna be the good little girl for the rest of your life then so be it, but I'm not missing the party of the year just because you don't want to “betray your mommy's trust”. Boo hoo. You're a senior in highschool, for cryin' out loud!” He was starting to get annoyed again.
“Well it's not like you can even do anything! Your in my body which means no screwing around with your little sluts and there's no reason for me to go since there is no way in hell that I'm sleeping with a chick!” She had to lower her voice again, realizing just in time that a comment like that would only stir questions regarding Inuyasha's sexuality. That wouldn't help either of them very much.
“Great, so I'm stuck here like a loser with nothing to do but sit around this dump all night. That is not what Friday nights are for, babe.” He snarked a bit, chewing on a thumb nail, temporarily forgetting it wasn't his body.
“Stop bitting my nails, I know how you get.” He paused immediatly, glaring at the phone.
“How the hell do you do that?”
“Nevermind that! Right now, we have to figure out how I can get out of this schedual of yours and get back to my own body.” She curled up on the big four poster bed and sighed heavily.
“I'm still trying to figure out how we got here in the first place. If I have to spend anymore time in your body, I'm going to go stir crazy!” He sighed and attempted to make himself comfortable. “Well, we may as well try to sleep. If we're lucky, we'll wake up in our own bodies. Night Higurashi.”
“Goodnight Inuyasha. Sweet dreams.”
“Yeah, yeah. You too. Now go to sleep.” He hung up the phone and buried his face into the pillow.
………………………&# 8230;………………………… …………………………̷ 0;………
“Kagome, sweety. It's time to wake up. Sango is waiting for you downstairs.” Kagome's mother called sweetly through the door.
It took all of Inuyasha's will power not to throw a pillow at the door and go back to sleep. Who woke up at 6:30 to get to a school that didn't start until 8:00? He stood up and went to her bureu to pull out a clean uniform. One was already hanging up, freshly pressed and everything that went with it was set out for her. Inuyasha tried to remember when he had done it but couldn't recall. He shrugged and went to take a shower.
Unlike Kagome, Inuyasha wasn't quite as bashful about the morning routine. He did have enough respect for her to avoid mirrors while he was naked but other than that, he went about things as normally as possible. He'd seen his fair share of naked women in the past so there were no mysteries regarding how to dress so it didn't take long to be dressed and down the stairs.
“Ready?” Miroku asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs with Sango's backpack slung over his shoulder. He had done a good job of getting ready for school as well, keeping in mind Sango's sense of style.
“Yeah, ready. Bye mom.” Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's things and ran out the door quickly without another word, trying to avoid prolonging the goodbye.
They started off down the street, making sure to be a good distance away from the house before striking up a conversation.
“I feel like crap, dude.” Miroku whined, holding his stomach.
“Let's just hope your not pregnant.” Inuyasha teased, nudging his friend lightly.
“Ugh, don't even joke about that! Sango would never do something like that, especially without telling the one who's stuck in her body. She can be vicious but not that vicious.”
“We could always go with the more plausible solution and take a stab at her being on the rag. Sucks to be you.” He stretched, yawning once or twice.
“Looks like you didn't get much sleep last night either, huh?”
“Nope. Her mom has them on this stupid 9:30 bedtime rule and there was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep that early. I stayed up until 1:00 trying to master her prissy handwriting then passed out.” Inuyasha absently ran a hand through her hair, rather enjoying the fact that as a girl, he didn't have to tie it up into a stupid ponytail.
“Well I would have loved to be able to go to bed that early. Her dad and brother work her constantly. They have a freaking training room in the basement of their house! Nothing like yours but it was still pretty weird. Her little brother kept pushing me around like I was stupid, her dad yelled at me I don't know how many times, I got flipped by her brother like a pancake, and my stomach has been killing me all morning. To top it all off, I didn't have time for breakfast because she has about 5,000 chores to do before she leaves for school and half of them I have to finish this afternoon because I didn't get them done in time!” He plopped his head on his friends shoulder and grumbled to himself.
“Hey, personal space 3 feet.” Inuyasha tried to shake him off.
“I'm sleepy! Have a little sympathy, will ya?” Miroku tried to wake himself up a bit.
A familiar black Mustang pulled up beside them with the windows rolled down. Sango and Kagome smiled at the two, making an already disoriented Miroku a little less steady on his feet.
“Hello, ladies. Need a ride?” Sango smirked, taking in the exhausted expression on her body.
“Bless you…” Miroku climbed in without a second thought, curling up in the corner and going instantly to sleep. Sango turned on the seat warmer beneath him to make him more comfortable.
Inuyasha grudgingly climbed in after him, reaching into the front seat and snatching the iced coffee Kagome had in her cup holder.
“Hey, you could at least ask, you jerk!” She reached back for it but he kept it just out of reach.
“Please and thank you. Happy?” He upended the bottle and finished the drink.
“I take it you two had a rough night.” Sango handed Kagome the rest of her coffee.
“You're telling me! Miroku's been complaining all morning about how your family treats him like Cinderella, I didn't go to sleep until 1:00 in the morning and we had to be up by 6:30! To make matters worst, I think your body is rebelling, Sango.” He groaned and got comfortable.
“What do you mean?” She adjusted the rear view mirror to see their faces.
“I think he means your time is coming. I can smell it.” Kagome elaborated, wiggling her nose.
“Crap! Alright, we gotta stop by a store or something. Inuyasha, you're going to have to go in and get it since I think your buddy is down for the count.” She turned onto an off street and headed towards the nearest drugstore.
“Hell no! I ain't going in there to buy…girly things! Why can't you do it? You know what to look for!” He crossed his arms.
“Fine with me. I guess you just don't care that someone might see your body going in and buying feminine products for two girls your not supposed to be able to stand. That might be a bit awkward but, oh well.” They pulled up and Kagome started to get out of the car.
“Okay, fine! I'll go!” Sango just handed him a piece of paper telling him what to get. He hopped out of the car, mentally throwing daggers at his sleeping friend.
Inside the store, Inuyasha was begginging to feel alittle self concious already. He went to the aisle listed and grabbed the package, as insructed. He willed away a blush as he placed the items on the counter and paid, quickly dashing back out to the car without his change. ` When I get back, I'm gonna kill Miroku! I can't believe I'm actually buying this stuff!' he thought, scrambling back into the car.
“Here.” He shoved the bag into Kagome's lap who shoved it back at him.
“I don't need it! They're for Miroku, remember?”
“Huh? What about me?” Said individual sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes.
“These are yours. Remind me to shoot you later.” Inuyasha tossed the bag at his friend who looked in and quickly closed the bag, turning a few shades of red.
“Just follow the instructions on the bag and you'll be fine.” Sango pulled into a space at the far end of the parking lot, not wanting too many people to see them all together.
School hadn't begun yet so they had plenty of time before they had to be in class. Miroku didn't want to leave the car, still feeling a bit sleepy. Inuyasha dragged him out anyway, shoving the little grocery bag into his backpack. They headed towards the school in an opposite direction of the other two who headed for the front of the building.
“Miroku-sama, over here!” A girl Sango recognized as the one she had woken up to that fateful morning was flagging them down.
“Looks like your fan club is waiting.” Kagome muttered.
They approached, instantly being surrounded by the boys little clique. Kikyo wrapped her arms around Kagome's, or in this case Inuyasha's, neck and snuggled up to him.
“How are you today, sexy?” Kagome mentally cringed at the close proximity of her worst enemy.
She allowed the girl to plant a kiss on her cheek but that was about all she could stand. She used the basic excuse that she really wasn't feeling well and din't want her to get sick. It seemed to work well enough for the time being.
“So Miroku, what exactly is this bet about?” Yuma asked, sounding a little crestfallen at the constant rejection.
“Well dumbass over there decided to bet me that I couldn't keep my hands off a girl for a full week. Trust me, I'm hating it as much as you are.” She lied, sounding very convincing.
“Aww, that's too bad. Let's hope that it doesn't mean we can't play seven minutes in heaven at Alexia's party this weekend.” The girl drapped herself across Miroku's lap and Sango let her, not knowing what else to do.
Kagome made up the terms in her head as quickly as she could. Finally, she came up with something that Inuyasha would be proud of. “Sorry but I'm afraid it does. If he loses, he has to wear a girls uniform to school for a whole day. I'd pay to see that.” She chuckled, actually allowing herself to envision Miroku in a skirt.
“Well in that case, I'll just have to make it up to you when this silly little bet is over.” Yuma climbed out of his lap and planted a kiss on his forhead. Sango sighed in relief as the girl linked arms with Kikyo and their other friends and went inside.
“Blech! Thank goodness that's over. I don't think I would have been able to stand it if she kissed me again.” Kagome rubbed her cheek violently, trying to earase any traces of Kikyo's lips.
“No kidding! I've already had one bad encounter with that slut-puppy. I don't need another one.”
They went into the school and headed straight for class, trying to avoid the attention of more of their counterparts friends. Again, the day went somewhat smoothly until lunch. It seemed that things were always so much more difficult then.
Inuyasha and Miroku sat at the table with Ayame like the girls always did. Miroku dozed off several times before Ayame just loaned him her sweater and told him to rest. Inuyasha glanced over towards his usual table a few times, keeping an eye on their bodies behavior. He hoped that Kagome and Kikyo's rivalry wouldn't screw anything up.
“Kagome. Hellooo, earth to Kag's.” Ayame waved a hand infront of his face, drawing his attention back.
“You've been staring at Inuyasha and his little crew all day. You need to chill out a little, girl. He's just another dumb guy. Who cares?”
“Uh, yeah. I guess you're right.” He stabbed a chopstick into a stray piece of tofu in the lunch Mrs. Higurashi made. It actually wasn't too bad.
“Too bad, huh? Watching him paw all over that bitch Kikyo like she's the freaking queen bee or something. Sometimes I wonder what he would do if he knew half of the stunts she pulls behind his back.” Ayame mused, nibbling on a carrot.
“Like what?” Inuyasha tried not to sound too surprised but couldn't help it.
Is this what Kagome did all lunch? Bad mouth his girlfriend? He knew Kikyo wasn't always the nicest person in the world but he loved her. He couldn't imagine her cheating on him and he knew she never would. So why was he starting to feel umeasy all of a sudden?
“What do you mean `like what'? You remember what happened this summer. When you were on lifeguard duty?”
“O-oh, that. Well, it wasn't that bad.” He tried to be vague enough to not arous suspicion. He wasn't doing very well.
“Not that bad? Please! She was all over that guy in the shower! I seriously thought I was gonna barf. I bet if Inuyasha knew how much of a tramp she was, he would dump her.” Ayame finished her lunch and went to throw away the container, taking “Sango's” along with it.
Inuyasha looked back at his table. He couldn't believe Kikyo was cheating on him. They must have seen someone else at the pool. Ayame returned and gently tried to wake up Sango.
“Come on, Sango. Lunch will be over in 5 minutes. If you don't get up now, you'll be too tired to stay awake in math.”
“Hey, Ayame? You think someone should tell Inuyasha whats going on?” He asked, wrapping up the rest of his uneaten lunch.
“Why bother? He's a jerk and he'd never listen. He worships the ground she walks on so what makes you think he'd listen to us? Besides, he'd just think it was some ploy from Kouga to get back at him. We are, after all, part of Kouga's gang. Or at least that's what they like to think.” She turned a puzzled gaze onto her friend. “Whats with you today? You're acting like you've never had to deal with Inuyasha before.”
“It's just that maybe if we had some kind of proof, he'd believe us. He'd probably thank us if we showed him whats really going on.”
“Why do you care all of a sudden? We aren't a part of his troupe of sluts so we're pretty much invisible. You know that.” Ayame's eyes lit up with a sudden realization. “I get it, now. You like him, don't you? That's why you're trying to be so nice to him lately. Well, I already knew you thought he was cute and all that but you really like him, don't you?”
Inuyasha was a little taken back. He started blushing despite himself but couldn't help wonder if she could be right. Did Kagome like him? That would be a little weird but just to make sure, he decided he would aske her tonight. The four of them had a “study date” at his house. He would find out then.
“Don't be ridiculous! Why would I like that jerk?! No way!” He denied, not sure if he was lying or not.
“I know, I know. I was just messing with you. Calm down.” Aya giggled, hugging her friend before dragging the still half asleep Miroku off to Math class.
Inuyasha went to Kagome's next class, trying not to think too much about what was said at the lunch table. The idea that Kikyo could be cheating on him seemed too prepostorous for words. She may have been mean to a lot of other people but when it was just them, she was so sweet. She would treat him like a king when they were together and she devoted so much of her time to him. He couldn't fathom when she would have time to have an affair since he knew where she was most of the time. It wasn't until the books he was carrying were knocked out of his arms did he decided to take in his surroundings.
He was just outside of the classroom and Kikyo was giggling at her handywork.
“Whats the matter, loser? Drop your books?” she teased, kicking a text book across the floor.
“Lay off, huh? Why don't you go find someone else to pick on?” He couldn't bring himself to yell at her or call her names like he was sure Kagome must have done.
“Why find someone else when my best friend is right here. Need some help, buddy?” She held out a hand to her, pretending to be helpful.
Unfortunately, Inuyasha took the bait. He was still trying to get used to his girlfriend being his worst enemy. He took the hand before he could realize it was a trick.
Kikyo took the hand but used it as leverge to throw him to the ground again. Her friends laughed and stepped over the poor girl. Inuyasha still didn't have the will to retaliate. Lucky for him, Ayame did. She and Kagome shared this class and she showed up just in time to sweep Kikyo's feet out from under her.
“Oops. Sorry, kikyo. Guess I didn't see you there.” She bent and helped him up, collecting the books.
“You better watch it, hairball. Don't want your boyfriend to get into any trouble now, do you?” Kikyo narrowed her eyes at the wolf demoness.
“With which one of yours, slut?” Ayame and “Kagome” just brushed passed her and went into class.
………………………&# 8230;………………………… …………………………̷ 0;……….
Later that night, the four of them sat in Inuyasha's bedroom doing their homework. Sango and Kagome worked dilegently while Inuyasha and Miroku played video games on the big screened television. They never did their homework so it didn't make since to start now.
“You guys could try doing something other than staring at that idiot box, ya know?” Sango grumbled, chewing the eraser of her pencil while trying to figure out a math problem.
“Like what? This is what we do every night. You know, if we're at home, that is.” Inuyasha joked, wiggling the controler violently.
Miroku threw his hands up into the air, having won the most recent battle in celebrity deathmatch. The girls thought the whole thing was barbaric but held their tongues. Miroku crawled to where they were laying and slid next to Sango.
“You need some help?” He asked, glancing over a shoulder.
“How could you help? I bet you've never passed a math test in your life.” Sango scoffed, inching away from him. Her hand was beginning to get that tingle again…
He simply reached over, took the pencil and paper from her and began the problems. With the occasional help from a calculater, he completed four Quadratic equation review questions and several graphing solutions. He didn't finish it but he did write out the full problems so she could see what she had missed.
Sango just sat there, stunned. She couldn't believe that he was that smart! But the thing that she was having the most trouble comprehending was why her hand had found it's way once more to the rear end of her very own body. She could feel Miroku still and she held her breath, waiting for the slap that she systematically retaliated with. There was no slap. No yelling, no screaming, no searing pain.
“If you don't mind, Miroku, could you please remove your hand?” She did just that, her cheeks heating up.
“Why the hell do I keep doing that!?” She yelled, wrapping the hand in the sleeve of his letterman jacket.
“I've told you time and time again, I can't control what my hand does. At least now you can see that I haven't been lying, my dear.” He smirked.
“Yeah, well… don't expect me not to hit you anyway when we switch back.” She grumbled.
He decided that since Inuyasha had convinced Kagome to play a round of or two, he would finish Sango's homework. He did so, using it as a chance to perfect her handwriting. There was still much to be desired but he was getting better already. They had only been that way for 2 days but they knew if certain things weren't right, there could be major problems.
Sango just watched him, taking mental notes on the problems as he went. He knew that she would. She was smart that way. Always learning. Kagome managed to beat Inuyasha, the later grumbling and telling her to have the maid bring up something to eat.
“Man, I miss this room.” Inuyasha sighed, stretching out on the bed.
Miroku was propped up against the foot of the bed watching Sango finish her history. Kagome just stared off into space, beginning to feel a sickening wave of home sickness.
“I should call your mom and tell her I'm staying with Sango. I don't wanna go home.”
“And how do you figure that's gonna work? I can't very well sneek into my own house and there is no way you're staying here with me.” Kagome said, sitting on the floor and collecting their work.
“Well I say I wanna stay here. I've had girls spend the night before so no one would really bat an eyelash. And anyway, this room is soundproof. If I just stayed and didn't leave the room, no one would know I was here.”
“Life doesn't work that way for everybody, Inuyasha. It may be easy for you but I've already told you that I don't like lying to my mother.” She snapped.
“I think you two should calm down. I'll drive Miroku back to my house and Kagome can take you back later if that's what you decide to do. You can talk things out a bit and we won't be here to bother you.” Sango grabbed both of their bags and slipped out, holding the door for Miroku.
“I think you are getting too into your part.” He smiled as he walked passed her.
“Yeah well at least this way, I know that it will be second nature at school too.” They went out to the car, leaving the other two to their argument.
They sat In silence, for a while. Kagome busied her hands with the leftover dishes from their snacks. She finally came to sit on the end of the bed, feeling strangely annoyed at him.
“Why didn't anyone ever tell me Kikyo was cheating on me?” He asked, breaking the uneasy silence. Kagome took a moment to think before she responded.
“You never listened. You never wanted to know, Inuyasha. Kikyo is the world to you and anyone with eyes can see that. Why bother telling you something you would never believe?”
“If it were true, I would believe it. But it isn't so I won't.” He steeled his resolve again, putting himself back in denial.
“Whatever you say, Inuyasha.” Kagome was too tired to argue.
She rolled onto her stomach and glanced at him from the corner of her eye.
“Hey Inuyasha?”
“What, brat?” He grouched, copying her position.
“How do you get your hair so soft?”
“What the fuck?! What's that got to do with anything?!”
“Just wondering, geez. You don't have to bite my head off!” She flipped onto her back.
“Eat more avocados.” He said simply after another short stretch of silence.
“That will make my hair softer? But aren't those really expensive?”
He nodded.
“Okay then. I'll see if my mom can buy some. Well…when ever I get back.” She sighed, pictures of her family floating through her mind like a photo reel.
“Give me my wallet and I'll buy some for you.”
“Shouldn't I just buy them for me in your body? I don't want to get in trouble for stealing your credit card.”
“No, stupid. You don't know my number. I'll just use the emergency cash and buy some.” He tapped her on the forehead lightly like he would a friend or his little sister.
“Thanks. You're being really nice to me.” She kinda smiled over at him, rubbing her forehead.
There was a knock on the door but the person on the otherside didn't wait for an answer. It was Shiori in her little white nightgown, looking positively miserable.
“Onii-chan, I need you to…oh, I didn't know you gad company. I'll go…” She looked at Kagome and turned to leave, being somewhat used to her big brothers female guests.
“No! It's alright. You can come in.” Inuyasha said, forgetting for a moment that she didn't recognize him in this body.
Shiori looked between his and Kagome's bodies and approached warily.
“Are you sure, onii-chan? Can I?” Kagome nodded and patted the bed beside her on Inuyasha urging.
The little girl took a running leap onto the bed and clung to who she thought was her big brother. Her tiny body began to shake with sobs as her tears stained the white undershirt of Inuyasha's school uniform.
“What's wrong?” Inuyasha asked, too worried about his siter to think about who he looked like to her.
“C-can I just talk to my b-big brother alone, please?” She whimpered.
“Sure but you gotta talk to the right one.” He said, pulling her up and into his arms.
Kagome looked frantically at him, mouthing the words “what are you doing?!”
“Runt, it's me. I know you can see it. Please tell me you can see it.” He pleaded, looking the little girl square in the eyes.
She looked between him and Kagome, trying at first to figure out the joke. Then she saw that he wasn't joking. Something behind his eyes were trying to reach out to her. But to be sure, she decided to give him a little test.
“Don't be silly, you strange woman. Leave me and my brother alone for a while.” She then turned to Kagome. “Big brother, would you like me to go prepare our tea tonight?”
“Don't be weird, runt. You know last night was our tea night.” He tugged a pigtail and gave her a confused look.
“It is you!” She launched herself into his arms and hugged him tightly. “How did you get in here?”
“To be honest, I don't know. We woke up and this is just how we were. Man am I glad to see you, though.” He gave her a kiss and tumbled her onto the bed, tickling her stomach.
Kagome had never seen Inuyasha being so kind to anyone. It was like she was looking at a completely different person. Well, in a way, she was. It was a little strange to see her body doing all the things she would expect to see Inuyasha doing. If anything, it was the most normal thing immaginable to see her body playing and laughing with the child. She wanted to give them time to talk so she slipped out of the room and wandered down the hall to an empty game room.
“Did someone put a spell on you?” Shiori asked, getting comfortable on the large bed.
“I'm not really sure. I was asleep, then I had this weird dream with all these weird colors and numbers floating around, and the next thing I know, I wake up in a strange room in a girls body! I don't know how I got here but I can't tell anybody but you that it's me in here. No one else would believe me.”
“It's okay, Inuyasha. I believe you. You know, I always wanted a big sister. You make a really pretty girl.” She teased, twisting his hair into little ringlette curls.
“Hey, lay off! I'm not a girl. If I turned into a girl, I wouldn't look like this anyway. I'd look like me only…you know, girly.”
“I still think you look pretty. I guess that must mean that she's really pretty then, huh big brother? Is she your girlfriend?”
“No way! I wouldn't date her if she were the last girl on earth! She's just some nerd from school.” He brushed it off as if she were nothing.
“Even so, I still think she's pretty. She reminds me of my mommy, kinda. I wish you'd date her instead of that grouchy old Kikyo. She doesn't smell right for you.” Shiori nodded emphatically.
“You are way too young to be giving me dating tips, runt.” He crossed his arms and looked away from her stubbornly.
“She's pretty though, isn't she?” She prodded, nudging him in the side.
“You think so, huh?” He asked, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
“Yep! She's been really nice to me since she's been here. I didn't really notice until now but here scent is softer than yours, even in your body. She smells like she'd make good babies.”
Inuyasha blushed a briliant shade of crimson and wheeled around to glare incredulously at his sister.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!”
“It means she would make a good mate for someone, someday. Maybe even a certain stubborn big brother of mine…” Shiori slid off the bed and out of arms reach just in time to watch her brother flop off the bed reaching for her.
“Never mind that, runt! You've been dabbling in black arts lately. Maybe you can come up with something.” He growled, sitting up and pulling her into a bear hug.
“I don't dabble, I practice! And anyway, I'd have to know the spell before I can reverse it. You guys have to tell me exactly what was going on the night of the switch and maybe I can think of something.”
“No problem. We'll tell you everything in just a bit. Why were you crying, runt?”
“Well…FridayisgoingtobemyveryfirstbanquetandIdon'twan ttoembarassfatherbutI'mafraidthatIwillbecauseIalereadyknowyouwon'tbetherebe causeyouhatethosethingsandIheardyousaytherewasapartyyouwantedtogotoandifyou aren'tinyourbody,itwpouldn'tbethesameanyway!” She yelled in one breath.
Inuyasha tried to separate the words she had so expertly jumbled together for a moment before she began to cry again.
“It's okay, runt. Listen, if it make you feel any better, I'll go. Sesshomaru always has a date so I'll make Kagome take me as her date. It will look totally harmless and that way, I'll be able to be there with you.” He rubbed the childs back soothingly.
“Alright. But what about your party? I know you really want to go.” She gazed up at him, her tears almost dried.
“It's fine. Kagome didn't want to go anyway. And there will be plenty of time for us to show up fashionably late.” He lifted her onto the bed and tucked her in. “You can sleep in here with us. I wanted to stay here anyway.”
Shiori just nodded and drifted off to sleep. Inuyasha left to find Kagome after he was sure she was completely out. He found her in the game room, balancing a ping pong paddle on her nose like a seal.
“What're you doing, ya weirdo?”
“Yipes! Um, uh, I was just, uh, waiting for you?” She smiled, dropping the paddle.
“Come on, my sister is sleeping with us tonight.” He went back to the room without waiting for her to follow.
“Hey, what do you mean `us'?” She asked, slipping in quietly behind him.
“I'm staying here with my sister. Now hand me a nightshirt.” He instructed, removing the uniform top and leaving Kagome's body exposed in a pink lace bra.
“What are you doing!?!? Put that back on!” She whispered, trying to keep her voice as low as possible.
“Why? It's your body so it's not like you haven't seen it before.” He shrugged, going over and getting a nightshirt himself.
“Yeah but that doesn't mean that you…and I…and…oh forget it!” She threw her arms in the air, not being able to string together a full sentence.
“Look, it's not like I stare at myself in the mirror or anything. Why would I want to ogle your body? Hurry up and change already.”
She did as he asked, or, more or less, commanded her to do. She put to use the newly acquired skill of dressing with her eyes closed.
They climbed into the bed on opposite sides of Shiori and Inuyasha fell right to sleep.
Kagome fought to get over her discomfort at sleeping in the same bed as him. She felt a little arm drap over her side and turned to smile at the little girl.
“I could hear you, ya know.” Shiori whispered, never opening her eyes. Kagome blushed.
“It's okay. I like you. I hope big brother will like you too. You'd make a pretty big sister…” Once or twice, she yawned through the statement. She drifted off, hugging Kagome's side and smiling to herself.
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Ta-da!!! I made it extra long since it was my first update in a long time. I hope you all liked it and hopefully, I will be continuing to update regularly. I have to fix some thing on the other chapter so look for those revisions and the next installment. Thank you.