InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham ❯ Hidden ( Chapter 1 )

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A/N: DISCLAIMER: This story is bases off a hit Hindi movie, Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham (K3G), that came out in the early 2000's. I do not own the movie's storyline, but am merely imitating it with certain changes to fit the characters from Inuyasha. I also do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.
“ Why is it that a father is never able to tell his son how much he loves him? He's never able to embrace him and say `I love you my son'?
And the mother? She keeps repeating it, whether her son listens to it or not.
But that doesn't mean a father loves his son any less.
No one can fathom the amount of love that a mother has for her son… not even the mother. Because there is no measure for a mother's love. It's an emotion that can only be felt… a mother's emotion.
-Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham, (K3G), Opening Scene
“It's all about loving your parents”
Karan Johar (Director)
Present Day
The sun was beating down as the wave of people murmured throughout the field. They watched in anticipation, chanting their hero's name.
“Shippo! Shippo! Shippo!” chanted the crowd over and over again.
“Well folks it looks like the game has taken an interesting turn of events.“ spoke the announcer with anticipation in his voice. “Both teams are neck in neck, this last pitch could determine the outcome of the whole game. The tension is rising and the crowd is going wild. It's up to Shippo Tashio to change the course of this game!”
The crowd cheered as Shippo came up to the mound, bat in hand. He looked onward as the pitcher threw the ball up and down on his hand.
“Shippo! Shippo! Shippo!” the students screamed with excitement.
“ This is so exciting! Will Shippo be able to bring home the championship?!” he announced.
“ WE LOVE YOU SHIPPO!” screamed a bunch of his fans.
Shippo looked in front of him. His nerves were starting to get the best of him. Looking forward he closed his eyes his for a second before opening them. Everything began to slow down.
Time was slowing down for him. And then he thought of something that someone very important told him a long time ago.
“ If you want to be someone in life, If you want to achieve something…if you want to win, always listen to
your heart. And if your heart doesn't give you any answersclose your eyes and think of your
parents…And then you will cross all the hurdles…all your problems will vanish….victory will be yours.
Only yours” (K3G)
The pitcher started running to the mound. With the ball tightly gripped into his hand he threw it over to Shippo.
The red rubber ball swirled over to him. Taking his bat he swung it over and hit the ball into the air.
As it glided the pitcher screamed. “ CATCH IT!”
Shippo looked over, his eyes traveling with the ball. The crowd grew silent as the ball flew in the air. They rose up, all their eyes on the ball. The announcers rose from their seats.
The opponent raced over to the rubber ball and caught it with his hand. Falling down he hit the ground, losing his grip on the ball.
It rolled out of his hands and out of the designated area.
“YEAH!!!!!” the crowd screamed as they ran out onto the field toward Shippo. Shippo screamed and threw him helmet into the air. Victory was his.
Later that Day

Shippo sat down on his chair and opened his laptop. Going straight to his email he started emailing his dad about the game.
`Dear Dad,
You would've been so proud of me today. The game was amazing. And guess what? We won?! It would've been cool if you were here, but I'll tell you more about it when I come home. How's mother? Is she doing well? Tell her I said hi.
Anyway. I'm emailing you to tell you that I'll be home soon for the holidays. I'm done with my finals, so all I have to do now is pack. So I'll see you soon!
P.s. Before I come home, I'm going to the city to visit my two favorite girlfriends. =]
And with that he clicked send and closed his laptop. Walking over to his bed he took the picture that was next to his bed. Looking at it he laughed a bit. He was in the middle of two people, both older than him. His two older brothers. He missed them so much…
Shippo took his duffle bag and started to head towards the bus. One of his friends ran up to him.
“Yo Shippo whats this I hear about you going over to some girl's house? I thought you were going home?” he asked nudging Shippo.
Shippo laughed and pushed him away. “ Dude I gotta pay them a visit” he said.
“ Them? Who are these girls?” he asked.
“ My grandma's you dumbass.” He said laughing. “ What kinda guy do you take me for?” he said laughing for a bit more, before leaving his friend dumbfounded.
The house was filled with guest and people coming to celebrate the holidays. In front of the whole crowd were two women. One was up to date with all the fashion. Her hair dyed and her face painted beautifully. Sokya
The other one was slightly older. Her hair white as the snow and her skin old and wrinkly. She had a gentle look to her that screamed “ come here and give me a hug. And while you're here have some cookies. Lajoli
They were both seated on a red bed like fixture, facing the crowd in front of them. With the book in front of them open they folded their hands and prayed.
Sokya had her eyes closed when she heard a small sniffle. Opening one eye she noticed that Lajoli was looking down at the book. Looking down she noticed a picture of their three grandchildren. She smiled sympathetically and slightly nudged Lajoli, signaling that she should be paying attention. Lajoli just ignored her and continued to admire her small babies.
After the prayers ended Lajoli frowned as she was left to her thoughts, until Sokya came back and sat next to her.
“What's wrong?” she asked her. “ Why are you still looking at that photograph and crying?”
“ Where am I crying?” she yelled jokingly pushing Sokya away slightly.
Sokya sighed smiling slightly. “ I know you're still upset about it, but things will be okay.” She spoke gently trying to reassure her friend.
“ I keep thinking about Inuyasha for the past couple of days..” she said suddenly.
Sokya's face was soon masked with sadness. “ Even I think of him” she replied looking towards the door, watching as the guests were leaving. It was as if she hoped that he would come bursting through the door on que.
“ Why all of a sudden?” Sokya asked Lajoli.
Lajoli looked down at her hands. The once young hands of a maiden were now full of wrinkles. The youth in her was gone and replaced by someone who had seen too many things in her life.
“ Listen…me and you..we've lived to the extend of our lifes” she said to Sokya.
Sokya laughed dismissing it. “ Speak for yourself,” she replied. “ I still have a long life ahead of me. Knock on wood,” she said looking around to see if something was wooden. Lajoli interrupted her.
“ Okay” she said smiling a bit. But it soon disappeared. “ But me…I've reached my limit.” Taking her hand she placed it on her chest. “ How will I be able to face him there? How will be able to explain why I couldn't put my family back together? The reason I wasn't able to bring my grandson back home? How can I even show my face to God?” she said her eyes filling up with tears.
Soya waved her hand. “ You don't have to worry about it. You're not going to meet God anyway..” she said smiling.
“Why is that?” asked Lajoli.
“ Because he doesn't meet anyone in Hell” she said before laughing away. Her laugh caught Lajoli and they both had themselves a laugh.
“ Hello beautiful” said a voice. They both looked up and saw Shippo with his arms opened wide.
“ SHIPPO!” they exclaimed with happiness. Sokya got up and hurried over to him. Her arms embraced him as tears of happiness filled her eyes.
“ My child I miss you so much” she spoke gently to her grandchild. He hugged her back and smiled. He had missed his family so much. Letting go he walked over with her to where his older grandma was and sat down next to her.
He wrapped one arm around each of his grandmas' and smiled. Lajoli's face was filled with happiness as she was in the embrace of her grandson. The thought brought more tears of sadness into her eyes and she began to cry.
Shippo grew alarmed and looked over to Sokya.
“ Ah don't worry about that. If there isn't a day that she doesn't cry, then I would get worried” she said smiling gently. He smiled a bit and hugged his grandma's even tighter.
They sat in the room alone together. Shippo was going to stay here for a day or two before going to see his father and mother, so he went to put his bags away.
Lajoli was still crying and Sokya was trying to calm her down.
“ Lajoli, you have to stop crying..Shipp's going to ask question if you keep crying.” She whispered worriedly. Taking her hands she wiped away the tears that kept coming out of her friend's eyes.
“ I can't help it Sokya. Whenever I see Shippo I keep thinking about Inuyasha. What do I do? What do I do? Don't you think we should tell him everything?” Lajoli pleaded.
“ We can't. Shippo wasn't even here when Inuyasha left home. Tashio forbad us to even mention it.”
Lajoli's tears continued to roll down her cheeks. Her heart was already shattered with the tragedy that happened. And now whatever was left was now being torn to pieces.
“ We have to tell him. He doesn't know anything. “
“ How can we tell him Lajoli? Where would we begin? Shippo doesn't even know that Inuyasha wasn't born into this family. He was brought in. He doesn't even know that Inuyasha's not his real brother….that he was adopted?” Sokya forced out the last couple of words.
Just they both heard a creak and saw turned to see Shippo standing there. They gasped as their hands covered their mouths. Shippo didn't know how to react. His face was full of shock, all the color from his face had disappeared.
“ Inuyasha…”
A/N: Okay so first chapter done! =] Once again. This is a fanfiction based off of a movie. PLEASE REVIEW. <<<<- its very important that you review. =] That helps me get a sense on how things are going. Thank you.