InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham ❯ He Is My Son ( Chapter 2 )

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A/N: DISCLAIMER: This story is bases off a hit Hindi movie, Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham (K3G), that came out in the early 2000's. I do not own the movie's storyline, but am merely imitating it with certain changes to fit the characters from Inuyasha. I also do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.
Please Review :D
Thunder cracked outside as the storm grew bigger. The boom echoed through the halls of the house. Everyone had gone home, leaving the three of them alone. Shippo continued to stand there trying to figure out if what he had heard was right.
The word kept replaying in his head over and over again. He looked up at this grandmothers and looked at their faces. Each held their equal amount of guilt, shame and sadness.
Looking at each other, they decided it was time.
Calling Shippo over, they directed him to sit next to them as they began from the beginning.
“Inuyasha was only two years old, when your mother and father brought him into the house,” began Lajoli.
“ Your mother and father had been trying for years to get pregnant, but they had no luck…the moment Inuyasha entered house they felt as if their lives were finally complete. He brought so much joy to the house.”
“ He was Kimiko's life and Tashio's dream come true”
Little Inu, about two/three years old ran around the house.
“ Mommy Mommy” he yelled giggling. Looking around for his mother. He saw her at the end of the hallway.
“ MOMMY!” he squealed running towards her. Kimiko turned around and smiled. Pure happiness lit her face.
Opening her hands she laughed at his quick embraced and picked him up in her arms, radiating with all the love in the world.
Inuyasha around four/five years old: He was sitting on the couch, squirming his toes all around. Kimiko walked over and plopped down next to him.
“ Yashie can I have some?” she asked sweetly. Inuyasha's big puppy eyes looked at her and smiled. With his small chubby hands he moved a piece of popcorn to her mouth.
“ Ahh” she said as it came towards her. And as it was about to be put in her mouth. BAM he popped it into his.
“ Ahh!” she screamed laughing clapping her hands with joy as he smiled.
Inuyasha around six/seven:
“ Yashie let me tie your shoes before you go play” she insisted reaching for his shoes.
“ But mommy!” he said with a pout. Kimiko smiled slightly pinching his cheeks.
“ Be a good boy for mommy” she said smiling. He smiled back and stood still as she tied his shoes.
“ Thanks mom” he said in a hurry and ran down the stairs, basketball in hand.
“ Oi Inu!” she said calling out for him. She watched as he hurried along. Chuckling to herself she sighed as she sat down on the stairs, thinking about her little boy.
A couple days later he was in bed. He had played so hard he had gotten sick. He had a slight fever so Kimiko sat by him to make sure he was okay.
She took a warm cloth and placed it over his forehead. As she did she watched over her sleeping baby. He looked so peaceful. Just looking at him made her smile, as she moved his hair from his face. Rubbing his ears a bit while he was sleeping. This caused him to smile a bit.
“ I'm so lucky to have you. I'll love you forever” she thought as she kissed his forehead.
Lajoli smiled as she reminisced. “ Then it came time for Kimiko to be pregnant with you. The astronomers said that you were the strength of the family. Kimiko and Tashio were so happy that there were going to be two sons in the family.”
Shippo sat quietly as they continued their story. This was the first time that he had heard any of this stuff.
“ Did he know?” he asked them. He looked at this grandma's as they stopped talking and looked at him.
“Did he know he was adopted?” he asked again.
They looked at each other before continuing.
“ It was around the age of eight when he found out…” she said trying to hold back tears.
Kimiko stood in front of her son, holding back the tears as he found out what he really was. He stood there, not knowing what he should do.
She could see the tears forming in his eyes. Just the site of that caused her heart to tighten.
She brought her hands up, shaking, and wiped away the tears from his eyes. As soon as she touched him he fell into her arms.
And she embraced him. Because he was her son.
Tashio stood there as Inuyasha came forward. Inuyasha's face was now stained with tears all over.
Kimiko followed behind him, silently crying while trying to hold herself together.
Inuyasha fell to his knees and bowed down. They stood there shocked.
Tashio bent down and picked up his son and held his son and his wife together in his arms.
Lajoli cried out.
“ Tashio said that this was never to be spoken again. That Inuyasha was his son and from now on no one would talk about the adoption. He was a part of the family and will always be.”
Sokya was now in full tears as well as she nodded in agreement.
“ It was never brought up again until that one night. And before that, we never knew that that would've been Inuyasha's last holiday with the family. Before everything went wrong.”
She said crying onto Shippo's chest. All the pain from the heart was too much.
Sokya cried along with her.
A/N: Chapter 2 Done. Please review! =]