InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham ❯ Home for the Holidays ( Chapter 3 )

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A/N: DISCLAIMER: This story is bases off a hit Hindi movie, Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham (K3G), that came out in the early 2000's. I do not own the movie's storyline, but am merely imitating it with certain changes to fit the characters from Inuyasha. I also do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.
Please Review :D
Along the roadside there was a gate. Silver colored gates to more exact, that at most times remained closed, only open for those who were staying there.
Past the gates they laid a long strip of dirt making itself a path towards the house. The grass was neatly trimmed. Not a single grass was out of place.
There marked a row of trees that followed the dirt path towards the house. Each tree consisted of beautiful pink sakura trees that were in full blossom.
At the end of the path was the Tashio residence. A house that was fit for royalty stood erect. With its castle like structure from the tops of the roofs, to just the windows that decorated the sides.
Around the driveway was filled with cars and people. It was the holidays and the annual Tashio party was going underway.
Inside the guest were dressed in their finest clothes, all talking to each other, catching up on life. Happy faces filled the room.
A younger Kimiko was going around and greeting all the guest. Something a proper wife should be doing. Tashio looked over from the side and smiled as more and more guest came in.
He walked over to his wife and gave her a kiss.
“ You did such a great job with getting this place ready my dear,” he said to her smiling. Kimiko returned the smile looking at her husband.
“ Don't I always?” she asked laughing. Tashio laughed with her. He was lucky to have gotten such a wonderful wife. If there weren't any guest with them right now, he would honestly just stay with her the whole day, but as the host of the party he had duties that he needed to do.
“ If you will excuse me my dear” he said slying taking her hand and kissing it. Kimiko smiled.
Upstairs a little Shippo was getting ready with the help of his nanny Kaede.
“ My dear Shippo, you ate so much that your clothes barely fit you anymore” she said laughing. The chubby ten year old pouted at Kaede.
“ K-CHAN!” he said throwing a fit. Kaede looked at him sternly.
“ K-chan? Who's K-chan? Call me Kaede” she said fixing his hair.
~.~.~.Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham~.~.~.~.
“In times of happiness, in times of sadness”
~.~.~.Na judaa honge hum~.~.~.~.
“we shall not separate”
Kimiko took the empy plates and walked towards the kitchen, smiling at the guests. When she got there she saw someone else by the sink.
The girl had her back turned towards Kimiko, but she could tell who it was. Her long sleek black hair always gave it away.
“ Kikyo dear, how many times have I told you to just keep the dishes in the sink? I'll get to them later.” Spoke Kimiko as she went over to get a towel for her.
Kikyo glanced back at Kimiko and smiled sweetly.
“ I'm just helping out Aunty.” She said with a small laugh. They were not directly related, but Kikyo had always grown up calling her that.
Kikyo's family and the Tashio family have been close friends for the longest time. Tashio and Shimaski, Kikyo's dad, had been friends before even he had met Kimiko.
Kikyo dried her hands with the towel that Kimiko had brought and shut off the faucet. Her well manicured nails seemed undisturbed even from all the washing. Her slender hands were brought up to her hair as she placed it behind her.
Kimiko smiled at her and took her by her hand and brought her to where the party was.
“ Now you enjoy yourself” she said, “ and I don't want you to do those dishes anymore? Got it?” she said Kikyo. She nodded and went into the crowd.
Kimiko looked around and saw that Tashio was having a conversation with Shimaski. Both had drinks in one hand, laughing at each others jokes.
She looked upstairs and saw Shippo trying to steal snacks from the tray. Sokya hit his hand and signaled that he would get fatter if he kept eating more sweets.
She saw Kaede come after Sokya left and snuck Shippo a cookie. Shippo's eyes grew wide and he smiled taking the cookie. He gave a hug in return in which she hugged back.
Kimiko smiled. Kaede was like a second mother to all her boys. She was so happy that she was there to help her throughout the years.
~.~.~. Subh-o-shyaam charno mein diye hum jalaaye~.~.~.~.
“ In morning and evening, I shall light lamps at your feet”
~.~.~. Dekhe jahan bhi dekhe, tujhko hi paay~.~.~.~.
“ I shall find you wherever I look for you”
~.~.~. Pyaar dil se kabhi bhi na ho kam~.~.~.~.
“ The love in my heart shall never lessen”
Kimiko sighed as she looked out the window. There was no sign of him anywhere. Taking her hand, she traced the window and looked out to the path, as if she would find a trace of him coming towards the house.
She still remembered when he was little, the little boy that she treasured so much. She wanted to see him again.
A helicopter started off in the distance. Hurried footsteps could be heard rushing towards it. Suitcase in one and shade in the other, the figure quickly jumped into the plane.
“ This is urgent Rex, I need you to get me there as soon as possible.” Spoke the figure.
“ Got it sir,” Rex replied as he shut closed the doors.
~.~.~. Yeh ghar nahin hai, mandir hai tera~.~.~.~.
“ This is not a home, this is your temple”
~.~.~. is mein sadaa rahe tera baseraa~.~.~.~.
“ May this always remain your place of refuge”
~.~.~. Khushbuon se teri yeh manhekta rahe~.~.~.~.
“ May it always stay perfumed by your fragrance..”
~.~.~. Aaye jaaye bhale koi mausam~.~.~.~.
“ May you come and go no matter the season”
Kimiko walked into the prayer room and smiled. Closing her eyes, she prayed. She prayed that her son would come home soon, that she'd be able to see his face again.
“ Please..” she whispered.
And with that she walked back outside again. Keeping her head held high, she walked over to Tashio who had just finished his conversation with his friend.
Smiling he greeted her and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in. Kimiko rested her head on his shoulder and breathed in his smell.
She felt so safe in his arms. In her eyes, her husband could do no wrong. He was as a god to her. Someone who always kept her safe and cared for her children. She felt so happy just to be with him.
The helicopter landed down on the dirt path. He got out of the copter and jumped to the ground. Taking off his shades he grabbed his bag and began to run.
Kimiko's head shot up. She looked at Tashio, who was now looking surprised and confused. Her eye's brightened up and she began to smile so widely, that he knew what she had sensed.
She quickly ran out of arms and ran through the crowd. She could feel it. She could feel it in her heart.
Tashio smiled and looked at his wife as she began to run over to the door. The guests began to look at her as well, mostly in confusion as to what she was running to.
She ran down the stairs and to the main door. As soon as she reached it, she looked down the hallway. Waiting, hoping, staring at the end.
..Nothing came….
…No one came….
Her smile dropped down and she frowned. Sighing, she began to turn. She could've been wrong.
As she began to turn, her heart twinged, as she turned once more to look at the end of the hallway. She held her breath as she looked down once more.
And there at the end, a figure appeared, fumbling with his bag as he raced down the corridor. Almost slipping as he came out. Throwing his bag over his shoulder he looked up and smiled, as if he knew that there she would be waiting for him.
He laughed a little and waved his finger at her. Smiling he walked right up to her. She breathed once again, tears welling up in her eyes.
“ Hey ma.” He said chuckling a little. “ Why is that every time I come home, you're always waiting for me?”
~.~.~.Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham~.~.~.~.
“In times of happiness, in times of sadness”
~.~.~.Na judaa honge hum~.~.~.~.
“we shall not separate”
~.~.~.Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham~.~.~.~.
“In times of happiness, in times of sadness”
“…Inuyasha…” she whispered smiling.