InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome goes to Hogwarts! ❯ Hogwarts here I come1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I hoped you liked that last chapter it was a lot longer! Here's the next! Hogwarts! And Inuyasha comes back in!

Chapter 3:Hogwarts here I come!

We were all sitting in a compartment, Ron, Heromine, and Harry and I. "This year is suppose to be the hardest the last I mean." Ron said pinning on his headboy pin.
"What's that?" i asked pointing to the pin.
"Headboy pin, Heromine has headgirl. We are like the student counselers. We have a little authority and try to make sure our house stays in line and help out the little kids." Ron grumbled.
"He didn't want to be head boy." Harry said grinning at his friend.
"Shut-up Harry." Ron snapped lazily. Then the train started to come to a stop. "We're here, for another life threating year of Hohwarts." I looked at them questionablly then remembered all the stories Heromine had told me about all of their adventures. They led me to the carriages and I noticed the strange horses, they smelled of death and decay, and I covered my nose. I slowly followed into the same carriage after Harry, Ron, and Herimone.
"What's the matter?" Heromine asked seeing me cover my nose with my sleeve.
"Those horse thing smell of decay and dying, but they are pretty." I said not uncovering my nose until we got out of the carriage and into Hogwarts. I was to stand by the head master and be sorted before all the first years were.
"Welcome back my dear students and professors. I will save my speech until after the first years are sorted, but before we sort them we have a new student for the last years. She comes all the way from Tokyo, Japan, and has probably seen things none of you would never want to even think about. She isnt' a witch persay, but close a Miko or priestess and in Japanese legends they were the most powerful and spiritral being ever to walk the planet. So Kagome Higurashi Sit here and we'll put the sorting hat on your head and he will sort you." I slowly followed his directions and took a seat on the stool aware or everyone's eyes on me, I softly felt something slid onto my head and looked up to see a old witches hat, then I was shocked when it started talk.
"Powerful one we have here, though not very confident in herself, but her trust and love very confident indeed. Ooo watch out boys, I see a head strong man in her life." The room was sounded with light laughter as I smiled myself still gazing up. "Speaking of that head strong man." the hat said and it got quiet. Then all of a sudden the large doors burst open and everyone turned to see a very pissed Hanyou. I quickly stood and the hat fell off my head in the motion. the headmaster stepped in front of me pulling out his wand and pointing it at the hanyou.
"I haven't seen a hanyou in a hundred years." the head master mumbled and I snorted. "What buisness do you have here?!" The head master bellowed as the hanyou walked further in. I kept trying to scoot around the head master, but he just pushed me back everytime.
"Shut-up old man, let me talk! Where's my mate?!" Inuyasha bellowed back, then he looked past the old man and saw me. "There you are! You stupid bitch! you sealed the well so I could get back, but not out of the well!" He said pointing at me now only about fifty feet away from the stage, where all the first years were ushered. I swiftly passed the head master and pointed right back.
"First of all I'm not a stupid bitch! Second yes I sealed it and I wanted to make it so you couldn't get out so you wouldn't do something like this you arragant bastard!" Their was a gasp from everyone, but I payed no attention.
"I said you couldn't go so why are you here?!"
"You're not the boss of me!"
"Wanna bet?! Bitch don't make me hurt you!" That got another gasp and Heromine slowly stood up wand raised and stepped in front of me.
"Even think about hurting my cousin I will turn you into a fly and the squash you!" She hissed.
"Oh ya? SQUASH THIS!" Inuyasha said unshealthing tetsiaga and charging as it transformed. Heromine became instantly terrified, so I did the only thing I could thin of.
"INUYASHA! OSWARUI!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Inuyasha had the chance to say. 'Huh?' Before a huge thud echoed through the great hall and Inuyasha was two inches into the marble floor. I ran out from around Heromine and ran to his side knealing beside him. "Sorry, are you ok?" I asked sarcastically, I really didn't want to, but it was the only was to stop him from slicing and dicing my cousin.
"YOU BITCH! YOU FUCKING TRAMPY ASS BITCH! THAT HURT!" He yelled in my face springing to his feet.
"What?" He snarled I crossed my arms over my chest and closed my eyes.
"Sit boy." And then there was another thud this one not as loud and again Inuyasha was faceplant into the marble. "Serves you right." I said walking back up to the front of the room and sitting back down on the stool, muttering sorries to everyone in the hall.
"Do you know this man dear?" the head master asked and I scowled.
"Yes, hes my fiancee' " I said sharply, then heard a few damns and awws, as the girls had to give up on the gorgess young hanyou before they could even get a chance. "Sorry, about that he's over protective, can we finish this sorting thing, sorry Mr. Sorting hat. I really am sorry."
"No problem." The hat said then was set back down on my head. "Let's see yes, not siltherin they are to unpure for you. Hufflepuff, not hard enough. Ravenclaw too, not you, so I guess that only leaves Griffendor!" The whole griffendor table cheered loudly, as I stood up, but walked past all of them and walked over to Inuyasha's unconcious body. I lightly smacked the crown of his head as I heard a lady professor call off first year names.
"Inuyasha?" I asked sweetly and he slowly stirred, and started to sit up. "Are you ok?" I asked sincerly.
He nodded lightly then looked up into my eyes. "I just didn't want to lose you, sorry for making a scene, but I can't live a day without you." He said as I helped him up and he hugged me as we walked over to the end of Geriffendor table where heromine, Ron, Harry, and a very dirty boy sat, he looked like he just came out of bomb zone. I giggled at this and he flashed a sweet smile my way, making Inuyasha lightly growl, but I layed a hand on his shoulder and he calmed down. I leaned my back against him as we watched the first years get sorted. The night went by fastly, me nor Inuyasha ate dinner just watched others, he kept whispering things in my ear making me break out into laughter, then everyone would stare at me weird, and I'd blush bright red. Dinner was soon over and the head master who I found was named, Dumbledor patted me on the shoulder and escorted me and Inuyasha outside into the still deserted hallway.
"I think we might have a tad bit of a problem here." His old scratchy voice reverberated as he looked from Inuyasha to me then down at Inuyasha's arm wrapped around my waist. I nodded and Inuyasha just looked the old man staright in the eyes. "I can't have you two sleeping in the same room or bed or dorm." I turned bright red.
"Wait! No, we aren't mates yet, future mates, but not quite that ready." I said quickly before the man thought anyless then me. "I wanted to at least finish my schooling and training before we become offical mates." I explain seeing his face soften into a smile.
"That's a relief, but I'm guess he still will want to stay?" Inuyasha nodded slowly. "He can come to all your classes and stay in the back, but under no surcomestances can you interfere. I know mates are very protective, but I don't care if she is dying painfully and so slowly a second seems like an hour, you can not move." Inuyasha nodded again slowly. "Then you can stay in the boy's dorm in griffendor tower. With Harry Potter and Ron Weasly." Dumbledor sighed then was shocked when he felt Kagome hug him briefly then let go to hug Inuyasha as he smiled and held his love. Dumbledor slowly started walking away as some students started to come out of the great hall then he turned and yelled for everyone to hear for Kagome's embarassment. "And no hanky panky or anything, not even kissing unless you are outside and a time where you have free time!" Kagome turned bright red and dug her face into Inuyasha's chest as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and chuckled lightly as did a few students. Kagome and Inuyasha followed the head boy and girl, take the first years up to the tower with the usual warnings, and told them all the password. Kagome and Inuyasha stepped in amazed by the common room.
"Boys on the left! Girls on the right! No mixing!" Ron yelled over the bustle of first years. "There done with duties for tonight." He said taking off his pin and walking over to Heromine and Harry, who were talking to Inuyasha and me. Inuyasha was standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my shoulder as he held me up easily as I leaned all my weight against him. "I hate first years they are so annoying little pests." Inuyasha chuckled at this.
"We were first years Ron." Heromine said.
"And we were annoying little pests." Harry and Inuyasha chuckled at this. I was surprised Inuyasha was open enough to even show any emotion other than anger with my new friends. "That reminds me, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you Inu...Inuy..."
"Inuyasha." Heromine corrected with a snap like we did to her earlier.
"Ummm... about..." Inuyasha closed his eyes trying to think then opened them again figuring it out. "about sixty-eight years old. But if in this era I'd be technically about five hundred and sixty-eight years old about." He said and Heromine's, Harry's, and Ron's jaws almost hit the ground.
"Close your mouth you'll catch flies." I said closing their mouths for them, with a smirk.
"You cradle robber!" Heromine screeched!
"Heromine down a few octives, besides no he's not."
"Wait how does he look so young?" Harry asked.
"A preistess pinned him to a tree over fifty years ago well five hundred and fifty years ago here with a scared arrow with a speel and he slept dormat until I freed him, and besides he's half demon, they age A LOT slower than normal humans." I explained and they nodded in understanding.
"Why do you guys keep saying now?" Harry asked a little confused.
"I can travel through a scared well into the past and he can travel through it into this time the future for him he really lives about five hundred years in the past in the fuedal era in Japan." I explained and they all just gave me a dead panned look.
"With everything I've been throught I believe it." Harry said slowly with a sigh stretching with a yawn. Then the grandfather clock chimed ten.
"LIGHTS OUT! BED TIME!" Ron and Heromine yelled at the same time and boys and girls started heading up towards their dorms. "Come on Inuyasha I'll show you where you sleep." Ron said as he lightly elbowed him and started walking towards the stairs Harry right behind him, when they realized Inuyasha wasn't coming they turned back to see him giving me a sweet goodnight kiss, it was even open mouth, but that didn't stop the blush as I noticed my friend smirking at me. Inuyasha followed Ron and I followed Heromine and we made it to our beds and changed then instantly fell asleep.