InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome goes to Hogwarts! ❯ WAKE UP! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I know it isn't too good, but I hoping my writing will improve and it will get better! Well here's four!

Chapter 4:WAKE UP!

"Kagome! Wake up!" I heard yelled into my ear and sat striaght up bumping head with the person and we both slowly rubbed our sore heads.
"Breakfast only has like fifteen minutes left so hurry up." Heromine said throwing my class robes at me then left to go down to the common room. I slowly stood up and took off my moon and stars cotton pajamas and slid into the school robes. I couldn't help, but thank god that their skirts were longer like I saw on Heromine, but when i slid on mine, it was the same size as my Japanese school uniform. I grunted a little angered then finished dressing tying the tie loosely so it hung crooked and messy instead of neat and perfect like Heromine's and being the neat freak that she is she'll probably ave to fix it when I get down stairs. I slowly grabbed what seemed like my billion books and slowly walked down the stairs to the common room. Heromine was the only one there tapping her foot impatiently.
"Ok, I'm here, stop acting like a broom stick's up your ass." I grumbled, tying my hair in a high pony tail not bothing to really brush it, just run my finger through it.
"We can't we have to wait for Harry and Ron, they never get up on time and if they make me late on the first day of school, I'll brake their fingers myself." She glared up the stairs towards the boys dorm.
"Where's Inuyasha?" I asked. "He always wakes up when the sun comes up."
"I sent him up there to wake them, BUT IT DOESN'T SEEM VERY PROFITABLE!" She yelled at the stairs.
"Shut the hell up, what are you trying to do kill me?!" Inuyasha yelled at her slamming the door open holding Harry and Ron in either hand up by their collars as they kicked trying to get free. "We're right here, it's not my fault they are slower dressing than Miroku is at getting the concept of no touch."
"He doesn't touch me." I said innocently.
"I wonder why?" Inuyasha said sarcastically, dropping the boys in a crumple on the floor.
"Inuyasha be nice. I'm sorry he refuses to learn manners." I said sweetly helping Harry up as Heromine did Ron. "Let's go before Heromine has an hissy fit." I said sarcastically then ran out of the common room Heromine on my heels.
``Third person``
"So Inuyasha, you and Kagome are engaged?" Ron asked as they calmly followed after the screaming girls. Kagome screaming for her life and Heromine scream for Kagome's life.
"Well, yeah, but in my world demons don't get married, they become mates, and that's stronger than marriage, but Kagome's human and they have their own traditions, plus her mom wouldn't really let me do that Kagome without us being married, so I agreed with this wedding thing." Inuyasha explained, arms crossed over his chest and walked calmly side-by-side with Ron and Harry.
"Aren't... m...mates suppose to protect each other?" Harry asked a little unsure, or rather uncomfortable with the term.
"Yeah." Inuyasha said nodded as they stopped to look at each other.
"Because Heromine is about to scalp Kagome." Harry said pointing towards the still in hot pursuit Heromine.
"Yeah, but Kagome is stronger than Heromine and has seen way too many fights to be put in a situation like that." Inuyasha said as his voice got weaker as Heromine tackled Kagome and pinned her to the ground about to kill her. Inuyasha ran faster than anyone could see and carefully lifted Heromine off of Kagome and put her down gentlly a few feet away, knowing that Kagome would be pissed if her hurt Heromine no matter how much he just wanted to throw her off of his mate. He slowly bent down and picked Kagome up off the floor and set her on her feet checking her over for injuries and smelling her neck closely just in case which brought a blush to Kagome's face.
"I'm fine Inuyasha." She said softly and he nodded and watched her walk away with Heromine, apparently completely forgot about the earlier statement and giggled at the sweet scene Inuyasha just made as the whispered together all the way to the great hall. Inuyasha hung back and started walking with Harry and Ron again.
"Spoke too soon?" Ron laughed and Inuyasha just gave him an annoyed look which made Harry laugh too.
``Kagome pov``
We all sat down at end griffendor table closest to the doors and conversed with a few people neither Inuyasha or I reconized. But shortly breakfast was over and me and Harry had the same class together, but couldn't pronouce the name. 'Stupid English names.' I couldn't help thinking, but Harry said it was something like 'Transfiguration or transgiguration' couldn't really tell the difference myself. We slowly walked in and their o the teacher's desk sat a cat, it's yellow slitted eyes stared at me as I sat down in the few seats left in the front row next to Harry. "Good morning professor." Harry said to th cat as we sat down and I looked at him strangely. Then the cat transformed into a older woman in professor's robes.
"Eep." I said as it scared me. "Hello professor." I said hurried as I tryed to will my heart back to it's regular beating. I looked over my shoulder to see Inuyasha sit down in his usual style, but he wasn't wearing his noral kimono, me for the first time today noticing what he was wearing, probably something my mother sent with him. He was wearing a black wife beaters tank top and big baggy blue jeans with a bleached front, the style in this time. The dark rosary looked awesome with these clothes. The shirt showed off his very attractive lean chest, while leaving his nicely formed arms exposed, Tetsiaga hooked to his studded belt as always safely in it's shealth. I was brought back to the real world and back to my professor, by the slight nudge from Harry. I blushed lightly being caught checking out Inuyasha. Professor Maigonigal (Sorry can't spell worth crap!) started the lesson and the class was over before I knew it. I liked that professor she was tough, but cared about her students even though she'd never let it on, just like Inuyasha. I walked with Harry Inuyasha following closely behind as we met up with Heromine and Ron outside for Magical Creatures, out by Hagrid's hut or house or whatever you wanted to call it. We all stood in a group bunched up talking waiting for Hagrid. Inuyasha had his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him as he talked with Ron and Harry and I giggled with Heromine.
"Well morning all sorry I'm late, had a little trouble with today's creature, I thought since we were blessed with a Japanese priestess we might study an anicent Japanese legend of demons.
"They're no legend." Inuyasha said loudly for evyone to hear.
"Exactly, but to muggles they are just like we are. Today I managed to track down an old friend of mine who is a demon, a fox demon at that and keep your eye on him he's a sneaky bugger. Everyone I'd like you to meet Mr. Yamomoshi." A tall demon stepped out about the same height as Inuyasha, with long jet black hair in a high pony tail and green eyes that could pearse the night. Inuyasha sniffed once then nudged me behind him as he turned to face the youkai before I got a good look at him. Inuyasha growled at the youkai hand resting on tetsiaga ready to weild it in a flash. the youkai smiled at everyon slowly looking around the gorup, but I couldn't get past Inuyasha he wouldn't even let me peer over his shoulder. Then I finally saw him, just to duck lower behind Inuyasha. It was Kouga. I was surprised he hadn't smelled me or Inuyasha, but in this time I can understand why trying to shut off the high powered nose with all the ollution now. Then I heard another growl which could only be Kouga's he must have spotted Inuyasha, finally took him long enough.
"What are you doing here dogbreath?" Kouga snarled out through cletched teeth.
"Was about to ask you the same question Wolfterd." I couldn't help, but giggle, those nanmes now a days wouldn't mean anything to an adult, like two three yearsolds fighting over a matchbox car.
Then I heard a siffing noise, but it didn't come from Inuyasha. "Kagome?" Kouga asked confused, he must have thought I dieda long time ago me being a human in the fuedal era. I slowly walked out from behind Inuyasha and tryed o give the brightest fakest smile I could muster.
"Hi Kouga." And in an intant I felt myself wrapped in Kouga's embrace.
"I thought you died." He practically screamed in my ear holding my at arms length on both my shoulders as he looked me over. He lughed then looked back up into my face. "Hey, how are you still alive, I mean you were there 500 years ago and now you're here?" He asked a little confused holding both my hands in between his as he clenched them to his chst pulling me closer, not that I had much of a choice he was youkai and I was human.
"Hey let her go." Inuyasha said retching his hands from mine and stepping in between us, making Kouga step back.
"why should I she's my woman." Kouga yelled in Inuyasha's face.
"No she's not." Inuyasha yelled back and for that brief second I was so proud of him and couldn't help, but smile. "She's my woman." Well I did say brief, and my smile dropped into a glare as I glared at both youkai, and walked over to Heromine, Harry, and ron who were standin by Haghrid watching this whole ordeal. I crossed my arms and glared harder at the leaning back on one foot as I watched the youkai scream at each other standing by Heromine.
"Um... Kagome do you know him? Heromine asked pointing to Kouga and what seemed like the everyone looked my way except for the fighting youkai.
"Grrr...yes, he's.... an old friend." I said annoyed. "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" If everyone wasn't looking at me before they were now. Including the two youkai. (Sorry I just realized Inuyasha's half demon! Well I aways knew that, but I'm calling him a full demon so please just go along with it.) "Would you two stop acting like morons you're worst than two years olds, in fact two year olds would look at you and laugh at your stupidity!" I yelled at them glaring and they both stepped a few feet away from each other. everyone was quiet for a moment and I closed my eyes exhaling slowly whenI felt somethin holding my hands again. And slowly opened them glaring at Kouga who tryed to smile at me to make me feel better.
"I'm sorry, I know I was acting likea pup and I'm sorry my woman." Is he ever going to get it I'm ot his woman!? Screamed through my head. "But..." I stopped yelling inside my head so I could hear kouga's explaination. "It really was dogterd's fault, he started it." I glared harder at the youkai and he slowly took a few steps back when I started to glow a dull red. Actually everyone took a few steps back. Soon there was nobody within ten feet of me, not even if they tryed as Inuyasha did, but was repelled my a force field I didn't realize I created.
I slowy opned my now light red tinged eyes to stare at the youkai, with a menancing glare. then the force field grew knocking a few students over, but not hurting them, while pushing everyone back another five feet.
"Kagome..." Inuyasha said a little shakily. as he stepped up to the edge of the force field, and lightly tapped it and was shocked. The force field rippled red like a pond allowing everyone to see it for a moment before the ripples disappeared. I turned to face where Inuyasha was standing and gave him my full attention, but you could tell from my stance I wasn't the least bit happy abput it. "Kagome, you gotta stop this. It's not safe, you still don't have full control, you miht hurt someone." as soon as I heard him say that my glare turned to a sad frown, and lightly nodded, not wanting to hurt anyone. I slowly put up two small force fields around Kouga and Inuyasha then clsed my eyes and let all the extra built up pure energy swallow over everyone, them all taking in a little bit of it making all of them at least smile and feel warmth of happiness. The rest went to the surround plants and animals within a few hundred yards. When I finally thought it safe for Inuyasha and Kuga I let down their barriers and let that energy soak into the erath around them. Then the bell rang signalifing the end of class, and Inuyasha came ad slowly hugged me still getting a few hurtful shocks, but he didn't seem care as long as I wasn't going to purify his demon half.
"I'm sorry." I whispered into his ear.
"I'm sorry too." He whispered back into mine. I couldn't help but think of what kind of impression I gave everyone today and yesterday. It has been just one big mess up after another.

A/N: Sorry so short! Hey I'm thinking about stoping the story right now! So if you want me to keep going make sure you review and tell me!