InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome goes to Hogwarts! ❯ Wompin' or Willin' willows? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I know the chapters still aren't very ling,but I'm tryingto make them longer ok? Well enjoy.

Chapter 6:Wompin' or Willin' Willow?

I entered the great hall the nect day it still only being Sunday, actually slept well into the middle of lunch. "Finally I thought you'd never wake up." Heromine said as she scanned over several books almost cover the table each at least two inches thick. I gave them a small smile and sat down next to Ron and Ginny, his little sister.
"Hello don't believe we've met, Ginny Weasely." She said holding out her palm. I gave her a small bow the best I could sitting down. She had rusty red hair like Ron, but it was half way down her back and straight, no freckles really at least none I noticed, but my eye were still glazed over from sleep.
"Kagome Higurashi." I said sitting back up straight, then began eating.
Everyone was having their own little conversations with someone else, I just sat quietly and ate my food in deep thought. Inuyasha, Ron, and Harry were arguing about what was stronger Naraku or Voldermort, I couldn't see why it matter they were both evil and were going to die by the good's hand, if we all died trying. Heromine lightly chatting with Ginny as the stared at an old crumpling book. I quickly finished my breakfast and slipped out the great hall, without even Inuyasha noticing. I slowly walked out to the womping willow, I heard about this tree from Heromine. It looked dead and wilted. It swung at me, but quickly dived backwards out of the wall. I slowly stood back up stright running my fingers through my now ruffled hair and sighed. "You're in pain aren't you?" I asked quietly, and it stopped swinging and batting towards me and sat back and held still listening to what I had to say.
"Let me help you." I whispered and slowly and cautiously stepped up to the base of the tree and carefully placed both my flat palms on the tree trunk and looked up into the blue clear sky and closed my eyes. I slightly pushed some of my pure miko energy into my hands feeling them slight warm up and tingle. And stayed like that for a few minutes and then pulled back my hands and looked at the now healthy, green, blossoming, tree with a slight grin then felt it lower a branch slightly, me always being a bit of a tom boy when I was little and still now hosted myself onthe branch just toreach to the next one andslowly climbed tothe very top branch gazing out of Hogwarts grounds and the many students taking advantage ofthe warm, beautiful day, with friends. "Thank you I said gratefully to the tree.
"No thank you young priestess." I heardand whirled around too fast and lost my balance falling, and clentched my eyes closed waiting for the soon hard impact, but it never came, I felt soft wood catch me and place me where I was sitting before. I alowly peaked out my left eye andthen slowly opened my other eye,back where I was before.
"Was it just a daydream?" I asked myself.
"No, priestess, I caught you, a small favor from a once dyingtree, but one that feels a hundred years younger." I whirled around again,but this time remembered to hold on. "It is me the willow. You can talk to nature, always could, you just nevered listened closely enough before, but by helping me I helped you to hear us."
I looked confused down at the tree and then smiled and started giggling excitedly.
"What's so funny?" I heard a familar husky voice, from a far away. I looked down to see Inuyasha standing just out of swatting distance of the willow's branches.
"That stupid look on your face!" I yelled,thinking of a quick come back.
"Keh." He snorted then tryed to jump up to the branch I was on,but before he even got within fifteen feet of me was harshly swatted away by a huge tree branch. He fell hard on his back and skidded at least ten feet backwards, before coming to a slow stop and slowly sat up rubbing his head. "What the hell was that?!" He yelled at nobody.
"That... was the...t..tree." I said trying not to laugh, I knew Inuyasha was ok the whole time he had been hit a lot harder than that and then sprang up and started fighting again tons of time. Finally I couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing almost losing my balance again, but I didn't care all that much. He slowly stood up still rubbing his head mostly around his cute little dog ears. He finally looked up and glared at me.
"The tree?" He asked sceptical. I just nodded finally stopped cracking up and was now just giggling. "What kind of tree is this?" He said stepping up until he was just inside range for the tree's swing. After a minute or two, after Inuyasha wasn't tense anymore then it swung, right for his head. But Inuyasha was quicker and all I saw was him jump into the air dodging the hit, but after that it was too fast for me to see. After about five minutes the tree finally stopped swingingand slowed to a stop, and there was Inuyasha crouched on the branch that was swinging for him on the very tip in a crouch holding on to not get flung off. After he thought it was safe he quickly in one leap, lept to where I was and down beside me. I smiled at him as he was still sccowling.
"What?" I aske losing my smile a little worried he got hurt.
"Well I could have been seriously hurt and all you did was laugh, other than that, I'm peachy."
"What? I knew you were fine, I've seen go through a lot worse and not even get a scratch."
"But I did get a scratch, this fucking tree cut open my ear and it hurts like hell." He said still rubbing his ear.
"What? Let me see." I said leaning over himand he leaned further away losing his balance and fell out of the tree landing on his back. He glared up at me then scurried out of the way of the swing the tree threw at him.
"Let me down." I said quietly to the tree. I then felt the tree lower my part where I was sitting to the ground. I jumped off as soon as we got close to the ground. I walked quickly to the now sitting Inuyasha as he rubbed his ears. I sat down next to him, and leaned over trying to see his ears.
"Get off!" He yelled trying to push me away.
"No, let me see, it might be serious." I said grabbing his hand.
"No, get!"
"I'm not some dog, like SOMEONE here, now let me see!"
"Hey where's Inuyasha and Kagome?" Heromine asked finally looking up from those huge books.
"Inuyasha said he was going to look for Kagome out in the back grounds." Ron said through a full mouth.
"Wanna go find out what they're doing?" Ginny asked bored watchin Heromine study.
"Ya, let's go, you guys wanna come?" Heromine asked Ron and Harry. They both nodded both grabbing an extra piece of toast to eat on the way. Heromine slammed shut all her books and put them in her bag and hefted it over her shoulder. The walked to the back doors out by the womping willow. They opened the doors to be greeted by yelling.
"Let me see!"
"I said no!"
"That sounds like Kag and Inuyasha." Heromine said and they walked towards the willow in the distance, they didn't look up to where the yelling was comin from until they were just outside hitting range of the willow and about ten feet away from the yelling couple and looked up to a shocking scene. Inuyasha was on his backand Kagome was starddling him and he was holding her arms so the were between her legs.
"So either Kagome is horny than a mare in heat or Inuyasha is really insane. Either way you'd think they'd do this kinda thing in private." Ron whispered to the rest of the group.
"I heard that you lecher!" Inuyasha yelled still trying to hold back Kagome. That's when Kagome looked up and noticed they were there. And blushed darker than a ripe tomato. Kagome quickly jumped off Inuyasha and they both stood up and Kagome cowering behind Inuyasha, completely embarassed. "And we weren' doing anything like that!" Inuyasha glared at his friends as he blushed, not nearly as much as KAgome, but still you could plainly see it.
"SSSUUUURRRREEEE you weren't." Ron said with a smirk. That's when it dawned on Kagome, she had perfect oppertunity to get to his ears. so in one quick motion she reached up and grabbed both ears with both hands. Tugging him back wards, and again straddling him so he couldn't get up. "See they're at it again, like rabbits!" ron said pointing.
"OWWWW! That hurts you BITCH!" Inuyasha yelled!
"TOO BAD JACKASS!" Kagome yelled back finally able to get a good view of his ears. "What?! It's barely even a cut, that doesn't even classify as a paper cut! You baby!" Kagome yelled at him.
"It still hurts! And you yelling in them isn't making them better!" He yelled finally getting a grip around her waist and stood up then pushed her back wehen she was on her feet, but not so she would fall.
"Oh shut u you cry baby! You had me all worried over a scratch that will heal in less than a half an hour." Kagome said closing her eyes and crossingher arms, putting all her weight on one leg.
"So?! It still hurts!" He said walking afterher as she started walking back towards Hogwarts. The rest of the gang following after him, now confused. "You should be worried, even if it is just a scratch! you were never worried when it counted anyway!"
"What?!" Kagome yelled as they both stepped into one of the many large hallways, she turned on her heel and glared at him. "I was too worried! I was very worried you arrogant prick!" Then she turned back around and started to walk off again.
"Fine then name five!" He yelled wlking a few feet behind her easily keeping up with her brisk pace. The group were having a little more trouble, but kept quiet wanting to know where this was going.
"What about the time where Sesshomaru put his hand through you gut! and that time where that one guy who broke tetsiaga, what was his name again? Anyway he..."
"Ok, enough! I get it! You were worried."
"Damn right was so don't ever, EVER say I wasn't and never would be, I care for you Inu, and I don't want to lose you." She whispered the last part with tears welling u in her eyes. Inuyasha jogged over to her and cupped her face in his large strong hands and licked away the only tear she let fell then gave her a chestle kiss on the forehead. Then she hugged him around the waist and he hugged her back around the shoulders.
"Awwwww! That's the sweetest thing!" Heromine and Ginny practically screamed with their own tears, watching the couple making them jump away from each other and blush. Harry and Ron just rolled their eyes. Then they all heard squacking.
"Bloody hell the mail! Come on!" Ron called as him and Harry took off at a sprint for the great hall. The girls and Inuyasha soon following. They all got their just in time for the mail owls to swoop in. A package was dropped into Heromine's hands with a news paper, just like Harry, who quickly unrolled the paper and startd reading the head lines. A letter flittered down right in front of Kagome's feet. She slowly bent and picked it up.
"Whose it from?" Heromine asked, not able to read the Japanese on the outside of the envelope.
"My mom." Kagome said in a hurried voice ripping open the envelope and grabbed out the thin paper reading the whole 4 sentences.
"Read it." Ginny said wanting to know what it said as Inuyasha skimmed through it over Kagome's shoulder.
"Dear Sweetheart,
We miss you terriblly and I fear I have to disrupt your school once again, for the past. For the past few days trhe well has been glowing an evil red color and spitting sparks, I fear for your friends in the past, and for Inuyasha being in this time. Come home as soon as you can.

"What well?" Ron asked.
"The bone eaters well, I need to see Dumbledor. Inuyasha?" Kagome called staring off into space, but turned her worried and scared eyes to him.
"Ok, let's go."
"We'll take you to his office." Harry said turning to run down the nearest hallway, we found Kaily on the way dragging her with us, as Ginny went back to the dorms.
Soon they all were climbing up the spirial stairs to his office and they didn't even knock, because the door just openned and there sat Dumbledor wth a serious expression and waved them all in. "I recieved a letter also Miss Higurashi and from what I understand you'll need to be heading home." Kagome Nodded numbly, she was so worried about her family and friends and son. "Hagrid already has transportation, and Ron, Kaily, and Heromine's parents have given consent..."
"We can go?!" Heromine squealed with excitement and Dumbledor nodded.
"Pack quickly you leave in an hour, but we will miss you so do be safe and hurry back."
"Thank headmaster, I'll never forget this, and I swear I'll make it up to you." Kagome said then she rushed out of the door followed closely by all her friends.

A/N: That's it for right now! Bye!