InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome goes to Hogwarts! ❯ Via La Bone Eaters Well! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Here we go again! Enjoy!

chapter 7:Via Bone eaters well
Kagome P.O.V.
"Ready?" Hagrid asked as he ushered them all onto what seemed like a shorter Howarts express. They all gathered in one single big compartment is what it seemed like. Hagrid made sre they were all buckled up tightly. "You'll be there by early morning, but make sure you stayed buckled in the whole time." e said pointing a finger at all of them. then they saw him step off the train and back onto the platform through the window. Then they all felt a jerk and were speeding at what seemed like a million miles per hour. Harry, Ron, and Kaily seemed like they were going to lose their lunch, as me and Inuyasha just sat back, been through a lot worse rides, but just as fast as we left it seemed we all fell asleep.
We were all jerked awake by the complete opposite type of jerk as when we started moving now we just stopped. We all grabbed our carry on bags, except Inuyasha who did have any, he changed back into his red kimono at Hogwarts, making sure his sword was strapped to his waist as always. I stepped of first and was surprised we were right in front of the shrine steps. "Home sweet home." I whispered to myself, but everyone heard. We all peered up at the stairs. Ron, Kaily, Harry, and Heromine in fright. Then I saw my mother sweeping the top step.
"Okee-san!" I yelled and started sprinting up the stairs, my back pack bumping up and down on my back. I saw Inuyasha take a giant leap, mastering all the stairs n one leap. I embraced my mother as she did me as I reached the top of the stairs we stayed like that, for at least ten minutes, until the rest of our little group got to the top of the stairs. Then we pulled away and I felt my mother brush a few of my bangs behind me ear. I let my hair grow all by itself ever since I started visitig the Shikon Jada and my bags were about an chin past my chin long, all they grew over the past three years.
"Kag!" they all turned to see Souta come barreling out of the house in his school uniform, dragging his back pack. "Inuyasha!" He stopped before his hero, making Kagome's sweat drop.
"Hey kid." Inuyasha actually said nicely ruffling the boy's hair.
"How long are you guys going to stay before you need to go back in time?" He asked turning towards his sister.
"We need to leave as soon as possible to ceck things out." Kagome said turning form Souta back to her mother.
"Well, then you'll need supplies." Her mother sighed and wrapped her arm around her daughters as they started back towards the house. "and Souta you need to get to school!" She called back over her shoulder.
"Bye, love you lil' bro!" I yelled over mine as we stepped into the house leaving everyone else in the court yard. It only took us a minute, my mom had everything already in my yellow pack and went upstairs to get it for me. I looked around my house taking in the truely missed sweet scents.
"Here you go sweetie, be careful." My mother said handing me the over weight pack. I gave her a sweet smile and a kiss on the cheek then ran back outside, and motioned everyone to follow me into the well house. My mother was right the well was glowing the most evilest of reds. "Ok, ron and Harry grab onto me, and Inuyasha you get the girls." He gave me a nod grabbing each girl around the waist, making them both blush bright red. Ron and Harry unsteadily climbed onto the ledge of the well with their legs hanging over, and both wrapped an arm around my waist, making Inuyasha growl. Then before the boys could think about it I jumped into the glowing well and dragged them with me. We were surrounded by all the colors of the rainbow, mostly ligh blues and purples, the colors of my powers, over the three years I noticed that the well glows with the color power you have, which was strange the well was glowing red, Inuyasha's power color. but soon we were on solid ground and I looked up to see th blue clear sky through the well openning, and smiled. "Well here we are boys." I said grabbing onto one of the many vines and started climbing up, it was harder than usual, but that was probably because I hadn't done it in about two weeks. Soon we were all waiting at the brim of the well for Inuyasha, Heromine, and Katie. Finally I saw the well glow a redish blue and then saw it fade and then the next thing I knew Inuyasha was standing next to me, with the bigest grimice. "what happened?" I asked at his disgusted face.
"They smell bad." He said. "and now it's all over me." He said in a whiney voice making the boys laugh, as the girls climbed out of the well glaring at them. Then at Inuyasha.
"We do not smell." Heromine growled out surprisingly well for a human.
"Yes, you do."
"All humans smell bad to Inuyasha, you guys gotta remember he's just a dog."
"That's not true, some humans smell good. Like Sango's ok and you smell good." I blushed then quickly turned and started walking towards where I knew Kiade's villiage was. After about a twenty minute walk we finally made it to the4 villiage. With all the villiagers to greet us with strange looks, and I could tell it was getting to my new friends.
"Don't mind them, you guys just look funny to them." I said as we finally were in sight of Kiade's hut.
"KAGOME!" I heard a a yell then was pummeled to the ground laughing. I looked up to see a young fox cub hugging around my waist. Inuyasha pulled the now four foot Shippo off of me by the collar of his kimono shippo kicking at the hanyou the wholetime.
"Guess it's fox for dinner." Inuyasha smirked, then Shippo bit him and Inuyasha hurriedly dropped the kit and he ran to hide behind me. "why you little brat! Come here!" Soon Inuyasha was chasing a scared little kit in circles around me.
"Sit boy! Inuyasha be nice to Shippo! He's still little!" I yelled as I hugged the little boy to me.
"AHEM!" I heard behind me and tured to see all my new friends smirking and giving me confused looks.
"Oh, everyone this is Shippo. shippo this is Harry, Heromine, Ron, and Kaily. guys Shippo's my son." I said not noticing their jaws hit the ground as I turned to see Miroku and Sango exit the hut at all the commotion to the next second be enveloped in a bear hug by Sango.
"Thank Kami for another girl finally! Kagome I thought you were going to leave me here for ever with this letcher."
"Sango... can't... breathe..." I gasped for air, and she quickly stepped back a little giving me some air as I coughed a few times, then we both had the same thought as we turned to see Miroku holding one of both Heromine's and Kaily's hands. Sango and I both stepped closer, jst in case, crossing our arms over our chests.
"Yes, both of you are very beautiful, I was wondering, would either of your bear my ch..."
Me and Sango turned the other way whistling innocently, and staring up at the sky. Inuyasha pealed himself off the ground mumbling every dirty curse word, I ever heard and a few I hadn't, brushing himself off then stopped to stare down at the unconcious Miroku in the dirt, then lightly nudged him with his foot, nothing, so he just walked past him, stepping on him sromache on the way to come over and jump up to Kiade's roof.
"Inuyasha come down."
"Why should I wench?" He said turning his back to me, and I glared through that back putting my hands on my hips.
"Becasue I said so!"
"Sense when do I listen to a bitch like you?" He turned back around scowling at me.
"Fine be that way more ramen for us." I said picking up my Shippo and put him on my shoulder walking into Kiade's hut to greet the old woman. Then I heard a same thump and Inuyasha walked into the hut, still scowling and sat next to the door, indian style and with his arms crssed, ususl Inuyasha style, soon he was followed by Heromine, Kaily, and Sango. Sango, Shippo and Kiad sat on one side of the fire staring at Heromin, Harry, Ron, and Kaily, as they stared back.
"Oh this is Sango, Kiade, and you all know Shippo, and this is Kaily, Heromine, Harry, and Ron. They come from my time excuse their weird ascents they come from another country far from here." I cleared up.
"Ya, and they can turn you into a fly so be careful Shippo, because they are witches and wizards and are the meanest that come, and they won't think anything of making you feel like your burning to death for hours." Inuyasha said trying to spook Shippo, by then shippo was shaking and ran over to bury his head in my shirt cletching onto me for dear life.
"INUYASHA! STOP LYING! THEY WILL NOT! Shippo sweety he was just be ing a jerk don't listen they are really nice, they are my friends, and I would never let anything happen to you." I cooed to the little kit rubbing his back and glaring at Inuyasha's smirk.
"Hey wench, when are we leaving anyway better to get some shards while we're here." Inuyasha said going back to his usual pose.
"My name isn't wench and we'll leave after breakfast ok?" I asked snottily as I waited for the water to boil over the large fire pit.
We all ate ramen for breakfast, Inuyasha wasn't happy when he finally figured out we were eating at his stock of ramen which meant less for him. We waited for Sango to grab her hitogsi and Miroku to wake up then warned him to stay away from Heromin and Kaily. Then we were on our way, all of us walking ever me, leaving my bike at Kiade's. Inuyasha led the way with Shippo on his shoulder, then Harry, Ron, and Miroku behind him talking about only kami knows what. Then us girls, Heromine, Kaily took quickly to Sango as Sango did to them, all of us agreeing it nice to have more girls and not stuck with all boys.
"Ya, I don't know how Kagome did it. First it was just her and Inuyasha."
"Ya, but they both really like each other so that wouldn't be too bad." Kaily said, Heromine nodding her agreement then they both blushed lightly as me and Sango gave them both dead pan looks.
"Not really, they hated each other at first."
"Ya, he even tryed to kill me, I think one of the first few things he said to me was, 'Let me sharpen my claws on your back.' Or something like that. Thenwe became sorta friends, then Shippo came along."
"Ya, I don't get that, I mean how is he your son, you look a little young to have a son?" Heromine said and I blushed at what I knew her and Kaily were thinking.
"NO! Not like that, he's my adoptive son. We met up with him as he tryed to steal the jewel shards from me and Inuyasha, almost suceeded too, he trapped Inuyasha's ands under this boulder and he was stuck there by afuda. It was so funny."
"Then they met up with Miroku who di the same thing, and tryed to get with KAgome, you know that whole, 'Will you bear my child.' thing. Then we started as enemies too."
"Ya, Sango was told Inuyasha destoried her villiage killing everyone she cared for, but it was all a lie."
"They even took care of me after I attacked them, Kagome has sucha kind heart." Sango said eith a sigh and all the girls broke out laughing.
"what do you think they're laughing about?" Ron asked as him and Harry looked over their shoulders at the histaric girls.
"Who knows what goes through women's heads." Harry muttered and they both nodded in agreement.
Miroku smirked at this. 'Poor inexperieneced boys.' He thought to himself. "Inuyasha where are we headed?"
"North, according to that old hag there's been a rise of power up there, about a day's walk we should get their before nightfall, if SOME PEOPLE didn't keep wanting to take rest!." Inuyasha said obvisiously indicating to the girls.
"Do you really want me to say the 's' word?!"