InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome goes to Hogwarts! ❯ Eww! Gross! Org! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Well there should be the first serious fight soon!

Chapter 8:
Kagome pov
"Are we there yet?" Shippo whined to Inuyasha from Kagome's arms where he was half asleep. It was now almost completely dark and they were still walking along the dirt trail.
"For the millionth time! NO!" Inuyasha growled back obvisiously lying as they cam up to the top of a big hill and peered down into a slightly still awake villiage.
"YAY! WE'RE THERE!" Kaily yelled.
"SHHHHHHHHH!" We all hissed back and she quieted down instantly.
"Sorry..." she whispered to the group. As everyone stopped a moment to look at the villiage I walked up to be atInuyasha's side.
"Where are we going to stay tonight?" I asked quietly.
"There's suppose to be an inn on the other side of the villiage, and they are suppose to be cheap." Inuyasha said peering straight ahead. "LEt's go." Inuyasha said loud enough for everyone to hear now, as we started to walk through the enterance of the town, Kaily, Harry, ron, and Heromine were so noisy, trying to look in various huts, not realizing people lived in them and were trying to sleep. We all did quick to haul them from the huts with apologies to the occupants. Finally we were at th inn. Inuyasha steadily led the way into the frot room, me close behind him feeling every eye on me, the front room of the inn was also a bar, that looked very busy with young men. I looked behind me to see Heromine and Kaily doing the same to anything familar and close, which happened to beMiroku unfortunately.
"What da yous want?" Asked an older man, who spit at Inuyasha's feet disrespectfully.
"A room." I said politely, seeing as Inuyasha was getting a bit angered.
"Shut-up wench, let a man speak and not some mutt either." The man sneered.
By then everyone could hear Inuyasha's low growl from deep in his throat.
Miroku dutifully stepped forward, past me and Inuyasha. "We wish to rent a room for the night." He said with a slight bow to the drunken old man.
"Alright, but you better keep that... thing in order one screw up from him or that out spoken wench and your all gone." The man said as he spit to his right and then turned and started to lead to the back of the the room, as we walked through the tables of drunken men, Kaily and Heromine were clinging to each other, showing much fear, but I hheld my had high walking behind Inuyasha, then I felt something latch onto my wrist, and turned to the man who had his grubby disgusting hand attached to my wrist.
"Hey zweet thin, wanna come with me tead of that mutt? I likez ztrong wozen." He sneered from his drunken stupor, as he grinned up at me.
"Let go of her or you'll lose a lot more than that hand." I heard Inuyasha growl from beside me, and looked at him as he stood his back still to me and his arms crossed and eyes closed, but was plainly pissed.
"Zhut-up you freakz, I'm talkin here." The drunken man glared at Inuyasha's back, gripping my wrist tighter making me wince from his hard grasp.
"Now, or you'll me sorry." Inuyasha glared throwig his eyes open and turning to face the man, hand resting on tetsiaga's hilt. The man saw the anger in his eyes, and saw his hand on the hilt and slowly let go.
"Come back when youz getzick oft thiz half breedt." He said smiling at me. Inuyasha ushered me in front of him as we walked on to catch up to Miroku and the inn keeper. Soom we found ourselves in a small room no bigger than half of Kiade's hut.
"There thats will cost yous..."
"That should cover it." Miroku said shoving a few coins into the man's hand and the man nodded and then shut the door after him. Inuyasha growled once more then started tocalm down as I reached for his hand, but he staopped me grabbing my wrist that was now bruised and I winced. He brought it up to his face to look at it, then past it at my face. He gaveme a apologenic and I gave him a small smile. Inuyasha slowly sat down in his usual style and ushered me next to him. I sat down next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder, as everyone else got their sleeping arrangements how hey wanted, well except for Miroku who was soon knocked unconcious. We all soon fell asleep me last, except Inuyasha, but he never really sleeps, Shipo curled up in my lap as I soothingly stroked his back then slowly drifted off to dream land.
"Oi wench get up we need to go you lazy ass." I was being nudged with something hard in the shoulder and openned my eyes to a foot.
"EWWWW! GET AWAY!" I screamed sitting straight up and scooted as far away from the foot into the wall, bumping my head hard with a thud. Then I heard laughter to look up to see everyone awake and laugh at me except Inuyasha wo was rubbing his now sore earsand I blushed. "Don't do that! That's so gross, weren't you ever taught ot keep your hands and feet to yourself?!" I yelled at the hanyou as I stood up rubbi9ng the back of my head.
"Well now that I can't hear, can we go?!" Inuyasha yelled in my face and I just stuck out my tongue at him.
"Well don't put your dirty feet in my face and I wouldn't scream in your ears." I said walking over to my pack to grab a brush to comb through my very tangled hair. That's what you get from sleeping on the dirty old floor 500 years in the past. I openned up my over sized pack and started rummaging through it for the wanted item and as soon as I found it I sat back smiling as I brushed out my ebony locks. Then threw the brush back into the messy, unorganized pack and shut it throwing it over my shoulder and strode out after Inuyasha, the rest of the odd group in tow.
"Grumghlretrfh." My stromache growled as Heromine, and Kaily's echoed.
"Can we stop now?" Ron said slumping as he dragged his feet completely wore out it we had only been walking for a feaw hours it was barely noon.
"Aww, pipe down, I don't wanna hear you guys whinin' if I wanted that I'd talk to Kagome." Inuyasha said not even looking back at the struggling four. I just smiled at them then growled realizing what Inuyasha just said.
"Hey, jerk! I don't whine! If anyone whines its you!" I yelled back at himand he turned back towards me stopping and glaring.
"Keh." He said flipping back around and walked a whole three steps before halting and started growling then sticking his nose in the air aniffing and wiggling his ears in all directions.
"What's he doing?" Kaily asked and me, Sango,and Mirkou shhed her quickly knowing exactly what Inuyasha was doing.
"Kagome, get them out of the way, Kerara, keep them safe in out of the way." ui nodded then grabbed Kaily and motioned to the other three newbies and ushered them in a run towards the forest.
"I don't get it whats going on?!" Kaily yelled being tugged along totally confused.
"Shut-up! There's a demon! And you guys aren't ready for that kind of thing yet!" I yelled over my shoulder as we dived into some small underbrush at the beginning of the forest so we could see what was going on. We all ducked and scrunched and then got completely silent. I saw Inuyasha in front and Sango and Miroku flank him on both sides as they readied their weapons and Inuyasha waited with his hand on the hilt of tetsiaga, waiting to for the demon to show itself it didn't take more than a minute when the huge ugly smelly demon showed itself. It was a disgusting puke green, with orange eyes with green pupils, a big snort that dripped yellow lilquid and smirked at the half demon an eighth of the org's size showing yellow and green the color of it's skin rotting teeth. Inuyasha cringed at the scent, making the demon think he was scared of hedisgusting ceature. Inuyasha held his sleeve to his nose as Miroku, Sango and the rest of us, a hundred yards away plugged our noses in disgust.
"You cringe in fear I know you have jewel shards where are they?" He snorted, what sounded like it talked through it's nose, but it's moving mouth said different. "But they power isn't sensed from you but from that priestess hiding over there." It hissed and started to turn away from Inuyasha to face the forest where we were.
"Leave her out of this ugly!" Inuyasha yelled through his sleeve.
"Back off half breed! I won't hurt her, but devour her whole!" He yelled then turned back to Inuyasha. "Mixed blood never was my fancy, but I will devour you too, mutt." It said breathing a green sort of gas, making Inuyasha sway and Sango too, also, as Mrioku tried to hold it together. I quickly stood hurrying to string an arrow and shot to hit a few feet in front of Inuyasha clearing the gas instantly purifying it.
"Thanks! But next time aim for the demon!" Inuyasha yelled sarcastuically getting his strength back and glaring at the org.
"The girl as minimal power for a priestess." The org laughed. I sprang back to my feet.
"I'll show you minimal power!" I sneered through cletched teeth. I was pulled back down by Harry.
"Wench, shuddup and let me handle this!" Inuyasha yelled not turning away from the org.
"Surely you, a hanyou, don't think you can handle me." The org laughed.
"Well then you're about to get a rude awakening." Inuyasha chuckled as he put on his usual smirk before a battle, I loved that smirk it made him look so sexy, but hated it at the same time, usually garnteeing some sort of injury or pain to someone. "IRON REEPER SOUL STEALER!" Inuyasha yelled slaching with his claws as he jumped up at the org to hit him right in the face, then landed gracefully on his feet. The org snickered, as the blades didn't even make it to him, as they hit some sort of invisable sheild. "Damn." Inuyasha cursed. "I thought I would get rid of this stench before this." Inuyasha said covering back uo his nose with his haori sleeve.
"Silly mutt, the shard is too powerful for you, now just give me the priestess with the shards and I'll let you live."
"Over my dead body!" Inuyasha yelled drawing a fully transformed tetsiaga. He held it ready for battle as the orged laughed at him again. 'Silly mutt, he knows not of the power naraku bestowed on me.'
"Yes milord?"
"Get up Chowshi, I need you to do somethng for me and I will give you a shard of the shinkon no tama. You have heard of it no doubt?"
"Of course milord. What do you wish me to do?"
"I need you to find Inuyasha and take his jewel shards, but not before you kill his wench, this Kagome girl, she is the source of all his strength, without her, he will surely crumple." Naraku sneered then dropped a shard at the kneeling Chowshi's feet and left the dense dark forest, disappearing into the night in his baboon cloak.
"Yes, milord." Chowshi said to the wind, then slowly reached for the shardand dumped it into his mouth swallowing it whole.
"Fine then you are the cause of your's and everyone of your compainions deaths." Chowshi smirked then charged trying to grab Inuyasha, but was too slow and Inuyasha just dodged then released the wind scar, but the sheild held, and didn't even get within ten feet of Chowshi. Chowshi laughed again then took another swipe at Inuyasha, to get nothing but air. Then Chowshi openned his decaying mouth as large as he could and released a mouthful of green gas, instantly hit Inuyasha's heightened senses.
~in the bushes~ Kagome pov~
"Becareful Inuyasha." I whispered to myself, but sure the four around me heard.
"Fine then you are the cause of your's and everyone of your compainions deaths." The org said, making everyone around her go rigid.
"Inuyasha, won't lose, never has and never will, but you have got to have faith." I whispered to the group. They all slightly relaxed, but still very tense. We all looked back to see Inuyasha get hit by the gas and start to sway, before being banckhanded into a tree. I winced, but stayed where I was no matter how much I wanted to run to him, he told me to stay out of the way, and that's what I would do, for roght this minute at least. Inuyasha staggered to his feet, pulling himsself up with tetsiaga dug into the ground, to just get gripped between big clawed fingers. "Mutt, I told you to just give me the girl,but now you will fie as well." The org laughed.
"Shut..... up." Inuyasha barely got out, the gas was paralyzing him.
"Fine, I will give you, your last wish. Die Inuyasha." The org sqeezed harder, and Inuyasha gave loud snaps and bops breaking all his bones, with blood oozing between the org's cletched fingers as his claws dug right through the hanyou's body making holes as big as Inuyasha's head in several places all the way through. Then the org threw Inuyasha's limp body away and turned towards me as Inuyasha's body fell limp tetsiaga in it's weakened state a few feet away. I slowly stood up, just now realizing I was crying, and walked out of the bushes with hatred burning in my bright bkue eyes.
~third person~
Chowshi saw Kagome walk out of the bushes tears running down her face, and eyes burning with something unfamilar, anger, saddness, determination, heartbreak, strength, dead so many emotions all at once.
"You.... YOU BASTARD!" She whispered then yelled at the top of her lungs, her voice was ragged, and weak, but still haaad so much strength.
"Kagome! Get back!" Sango yelled as her and Miroku stepped in front of her, and Sango caught her as she fell balling her eyes out.
"Give me the girl and you won't have a fate as the mutt."
"He's not a mutt!" Kagome cryed into Sango's shoulder. Harry, slowly stood up and walked out of the bushes to kneel down next to Kagome nad Sango. Ron, Heromine, and Kaily slowly did the same trying to comfort their friend who just lost the love of her life.
"Give me the girl and the jewel shards!" The org yelled at the group. "Do you all really want to end up like that half breed? Fine."
The org charged at them, the two witchesa nd wizards instictively took out their wands and pointed it at them at the org saying various incanations, none of them getting past the sheild. Kagome slowly looked up to see the org coming and jumped out of Sango's grasp running back towards the bushes they were hiding in. "You can't run girl!" The org yelled running after her.
"Where is it?" Kagome fantically searching through the bushes finally finding her bow. Then she flipped around to see the og not even twenty feet away and still charging, but she already was relaesing the arrow. It glowed light purple as it swiped through the air like butter towards the running org. "Go through go through go through go through go through go through." She chanted over and over then the arrow met the sheild but didn't fall useless like the rest of the attacks. It was struggling against it, trying to penitrate it. "Come on, go through." She kept whisperingand praying to budda it would.
A/N: I know flamers! Its a crappy place tostop, but its a cliffy and a good story needs thoughs, i think and it's really long! BYE! TIL NEXT TIME!