InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Running into Sesshomaru ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This story I made on Media Miner first but it is going through some much needed revisions to become a new story. I will be updating this slowly over time.  
This takes place right after Naraku is killed; the pack is still together. Sesshomaru was an ally in the battle to defeat Naraku, so he is well aware of Kagome's presence.
The pairings: Sess/Kags/Inu, Rin/Shippo, Mir/Sango
Running into Sesshomaru
Kagome climbed out of the well, with her empty yellow backpack. She was physically exhausted from climbing, and from her day of fighting demons. Inuyasha fought her tooth and nails to let her come back for her brother's birthday. However when it was pitch black outside so she thought her family was in the house.
“Souta, Mom I'm home,” Kagome yelled, using the key to let herself in.
It was Souta's 9th birthday. Kagome promised her mother that she would be there. She was a little late, she honestly didn't mean to miss it. No one seemed to be home. She wandered through the house, it was lit, but there was no one here. She found a note, posted on the fridge.
Dear Kagome,
Sorry that we missed you, Souta was getting impatient so we had to leave. We'll be back in a few days, so come back and we'll make sure to be here.
Love you,
Kagome was slightly disappointed; she had missed Souta's birthday all because of Inuyasha. If he wasn't so crazy about gathering more information about Naraku, she would have made it back on time.
`I might as well get something for the others'.
She grabbed some chocolate pocky, soap, shampoo, ramen, deodorant and more clothes. She didn't need anything else; her pack was fairly light for her. Kagome ran off to the well house and jumped in. Once she got to the other side, she looked around. Everyone was sleeping, except Inuyasha who was nowhere to be found. She left her stuff at the campsite and began wandering into the forest to see that Kikyo's soul collectors were swimming overheard. Kagome chased after them. She stopped when she heard 2 people talking.
“Do you love me Inuyasha?” Kikyo asked. She could see her stoic face looking at Inuyasha
“I love you more and more each day,” Inuyasha announced. Kikyo latched onto his lips.
Kagome stood there; she was just about to leave when she accidentally stepped on a twig behind her.
“Who's there?” Inuyasha demanded. Kagome was afraid, she didn't want him to know she had seen. She masked her scent and hid her aura.
Kagome didn't answer, she just ran off into the depths of the forest. She was running in a blind fury, tears streaming down her face.
`I can't believe he told Kikyo that he loves her. After all the times that he acted like he loved me. I can't believe I actually believed him, Sango warned me, but I didn't listen. I am so stupid!'
She continued to run, she couldn't even see where she was going; she was just trying to get away from him. She bumped into Sesshomaru, who was out patrolling his lands. She looked up and stopped crying a moment.
“Inu…Yasha” She whispered, her eyes foggy with tears.
“No, This Sesshomaru is no hanyou” He said. Kagome grabbed onto Sesshomaru's clothes and cried into him. Sesshomaru was not one to allow a ningen to hang onto him in such a manner, but he also was not heartless.
`I wonder what the hanyou did this time'
He just stood there, he wasn't going to wrap his arm around the ningen, but he didn't try to remove her.
“Sesshomaru, let her go” Inuyasha yelled. Kagome released herself from Sesshomaru, and just stood in front of him. She was still wiping away the tears from her eyes. Inuyasha wasted no time reaching for his Tetsusaiga. Of course Sesshomaru did not bother reaching for his sword, he could beat Inuyasha without it.
 “Sit boy!” Kagome yelled.
“Got the hanyou under control still this Sesshomaru sees, every abomination needs one,” Sesshomaru sneered.
“Can you take me away from here?” Kagome asked him. Inuyasha's ears perked up in shock!
“No Kagome, don't go with him, what about us and the pack?” He asked.
“You have Kikyo now, she can be with you. Let her be the one you take around,” Kagome said angrily. She turned back to Sesshomaru for his answer.
“Miko, if you want to leave the side of this half breed, you may come with this Sesshomaru and teach my ward Rin” He offered. He loved to see his brother in pain over the loss of his miko.
“Thank you Sesshomaru” She said softly. She did not want to stay with Inuyasha any longer; she was tired of letting her youth slip before her eyes waiting on a guy that did not love her.
Sesshomaru smirked inwardly, 'So the wench isn't going to forgive Inuyasha this time' He summoned his cloud and Kagome held onto him.
“Thanks so much Sesshomaru” Kagome said, her eyes began to water as she left Inuyasha's forest.
“You will address this Sesshomaru as Lord Sesshomaru from now on,” He said. Kagome looked away. He lowered her onto the ground as they arrived at his castle. One of his servants, the rescued wind demon Kagura came out to greet them.
“Kagura, escort her to Rin's wing of the castle, she'll be sleeping there” He said. Then he floated off on his cloud off into the sky. Kagome watched him until he disappeared from site. Then she returned her gaze to Kagura, who remained patiently beside her.
“Where did he go?” Kagome asked.
“Knowing Lord Sesshomaru, he went off to be alone for awhile,” Kagura answered. She leads Kagome awhile until she reached Rin's wing. She had opened one of the guest bedrooms, and showed her around the wing.
“Thank you Kagura,” Kagome said. She found some robes on the bed that fit her perfectly. But before Kagome could ask anything else, Kagura slipped away. Kagura was summoned by Sesshomaru into his study.
“Bring the miko here within the hour, do not let her be late” Then she was shooed from the room. Kagura walked straight to Kagome's sleeping quarters and gave her the message.
 “ Mistress Kagome, Lord Sesshomaru requests you to meet him in the study in an hour,” Kagura said.
“Thank you Kagura,” Kagome said.
“Just doing my job, mistress” Kagura replied.
Kagome hurried up to get dressed. After half an hour of setting up her room, Rin came in.
“Hi pretty lady, what's your name?” Rin asked.
“My name is Kagome, what's your name?” Kagome replied.
“Rin” Rin answered.
“Mistress Kagome, it's almost time,” Kagura called into the room. Kagome had Rin tie the robes tightly then slipped her feet into some comfortable house shoes.
“Will Kagome come back to play with Rin?” Rin asked.
“Yes I'll be back soon” Kagome replied. She opened her door to see a waiting Kagura and followed her to Lord Sesshomaru's study. Kagura knocked softly. She was to open the door for Kagome and then leave immediately
“Enter” Sesshomaru said. Kagome went inside and Kagura closed the door back.
“Hello Lord Sesshomaru, thank you for the beautiful room,” Kagome said. She took a seat in the chair in front of his desk.
“We have much to discuss,” His voice seemed to boom through the room. He was firm, stoic and stern. But that did not bother Kagome in the least.
“Yes of course” She replied. She didn't want to show fear, she wasn't afraid of him. It's just what he could do to her if he was angry.
“You need to get up a little after sunrise each day to join Rin and this Sesshomaru for breakfast, as a guest in this house you will be submit to meeting various guests throughout your stay, you'll also need to teach Rin proper ningen etiquette , and join Rin for dinner at sunset” He said.
“Of course, I'd be more than happy to” Kagome said.
“At least I'm not stuck with Inuyasha, that baka. Picking that undead clay pot over me, when I've done nothing more than accept him, love him for how he is, all she wants to do is change him. Doesn't appreciate his personality”