InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Kouga's visit ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kouga's Visit
Kagome could see that Sesshomaru was extremely busy with the amount of papers that sat on top of his desk. So she dismissed herself from the seat and walked over to a discarded scroll that was on the floor.
“What is that?” She asked pointing to a scroll.
“Mind your own business Miko,” He said barely. He went back to his reading, ignoring the curious miko in front of him.
Kagome was a little taken back by his harshness and picked up the scroll. Upon her simple touch, the scroll unraveled itself and she began to read it.
“Why are you reading this Sesshomaru's scroll?” He questioned. He was angered. A ningen woman had the nerve to read private property of this Sesshomaru's. If she was not helping Rin, she'd be dead. He snatched it away from her, rolled it back up and tucked it away.
“Prince Kouga of the Eastern lands is coming here, to this castle, for a 2 week stay!?” Kagome exclaimed, she was starting to panic. He'd ask questions, try to take her away for good, or worse, make her his mate.
“Is there a reason you do not want him here?” Sesshomaru questioned, his own curiosity coming into play.
`He better not have done anything to her. Not that I care about the ningen onna'
“Kouga seems to think I am his mate,” Kagome whispered, her cheeks turned a light pink at the flashbacks. Kouga had a long history of sticking his nose into her private live, and not allowing Inuyasha any peace.
“Did you accept his offer?” He asked. `Why does this Sesshomaru care? The wolf is not this Sesshomaru's problem, neither is the miko'
“Of course not! I've refused several times! But he just doesn't understand what I say” She answered, her answer sounded so firm.
“Then do not worry about his presence, you'll be teaching Rin during the majority of his stay so it should not be a bother” He answered calmly.
“May I go now?” She asked. She no longer desired to stay in his room, she had much to think over.
“And what do you need to do Miko?” He asked. `As if the lowly miko has anything better to do than sit in the presence of this Sesshomaru'
“I promised Rin that I'd play with her,” Kagome answered. Although playing was not on Kagome's top priority, the poor girl looked terribly bored and needed someone to play with her.
`She's already met Rin; she will make a great mother to her. Why did this Sesshomaru just say that?'
“You may leave,” He said. Kagome nodded and left. Kagura was waiting patiently in the hallway.
“Mistress Kagome, you were in there for only a few minutes. Lord Sesshomaru never sees anyone for that short amount of time” She commented
“Well we had a good understanding,” Kagome said swiftly, Kagura seemed like the nosey type to her. After Kagura got her back to Rin's wing, she pulled away.
“I have to prepare the guest wing for Kouga's visit,” She announced.
“When does he come?” Kagome questioned.
“Early tomorrow morning, he should be here for breakfast.” Kagura called as she was walked down the hall. Kagome scurried into her room. There was Rin, standing by her dresser, a bottle in her hand.
“What is this, Kagome?” Rin asked. Kagome glanced over at the bottle in Rin's hand
“Shampoo, I use it to wash my hair.” She said.
“Next time we bathe, will you share some with Rin?” Rin asked.
“Of course!” Kagome said. Rin smiled warmly. They played with some toys Kagome brought for Shippo. She even taught Rin to jump rope. Kagura entered the room.
“Dinner time, come with me Lady Rin,” Kagura said.
Rin ran off with Kagura. Kagome went to wash up and fix her hair. `Am I trying to fix myself up for Sesshomaru? Of course not, there are other people there. He is merely the lord of the house. He may not even join us'
“Good evening Lord Sesshomaru.” Kagura said.
Rin climbed into her chair near Sesshomaru and Kagome was on his other side.
“Prince Kouga has arrived!” Kanna yelled.
“Prince Kouga has arrived?” Rin said.
“Yes Rin, Kouga must have gotten here sooner than he planned.” Sesshomaru said he eyed the miko carefully; her expression was not a pleasant one. She managed to keep herself proper and sit there quietly. Kagome wasn't glad she spent the extra few minutes fixing herself up.
“Hello Lord Sesshomaru, and Rin,” Kouga said.
“Mistress Kagome will also be here during your stay,” Kanna told him.
“Nice to see you again Kagome,” Kouga said. He went over to her side, took her right hand, and kissed it.
`How dare he come into This Sesshomaru's castle and kiss on the miko!'
“Kagura is setting up to feed us in the meeting room, Rin and Kagome can spend this dinner getting use to eating together.” Sesshomaru announced.
Kouga was disappointed. “Why can't we just eat here?” He asked.
 “Do you dare question this Sesshomaru's decisions?” Sesshomaru's voice boomed through the dining hall. Kouga calmed himself down, but gave Kagome a nice glance over. Kagome's eyes were pleading with him to go along.
“I'll talk to you later Kagome.” Kouga said. Kagome was relieved that he was leaving.
“Mistress Kagome, do you think that you'll be able to take Rin outside tomorrow?” Rin asked.
“I'll have to ask Lord Sesshomaru about that, we're supposed to start our lessons tomorrow,” Kagome reminded.
“Oh, of course, Mistress Kagome,” Rin said. After they finished dinner, Jaken came in to clear the dishes. He avoided Kagome like the plague, mumbling about another ningen in the house.
“Time for bed Rin,” Kanna said, entering the room. Kagome helped Rin pick up the remaining toys on the floor. They walked together to their rooms.
“Lady Kagome, after the meeting with Lord Sesshomaru, Kouga wants to talk with you,” Kagura informed her.
“Thank you Kagura,” Kagome smiled. She went over to her room. She began to study for her math finals in a few weeks. Luckily she had remembered one of the textbooks was still in her backpack. She was still fully dressed because she was awaiting Kouga's arrival.
“Kagome,” Kouga called softly through the door.
“Hi Kouga,” Kagome said. She stood up, unlocked the door, and gave him a hug.
*In Sesshomaru's study*
“Kanna, use your mirror to show this Sesshomaru the meeting between Kagome and Kouga.” Sesshomaru ordered. Kanna showed him the mirror.
* Back to Kagome and Kouga*
“Why are you here?” Kouga asked. Kagome moved aside to let him in the room, before shutting the door. She moved slowly to her bed, trying to find the best way to answer his question
“I need a break from Inuyasha. I caught him with Kikyo again, confessing his undying love for her. It was too much.” Kagome fell into Kouga's arms crying.
“I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you cry.” Kouga whispered. He held her tightly. She held onto him too. After a few minutes, she realized she was still in his arms and broke apart from him.
“It's getting late, I still have to say goodnight to Rin and Sesshomaru,” She said suddenly. Kouga knew it was inappropriate to be in her bedroom anyways.
“See you tomorrow, Kagome,” Kouga said. Kagome got up and walked him to her bedroom door.
“Goodnight Kouga.” She called. She slowly walked down the hall to Rin's room. Rin was already in a deep sleep. She placed a soft kiss across her forehead and went down to Sesshomaru's study. She knocked softly.
“Enter,” He mumbled. He was still sitting in his chair behind the desk, piles of papers around him. But Kanna was also in the room. Kagome felt incredibly uncomfortable.
“I was just going to bed, Rin is already asleep,” Kagome said.
“How was Kouga?” Sesshomaru said, which threw Kagome off for a second. Luckily she recovered and came up with an answer.
“He was very polite and understanding, though he did have a few questions.” She whispered. Her answer was enough to satisfy Sesshomaru.
“Goodnight Lord Sesshomaru,” She said, smiling weakly and taking her chance to escape. She went over and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. `She kissed me; I haven't had someone kiss me in a long time.'
He still seemed ok so Kagome let herself out and went back to her bedroom. She slept comfortably, allowing the stress of the day to disappear.
“Wake up Lady Kagome,” Kagura said the next morning. Kagome was not use to having a personal alarm clock every morning. It was quite early, and the sun was still not up yet. Kagome knew it was part of the agreement for staying at Sesshomaru's.
“ Good morning Kagura,” Kagome said, she allowed herself to slowly get out of bed. She got up and Kagura helped her get dressed for the day.
“It's nearly time for breakfast,” She hinted. Kagome hurried down to the dining hall.
“Good morning everyone,” Kagome said cheerfully.