InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Big changes ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I am proud of myself, my last chapter was over 3,000 words long. So that's a good thing.
Big Changes
Kagome fell asleep beside Kashia's crib. Sesshomaru left her and refused to let anyone see her.
“We should tell her” Miroku said.
“Do we have to, it'll kill her” Sango said.
“Tell me what?” Kagome asked, awaking from her sleep.
“Miroku and I decided to move out, to find our own way of life” Sango said.
“When?” Kagome asked.
“Tonight” Miroku answered.
`My 2 oldest friends are leaving me, at such a crucial time. I still have Inuyasha, but I've probably messed everything up with him and Sesshomaru is getting suspicious'
“Did Sesshomaru kick you out or something?” Kagome asked.
“No, we agreed on it” Sango reassured.
“Please stay a little while longer, I've gotten use to you being here” Kagome begged. Sango felt a tug at her heart.
“Sorry but we just can't, it's time for us to start our life” Sango apologized.
“Mine's just crumbling away” Kagome murmured. Sango wasn't paying attention but Miroku heard.
“Sango, why don't you go on and start packing” Miroku hinted. Sango left.
“Why is your life crumbling?” He asked her.
“It's nothing” Kagome said. She knew Sesshomaru was probably listening in.
“Come with me to the garden” Miroku offered. Kagome accepted.
Safely out of ear shot, Kagome broke down to tell him.
“So you love Sesshomaru but you still love Inuyasha and you can't choose between the two” Miroku repeated. Kagome only nodded.
“Can't you have both” He asked.
“I'm sure I could, but that's selfish and cruel, to string both guys along. Besides Kagura loves him” Kagome said.
“But they haven't mated, they aren't attached yet” Miroku argued.
`But two mates, I'm sure it's possible. In these times, Lords can have many wives but will they ever agree to it. And what about Kashia, she can't have two dads'
Sesshomaru went to talk to Inuyasha.
“Pup, what happened between you and Kagome?” He asked.
“I am not a pup, nothing happened” Inuyasha said.
“You lie, she was crying when you left” He stated.
“So, she's emotional” He brushed it off.
“What did she say to you?” He asked.
“That she loved me” He smirked.
“She loves everyone” Sesshomaru said.
“Yeah I know, and after she said it, she said she didn't mean it” He told him.
“Do you love her?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Yes I do” He admitted.
“I think she feels for you too” Sesshomaru frowned.
`My mate desires another, and with such love and lust for him. I doubt she was driven to it but she wants his feel, his touch, his caressing of her so badly that it drove her to an orgasm'
“If she will have you, you can take her” Sesshomaru said, he began to walk off.
“Have her, she's your mate” Inuyasha exclaimed.
“I will release her from the mark, you can take her” Sesshomaru said.
“Do you not want her anymore?” Inuyasha questioned.
“Arrogant pup, I love her but if she does not want me, I will not hold her against her will” Sesshomaru said.
“We should ask her, several times we've been alone and she's never tried to get close to me, she actually sends me away” Inuyasha said.
“She is loyal and faithful, so it makes sense why she would not” Sesshomaru said.
`Do I take Kagome from him? They have a kid together, she seems happy with him and he just admitted to loving her. That's a first time ever that Sesshomaru has shown an emotion other than anger. But will she have me? I have nothing to offer her, no money, no house, and no food. I'm just a worthless Hanyou, I broke her heart so many times but yet she still wants me'
“Miroku, it's soo good talking to you” Kagome said.
“I better go help Sango pack” He said. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha came over.
“Hey” Kagome said.
“Mate, I know you told Inuyasha that you love him, is it true?” Sesshomaru asked.
`How can I answer to that? If I say yes, will he kill Inuyasha? But if I say no, do I lose Inuyasha forever? Always so many decisions and never enough options. I can't hurt Sesshomaru but I can't hurt Inuyasha either. I love both of them so much!'
“I did” Kagome answered truthfully.
“Do you love me?” He demanded.
“Of course” Kagome scoffed.
“Who do you love more?” Inuyasha asked.
“Neither, I love both the same” Kagome replied.
“Are you mad, Sess?” Kagome asked.
“No” He said swiftly.
“I was wondering… maybe… I could… have both of you as a mate” Kagome quickly looked away.
“Both of us?” Inuyasha looked confused.
“It is possible” Sesshomaru said.
“We could share; of course Kashia would be confused but…” Kagome said.
“If it makes you happy” Sesshomaru said. Kagome smiled at this but she worried over Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha” She said softly.
“I don't know, how could we know who gets to sleep with you?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome blushed.
“Inuyasha, Sex is such a”
“That's not what I meant, I meant just to share a bed” Inuyasha said. Kagome chuckled at the confusion.
“Possibly the 3 of us share a bed” Kagome suggested. Sesshomaru's bed was a lofty size.
“I guess” Inuyasha said. Kagome jumped at his answer. Then she frowned.
“What about Kagura?” She asked.
`I don't want to steal him away from her. I love him so much but so does she, is it far to take away something she really wants'.
“I'm over her, we haven't mated yet” Inuyasha said. Kagome was glad by his answer.
Kagome wanted so badly to kiss Inuyasha.
“How would it work though? If I do anything romantically with Inuyasha, wouldn't my mark burn?” Kagome asked.
“He has to mark you as well, and your body would recognize both” Sesshomaru answered. Kagome knew they'd have to rut to get the mark. Kagome kissed him on the cheek.
“I'll go check on Kashia” Sesshomaru said.
Once Sesshomaru was gone, Kagome kissed Inuyasha on the lips. It seemed to go on forever.
“You don't know how long I wanted to do that” Kagome said. Her mark didn't burn, nor did Sesshomaru's.
“Do you want to mate tonight?” Inuyasha asked her.
“So soon?” Kagome said.
“If you want to wait, I can” Inuyasha said.
“NO, tonight is good” Kagome smiled.
“What about fluffy?” Inuyasha asked.
“I'll explain to him” Kagome answered.
Well next chapter is a lemon people, hopefully way better than the first lemon I did between Kagome and Sess.