InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Drunk ( Chapter 41 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: It has been about a week, it took awhile to get back to the castle, sorry to leave it as a cliffy. I am on vacation in San Diego so I have gotten a chance to write the story. For right now, I do not have a plot or even know where I am going so I am going to just keep it going
Kagome was still asleep. Kaede came into the room.
“What happened here?” She asked.
“Naraku raped her, all we know is that she ended up at a river, rubbing her skin raw” Inuyasha said.
Kaede slowly undressed Kagome, her old eyes scanning over Kagome's body for any scratches or bruises.
A pair of handprints lay over her hips, a bit of scratches around her, her private area a bit red and bruised.
“She is alright, it doesn't appear that anything was let on her” Kaede said.
Sess dismissed her and called in a female youkai.
“Yes milord” the healer said.
“I notice nothing wrong with her, except that she is pregnant” the healer said.
`It's Naraku's, she can't know about it. She'll never be alright with it.'
She began to stir in her sleep. The first thing she noticed is that she was undressed and that a healer was standing above her. The healer rushed out of the room.
“Why was she in here?” Kagome asked.
“You needed to be checked out” Sess answered.
“And?” She asked.
“You're pregnant” Inuyasha said.
“I'm what?” She exclaimed, fully awaken now.
“It's Naraku's baby, its ok” Inuyasha said.
“NO, it's not~ After all the nightmares that he has put me through, all the drama and all the pain from him, now I am having his spawn” She yelled.
Both Inus winced at the pain from her screaming.
“What are you going to do?” Sess asked.
“Go back to my time, I can have an abortion” She said.
“What's an Abortion?” Inuyasha asked.
“A process that removes the baby from the mother's stomach before it grows into a fetus” She explained.
“You will kill the baby that way” Sess said.
“That's the point” She rolled her eyes.
`She's been very rude, it is unbelievable. She has become a very angry, disgruntle person'
“Don't worry about it, I'll wait a few days and then do it” She said.
“Are you sure you wish to rid yourself of the child?” Inuyasha asked.
“I can't keep it, keeping it only risks Naraku coming to get it” Kagome said.
“We can defeat Naraku, you don't have to leave” He argued.
“I need a few days to be by myself, to see Kashia & my family for awhile” She said softly.
“What about your pups here?” Inuyasha asked.
“Their fathers are both present, I am not needed” She said.
“You cannot go, you are greatly missed here” He argued.
“I just need a few days to myself” She whispered.
“You can't leave until Naraku is defeated. Jaken, send several soldiers to find Kagura, Do not waste time. Tell them to leave immedently” Sess said.
“We will use Kagura to find Naraku. We can kill him” Inuyasha said.
“No, I must kill him by my hand or he will continue to harass us” She said.
“We wanna see momma” Rin & Shippo were yelling.
“Do I smell of Naraku?” Kagome asked.
“No” Sess said quietly.
“Let the pups in” She said.
“Sorry milord, they refused to listen” Jaken apologized.
“It's alright go away Jaken” She said.
“Mommy” Rin ran to her.
“How is my little girl?” She asked cheerfully.
“I'm not a little girl” Rin said.
“Sorry, how is my big girl?”
“Good, we missed you mommy, Jaken is no fun”
“I'm sure he isn't
“Do you want to play with us?”
“No, she can't” Sess said.
“Bye mommy, bye daddy” She called as she left.
“Can you play tomorrow” Shippo asked.
“Yes, now hurry & get ready for bed, I'll come tuck you in” She smiled.
“Yes mom” He said leaving.
“Are you ready for bed?” Sess asked.
“No, I am going to tuck in the kids & spend some time walking around the castle” She said.
“Do you have a robe I can borrow?” She asked.
“Jaken will get you one” He said.
((For people who are curious, because all of the servants are demons, they can hear when they are called for))
Jaken brought a nice light blue robe from her dresser. “Thanks Jaken, be nearby I'll need you later” Kagome said.
She left Sess alone. `She seems so emotionally unattached, no emotions in her face only sadness in her eyes. Only the kids can make her cheery' He went off to find Inuyasha.
“Brother” He called.
“What?” Yasha snapped.
“Do not snap at me, I only came to check on you” He said.
“Are you alright?”
“No, my mate has become you”
“Yes, emotionally detached to the outside world, except around the children” He agreed.
“What can we do?”
“Kill Naraku”
Kagome in a different area of the house
“Night pups” Kagome kissed each one on the head.
“Where's Kashia?” Shippo asked.
“In my time, she's safer there” She whispered. Then she left.
“Jaken” She said.
“Yes Milady”
“Come with me, I need you for something” She whispered.
He merely nodded. She led him into the kitchen.
“Kanna, please give me some sake” She asked politely.
Kanna gave her a huge glass & filled it