InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Kagome's emotions ( Chapter 51 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: 5 more chapters and the epilogue, coming up. The updates are going to continue every Tuesday & Thursday and the epilogue will be on Monday May 14, 2007; The 3 month anniversary of the story origin date! This is a key part in the storyline.
Kagome's Emotions
“Jaken” Kagome yelled. It seemed that's all she did; with a couple of weeks until the baby's birth, she was extremely cranky.
“Yes milady, Rub my feet” She said calmly. He looked at her feet.
`Purely disgusting, ningen feet are nasty' “I cannot milady, I am to care for the pups” He said nervously.
“You are excused” She was really moody.
“Kagome” Inuyasha came in.
“Hi” She said bleakly
`Damn pregnancy is killing me'
`Release my daughter & it can be over'
`Never, get out of my mind!'
`Foolish Miko, denying me my child. All will be well, I'll get her back'
Kagura overheard his thoughts because of their connection. She tried to avoid thinking.
`The miko will suffer, I should kidnap her, force her to give me my baby & then kill her for her jewel shards'
`Malicious thinking lord Naraku'
`Stay out of my thoughts, you understand me'
`Yes sir'
And for awhile, she did.
“Naraku invaded my min, he's running my thoughts”
“Don't worry, once Nouchia is born his control will be gone”
“No it won't” She sighed sadly
“Mommy” Kashia said.
“Kashia” She saw her wobble over.
“Mommy stomach big” She stared in awe
“Yes because the baby's in there”
Kashia pressed her chubby hand against Kagome's stomach. Naraku continued to invade her thoughts and she was growing angry.
“Kashia, go find Jaken” Inuyasha instructed.
“Toadie” Kashia giggled and left.
“Kagome what's wrong with you?”
“No, tell me”
“I'm tired that's all”
“Come nap with me”
“I can't”
“Why?” She felt tears coming
“I have to work with Sesshomaru”
“Tell him I said you have to stay”
“Kagome I can't”
“Go to him now”
`She cried to get her way! Let me really heat things up'
`That's unnecessary, poor Inuyasha is already going to suffer'
`Kagura, do you feel pity for the miko and the hanyou?'
`For Kagome; yes'
`Don't, she's nothing but a whore. Do not forget that'
`I won't milord'
“She wants me to say with her”
“Did you tell her this Sesshomaru said you had to work?”
“I did”
“And she said?”
“That I have to stay with her, those are her exact words”
“You will not disobey my orders, you must work”
“Am I not important” Kagome charged into the room.
“You are” Inuyasha said quickly.
“Are you coming or what? My feet are killing me”
“You should not be up” Sesshomaru said
“I had to see what was taking so long”
“He cannot join you, he must work”
“He is joining me right now” She purposely raised her voice
“Do not undermine my authority, he cannot come”
“Fine” Her voice trembled as tears slowly slid down her face. “I'll just sleep alone” She turned to face the door.
“Kagome” Inuyasha stopped her.
“What” She was still crying.
“I'll see you later, I promise”
“Don't bother; I might as well be mateless. I should have took Kouga up on his offer” She went back to the door; her back to the growling Inus.
`Satisfaction guaranteed, both of them will visit me later'
“I feel guilty, she is alone most of the day; I could have took the time to nap with her”
“Don't feel guilty; it's a stupid human emotion”
“She's our mate”
“She is trying to manipulate us into doing as she pleases”
“Really? How would you know?”
“Her last emotion was happiness, satisfaction”
“She made us feel guilty for nothing”
It finally clicked for Inuyasha. “Yes” Sesshomaru said dryly.
`Poor girl is stupid & confused'
`She is not; she's emotional & lonely'
`Kagura, you have interrupted my thoughts enough' Using her heart as a threat, he slapped her repeatedly, making her collapse onto the floor.
After a few hits, she finally managed to stop the tears from flowing down her face. “Please stop; I'm sorry, I won't interrupt again”
“Do not talk about them ever again, do not comment on my plans or my thoughts” Then he left her to cry on the floor.
It may seem like a filler but these events lead to more events in the future!