InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Kagura's attempt to escape ( Chapter 52 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: This chapter contains physical abuse, cussing and other things that may offend or upset people; If you do not like the things listed above please do not read this chapter.
Kagura's attempt to escape
`I have to get out of here, I can't be here another minute, I must warn Kagome of Naraku's plot'
Naraku was sleeping, his first time in a week. Kagura decided this would be the best time to escape so she masked her scent and tried to get out. The new lair was big and had a lot of mazes and traps to prevent people from getting in and prevent his offsprings from getting out.
`Damn you Naraku, making her suffer. Making this lair so complicated'
Unannounced to her, Naraku was waking up. `Stupid sorceress, does she think she can escape me?'
“Kagura, where are you going?” Naraku asked.
Her heart rate sped up. “I'm just walking around” She lied.
“Who are you loyal to?”
“Only me?”
“Of course” She lied again.
He knew she was lying and it was only fueling his temper.
`He's going to kill me'
“I am sorry, but I care for the miko and her family”
That didn't calm Naraku at all.
“You foolish girl, those emotions will be the cause of your death” He smacked her once. “Stop with all those emotions”
“I can't” She said calmly.
“Do not attempt to betray me, I will kill you if you do” He stormed off, leaving her alone in the hallway.
______________________Back with Kagome_______________________
Kagome grew nervous, she could hardly contain herself. Her emotions wild & unruly. Some of her emotions were off pour from Naraku. `He must be really angry'
As best she could, she attempted to control her rising anger. `She's very angry, why?'
“What... Sorry Inuyasha, I didn't mean to…”
“It's fine”
“No it's not”
“Is it Naraku?”
“Yes, some of his emotions are pouring onto me”
“This madness will end now” He was angry about Naraku's ever so prominent control over Kagome.
__________________________AT Naraku's lair_____________________
Naraku left the lair, masking his scent to find Kikyo. He wanted to see if he could kill her, without getting purified. Kagura was relieved to see that. She had a few hours to get away.
`I must work quickly' She tried to copy Naraku's way out but she forgot a few of the steps. After she escaped, she took to the sky on her feather.
___________________________Back to Kagome___________________
A feeling of frustration & disappointment hit Kagome. `What is wrong now?' She was hoping for an answer, possibly something to comfort her but nothing came.
“Mommy sad?” Kashia asked.
“No baby”
“Where's the baby?”
“I'm not sad, baby is in my tummy” She explained.
“Tired?” Inuyasha asked.
“Slightly” She answered truthfully.
“Go to bed, we'll wake you in the morning” He assured. He took Kashia with him.
“Daddy” Kashia said as Sesshomaru appeared from the dark hallway.
“Hi pup” Sesshomaru allowed himself to smile.
“Brother we need to talk”
“Jaken, take Kashia to her room”
Jaken promptly took Kashia from Inuyasha.
“Talk” Sesshomaru demanded.
“Kagome seems stressed; we need to rid of Naraku before she has the pup”
“The pup's name is Nouchia” Sesshomaru informed.
“We should go; we'll leave a note for Kagome”
“Make sure you write it”
Inuyasha searched for a paper from Kagome's backpack and a quill with ink from Sess's study.
Dear mate,
We have left on a very important mission; it is very secretive so we cannot tell you of our location. Sorry that we didn't say goodbye before we left. We will be back before the pup is born, rest and take care
Our Love,
Lord Inuyasha & Lord Sesshomaru
She was furious; she knew they went to see Naraku to kill him. Not that she didn't appreciate it but she was about to have the pup & she'd be alone.
Naraku looked around, a lot of miko villages were nearby but none of them heard of Kikyo, possibly she was dead or not in this area. He looked up in the sky, hoping to see Kikyo's soul catchers; instead he saw Kagura's feather flying toward the Western Lands.
`You have pushed your luck too far Kagura, you betrayed me for the last time' He wasn't going to chase her; he simply pulled her heart out from the jar he kept with him and gave it a hard squeeze.
The jerking feeling at her heart nearly killed her; she fell straight from the sky onto the rough ground below. `Damn you Naraku, I hate that you have my heart'
She lies there, feeling weak & paralyzed.
“Kagura, where you on your way to the Western Lands?” He asked, well aware of her answer.
Feeling no need to lie she said “Yes I need to warn Kagome, she deserves to know”
Naraku's eyes flashed red. Kagura had been troublesome ever since she first started working in the castle. “Do you dare challenge my authority? Did I not tell you to stay loyal to me?” He growled. His voice was insanely low, a little above a whisper.
“Kill me Naraku because there's no other way to stop me”
________________________Back with the brothers___________________
Sesshomaru & Inuyasha were running at demonic speed. Naraku's previous location was in the high mountains of the Eastern lands; they knew he didn't live there anymore but he had to still be in the Eastern Lands.
“We shall stop” Sesshomaru announced
“Why? We need to hurry & get back to Kagome” Inuyasha was confused.
“We need to slow, 2 demons are nearby several hundred yards ahead, mask your scent & stay still” He said swiftly.
Inuyasha did as he was told, showing his new found trust in Sesshomaru's decisions.
______________________Naraku & Kagura_________________________
“You are alpha, you will respect me”
“I will not, you are not worthy of Alpha” She bit out, glad to be able to speak her mind.
He flashed her his claws, ready to strike upon another word. “Scared?” He mocked.
“Never, a half bred could scare me” She yelled.
He swiped her back but she didn't tear or scream out.
“Sit up” He ordered.
She attempts to raise her head but it was too much of a strain.
“Now” He yelled
But she couldn't comply; he gathered her hair in his hands & pulled her up.
“When I say something you better do it” She turned her body into sitting position and he released her. She tried to crawl away but he prevented it.
“Do you fear me?”
“No” Was her calm answer
`That was a foolish move'
“Submit to me, be my servant or die trying to escape”
“I rather die”
“That can be arranged”
“You've already taken everything I cared about; my sister, my freedom, my life, my choices”
“I didn't take your innocence”
“What do you mean?”
He squatted beside her, his hands on her shirt.
“Your body is perfect in this condition, but I can scar it up if you wish”
“I'm already scarred, from where your mark is burned into my back”
“You are not scarred, you are marked as mine”
“Kill me you worthless Hanyou, a disgrace to all demons and humans. You only like controlling me because it makes you think you have power”
Naraku's eyes bled red; He was finally upset. Kagura's death wish was going to be completed.
“You worthless demon, controlled by me. The most powerful hanyou of all the world. You will die slowly, knowing that you caused your own pain”
He no longer kept her in suspense; he pulled out her heart, showing it to her. She didn't move a muscle as she continued to watch. He brought out one of his claws and lightly scraped the heart, it slowly bled out. Kagura knew what was going to happen, he was going to let her heart bleed out and let her die.
“Goodbye Kagura, your death is your own”
He continued off to the miko villages, praying to find Kikyo before it was too late.
“I am so lonely; I wish my mates were here”
“Lady Kagome, your mates will be back soon. I am sure they left for a very important reason”
“They better, or they will suffer if they didn't”
__________________Inuyasha & Sesshomaru________________________
“Let's go, the evil aura has passed. The smell of demon blood has been spilt” Sesshomaru unmasked his scent and started running. Inuyasha soon followed.
“Kagura” Inuyasha quickly identified.
“Sessho…maru, Inu…yasha” She said slowly, almost unsure if it was really them.
“What is wrong?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Naraku tore my heart, I am slowly dying” She explained.
“Where is your heart?” Inuyasha asked.
“He has it; but it doesn't matter. Naraku plans to hurt Kagome, to attack her mentally and through the baby”
“How do you know?”
“I overheard his thoughts and his plans; I am dying because I tried to escape to warn her”
“Your dying for Kagome”
“It is well worth it, hurry back to her, she is not going to be safe much longer” Kagura warned.
“Thank you Kagura” Inuyasha murmured.
“Go on, hurry along. Allow me to die in peace” She begged, she needed to be alone.
“Kagura, Sesshomaru's sword could revive you, if you die” Inuyasha offered.
“Death is my only freedom, do not take it away from me” She said softly. She was ready to die, it was too long coming. She needed this to happen and only if it had earlier.
Well I am soo sorry that Kagura's end had to come that way. She had to die and Inuyasha/Sesshomaru had to find her. But it is very necessary to do so. Thanks for this chapter. PLEASE RATE & REVIEW!