InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ Spring Break: The First Day ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning.
Kagome spread her arms wide, sucking in a deep breath of salty air as she enjoyed the warm breeze. She gazed out over the sandy white, not a soul in sight. It was almost unnerving not seeing anyone. Kikyo's family beach house sat behind them, tall and with white siding. It had a wide wooden deck on the rear facing to the small beach, stairs leading down to the hot sand below. The beach section wasn't too wide, maybe fifty to a hundred feet, large rocks secluding the small area from prying eyes. Kagome had to admit, it was a perfect place to spend spring break.
Turning, a broad grin on her face, she found Sango, Inuyasha, Miroku and Kikyo behind, surveying the beach. Reaching out, she grabbed Sango by the wrists. “Come on! Let's go swim!”
Sango yelped in surprise as Kagome pulled her forward towards the water. “I don't have my suit on!” she cried out, resisting a little.
“I don't either!” Kagome said, releasing her hold on Sango to sprint towards the water, peeling her clothes off as she rushed the water. The cold water hit her bare skin. The chilling water caused goose bumps to spread across her body, but it felt good to be out of the heat. Turning, she found Sango reluctantly following, hopping on one leg to remove her socks and shorts. Soon, she too was in the water and the two laughed loudly as they began splashing one another. “Come on! The waters great!” she cried, taking a break from splashing Sango to wave at the others, Inuyasha and Miroku staring, mouth agape. The three looked at each other in silent agreement, and took off towards the water.
When Kikyo had offered to put the four up at her family's beach house, Kagome had been a little weary at the idea. Now, she couldn't believe she doubted the idea. It was only the first day and they were having a blast. The five had spent the entire afternoon and a good part of the evening in or near the water. After the initial plunge, the three women had retired to sun on the beach while Miroku and Inuyasha wrestled in the water before coming onto shore to build in the sand. Inuyasha was surprisingly adept at sculpting sand while Miroku was an expert at destroying the others projects, often leading to a lot of shouting as Inuyasha chased him into the water to wrestle him until both were half-drowned. With the privacy of the beach, no one bothered with their suits. Seeing how just about everyone had seen each other naked, it didn't seem important enough to go back into the house to change. Kagome was glad Sango had told Miroku about her and Inuyasha. He had been upset, but gradually came around after some persuasion by Sango - and the fact that he wouldn't have another threesome with Kagome until he agreed. He lasted two days until he yielded.
The wood cracked and popped as it burned, sending small red embers into the air along with the smoke. Kagome watched in a daze as they danced in the air before fading into the darkness. Now that the sun had disappeared, everyone was dressed. She was surprised how cold it was and scooted closer to the fire. She had been worried about lighting a fire in the middle of a wood deck, but Kikyo didn't seem to be. The fire hearth was surrounded by pressed concrete and the embers seemed to cool before hitting the treated wood below them.
“Want the rest of mine?” Inuyasha asked, offering her the remainder of his fish.
Kagome shook her head, holding her hand out to push it away. “I'm stuffed,” she said as she patted her belly.
Inuyasha shrugged. “Suit yourself,” and dug into the remaining fish.
Unable to resist, Kagome yawned, holding her hand over her mouth. Stretching, she pulled her arms tighter against her chest. It was probably past eleven and it had been a tiring day. “I think I'm going to retire for the night,” she yawned as she stood. The others heads followed her as she stood. “Where's my room?” she directed towards Kikyo.
“There are only two with beds,” she answered.
“Really?” She was surprised considering the size of the house.
“There are four bedrooms, but my father converted one into a second study and used the other one for storage.” She gave a lopsided grin. “Sorry.”
“It's fine.” Her eyes flicked over to Inuyasha. “I didn't expect to sleep alone anyways.” Swallowing a mouthful of fish, he grinned up at her.
“Speaking of which, I guess we should discuss sleeping arrangements,” Sango said, setting the remains of her fish down. Miroku glanced over and quickly snatched it away from her, stuffing as much as he could into his mouth. She didn't seem to mind.
“Arrangements?” Kagome had expected to share a room with Inuyasha.
“In case you've forgotten, Kikyo doesn't exactly like sharing,” Sango said with a smile.
“Sorry,” Kikyo said, red faced. Kagome sighed. Five people, two beds. She really didn't want to make their host sleep on the couch.
“It's fine.” Sango looked over at Kagome. “So here's what I suggest…”
Kagome sat on the edge of the bed, hands on her lap as she listened to the gentle thumps against the wall from the other room. If she focused hard enough, she could make out Kikyo's gasps and Inuyasha's grunts. She was still feeling bitter about the room arrangements. Kikyo and Inuyasha shared one while she shared the larger bed with Miroku and Sango.
“You upset?” Sango asked before pulling her shirt off over her head.
“No,” Kagome lied as she leaned back on her hands. It's not like it's going to be like this the entire week. She wasn't upset so much about how they had been separated, but by the fact Inuyasha seemed excited about spending the night with Kikyo - alone.
“It doesn't look that way to me.”
“I'm not upset,” Kagome repeated; an edge to her voice.
Sango smiled knowingly. “I thought you liked Inuyasha fucking other women.”
Kagome scrunched her nose at her friend's crude way of putting it. There was a loud thump, causing the two women to jump, eyeing the wall the sound originated from. A yelp could be heard and the steady, soft thumps returned. “Yeah, but does he have to make so much ruckus when I'm not there?”
Sango's smile widened. “Afraid Kikyo's going to steal him away?” she teased.
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Like that could happen.”
Laughing, Sango patted Kagome on the head. “Don't worry, Miroku and I will make you forget all about what's happening next door.”
True to her word, the last thing on Kagome's mind was Kikyo and Inuyasha. Kagome rode Miroku hard, rolling her hips as she pounded down against him. Sweat ran down her face, partly from the heat of the room, the other from physical exertion. Her breath came in quick gasps, sucking more hot air into her lungs and releasing it as lustful, moist moans. If Inuyasha was going to enjoy himself, she might as well do the same. Across from her, Sango wore a broad smile as she sat atop Miroku's face, letting his tongue snake around her sex. Kagome slowed her movements enough to lean forward, grabbing the back of Sango's head to pull her into a kiss. She felt her friends hot breath seconds before their lips met. Their tongues slid from their mouth, running across the lips of the other before entwining together. Hot breath hit each other's face as they broke for air before locking lips once more. Maybe it was the earlier sounds of Inuyasha's lovemaking that drove her passion. There was an odd feeling within her, a wanton lust for the carnal pleasure offered by the couple. Tonight, she was determined to enjoy her two companions to the fullest.
Releasing Sango, she resumed her original pace, gasping for air as Miroku's cock speared her. Not content with simply laying there, he bucked his hips against her, pushing himself deeper inside her. A throaty moan escaped her lips as she leaned back, flipping her hair back over her shoulder as she rolled her hips against him. Sango noticed the change in attitude and not wanting to waste an opportunity, acted on it. Reaching forward, she ran her hands along Kagome's smooth stomach, gently tickling her sides as she snaked up to her bouncing breasts. Cupping them, she pressed her lips against the right, her rough tongue slipping across the skin to wiggle her erect nipple. Head back, Kagome moaned as her friend sucked at her nipple, tongue wrapping itself around her nipple and flicking it from side to side. Sango gently closed her hand around the left, letting Kagome's up down motions do most of the work. Kagome's skin seemed to tingle; sensitive to her companions every touch. It was overwhelming.
“I'm going to cum!” she squealed, gasping for air, not relenting on her pounding pace. “Oh—” She didn't finish, unable to as her body quivered; her mind cleared of all other thoughts besides the indescribable bliss she felt. Her movements became uncoordinated as she pressed down against Miroku, head back and mouth agape as she stared up at the ceiling. Determined to have an orgasm of his own, he thrust up against her with renewed force, making up for her lost participation. Sango pulled away, a smirk on her face as she watched her friend's slow movements. After a few seconds, Kagome recovered enough to roll her hips a little as she moved, but it was nowhere near the fervor it once was. Miroku came a few minutes later, his cock pulsing inside her as she rested atop his cock, breathing heavily. That left Sango the odd one out. She dismounted Miroku without a word, letting him massage his jaw. She didn't seem too upset about it rather, she was giving Kagome a curious look. Leaning back, Kagome pressed her hands against the mattress, Miroku still embedded inside her. Her breasts rose and fell with her deep breaths as she relaxed, feeling Miroku shrivel within her.
“You seemed - enthusiastic - tonight,” Sango whispered with a knowing smile.
“It was amazing,” Kagome gasped, taking a hand and wiping the sweat on her forehead before resting back on the bed. Sweat glistened over her entire body. Every so often a bead ran down her chest onto her stomach.
“You're telling me,” Miroku said with a lewd grin. He locked his hands behind his head, cradling it. “Keep it up and I might have to trade you for Sango.”
Growling, Sango playfully wacked him on the side of his head. “Watch it or you'll be trading both of us for lonely nights with your hands.”
Laughing, Kagome realized that she was still atop Miroku. He made no movements to suggest she should get off. Face flushing, she straightened over him. “Say - you think we can go again?” Her eyes flashed over to Sango, silently asking permission. Miroku was her boyfriend after all.
Sango was just as surprised as Miroku. “You - asking for a second round - with Miroku?” A grin spread over her lips. “Well that's a surprise.”
Her blush deepened. “I know. I'm surprised too. Maybe it's the heat,” she joked lamely.
“God I hope not! We'll have to turn the heat on every time you come over!” Miroku cried melodramatically. Both girls giggled. “But as for your request…” His voice drifted off as his eyes locked on her breasts. She could feel him stir inside her.
“Maybe I'll watch this time,” Sango said as Kagome and Miroku went through the motions of replacing his condom. Kagome was surprised at her friend's announcement, eyeing her with a shocked expression. “What? You do it all the time.”
“Yeah, but you're more of a hands-on sort of person,” Kagome said with a grin as Miroku flopped back onto his back, a fresh condom standing erect towards the ceiling as he watched the two expectantly.
“Well not tonight,” Sango said, gesturing towards the waiting man. “Princess, your noble steed waits.”
Grinning as she rolled her eyes, Kagome straddled him once more, feeling herself stretching to accommodate him. Soon the room was once more filled with guttural moans and cries of passion, Sango watching them with a grin. It felt odd with her friend watching as Miroku and her tumbled around, switching positions every few minutes. The night was far from over and Miroku seemed determined to make the most of the situation. Sango had plenty of turns. Finally, the three collapsed on the bed, limbs entwined together, the night air just starting to lighten. Used condoms littered the wood floor. They all gasped for breath, skin slick with sweat. It was unbearably hot so close together, but they were all too exhausted to bother moving. With Kagome in the center, they snuggled together and drifted off to sleep.
This is the fourth time I rewrote this chapter, each one completely different than the one before. I just couldn't think of what to write next. :{o Still trying to figure out what quirks I want Kikyo and Sango to have.
That said, I'm really excited about this arc of the story. There is going to be some wild stuff coming in the next few chapters! Hope you all enjoyed this one. Thanks for the reviews. Please keep them coming!