InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ Spring Break: A Night of Firsts ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning.
I've never written this pairing before. Always time to try something new! Hope you enjoy.
Kagome knew by the second morning that this was going to be far from a normal vacation. Groggily stumbling into the kitchen, she found Inuyasha doing his best to slam the bent over Kikyo into the wooden counter. The scene looked like it was decided on in a spur of the moment decision. Kikyo's tan halter top was rolled up to expose her breasts, her jean shorts pooled at her feet. Inuyasha wore a white tee, his long shorts hanging around his legs. It was surprising how little noise the two were making considering the effort Inuyasha was putting into his thrusts.
Rubbing her eyes sleepily, Kagome scuffled past the two to open the refrigerator. The cool air hit the sweat on her bare skin, the shock kicking the sleep from her system, realizing for the first time that she hadn't bothered putting any clothes on. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she dismissed it as trivial. If Inuyasha and Kikyo could continue having sex in the kitchen without so much as a pause, she could walk around naked.
“Didn't you two get enough of that last night?” Kagome muttered, grogginess returning as the shock from the cool air faded. By her best guess, she had only managed about 3 hours of fitful sleep, constantly awakened by the scorching heat and restless movements of Miroku and Sango. Unfortunately, going back and getting more sleep was out of the question. She had always been one to get up in the morning, regardless of how little sleep she had gotten the night before.
“Not nearly as much as you three,” Kikyo gasped, her knuckles white as she gripped the countertop, bracing herself against Inuyasha. A grin formed. “Miroku must have stolen Inuyasha's stamina.” She yelped as Inuyasha reached around to lightly pinch one of her erect nipples.
“You were the one who wanted to snuggle,” Inuyasha grunted, wet slapping noises filling the kitchen as his skin met hers.
“You two snuggled?” Kagome asked before grabbing a small bottle of milk, closing the door of the refrigerator as she took a swig. This time, Inuyasha's pace faltered as he turned his head to look at her.
“Is that not allowed?”
She smiled. “You just spent the entire night screwing her. I think snuggling is pretty tame by comparison.” He seemed to relax, his shoulders dropping slightly. Kikyo wiggled against him, reminding him he was still in the middle of something. Happily, he resumed pounding away. Drinking from her glass bottle, Kagome left the kitchen to allow them to continue in peace. She was happy Inuyasha was comfortable around Kikyo. When he was with Sango, she could always sense a slight reluctance that wasn't there with Kikyo. She froze for a moment, the chilled glass in her hand. Was he getting too comfortable with her? Shaking her head, she continued on towards the bedroom she shared with Miroku and Sango. She was reading too much into things. If things still bothered her this afternoon, she would talk to him about it. Downing the rest of her milk, she set the empty bottle on the dresser and glanced over at the two, still sleeping soundly. Sighing, she gathered her clothes and put them next to her bag, removing fresh clothes for the new day and headed for the bathroom.
Kagome sat on her towel under the shade of an umbrella, watching as Miroku, Sango and Kikyo played along the shore. They were all wearing their suits today. It seemed like a waste to not wear them after bringing them all this way.
“You seem distant today,” Inuyasha said, ducking under the wide umbrella to sit down beside her on the towel. She automatically scooted aside to give him room.
She smiled. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you've been keeping to yourself since this morning,” he said, eyes focused on the shoreline. There was a small pause. “Is it because of last night?” His voice was anxious.
“What? No! Why would you say that?” she said quickly, eyes wide as she turned her head towards him.
He brought his legs up to his chest, still looking out at the water. “You seemed upset last night, and this morning—”
“I didn't get much sleep last night,” Kagome said, dismissing his concern.
An eyebrow rose as he finally glanced over at her. “So I heard.”
Her face flushed a deep red. “Were we really that loud?”
A smirk appeared on his face. “You certainly were.”
Her eyes lowered. “Sorry.”
“For what?”
“I don't want you to think I enjoy being with Miroku and Sango more than you.” Bringing her knees to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them, hugging them tightly as her eyes lowered.
Reaching over to her, he ran his hand gently across the side of her face, pushing back a few strands of hair. “You worry too much.”
A smile spread across her face as she glanced over at him. “Well someone in this relationship has to.”
Inuyasha became serious, his eyes locking with hers. He held it there, letting her know his coming words were the deepest truth he held. “You know that no one can ever take your place, right? Whenever you want to stop all this, you just need to say it and it all stops and we go back to just you and me.”
Her smile spread, a warm feeling running through her body. “I know.” He continued to stare at her, as if expecting her to declare things were finished and they should start behaving like a normal couple should. “And you know you have the same power. Whenever you want to stop…” She drifted off, giving him the same opportunity he gave her. They were both silent for a long time, staring at one another.
“So…” he said softly, breaking the long silence.
“So,” she repeated, breaking eye contact to look down, smiling shyly.
“No hard feelings about last night?” he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
“None at all,” she answered with a firm nod. He didn't say anything, sensing there was something lurking in her mind. Sighing, she looked away once more. “There is something I need to ask though.”
“Okay.” He seemed to brace himself.
“Do you like Kikyo?” she asked, shyly making eye contact.
He frowned. “Of course, I like both her and Sango. I wouldn't sleep with them if I didn't.”
“But this is different than what you feel for Sango. I can see a different.”
Inuyasha sighed, running the back of his hand over his forehead. “Kagome, what are you trying to ask?”
“Do you love Kikyo?” His silence answered the question for her. “I'm not mad,” she said quickly, seeing his forehead crease.
“I haven't answered yet.” There was a brief silence. His throat tightened as he took a deep breath. “Honestly?” His eyes met hers.
“Honestly,” Kagome repeated, taking a deep breath and braced herself for the answer.
“I don't know.”
“Huh?” Kagome said dumbly, the answer far less climatic than she had been expecting.
“I don't know,” he repeated, sighing as he looked out towards the water where the other three were playing. “If you asked me if I feel the same about her as I do you, then the answer is no; a hundred thousand times no. At the same time, you're right about my feelings towards her.” He bit down on his lower lip as he struggled to find the words he wanted. “She's more than a simple friend, more than just a fuck buddy but—”
Kagome held a finger to his lips, silencing him. “Okay, I think I understand.”
“Sorry,” he said, not meeting her eyes.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.”
“You love me, right?” She meant it more as a rhetorical question. His eyes went wide, looking at her in shock.
“Of course I do! I could never—”
“Then there is nothing I need to worry about.” She smiled. “Humans are able to love more than one person.”
He licked his lips nervously, shifting uncomfortably. “Then… do you?” He let the question hang between them. She could tell he was at war with himself over wanting to know the answer or not.
“Do I love someone else?” He nodded numbly. “No, not like that,” she answered honestly. He relaxed noticeably at the answer. She hesitated before continuing. “Would you have a problem if I did?”
“Truthfully?” he asked with a weary grin.
“Always,” she answered with a smile.
He shifted in place, looking back out at the water. “A little.” She smiled, expecting the answer and not upset by it in the slightest.
“Well you don't have to worry about that.” She giggled softly. “Miroku's the only other man I've been with and I enjoy kissing Sango more than I do him.”
“I know it's hypocritical of me to feel this way. You're not mad?”
She rolled her eyes. “You worry far too much.”
He grinned. “Someone in this relationship has to.”
Leaning over, she kissed him softly. Separating, she beamed at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Ignoring the presence of the other three, the two made love on the beach, Kagome's soft squeals and moan's mixing with the sound of crashing waves. The others didn't bother them as Kagome wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer to her. It was a gentle, slow pace that seemed to stretch forever. She was perfectly content with his loving touch, enjoying the warmth of his touch. After some time, he gently pushed himself deep inside her, spilling his seed into her. She gasped and arched her back at the sensation. They kissed once more, as she released him. Pulling out, he rested on his side next to her, allowing her to cuddle up against him. She had been nowhere near having an orgasm of her own, but it didn't seem to matter. It had been wonderful beyond words. A warm smile on her face, she snuggled against his chest as his arms wrapped around her. Together, they drifted off to sleep.
“We pick the rooms the same way we did last night,” Miroku announced, holding out his hand. In his palm were four folded pieces of paper. Carefully, Inuyasha, Sango and Kagome picked one from his outstretched hand, leaving the last for him. Opening them, they examined the number that had been scrawled against the paper. Kagome saw the number one sketched onto the paper. Crumpling it again, she turned to stare at Kikyo, the others doing the same. She frowned, folding her arms over her chest.
“I really don't like this system.”
“It's fair. We pick a number at random and you pick the number. Whatever number you call is the one you share a room with. The other three have the other room,” Sango explained calmly.
“And what if I pick you or Kagome?”
A smile slowly formed on Sango's face. “That's for you to decide.” Kagome frowned. Like Kikyo, she wasn't too thrilled about the prospect of being alone with another woman. If Kikyo picked her, the two would probably simply share a bed and catch up on sleep. Kikyo seemed to have no interest whatsoever in women and Kagome had a very situational interest. Sango enjoyed women as much as men. As for the room assignment system, Kagome had as much problem with it as Kikyo, maybe more. No matter what was done, Kagome would never get to be alone with Inuyasha for the night. Her thoughts wandered back to the beach, causing her to smile. Even if she couldn't be with him at night, that didn't stop them from being with each other during the day.
Sighing, Kikyo finally hung her head in defeat, knowing that she wouldn't be able to change the system. “Fine, I pick three.” Kagome remembered that three had been Inuyasha last night.
“That's me,” Sango said, holding out her paper. Kikyo blinked in surprise, obviously not expecting it. To Kagome, it looked like she was regretting the pick.
Suddenly, Kagome got a chill down her back. If Sango is going to sleep with Kikyo… She slowly turned her head to find both Inuyasha and Miroku looking at her. There was an awkward tension in the air as no one said anything, not daring to even move. The way the system was set up, this was certainly a possibility, but she had downplayed the chance of it happening. Her throat tightened as she did her best to force a smile. B-both Inuyasha and Miroku? Her heart raced at the thought. She didn't know whether she was excited by the prospect, or horrified. She tried to calm her pounding heart by taking a few deep breaths. Just because we are all in the same room doesn't mean anything's going to happen. There is no rule saying we have to do something. The thought offered her some relief from the tension that gripped her. Besides, men weren't like women. Two men and one woman? What kind of guy wanted that threesome pairing?
Kagome quickly learned that what made her heart throb was horror, not excitement. She knew because that's the exact feeling she had when it became obvious neither man was going to just let her go to sleep. In fact, she was so terrified, she almost said no. It took a fair amount of persuasion from Inuyasha to get her to agree. His main arguing point being, `you should try everything once.' She was shocked he was okay with it. Being with Miroku was one thing, being with him and Inuyasha at the same time was quite another. She hadn't the slightest clue what to do or how to begin.
As it turned out, there wasn't a lot she had to do. Miroku and Inuyasha did most of the work. For Kagome, it seemed like everything was moving in a blur. One moment, she was straddled over Inuyasha, bouncing atop him with Miroku's cock stuffed in her mouth, the next, she was on all fours, Miroku pounding her from behind as her mouth slid up and down along Inuyasha's hard shaft. She might have actually come to enjoy herself and the attention if not for the fact she was too busy to think about her enjoyment. She found herself constantly thinking, `am I giving too much attention to one or the other?' She did notice that both men seemed to focus on their own task, as if not acknowledging the existence of the other. Kagome didn't even see how it was possible, but being the object of both their attentions, her viewpoint was severely biased.
The night was a first for another reason. It was the first time Kagome had anal sex. She had always been against it, but she had been swept up in the moment and fell into the mindset of, `what happens, happens.' She had been atop Inuyasha, rolling her hips happily as she enjoyed her time alone with Inuyasha, Miroku recovering on the part of the bed behind her. He didn't take long. Moving up behind her, he bent her closer to Inuyasha and cautiously pushed into her. It was painful and uncomfortable, but she didn't complain. Inuyasha seemed to sense her discomfort because he asked if she was okay. She simply nodded and went back to what she was doing, sweat running over her body. Though she hadn't liked it at the time, thinking back on it, she had cum twice in the short time the two were inside her, even getting close to a third by the time Inuyasha finished inside her. Her revulsion to anal sex was still there, but if she was ever in bed with two men again…
She had thought the night with Miroku and Sango had been exhausting, but it was nothing compared to her night with Inuyasha and Miroku. Both paced themselves throughout the night. She knew it was because of her. Neither one wanted to hurt her or do anything that made her uncomfortable, but the pacing made it worse for her as it stretched out the amount of time it took for them to cum. Breaks were shorter for her as well. Sometimes, one would finish before the other, allowing him to recover while the other finished. Kagome would get a short break before the first recovered and the process started again. The sun was halfway above the horizon when Miroku finally finished, yanking his condom off to splatter his seed against her back and butt. It was nowhere near the amount he had been pumping out earlier. Finally spent, he collapsed against the bed on the opposite side from where Inuyasha laid. Like Kagome, both men were gasping for air, exhaustion finally taking its toll. She would have laughed if she had the strength. She had been doing twice the amount of work as them. Kagome felt a shiver run through her as she ran her hand along her stomach, feeling the dry and sticky cum that Miroku and Inuyasha had planted all over her. It was like there was an unspoken goal to cover her in it. In her eyes, they succeeded. In any other situation, she would have felt like a whore, a slut who had been used. Not now though. She knew that Inuyasha would never think of her in that way and with a little less conviction, Miroku. They cared about her. She conceded that any actions that had happened over the course of the night had been done in the heat of the moment. Who knows, they could have been acting on a secret fetish they hadn't realized they had until in the heat of the moment. Even if she wasn't excited by another person's fetish, she was willing enough to step out of her comfort zone to help others so long as it wasn't too extreme.
She collapsed face first onto the bed, sighing in relief. She was beginning to wonder if they would ever get tired. “Kagome, that was amazing,” Miroku gasped, staring up at the ceiling.
Inuyasha leaned over to kiss her softly on the cheek. “Yes it was. You were wonderful.”
“Ugh, just don't ask me to do it again. I feel like I could sleep for a month.” The two men laughed.
Miroku's laugh faded. “Seriously though, I want to thank you Kagome. Sango would never have agreed to this.”
Kagome turned her head to look at Miroku. “Seriously?” She could see Kikyo refusing it, but Sango? The revelation surprised her.
He nodded. “I've talked to her about it. She made it clear her answer was `no,' even if the other guy was Inuyasha.” He shrugged weakly and continued before Kagome could. “And no, I don't know why. It's probably the same reason you like watching Inuyasha with other women. You like what you like, you dislike what you dislike, even if there doesn't seem to be any reason for it.” Propping himself up on an elbow, Miroku looked over her nude form to look at Inuyasha. “Inuyasha, I don't know if anyone's told you this, but you have an amazing woman. I don't think I've ever met someone as open as she is. Keep a hold of her. If you mess things up…” He let the threat hang. Kagome felt her face heat up, trying to hide her smile.
Inuyasha scoffed at the threat. “Like you really need to tell me that.” He rested his arm atop her, ignoring the stickiness of his and Miroku's cum as he pulled her against him. She was surprised by the action, but said nothing as she listened to his heart beat in his chest. Taking a deep breath, she smiled, closing her eyes, letting the steady beat drum her to sleep.
I don't know about everyone else, but I liked how this chapter turned out. As always, I'm trying to keep things light.
Thank you for reviews. The more reviews I get, the more motivation I get to write more, so if you enjoy this story, leave a review! Thanks!