InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ Spring Break: Kagome's Proposal ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning.
Time to stir in some more craziness.
The closer that the end of the week came, the less time the five spent on the beach. After her night with Inuyasha and Miroku, Kagome took a day off, sore from the night's activities. Sango and Kikyo didn't seem to mind her absence. Even though she had talked to Inuyasha about Kikyo, she was still a little weary about the two spending so much time together. It wasn't Inuyasha she was worried about, even with his confession about his feelings for her, but Kikyo. There was nothing wrong with the two having fun and enjoying one another, but she found herself constantly wondering about the other woman's feelings of the situation. What if she grew attached to Inuyasha? Kagome wanted her friend to eventually find a wonderful man of her own. That wouldn't happen if she became comfortable with Inuyasha and began turning down potential suitors. Besides, finding a man of her own didn't necessarily mean her relationship with Inuyasha would return to normal friendship. If Kikyo found a man like Inuyasha or Miroku, who knew what would result?
Kagome had a hard time trying to figure out Kikyo's feelings about Inuyasha. At first, she thought it would be obvious. After all, she was spending her time with him. Kagome had to rethink things after the third day when Kikyo and Miroku had sex for the first time with each other. As it turned out, she was just shy about it, not quite comfortable with coming onto Sango's boyfriend. It wasn't until Sango cornered her and asked why she wasn't having sex with Miroku that she went ahead and did it. Since then, she was with Miroku as much as she was with Inuyasha, maybe even more. Kagome was glad Miroku was finally becoming comfortable with things. He had always been a little reluctant about Sango and Inuyasha together. While he never said anything aloud, she could tell it in the way he acted, leaving whenever they started the foreplay. Now, he didn't even blink at the sight of Sango and Inuyasha having sex; a good thing too considering how often they did it in the open. Not that Kagome could complain about that, she was guilty of it just as everyone else was. By the fourth day, no one bothered to wear clothes anymore. Kagome wondered if it was a waste coming all this way for things to break down into one long sex party, but no one seemed to mind and were having fun. Kikyo and Sango watched in wide-eyed fascination as she took on Inuyasha and Miroku together for the second time. It wasn't nearly as bad as the first, but it felt weird with them watching. Both applauded her bravery and skills, but continued to refuse to switch their roles with her saying they would much rather watch it than participate.
Before she knew it, it was the second to last day and their vacation was almost over. Considering how much fun she was having, the coming end hung over her like a rain cloud. She sat on the couch, head resting against the top as she focused on her breathing. She could hear Sango's cries of pleasure from somewhere down the hall. She wondered who she was with, Inuyasha or Miroku. She guessed it was Inuyasha since she remembered Miroku was saying something about a nap earlier. The couch cushion bounced slightly as someone sat beside her. Opening her eyes, she turned her head to find Kikyo sprawled out beside her, legs spread wide. Like her, she was completely naked. She wore a content smile on her face. The semen on her inner thighs revealed she had been with Inuyasha recently, making her rethink her earlier guess at who Sango was currently with.
“This has to be the best vacation I've ever had,” Kikyo breathed, closing her eyes as she rested her head against the couch.
A smile brushed Kagome's lips. “It certainly is different.” Her smile faded as she watched the other woman get comfortable on the couch. A quick look around showed they were the only ones around and with Sango's passionate yells, no one was going to hear them talk. It was probably the only chance she was going to get to ask Kikyo about her feelings for Inuyasha. Still, anxiety clutched at her gut, making the words hard to form. Did she really want the answer? She took a deep breath. “Kikyo, can I ask you something?” she finally choked out, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two.
“Sure,” she answered, not moving.
Here goes nothing. “Do you love Inuyasha?”
The other woman's eyes shot open, a glimmer of fear in them as they met hers. “W-what?” she stammered, caught off guard by the sudden question.
“I want to know if you love Inuyasha,” Kagome repeated calmly. She was amazed at the steadiness in her voice. Inside, she felt like a mess, her heart racing.
Kikyo tried to laugh it away. “What makes you say that?”
Kagome could only shrug. “Just a feeling I get when I see you two together. It's different than what I see when Sango and him are together.”
“Kagome, I don't—”
“He loves you,” she interrupted, catching her friend by surprise once again.
Kikyo's face flushed a deep red. “H-he does?” Suddenly, she paled, fright in her face. “Kagome, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—”
“I'm okay with it,” she answered firmly.
“You are?” Kikyo seemed shocked. In a way, Kagome was too. She knew she should feel upset Inuyasha felt that way, but when she thought about it, the feelings didn't manifest. He had told her that he wouldn't love anyone more than he loved her. That was all that mattered. She could care less if he loved someone as much as her. As she had proven time and time again, Kagome was more than happy to share Inuyasha with others. Thinking about it made her think of her mother. If she knew how her daughter felt about love… She quickly pushed the thought out of her head.
“I am.”
There was a long silence. “Inuyasha is - an interesting man.” Kagome smiled, but remained silent. “Our relationship is built entirely on sex, so I can't really say I love him.”
“But you are falling for him, aren't you?” Kagome pressed gently. There was no need for Kikyo to lie. It was becoming increasingly obvious and she knew it.
She quickly turned away. “I might be.” Before Kagome could say anything, she continued. “I think we should stop this. After this week, Inuyasha and I will return to a normal relationship.” She shook her head. “I swear to you Kagome, I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just in it because it sounded fun and it could pass the time until I found a boyfriend of my own. I never expected it to get this… involved.”
Kagome rested her hand on her friend's leg. “Kikyo, I told you, I'm not mad about it.”
“How can you not be?! He's you're fiancée!”
“Inuyasha told me he could never love someone more than me,” she answered simply.
“And you believe that?”
“Absolutely,” she said without a moment's hesitation. Kikyo gaped at her in disbelief. “I trust Inuyasha. I've already told him I'm not mad he has feelings for you.” She paused. “And I don't mind if you have feelings for him.”
“Kagome, do you understand what you're saying?” she asked anxiously, glancing around like a kid who was worried about getting caught doing something they weren't supposed to be doing.
“I do,” Kagome answered slowly. “I've actually been thinking about this a lot over the week. You love Inuyasha, he loves you; I love you both. I don't think I was ever supposed to have him all to myself, not with how excited I get watching him with other women.”
“Kagome, this is - huge,” she said releasing a long breath of air as she ran her hands though her hair. “Sharing a physical relationship is one thing, but an emotional one as well…”
“I know, but I wanted to put it out there anyways. It's something you need to think about. Of course, Inuyasha needs to okay it too, but that is a completely different issue.”
Kikyo took a deep breath, shaking her head slowly. “I'd have to think about it.”
Kagome gave a reassuring smile, patting her friend's leg. “I never expected an answer right away. Take as long as you need,” she said, standing. “Just let me know whatever you've decided.” Kikyo nodded numbly, already lost in thought. Kagome took a few steps away before stopping and looking over her shoulder. “And Kikyo?” Her friend met her eyes. “If you accept, know that I expect us to share him together.” She paused, debating whether to say more. Finally, she decided it needed to be said. “And there will be times when he won't be involved.” Even though neither woman particularly cared for it, she felt it needed to be said. Who knew how things would be like in five, ten, even fifteen years later. Kikyo blushed at the mental images she was no doubt forming. Kagome smiled. “Take as much time as you need. I'll wait. Until then, feel free to continue things as they've been.”
Without another word, she walked off to join Sango.
It was a rare night alone with Inuyasha. Miroku and Sango used the other bed while Kikyo slept on the living room couch. Kikyo didn't seem to have much of a sexual appetite after her conversation with Kagome earlier. She would politely decline and go back to her thoughts. Kagome could tell she was really thinking about it. Seeing her friend like that tugged at her emotions. It was something that had to be done, but it wasn't supposed to be such a burden. Kikyo was treating it like she had to find an answer now when that wasn't the case at all. Kagome hadn't expected an answer for weeks, maybe even months. Inuyasha noticed Kikyo's withdrawal.
“Have you noticed Kikyo acting a little strange today?” he asked, winded as he hovered over her. His voice cut through the steady slapping of skin against skin.
“Worried about her?” Kagome replied, trying, and failing, to keep her voice steady. She rolled her hips against his forceful thrusts, pushing against him. She could feel her breasts swaying from the power of their combined motions.
“Of course,” he grunted, resting his hands next to her breasts on either side of her body. Sweat fell onto her chest. With the window open, it was steamy inside. The heat of their bodies and the passion for each other only made the temperature worse.
Kagome forced herself to frown and bite back her moans as he freed one of his hands to gently pinch and play with one of her nipples. “Talking about another woman while with me,” she let an exasperated sigh. “Next thing I know, you'll be crying out her name instead of mine.”
A broad smile spread across his lips, showing that he knew she was teasing him. “And knowing you, you'd probably enjoy it.”
She smiled back at him, locking her arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss. With his chest pressed against hers, the heat became oppressive. She fought the urge to push him away. The kisses were well worth the extra heat. Finally, he released her lips, pulling away to begin hammering away against her once more as he fondled her breasts. A cry escaped her lips at the unexpected movement. She came shortly afterwards, back arched as she let out a silent cry of pleasure. He wasn't too far behind, his hot seed spilling inside her. They paused only long enough to catch their breath. Some short work with her mouth sped up Inuyasha's recovery. They made love twice more. At Inuyasha's request, she got on all fours, trying her best not to fall forward from the wild thrusts he plowed into her. Her sides hurt from his strong grip on her hips. They finished with her favorite position, her atop him. Her final orgasm rocked her body as she screamed out, struggling to keep her pace atop him. He helped himself along by driving up against her.
Both lay back on the bed, spent and gasping for breath. They kept as much distance from one another as they could in an attempt to combat the repressive heat. Inuyasha was the first to break the silence. “God, how long has it been since we spent the night together, just the two of us?”
Kagome grinned, rolling her head over to look at him. “And it has to be so damn hot, we can't even snuggle.”
He wrinkled his nose. “I'm not even going to try.” He lifted up an arm. Sweat glistened in the moonlight from the window. “I feel like I'm melting as it is.” His features took on a look of firm determination. “Tomorrow I'm going to get Kikyo to turn on the A/C.”
The mention of Kikyo's name brought back the worry she had been wrestling with before Inuyasha took her mind from it. How was Kikyo going to answer? What answer did she want to hear? Even though she was the one who had proposed it, it had been a spur of the moment decision. Well, she had been thinking about it a little, but never in a serious way. Like Kikyo had said, sharing a physical relationship was one thing; an emotional one was something else entirely. She sighed longingly, staring up at the ceiling as she worked over her thoughts, her hand drifting lazily across the slick skin of her stomach. She hoped Kikyo would answer quickly; the pressure of waiting was growing to be unbearable.
One more chapter and the spring break arc is finished. Again, I am trying to keep this story relatively free of angst and drama, which I hope I am doing. I don't know how much longer this story is going to go on for. I enjoy writing it, but it's getting a little difficult to think of things to write. Not to say I'm completely out of ideas, because I still have some things I want to do with the story, but just that I'm starting to run low. I still haven't thought of any quirks for Kikyo or Sango, so they might not get any in the story. :{P
That all said, thanks for the reviews everyone! Please keep them coming!