InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ The Wedding Night ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon Warning
The wedding was everything Kagome dreamed it would be. It was as if all the built up pressure and stress of the last few months vanished with the final “I do.” Even now, hours after the ceremony, she held up her hand to eye the ring on her finger, forever symbolizing the love she shared with Inuyasha. It was a day she would remember forever. Not everything went perfectly, but they had been minor issues that were easily corrected or simply ignored. The biggest issue had been caused by an unwatched child who had snuck past the adults guarding the cake. He managed to take a nice handful from the bottom layer before a horrified adult snatched him away. Kagome was too transfixed by the child's large, innocent eyes as he stared up at her, cake smashed around his face to be angry at him. He was just too damn cute. What it did do was cause a mix of painful emotions to surface - namely the sorrowful realization that children of her own were not in her future. Luckily, there was far too much to do than dwell on such miserable thoughts and she quickly moved on to more pressing matters.
The guest list was fairly short with most being friends and family for Kagome. She knew Inuyasha had a step-brother, but they were not on friendly terms. Other than that, she wasn't aware of any other family. Most of the guests for him were friends from school. Kagome had been saddened by how lonely he must have been when they were making the guest list. When she discussed it with him, he simply shrugged, saying he had her now and that was all that mattered. She reminded him that he had Kikyo, Sango and Miroku as well, he grinned and replied, `Yeah, them too.'
After spending most of the reception glued to each other's side, Inuyasha excused himself and headed for the bathroom. He hadn't gone more than a dozen steps away when Koga slid into the space Inuyasha once occupied. Seeing him brought conflicting feelings back to the surface. For the longest time, she considered not inviting him, mostly in fear he would let something slip. It was Inuyasha of all people who convinced her to add him to the list.
“I watched and everything and I still can't believe you actually went and did it,” he sighed, his voice low enough so only she could hear. “You have no idea how hard it was to keep silent when the priest asked if anyone objected.”
Kagome forced a half-smile. That was the exact sort of thing she had feared when she added him to the list. “Well I'm glad you didn't.” She meant that in more ways than one. She hadn't the slightest idea what she would have done if he had suddenly revealed her lifestyle to her entire extended family. They would probably think it was some complex love triangle. It wasn't. She wanted Inuyasha and Inuyasha only - outside of bed that is.
He let out another long, drawn-out sigh. “You know, I was still rooting for something to break you two up till the very end.”
This time, Kagome did smile. “Never going to happen.”
“Yeah, I know. You can't blame a guy for hoping though.” Kagome noticed he was holding a glass of wine. He held it up as he gestured out towards the other guests clustered in their own groups laughing and talking. “I've only been to three weddings and I have to say, this is the best one. The food is excellent and everyone seems to be a festive mood. The wonderful bartender helps of course.” He nodded. “The atmosphere is perfect.”
Suddenly, Kagome remembered she hadn't talked to Koga yet. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Tonight?” He frowned. “Other than drowning my misery in booze and women? Nothing.”
Kagome lowered her voice. “Inuyasha and I want to hold a more - intimate - reception later.” She could tell by his expression he understood what she was saying. “I was wondering if you would like to join us.”
“I thought you would like to spend your first night married with your husband,” he whispered, casting suspicious glances around, making sure no one was close enough to hear.
She waved it aside. “We talked about it and agreed that this is a better fit for us. Besides, Kikyo was going to be with us regardless. It's not like I'm never going to have him alone ever again.”
He was silent for a few minutes. “You know that despite my lifestyle, group settings don't interest me.”
Kagome felt a small twinge of disappointment. “I know,” she sighed. It had been worth a try. Comfortable or not with him in a public setting, he had been a great lover over the months. There were things she would undoubtedly miss.
“But this is something more than just a simple get together, isn't it?” he asked, turning his head to lock his eyes with hers.
She gave a slow nod. “Inuyasha and I are moving at the end of the week.” Koga looked shocked at the news. Sango and Miroku had as well when she broke the news to them. “He has a friend up north and they are opening a business together. It's sudden, but there is a lot of work ahead of them and they are eager to begin.” She took a deep breath, struggling to keep her voice steady. It was emotional for her. There were a lot of memories here - nearly all of which she would treasure forever. “So at the end of the week, the three of us are moving into our new place.”
Koga arched an eyebrow. “So one last hurrah before you all go your separate ways?” Kagome nodded. Finally, Koga gave his famous grin. “I'll have to make an exception for tonight.” His grin widened, “If you promise me the honor of the first dance of the night.”
She smiled, knowing that it wasn't the sort of dancing that was going on now. “I think that can be arranged.”
Kagome and Inuyasha both said their farewells to the guests as they left, thanking each one personally for their gifts and well-wishes. Eventually, the only ones left were Miroku, Kikyo, Sango, Koga, her mother and younger brother Souta. She helped them pack their gifts into her car, telling them that she would send them to their new house when they moved in. Her mother gave her a kiss on the cheek, hugging her tightly as she fought back tears, telling her how proud and happy she was. She repeated it with Inuyasha, telling him to take care of her daughter and thanking him for giving her only daughter the happiness she deserved, wishing him a happy marriage as well. Much to Kagome's joy, she gave Kikyo a chaste hug, thanking her briefly for taking care of her daughter as well, though it was far more reserved than what she had told Inuyasha. Not once did she ask how the others were getting home when she was the only car left in the lot besides the limo Inuyasha had rented. Kagome could see the understanding in her mother's eyes. She knew exactly what they were planning, but it was left unsaid, just like her mother had requested.
Giving them one last round of hugs and kisses, her mother and brother got into the car and drove off, leaving the six standing in the parking lot. Kagome let out a deep sigh as her mother's car disappeared into the distance. “It's finally over,” she said, suddenly exhausted. She didn't realize just how tiring smiling could be.”
Beside her, Sango stepped up, a wide smile on her face. “No, I think it's just beginning.”
She supposed that it was odd the first man she slept with in her newly married life wasn't her husband. Even though she had told Koga that he could be her first for the night, she fully expected Inuyasha to use his veto power. It surprised her that when Koga brought it up, Inuyasha simply smiled and answered, “By all means.” Koga was so enthusiastic about making what would probably be the final time with Kagome memorable that they were a fair way into it before the others even started undressing.
“I can't believe it,” Inuyasha said, arms folded as he leaned against the wall, watching his nude wife cry out passionately as she rode another man's cock. “I get aroused at watching my wife with other men. Who knew that `little miss innocent' would corrupt me so?”
“But aren't you glad she did?” Sango asked, running a hand down his chest as she sank to her knees, pulling the zipper of his pants down as she went. A few deft maneuvers on her part and she freed his fully erect cock. He groaned as it disappeared into her waiting mouth. On the couch, Kikyo was straddling Miroku, both locked in a passionate kiss as they struggled to undress one another. Kagome's loud moans and whimpers filled the room of otherwise silent activities, the loud, wet slopping sound of skin meeting skin set a rhythmic undertone to her impassioned cries.
“Fuck me Koga!” Kagome cried as his hands gripped her waist, pulling her against him as he bucked up against her. A thin sheen of sweat covered her body as she rocked back and forth atop him. “Oh yes!” she growled as he thrust into her with everything he had. The pleasure that quivered throughout her every inch would be sorely missed. There were many things that Koga lacked, but his bedroom skills weren't one of them.
On the couch, Kikyo and Miroku had finally managed to undress one another and were currently sharing heavy kisses as Kikyo skillfully rolled a condom over his waiting erection. It only took a few seconds after it was securely in place for her to lower herself onto him. Breaking their kissing to let out a sensual moan, Kikyo tipped her head back and closed her eyes as she took the entirety of Miroku into her. Unlike the frantic, passionate movements of Kagome and her lover, Kikyo took a slower pace, sharing long and drawn-out kisses with Miroku as she slowly slid up and down atop him. Miroku seemed perfectly fine with the slower pace, his hands taking the time to wander down her nude body, mostly groping at her firm ass as she rose and lowered on him.
The only ones who had yet to fully remove any clothing were Sango and Inuyasha. `To allow Inuyasha to fully enjoy the experience of watching his wife with another man' was the excuse Sango told them later. At the time, Inuyasha seemed perfectly content with watching Kagome with Koga as Sango sucked hungrily at his cock. His knuckles were white from the pressure of gripping his slacks, though Kagome didn't know if it was from watching her obvious enjoyment with Koga or if it was due to Sango's skill with her mouth. Regardless, he was the first to cum, shooting his load into Sango's waiting mouth in which she greedily swallowed. Kagome wasn't far behind, her body shivering in orgasm as she cried out. Her movements slowed considerably as pleasure beset her body and mind. Koga took it in stride, taking over most of the work as he brought himself inevitably closer to his own climax. Kagome was closing in on a second orgasm when Koga grew close.
“Kagome, I'm going to cum,” he gasped, his hands tightening on her side. She let out a moan in response, struggling to get to her own orgasm. In her hyper-aroused state, stopping now without the impending release seemed criminal. To her surprise, Koga looked past her towards Inuyasha - whom Sango was dutifully licking clean, her tongue snaking around his cock with a wide smile on her face. He grinned. “Where should I cum Kagome?”
Lost in pleasure, the world seemed far away. She was used to this sort of play-acting when she was with him. They did it all the time when they were together. Kagome answered the same way she always did when she was with him. “In me,” she gasped loudly, slamming down on him with everything she had, craving the release that crept steadily towards her. “God Koga, give it all to me, just make me cum!” she pleaded, rocking her hips as she threw her head back. She was so close…. And it finally overtook her. A cry escaped her lips as she came for a second time. She was only vaguely aware of Koga pumping his load into her as she sat flush against him, both gasping heavily. Winded from the encounter, she just simply sat there, back arched as her chest rose and fell. Eyes closed, she enjoyed the bliss of her orgasm and the warmth of Koga's cum inside her. Suddenly, Kagome remembered that they weren't alone. Eyes snapping open, she twisted her head towards Inuyasha. His expression was unreadable as he looked down at the two. Shame quickly wiped out any pleasurably feelings she had just felt as her face flushed red. Sango had never stopped her work, trying to work him up for another round. From the looks of it, she didn't need much help. Despite him just finishing a few minutes ago, he looked ready for another go. Kikyo and Miroku were in their own little world, oblivious to what was happening elsewhere in the room - Kikyo's short, playful moans and yelps filling the silence.
“I came in your wife - hope you don't mind,” Koga said with a smug grin. Kagome was just about to turn and plant her fist in his smug face when Inuyasha's voice stopped her.
“Not at all. You gave her exactly what she wished.”
Koga feigned a look of anger at Inuyasha's seemingly nonchalant attitude in the matter. “Damn, does anything set him off?” he asked, directing it towards Kagome.
She smiled. “Nothing you can do.” It was true for the most part. Inuyasha had known since the beginning that Koga never used a condom - or bothered pulling out. She could remember the long conversation they had setting the boundaries in that matter. If she was with a demon, there was no need for a condom nor was it required for him to pull out. A human was a completely different story. A condom was required at all times and all but the most trusted ones, aka Miroku, had to pull out - regardless of the fact they were wearing a condom. For Inuyasha, she was fine with him not wearing them. She knew how much he hated them and his demon blood prevented him from getting and carrying diseases. Then there was the fact that they didn't need to worry about him having children with other women. She quickly buried the thought, focusing her attention back on the present.
While Kagome caught her breath, she watched as Inuyasha made love to Sango. Bending her over the table, he took her from behind. Her cries were louder than Kagome's had been. She let out a scream as she came, Inuyasha roughly kneading her breasts as he rammed himself into her. Beside her, she saw Koga stir impatiently. Kagome knew he was ready to go again. Hell, he had been ready almost immediately after filling her with his load. It was just another thing to miss… Still, she was perfectly content with watching her husband groan and gasp as he pounded himself into her best friend. There was a faint smile on her face as he quickly pulled out, launching several thick white streams on Sango's back. Despite Kagome's insistence that it was perfectly safe, Sango was leery of allowing Inuyasha - or anyone for that matter - to cum inside her. Inuyasha always respected her wishes and made sure to pull out with plenty of time.
At some point, Kikyo and Miroku finished. Miroku took a quick break before Sango joined them. Kikyo was on her back, Sango between her legs as Miroku took her from behind as Inuyasha had just moments before. Details of their activities were caught in quick glimpses. For Kagome, she was too busy giving Koga his first experience in a male-male-female threesome. He was obviously uncomfortable with it - until Kagome had him in her mouth. From there, he seemed perfectly at ease with the situation. It was just as she had guessed it would be. Koga was the type of man who didn't care who he was having sex with - or even who he was sharing someone with - so long as he was having sex. Koga seemed to enjoy sandwiching her between them. With Inuyasha below her, Koga came in from behind. Neither were particularly gentle with her, nor did she want them to be. She had more than enough experience in this position with Miroku and Inuyasha to know how to make it pleasurable for her as well as them.
Kagome leaned down to gently run her lips against her husbands. “I love you,” she whispered, trying to keep her voice steady. It was difficult considering both were roughly pushing into her at different paces.
A smile formed as he craned his neck to kiss her. “I love you too,” he whispered back. Koga was too lost in his own world to notice their private conversation. “Is the wedding night everything you hoped it would be?”
“I couldn't even dream of something so wonderful,” she gasped, biting her lower lip as Koga gripped her ass tightly before changing his pace to slow, forceful thrusts.
Inuyasha kissed at her neck. “I'm glad.”
“And you?” she asked, anxiety tickling her gut. She knew that this wasn't originally his thing. While it seemed like he was embracing it wholeheartedly now, she often wondered if maybe he wanted her to himself for a night.
“Of course,” he answered with a grin before brushing his lips against hers again. That was all she needed to know. Closing her eyes, she released herself to their will.
It was a long night. Both Miroku and Inuyasha had their turns alone with the bride. Several points in the night, the men took a break to recover. During this, the three girls enjoyed each other's company. Most of Kagome's activities were with two of the men, though she did share with Kikyo and Sango several times. At one point in the night, she had the attention of all three men, leaving Sango and Kikyo to their own devices for a time. Kikyo also had her first threesome with two men, Inuyasha and Koga. She later said it was `interesting' but had no desire to repeat it. Sango politely refused, saying one man at a time was more than enough for her.
The sun was creeping in through the closed windows by the time the six dropped from exhaustion. Sango and Miroku snuggled together while Kikyo paired off with Koga leaving Kagome and Inuyasha with some private time for the first time since they married. Lying on the bed, Kagome snuggled herself against his bare chest as he gently stroked her arm on his chest.
“Inuyasha?” she asked sleepily.
“Hmm?” He sounded half-asleep.
“Did I ever mention how much I love you?”
She knew simply from the sound of his voice that he was smiling. “Only as much as I mention how much I love you.”
Smiling, she closed her eyes, scooting as close as she could to his hot body. Right now, they would sleep. Tomorrow, they would all continue where they left off…
It's been awhile since I last worked on this. My work schedule changed a bit so I should have some more free time. The next chapter will be the last one and then there's the epilogue.
Leave a review if you are enjoying the story! It means a lot to hear from you all. Thanks!