InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ The Married Life ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon Warning
The married life wasn't quite what Kagome had expected it would be. The three had moved north as planned. Inuyasha and his business partner Saito both began working to build their company. Everything had been great at first. Inuyasha would come home to find two hot women ready and willing for his company. But as the months passed and his business took off, he came home later and later. Kagome soon found that her nights were mostly spent with Kikyo and while both had become accustomed to the company of another woman in bed, it was no substitute for the man they loved. To make matters worse, despite her best efforts, Kagome couldn't find herself a job in the area. There simply wasn't anyone looking for someone with her qualifications. It wasn't that she needed to work. Inuyasha made enough for the three to get by on if they cut back on certain things. The problem was it was boring at home. She talked to neighbors, other housewives who had their kids off at school. To everyone who knew them, Kikyo was her sister who was living with them. At the time, they figured it would be less likely to draw attention. No one confronted them about it - despite knowing what happened between them behind closed doors. Thinking back, Kagome regretted telling them Kikyo was her sister. They tried to be quiet in their lovemaking, but the walls were unbearably thin and living with the sounds of your neighbors was something you just dealt with. For the five months they lived at the apartment, she had to deal with the whispers about the incestuous siblings and their half-demon lover.
Then Kikyo left. It was a hard decision - for all of them. It wasn't because of their relationship. In fact, Kikyo wanted nothing more than to stay with them and live like they had been, but she had been offered a PR position for a big firm in New York. It had been a dream she talked about often, working and living in America. Kagome didn't want to see her go, but she knew better than to stop someone she loved from fulfilling a dream. So with tear-streaked eyes, Kagome bid farewell to her lover as she boarded the airplane to see how far she could take her dream; Inuyasha's comforting arms there as she sobbed herself to sleep.
And then she was alone. Inuyasha worked just as often as he always had. He did his best to come home early and give her his undivided attention. Her sex life had come to a screeching halt. The business was doing well and they moved to a better apartment, but he was still working the same amount he always had. When they did manage to make love, it was nowhere near satisfying. He was always exhausted when he returned, but pushed himself to stay up to be with her and talk. Soon, it had been nine months since they were married and she had become the very thing she feared of becoming: the domesticated housewife. Her entire day seemed to revolve around cleaning the already immaculate apartment and waiting for Inuyasha to return. Entertainment was gossiping with the other women on the floor or seeking out deals at the various stores nearby. She had given up on finding work, refusing to work retail or any other part-time job - not after spending all that time getting her degree. Every-so-often, she would take a train and visit Sango and Miroku for a weekend and gorge herself in all the sex she could get. They had settled down a bit since college. They were engaged now, but held no plans for a wedding anytime soon. Instead, they worked on building their careers. Even though they were engaged, Miroku was currently dating a pretty brunette intern from Germany on the side. Sango didn't have any relationships besides her engagement with Miroku, but it didn't stop her from having a fling or two with her clients. She was convinced negotiations went better for her once she had the man between her legs. Both had agreed that once married, they would behave like a properly married couple but until then, they were free to do as they liked provided they took precautions.
Inuyasha knew he was working too much, but couldn't see a way around it. Kagome understood that he was important to his company. It was growing fast and one wrong move could bring it all tumbling down. To her surprise, he suggested she find a lover. She didn't know what surprised her more, the fact that he was telling her to start an affair or that she hadn't started one already. She had been playing the faithful wife - except when she visited Sango and Miroku. It just didn't appeal to her now that Inuyasha wouldn't be involved. So she answered that she would think about it and left it at that.
The days slowly ticked by. She heard from Kikyo from time to time, updating her on how she was doing. It seemed like she was doing well but was sexually frustrated, complaining that she hadn't had sex since she left them. It wasn't that she was lacking suitors, but rather none of them interested her the way Inuyasha and Kagome had. Kagome could understand how she felt. Even though she was having sex, none of it excited her.
It was almost fourteen months since she and Inuyasha were married when things began to change. The company had a firm client base and an amble amount of employees to manage them. Inuyasha was returning at a decent time and for the first time since she could remember, he had weekends off. Suddenly, her sex life was back, although scaled back to once or twice a week. It wasn't until Inuyasha discovered that Saito and his wife was a swinging couple that her sex life suddenly took off. She wasn't sure how Inuyasha had discovered it - it wasn't exactly something you brought up in a normal conversation. Even though it interested her, she never brought it up. In the end, it wasn't important how he found out, only that he had.
Her marriage with Inuyasha improved drastically with the introduction of Saito and his American wife Lisa. With Inuyasha the head of the company's finances, he still spent most of the time working. Saito on the other hand, had more free time and shared a large portion of it with her. He was a fair lover for a human, though he tended to finish faster than Kagome would have liked. For the next two months after the affair started, she was spending nearly every day with Saito. She would have felt guilty if not for Inuyasha getting his fair share. Apparently, Lisa shared Inuyasha's love of having sex in non-traditional places - something Kagome had never grown accustomed to. Switching from being her husband's secretary to working under Inuyasha, there were many opportunities for the two to enjoy each other in public settings.
During the weeks counting down to their second year anniversary, Inuyasha announced that he had finally managed to hire a competent financial accountant that was far better with numbers than he was. Suddenly, Inuyasha had a great amount of free time on his hands - time he rightfully spent with her. Saito still visited often, reminding her of all the days she spent with Inuyasha and Miroku. It was on the day of their second anniversary that Inuyasha truly surprised her. He had always told her he regretted not seeing her during her bachelorette party - so he secretly decided to recreate it with him as a one man audience. Kagome, expecting to spend a wonderful night alone with her husband, was surprised to find Saito and five other men waiting for her. Inuyasha, armed with a video camera, caught her every second of the sexual debauchery that ensued. Sober this time around, Kagome found herself enjoying it much more than she had the first time, especially with the heightened experience of Inuyasha in the room watching her. Watching the tape afterwards however, was deathly embarrassing for her. Inuyasha was in love with it, proclaiming that watching her with other men turned him on like nothing else. Kagome hated the video, so she had him lock it away in the safe - hopefully forever. She would have much rather had it destroyed, but Inuyasha insisted that if it was ever damaged, he would just be forced to make another one. Kagome had mixed feelings about the entire event. She was overjoyed that he had embraced a lifestyle that was attuned to one she loved living. Yet despite this joy, she couldn't help but feel a little distraught that he was no longer the possessive man he once was. There was no problem with him being comfortable sharing her with others, she was the same way. She was just concerned that he was a little too comfortable with it. After a long discussion, they both agreed that the tape would be Kagome's retirement from that particular fetish. Still, Inuyasha hinted that if she would ever change her mind at one point in the future, he would be open to discussion. It was a remote possibility as far as she was concerned. She knew she was no longer the wild college student she once was - or at least, wanted to believe she wasn't. Despite knowing better, she couldn't help but think that at some point in the future, she would have a family. She held no regrets about anything in her past, but things change and some things didn't interest her like they once had.
Then she found a job. It was completely unexpected considering she hadn't tried for one in over a year. It was Inuyasha who told her about the opening in his company. At first, he had reservations about offering it to her. It was in the sales department and she would be meeting with clients. That wasn't the part that concerned him, but rather it was the traveling the position required. Not wanting to play the over-sexed housewife her entire life, she jumped at the chance. The new job awoke her slumbering ambition. Within a few months, she was the best in the entire sales department, closing more contracts than the next two combined. Her looks certainly helped. She was a young, attractive woman dealing with men who, despite the times, were used to dealing with other men. They often underestimated her ability and determination. Of course, she wasn't above using Sango's method of bedside negotiations. It wasn't so much that sleeping with the occasional client was necessary, but Inuyasha enjoyed hearing about it. Some of the best sex occurred when she was telling him all about her weekend with a client. She knew that she was being hypocritical in her actions. She was trying to avoid things like that dreaded tape she had locked away, yet at the same time; her number of sexual partners she had continued to increase. In time, she would give up her current lifestyle, but that was something for another day. Right now, both she and Inuyasha were happy with things as they were.
Setting her bags down in front of the door, Kagome let out a long sigh of relief. Her shoulders ached from a combination of carrying her luggage and the long flight. Rather than for business, this particular trip had been for personal reasons. After nearly a year apart, she had spent a week in New York with Kikyo. It had been wonderful seeing her after so long. Seeing her again, it was as if they had never been apart. For the first three days, they spent all their time talking, catching up with what the other had been doing. Kikyo got a laugh out of hearing about Kagome's dreaded sex tape and was determined to watch it. From what Kagome had learned; Kikyo had been hard at work, steadily climbing the ranks. Unfortunately, her dream job wasn't what all she thought it would be. The dark, hidden hand of the corporation forced her to do and say things she wasn't proud of. The higher up she got, the more she was trusted with and the more she had to lie with a smile. Seeing Kikyo like she was hurt, but she seemed determined to continue giving it her all. When they made love, Kagome could sense the sexual frustration that the woman had been suffering. Kikyo was far more passionate than she recalled her being. As a last hurrah before Kagome left, they managed to seduce a young demon to bed. For a second, it reminded Kagome of her days with Koga. They separated once more with the promise that Kikyo would visit her and Inuyasha next.
Fumbling with her keys, Kagome was anxious to get inside and get some well-deserved sleep. After over eighteen hours of flying, even a demon would be exhausted. A smile formed when she imagined tomorrow's conversation with Inuyasha. He would undoubtedly enjoy hearing about her and Kikyo's night with the demon.
Dragging her luggage in behind her, Kagome shut the door and began removing her shoes when she heard the unmistakable sound of sex. The woman's cries of passion overwhelmed the low underlying grunts of her male partner. A quick glance around her revealed a pair of shoes she didn't recognize. Checking her watch, she realized that she had arrived home close to two hours later than she had originally planned - meaning that Inuyasha had invited a woman over knowing full well she would be home. It was surprisingly out of character for him. She knew he had other women besides her, but as to how many, she had no idea. When she would ask him, he would simply shrug and reply `a few.' It annoyed her that she was so open with her extra-marital affairs at his insistence, but she had to pry and practically beat the information out of him.
Leaving her bags at the door, she rounded the corner and discovered why Inuyasha wasn't being his usual secretive self. Straddling her husband was none other than Kasumi, their next door neighbor. Head back, her long, straight black hair tumbled down to the small of her back. She was completely oblivious to Kagome's presence, eyes closed as her throaty moans filling the large living room. Both Kasumi and Inuyasha's bodies were coated in a glistening sheen of sweat, hinting that this wasn't the first time of the night. Of all the women Kagome knew Inuyasha slept with, Kasumi was the only one she had a problem with due to her age. She had just graduated high school not too long ago and due to issues with her family, had been living alone for the majority of her high school years. She had instantly become infatuated with Inuyasha and although Kagome could sympathize with her in that aspect, she always thought Kasumi was too young to be involved with them. That didn't stop Kasumi from giving her virginity to him when she was still a third year - nor did it stop her from continuing to pursue a sexual relationship with him. Both Inuyasha and Kagome had talked to her about it, telling her that she was not going to get the relationship she needed from him. With a smile, the teen sincerely thanked them for the warning, but firmly told them that she was perfectly able to make her own decisions. Inuyasha was uncomfortable at the beginning of their relationship. The age certainly was unnerving, less so now since she was in college, but Kagome knew full well that damn peppy girl had a way of wiggling through your defenses. Kasumi certainly wasn't shy when it came to threesomes. She seemed to understand that having the husband also meant that she would have to take the wife from time to time. That didn't mean she never tried to wiggle out of it if she could. Kasumi never hid the fact that she wanted nothing more than to steal Inuyasha away for herself. The impossibility of it was the only reason Kagome let the relationship continue. She was fully confident in the fact that nothing in the world could steal her husband from her.
Kagome didn't say a word as she watch the two franticly thrust against the other. Leaning against the wall, she crossed her arms over her chest. Inuyasha glanced over and caught her eye. He wore a surprised expression but said nothing as she smiled, overjoyed to see him once more.
“Inuyasha, I'm cumming!” Kasumi gasped, her arms wrapping around his neck as she bounced atop him. Kagome watched with growing annoyance at the teens bouncing breasts smashed against her husband's chest. They were a considerably larger than hers. While Inuyasha always said he liked hers the best, she knew he enjoyed doing things with breasts that she never would be able to do. The room was filled with their grunts and groans as they brought each other to orgasm. Kasumi was still enjoying her orgasm when she noticed Kagome at the entranceway. A smug smile crossed her lips as she smashed Inuyasha's head between her breasts. “Welcome home Mrs. Takahashi.”
Kagome gave her a weary smile. She was exhausted from her flights. “Hello Kasumi. I see you've made yourself at home.”
“Every night,” she said proudly. “Your husband just couldn't keep his hands off me.”
“I'm sure,” Kagome said, not wanting to get into the verbal sparring that usually ensued between them.
“Okay Kasumi, you can get up now,” Inuyasha mumbled from between her breasts, gently pushing himself away.
“Aww, but I like this feeling!”
“Come on, up!” he said, literally picking her up off him. Kagome's attention was instantly on the cum running down the teens legs. Many times indeed. Her attention was back on him as he approached. “Welcome back,” he said, opening his arms.
She scowled at him. “You were just having sex with another woman, you reek of sex and sweat and you expect a hug from me?”
“Uh… yes?”
Unable to hold the scowl any longer, a smile broke as she embraced him, craning her neck to kiss him. “I missed you,” she whispered.
“I missed you too. How's Kikyo?”
Kagome sighed. “She could be better, but she's holding in there. She said she'll visit soon.”
“Let me guess,” Kasumi said, interrupting their reunion, “now that you're here, it's time for me to go home.”
Inuyasha smiled. “I'm afraid so.”
“That's totally unfair,” the teen pouted, pressing her hands to her hips.
“Now, you had me to yourself all week. I want to spend some time with my wife - alone.” From his tone, it was apparent he wanted no argument.
Sighing in defeat, she simply nodded. “Fine, let me collect my stuff.” Kagome watched as the teen went about the room collecting her discarded clothes. After quickly dressing, she paused next to them to give Inuyasha a quick kiss. Giving Kagome a smug look, she headed for the door. Kagome waited for the door to close before releasing the tension that had built up in a long sigh.
“Why do we include her again?”
Inuyasha smiled. “Admit it, you like her.”
“I like her when she isn't a pain in the ass, which is never.” Though she wouldn't admit it aloud, it was fun sparring with the girl. Deep down, she knew that Kasumi felt the same way.
“So we were talking about Kikyo?”
Kagome rubbed her temples and shook her head. “I'd love nothing more than then to tell you everything, but my head is killing me. I feel like I'm dead on my feet.”
Smiling, he kissed the top of her forehead. “I understand. How about we turn in early? You can tell me all about your adventures tomorrow.”
Grinning, she gently pushed him away. “How about I go to sleep and you get a bath? You smell and there is no way I'm letting you into bed smelling like you do.”
Laughing, he kissed her again. “Fine, I'll shower first.”
“Good,” Kagome said with a curt nod. Separating from him, she headed towards their room, peeling off her clothes as she went. Collapsing on the bed, she promptly fell asleep.
Like always, Kagome saved the best story for when they were in the middle of lovemaking. Straddling him, she leaned over him as she hurriedly pounded herself down atop him. They were both covered in sweat from the strenuous activity and the sweltering heat of the room. She was winded from trying to talk at the same time biting back her moans all while keeping up the rushed pace.
“Oh God, he had such a big cock,” she groaned, recalling the last night she spent together with Kikyo. “It was uncomfortable for Kikyo after so long without, but I didn't have too much trouble with it.” It was a fairly large embellishment. He had been average at best, but like all her stories, she tended to exaggerate. Inuyasha loved hearing about how much she enjoyed it. It excited him and the more exited he got, the better and longer the sex was; not to mention she liked this fetish a lot more than having sex in public.
“Oh yeah?” Inuyasha grunted, gripping her sides tightly as he urgently thrust up against her. “Did you enjoy it more than mine?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?” she breathed, a teasing smile on her face. “You might not like the answer.”
“I have such a naughty wife,” he answered with a grin.
“So says the husband who spent the entire week screwing another woman.”
“And what else did you three do?” he asked, steering the conversation back to her night in New York hotel.
“He had me first. I was on all fours eating Kikyo out while he fucked me from behind.” She grimaced, fighting to get the word out. She never did like referring to sex in such a vulgar way, but Inuyasha seemed to enjoy it when she told him these stories. “He was new to having two women at once.” Kagome let out a small giggle. “He came so fast the first time.”
Inuyasha reached up to knead her breasts. “Did he cum in you?”
“Every drop,” she huffed, trying to keep from crying out from the force of his hands. It was slightly painful, but she was so aroused that she ignored it, continuing on. “There was so much too. It reminded me of Koga.”
“So Kikyo was next?”
“No, I went again.” She grinned, still breathing heavily. “Men seem to like me.”
He grinned back. “I can only imagine why.” His hands skimmed across her skin as he reached around her, grabbing her ass as he rocked her forward and back, shoving himself up into her. For a few seconds, Kagome was unable to continue her story, her moist, lustful moans the only things able to exit her lips.
“I got atop him,” Kagome gasped out, determined to continue her story. “Oh God, you couldn't believe how hard I fucked him. His cock was so big!” she gushed, pretending to relish the memory. “I came some many times while he ate Kikyo out.”
“Oh wow. You and Kikyo were making out I take it?”
“Of course. I was on my third orgasm when he came in me again. I still can't believe how much cum full demons hold. It was practically pouring out of me.”
“Well I'm sorry I'm only half demon,” Inuyasha pouted.
“Hey, you were the one who wanted to hear the story,” she moaned, enjoying the wet slapping sounds as their skin met. “Perhaps I should stop?” she said, giving him a teasing smile.
“Perhaps I should stop,” he countered, freezing his movements. The shock hit Kagome like a physical blow. She whimpered pathetically as she ground herself against him in a feeble attempt to achieve the same level of stimulation she had been receiving before he stopped.
“Inuyasha please,” she begged, continuing her rocking movement. She wasn't pretending anymore. Her body ached for more and despite her best efforts, she couldn't get it. Still, even with her pleading, he didn't move. “Inuyasha!” she cried, running her hands along his bare chest. “Please! I'll tell you everything! Just please continue!” She hated how pathetic she sounded, but she would do anything, anything to get him started again.
“I think I'm done hearing about how great another guy was,” Inuyasha said with a smile, knowing full well he had her at his mercy. “I don't know if I have the motivation to continue after hearing how inadequate I am at pleasuring you.”
“Inuyasha!” she growled, growing frustrated. She tried speeding up but his hands on her waist held her firmly against him. No matter how much she grinded against him, it wasn't enough. “I'm not kidding anymore.”
“Do I continue, or finish now?”
“If you finish now, you're dead.” From the lethality in her voice, she wasn't kidding.
“If you want me to continue, you're going to have to do something for me.”
“God damn it Inuyasha!”
“Now, is that the kind of attitude someone asking for something is supposed to have?”
“Inuyasha!” she sobbed.
“Now let's see,” he continued; a thoughtful expression on his face as he ignored her pleas. “Since you seemed to enjoy that man so much that you happily shared it with me, perhaps I should do the same?” She whimpered, feeling him throbbing inside her yet unable to do anything but rock feebly back and forth. “Tonight, I'm going to invite Kasumi over to spend the night. I'm going to fuck her, right here on this bed and you are going to watch. That's it, just watch. You aren't allowed to do anything but watch.”
“Inuyasha, please…” Kagome whimpered softly.
“And after we finish, I'm going to fuck her again and again until we both fall asleep. Once we do that, you have to go sleep on the couch while we lie here, on our bed, exhausted from enjoying each other.” He smiled. “Does that sound like a proper punishment for my naughty wife?”
“Yes, yes just please continue!” She cried out when he at last obliged her request. She didn't talk after that, she was unable to do much more than cry out in pleasure. She had two orgasms one after the other before having the most intense climax she could remember. While her mind tried to comprehend the overwhelming sensation of pleasure, he was only vaguely aware of Inuyasha cumming inside her. All she knew was that she was screaming her throat raw as her body quaked violently. Suddenly, everything was over and she found herself lying against Inuyasha's chest, his arms wrapped protectively around her. Her body was still pleasantly warm from the intense lovemaking. She knew immediately that they had taken their relationship to a new level. A smile formed on her lips as she tried to imagine how things would be from now on. She was positive she was going to enjoy her `punishment' tonight. It would be a pity that she wouldn't be allowed to join in, but then it wouldn't be a punishment.
“Inuyasha,” she whispered; her voice hoarse from the yelling.
“I love you.”
She didn't need to see it to know he was smiling. “I love you too.”
A lot of summary at the beginning, but I was fitting a long period of time into a small space so I had to skim by a lot of things. So thus ends the final chapter. Hope everyone enjoyed the story. I do have an epilogue so technically the story isn't finished. It will be different than some might expect and I don't expect everyone to like it.
As I was writing these final chapters, I realized that there was still a lot left I could write in this story, namely everything I summed up at the beginning of this chapter. Unfortunately, the amount of reviews this story gets has dropped significantly. I know that I don't update as frequently as I used to and that is a major factor. I also recognize that this story is pretty far off the beaten path - one of the reasons why I've made it as long as I have. It was a joy to write, but I think it's time for me to trying working on something else.
Thanks for everyone for staying with me this long! I hope you come back for the epilogue!