InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon Warning
As with life, you have to take the good with the bad. I'm covering a fair chunk of time in a small amount of text to hopefully give some closure to the big relationships.
Despite a rough start, married life only got better as the years passed. There were still rough patches here and there - some arguments over small things exploding out of proportion. These flare ups rarely lasted more than a few days before things were back to normal. They were definitely enjoying their youth. To her surprise, Inuyasha had discovered an exclusive group of demons who shared a similar lifestyle. While technically it was demon-only, Kagome was welcomed into the group because of her marriage to Inuyasha. Demons were a little more accepting of his half status than humans were and made exceptions for them. It helped that the people in charge fell in love with her once they got around to finally meeting her - even though she spent most of the meet on her back. Friday and Saturday nights became the best nights of the week - the days designated for members to meet up and participate in one large orgy if they so desired. There were a surprisingly large amount of members, but Kagome and Inuyasha were some of the few who made appearances nearly every week. Being one of the few human women there, Kagome never had trouble finding partners. She found that humans weren't barred from the group because of member preferences, but because a large human presence would draw negative media attention. They would spin it as a group of demons corrupting humans. Kagome always had a blast watching Inuyasha beside her with one or two other women while three male demons had their way with her. With her being one of the few women to allow more than one male at a time, it was a rare occurrence for her to be with only one. It wasn't a permanent lifestyle. As the years flashed by, Kagome and Inuyasha found themselves going less - preferring to spend time with one another or inviting another couple over when they had a desire to be with other people.
Kagome had always expected it and had been preparing herself for the worst ever since it became apparent her relationship with Inuyasha was evolving into something permanent, but actually hearing it aloud was devastating none the less. The official word came down when the tests were completed; Inuyasha was sterile, crushing the small hope that there was a family in her future. It had been a long time since she cried so hard. Not even Inuyasha's presence comforted her. She would be thirty in a few weeks and the worst possible gift imaginable had been given. By now, they were only joining the other swinger couples in the orgy once every other month - mostly to meet with old friends and get to know the new members. Surprisingly, it was all becoming bland to her. A few minutes with Inuyasha was more satisfying than a sex-filled night with other people. Inuyasha was also home most of the week now, leaving the two with a lot of free time. He had control of the company after Saito sold his share. The poor man had a life crisis when his wife left him for a Russian client she had been sleeping with. He never did recover completely from the shock. Kagome was glad to learn that Inuyasha had long since stopped sleeping with her, saying her attitude bothered him. Apparently, it wasn't surprising to Inuyasha that she had run off; only that it hadn't happened sooner.
When she retired a few months later, they both ended their relationships with other people - including their visits to the group gatherings. Now, the only man in her bed was her husband. It surprised Kagome how few relationships Inuyasha had on the side when she finally pried the truth out of him. Kasumi ended up being the only steady one after things died down with Lisa. Kagome wasn't counting the women in the sex group. Inuyasha did have sex with them, but never met with any outside without Kagome being there as well. Kasumi was the only other woman he went out with alone - sometimes spending a night or two at her apartment when they got into a heated argument. When she asked him why he had been so secretive about it, he told her that he didn't want her to feel guilty about her own love life and hold back on his part. She had had quite a few partners at the time if she included the clients she worked with. There were times when she missed the excitement of her old life. Sex had always been important to their relationship, even if it wasn't with each other. It wasn't the foundation like some relationships, but it certainly played a huge role. It was the simple fact that they both loved it. To her dismay, Inuyasha would relieve the `old days' by making love to her while watching the dreaded anniversary tape. She had to resist the urge to destroy it several times, knowing full well Inuyasha would keep his promise of having her make another one. It wasn't the only one that was locked away in the safe. Inuyasha knew how much she hated being filmed and thus went through a phase where he managed to make a good number of films of her. What really bothered her about them was that they were never of just him and her. In addition to her, there were a few of him and Miroku, one of Saito and him, another of Kasumi and him, even one where Kikyo joined them. In fact, of the nineteen videos he had filmed, not one of them had less than three people, a few having four and of course, the dreaded six man tape - and she was the star in every film. Inuyasha had teased her about it, calling her `his very own porn star.' She was not amused and a few weeks without sex and getting the cold shoulder ended that quickly. The video watching did not. Kagome had accepted it as a necessary evil. As much as she hated to admit, the sex was better when they watched them.
Kasumi, who had been together with them for years, had finally moved on. Both Kagome and Inuyasha had gone to her wedding. The groom had surprised them both by thanking them for taking care of his wife for so long and in a whisper; he thanked them again for making her such a wonderful lover. Apparently, she had told him everything about her time with them. Kagome was happy Kasumi found someone she could trust so completely. It had been surprising seeing her again. Her long hair was gone and she now sported a bowl cut with a length that stopped a few inches above her shoulders. The young brat she had fought with for Inuyasha's attention had matured into a fine young woman. She couldn't believe how old it made her feel. Kasumi's wedding night was also a temporary relapse away from Kagome's now monogamous relationship with Inuyasha. The groom had wanted to experience a moment of the life his new wife had once lived. So while Kagome got a taste of what their former lover had moved on to, Kasumi spent the night making love to her old crush. The groom also had his first and probably only threesomes - one with his wife and Kagome, the other sharing his wife with Inuyasha. The night confirmed to Kagome that Kasumi had a fine taste in men.
Miroku and Sango finally managed to get married, though things didn't exactly turn out as they expected it to. There had been a period of time where it seemed like things were heading for the worst. Miroku had been close to calling the whole thing off when she got pregnant. To make matters worse, she wasn't sure whose it was; only it wasn't Miroku's. Kagome had found out the details from her sobbing friend. She had been celebrating the closure of a lucrative contract that had been extremely difficult in negotiating. After years of refusing to have more than one man at a time, she finally gave in. She had already slept with the men before, but never at the same time. She sobbed, recalling how much she enjoyed it at the time. Even when she awoke sober the next morning, she didn't have any regrets - at least not until she discovered the extent of what had happened. None of the four men used condoms. Knowing of her reputation, they assumed she was on birth control and didn't bother pulling out. She quit a few days later and a month had passed before she found out she was pregnant. Kagome didn't have all the details of what happened, but there was a period of two months where Miroku and Sango lived separately, the fate of their engagement floating in the murky depths of the unknown. There was talk of an abortion, but Miroku was dead-set against it, saying the child shouldn't pay for her mistake - unexpected harsh words from a man who had agreed to have an open relationship. Sango was shocked to learn that Miroku, of all people, had stopped seeing other women besides the occasional visit from Kagome for nearly a year before the incident. Kagome had been relieved when she received the wedding invitation. They had a small, but wonderful ceremony before Sango was showing too much. If Kagome hadn't known beforehand, she would have never guessed Sango was pregnant. Several months later, they were the proud parents of an impossibly cute girl. Kagome joked that they had better keep careful watch over her or she would steal her away. Miroku declared he would be the bane of anyone's existence if they tried to steal his daughter away - potential suitors beware. Kagome wished that the father's parentage was a little less obvious. Having a daughter with bright blond hair and sapphire blue eyes would be a constant reminder that Miroku wasn't her biological father, but it was nice to see that he loved her as if she were his own.
Kikyo ended up quitting her job. She stayed only long enough to tie up a few loose ends and was on next plane back home. She lived with them for a few years. For a time, things were like they use to be, Kagome's exclusive relationship with Inuyasha opened once more. Then she met Jun. Kagome was surprised it worked out between them. Jun was inexperienced and awkward with women, Kikyo being his first, and he came off as timid. Kikyo didn't pull any punches either. He was fully aware of her history - and the fact that she was still sleeping with Kagome and Inuyasha despite dating him. It wasn't as if they did it on purpose to spite him. Living together with her had sparked a rekindling of their insatiable lust of their younger years. Jun was an odd one anyways and his quiet nature always struck Kagome as creepy. In a way, he was like her to the extreme. He liked watching Kikyo have sex with other people - only he didn't get involved in it - ever. He didn't even pleasure himself while watching which Kagome found the most disturbing part about him. The last month and a half Kikyo was living with them, he would come watch them. He seemed especially pleased when it was just the two women together, but he never turned down the chance to see Inuyasha have his way with his girlfriend. He never allowed Inuyasha to pull out either, preferring he finish inside her like he always had. Kagome wasn't sure she liked having an audience, but put up with it for Kikyo's sake. While she never shook the feeling that he was creepy, she did find that he wasn't that creepy once you got to know him. He was actually pretty funny once you got him to talk. The important thing was that he made Kikyo very happy and satisfied her both physically and emotionally. Out of the group, Kikyo was the only one who continued to have multiple partners. She joked that she was having sex more often with other men and women than she did with Jun, not to mention she was regularly having sex with two men at a time and she was talking with Jun about adding a third. Kagome didn't know how her friend could keep up with it, but she was glad to know Kikyo was happy. Though Kikyo eventually moved a few hours away to live with Jun at his new place, they stayed in constant contact. Kagome knew by her friend's lifestyle that she wouldn't see a wedding invitation, but she knew that in their own weird way, they were as close as she was to Inuyasha.
“Are you ready Suzu?” Sango bubbled happily, bouncing the toddler on her hip as she pinched her daughter's cheeks. Laughing, the girl swatted at her mother's hand. Satisfied she was properly bundled against the cold, Sango turned her attention to Kagome. “Are you ready?”
Kagome took a shaky breath before nodding. Her stomach was in knots. She had no idea why she was so anxious. She had done it countless times in the past. But it's different now, her inner voice told her, doing nothing to settle the anxiety. “I believe so.” She turned her head to find Inuyasha smiling encouragement. It was the first time she had seen him in nearly a week. For the past week, Kagome had been staying with Miroku and Sango while he was off on business. “Are you sure this is okay?” Kagome asked again, twisting her fingers together.
Sango scowled at her. “If I wasn't, I would have put a stop to it a week ago.”
“Right,” Kagome said, nodding as she swallowed the lump in her throat. Every day for the past week, at least twice a day - most of the time more, she had sex with Miroku. She had spent long nights discussing the family issue with Inuyasha. He too wanted a family despite his inability to have children. Their first thought had been adoption but some new bullshit law barred demons from adopting human children after it was discovered a sick, disturbed bunch of demons were adopting human children and eating them. Being a half-demon or being married to a human did not exempt him from the law. They had looked into adopting a demon child and quickly discovered that Kagome had a better chance of getting pregnant from Inuyasha than adopting one. For one, demons were extremely possessive of their children, never abandoning them unless absolutely necessary for their survival. They were also a resilient people, meaning it was rare for one to die, let alone both parents; meaning there were next to no orphans. Lastly, demons were a protective community and opened their arms to help the few demon orphans there were and of course, the law was more than happy to keep demons with other demons. So if they were going to have a family, Kagome would have to have a baby on her own. That meant she needed someone else to father the child. She almost gave up on the idea of a family the moment she learned she would never be able to adopt. It was Inuyasha who urged her to consider the last option. A past version of her would have accepted it graciously without too much thought. Now, it was difficult to imagine her with another man she didn't know. In the end, the desire for a family outweighed her reluctance of sleeping with another man. Then the search for a father began. She went over a list of the sexual partners she could remember - a list longer than she would have liked - but it was seemingly decided before it really began. Miroku was the most obvious choice. He lived only a few hours away and they had a long history together. There was a concern about what it would do to their friendship, but they decided to risk it and ask anyways. After a lengthy conversation with both Miroku and Sango, they agreed. In fact, they were all too happy to help. Kagome and Inuyasha spent most of the time trying to convince them not to go along with it despite them being the ones who asked.
“Well, I'll leave you three to it then,” Sango said, pulling Suzu up more. She turned her head to look at her daughter. “Say `bye-bye!'” Still smiling, Suzu moved her hand from side to side with her mother's help. “Aunt Kagome is going to go work on getting a playmate for you!” Kagome's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Sango smiled at her friend's flustered state. “We'll be back in a few hours. Take good care of my husband while I'm out.”
They moved aside to let her out. Kagome licked her lips, turning to look at Inuyasha. He had just come down to visit and give her support. It was the first time he was here when she was to be - with - Miroku.
He cleared his throat and shifted his weight from one leg to the other. “So… should I stay out here or…?”
“Um, you can wait out here,” she said, face still red. She couldn't believe how self-conscious she was at the moment. Less than a decade ago, she had been joyfully having sex with both men at once. Now, the thought of being with a man other than Inuyasha caused conflicting emotions of excitement and guilt.
“I'll - uh - I'll stay out here then.” The way he shifted uncomfortably told her there was something he wasn't saying.
“What is it?” she asked softly, eyes not meeting his.
She scowled, anxiety giving way to anger as she finally met his eyes. “Inuyasha, I know when you want to say something. Come on, just say it.”
“Err, well…” He sought to buy himself time by scratching at the back of his neck. “I was hoping I could… join you - like old times,” he added softly.
She felt her face heat at the suggestion. “Inuyasha, don't you think we are a little old for that?” she squeaked.
“I know, but we haven't done it in a while.” He swallowed a lump in his throat. “It isn't bad from time to time, is it?”
Kagome knew she had a surprised look on her face. She had no idea he still felt that way. She had assumed… “H-have you been thinking about this for a while?” He nodded. “Wow,” she said, suddenly breathless. “Wow,” she repeated.
“If you don't want too—” He started quickly.
“No, it's not that,” she said, cutting him off. “I'm just - surprised you still think about it. Well, I guess we do watch the tapes, but I never thought you still wanted…” Her voice trailed off.
“I know that we've made a lot of changes over the years, especially ones regarding our sex life - but seeing you with another man… I can't help it. It excites me.” He gave her a nervous grin. “You planted that seed long ago when you introduced me to it. I'm sorry to say that its roots have dug in quite deep.”
Once the surprise wore off, Kagome didn't need to think about it. She had told herself that she would never run from her past or regret the things she did, yet she had assumed that she needed to conform to a certain lifestyle in order to be a proper adult and mother. It was her past that made her the woman she was today and it wasn't something she needed to hide or feel ashamed of. Whatever sex the baby turned out to be, she wouldn't hide the sort of life she lived - minus a certain film she despised. Of course, she wouldn't advertise it. After all, it was her life to live.
With a timid smile, she took Inuyasha's arm. Stepping backwards, she led him down the hall towards the bedroom.
Kagome let out a cry as she was jostled between the two men. For the first time, Miroku and Inuyasha's roles were reversed with Inuyasha behind her and Miroku below. This wasn't how she remembered it being - it never felt this wonderful. Neither man was frantically beating against her, rather they both made slow and gentle pushes into her. The past week, Miroku had treated her like he was making love to his wife, not someone else's. Today was no different. Both men's hands caressed her sweat slicked skin, fondling her breasts and providing support against their thrusts. She locked lips with Miroku, sliding her tongue between his lips to meet his. They would break the kiss to gasp desperately for air before locking lips again. She would separate to let out a soft moan, reaching back to give Inuyasha's face an encouraging stroke with the back of her hand. She tried to kiss Inuyasha several times, but the angle hurt her neck. Kagome couldn't believe how much better sex with Miroku was without the condom - though she figured it was more mental than physical.
“Miroku,” she gasped, mouth slightly agape as her breaths came in short pants. “Oh God, Miroku.” Her arms pressed down against his bare chest as she turned her head to catch a glimpse of Inuyasha. His eyes were on her back as he focused on keeping his movements smooth so not to disrupt Miroku's rhythm. If the fact that his wife was calling out another man's name was bothering him, he didn't show it. She turned her attention back to her second lover, leaning forward to give him another quick kiss.
“This brings back memories,” Miroku grunted, a grin on his face. “I'd forgotten how amazing this was.” A large smile on her face, Kagome tried to add a little more speed to his thrusts by moving against him. In the end, she gave up as her moving caused complications for Inuyasha. The room was silent now except for the three's heavy pants. She came once, managing to fight the urge to scream. Instead, she let out a shrill moan as her body shook between the two men. Neither missed a beat and continued, oblivious to the overpowering pleasure that rocked through her.
“I'm going to cum Kagome,” Miroku gasped a few minutes later, his thrusts slowing slightly, but the power behind each one increasing. His hands tightened against her hips, guiding her down atop him.
“Cum in me,” she tenderly urged, feeling Inuyasha wrap his arms around her to gently play with her erect nipples. “Please Miroku, give me everything you have.” Grunting in response, he did exactly that. Kagome froze atop him as he twitched inside her, emptying his hot seed into her. Gnawing on her lower lip, she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling of his throbbing cock inside her. Behind her, Inuyasha made quick, excited thrusts before following the lead of his friend. The three were frozen in place, silent as they enjoyed the post-sex bliss that hung over them. Both men began to soften inside her as they gently removed themselves from her. The three untangled from one another and collapsed back on the bed. Kagome took a deep breath, inhaling the musky scent of sex as she tried to catch her breath. Beside her, Inuyasha pulled her close, a wide smile on his face. As she snuggled closer to her husband, Miroku took a noisy breath, releasing it slowly as he stared up at the ceiling. “Something wrong?” she asked, turning her head to look at him.
“Nothing wrong - I was just thinking about how amazing this week has been.” He turned his head to glance at Inuyasha. “Your wife is amazing in bed.”
Inuyasha grinned, giving her a squeeze. “I know.”
Kagome feigned a scowl. “I'm right here you know. Stop talking about me like I'm a piece of meat to enjoy.”
Still grinning, Inuyasha ignored Kagome's quip. “I think she wants to go again.”
“I think I can arrange that,” Miroku answered as he stretched the full length of the bed. “But I think I may need a little assistance.”
“Kagome, why don't you go on over and see what you can do?” Inuyasha teased, giving her a small slap on the ass as she scooted away.
She glared over her shoulder at him as she gently took hold of Miroku's semi-hard cock. “Just for that, I'm not going to give you one.”
Inuyasha answered her with a cocky smile. “Oh, I think I'll manage somehow.”
Grinning, Kagome turned her attention back to the task at hand. Licking her lips, she lowered her head. Parting her lips, she felt the soft flesh pass between them as she ran her tongue along it. A fait groan came from Miroku as she skillfully bobbed her head up and down as she sucked and licked the growing erection.
“Jesus Kagome, slow down,” he gasped, their eyes meeting as he looked down at her. “I really don't think you want it in your mouth.”
She released his cock with a pop, wiping her lips off as she rose above him. Neither said a word as she quickly threw her leg over him and mounted him. A flurry of passionate moans and grunts followed as they ground and thrust against each other. The pace was far more intense than it had been the first time. Letting out a small cry, Kagome tossed her head back in pleasure. With a flick of her head, she managed to fling most of her black hair out of her eyes and onto her back. Leaning back, she watched as she rotated and moved atop Miroku's cock.
“Having fun are we?” Inuyasha asked with an amused tone. Kagome could only smile, giving her husband a blissful look as she drove herself down onto their friend, moaning and grunting in pleasure. Things had been rough for them these past years, but it was looking up now. It finally felt like things had settled down and she couldn't have been happier with where they ended up.
It had been a difficult pregnancy, but after a rough nine months, Kagome gave birth to a healthy baby boy. They named him Ryota and the first time she held him, she knew it would be impossible to feel happier than she was at that moment.
Less than a year after Ryota's birth, they moved again. Instead of a few hours on a train, Miroku and Sango were no more than a ten minute walk from their new apartment. The official reason was that Inuyasha was personally opening a new branch here. The real reason was for them to be closer to Miroku and Sango. It wasn't about the sex, though it certainly played a part. While Inuyasha was Ryota's father for all intents and purposes, he was biologically Miroku's son.
As the years went by, Kagome came to realize just how much her life had settled. Inuyasha put in some time here and there at the branch office, but he was always home early enough to spend time with his son. At least twice a week, one of them would watch the children while the other three spent time together. Sometimes, they would hire a babysitter for their group `dates.' Kagome was happy to discover that Sango was quite comfortable handling both Inuyasha and Miroku at the same time - provided Miroku was the one in front.
And Miroku was a busy man. In five years, he managed to impregnate Sango three times and Kagome twice. In a short time, the two families simply merged into one large one. They had to cut back on the partner swapping once the children started getting old enough to ask questions, but still managed to get together at least once on most weeks. Of course it was impossible to hide the fact that her marriage with Inuyasha was a normal one. True to her word, when her kids asked, she would answer them truthfully provided they were old enough to understand. It was actually a great relief to not have to work to hide everything and besides the `Eww, Mom's having sex,' the kids seemed to accept things as they were. She guessed it helped that she hadn't completely sheltered them from sex growing up. And when the kids grew up and moved out to start their own lives, the four regularly swapped partners - sometimes for days at a time.
Snuggling up against a nude Inuyasha, Kagome wore a small smile as she reminisced about old times and caught her breath. Inuyasha was propped up against the back of the bed, his arms behind his head as he stared at the TV hanging on the wall on the other side of the room. Kagome couldn't see it from her position, but she could hear her moans and the grunts of the men that swarmed her.
“Inuyasha?” she asked, tilting her head up to watch him.
“Hmm?” he replied, raising his eyebrows as he stared at the TV.
“What are you thinking right now?”
He broke his gaze away from the TV to look down at her. “I was just wondering why we have a video of you fucking six guys all night, but none of you with six women.” Gritting her teeth, she grabbed a chunk of his side and pinched. “Ow!” he cried out, jerking away in pain.
“Funny,” she replied, deadpan.
Smiling, he rubbed at his sore side. “You know, I think we should show this to Miroku and Sango when they come over tomorrow. I think they would get a kick out of it.”
“Oh no - no way in hell are you going to do that.”
“Aww come on. It'll be fun!”
“No means no Inuyasha! I'm serious!” Puckering his lip, he stared down at her with wide eyes. “No, not even the puppy look is going to change my mind.” She tried to look away, but her gaze was drawn to his pouting face. Biting her inner lip, she crossed her arms. “If you can get me to cum twice before you finish…”
His face fell in a frown. “We just finished! I'm not twenty anymore.”
She shrugged. “No video then.”
Rubbing his chin, he glanced down at the covers that hid his lower half before turning his attention back to Kagome. “I may need some assistance.”
A smile broke on her face. “I thought you would say that.” Her hands were already trailing down his body. Soon, her head would follow, slipping under the covers.
“Love you,” she whispered as she disappeared under the covers. A few minutes later, they were beyond words.
The End
Done! A happy ending too! Maybe not as weird as I thought it was going to be, but it was different I hope. I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope everyone enjoyed reading it. Thank you for everyone who took the time to write a review or email.