InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Twenty-five: Kidnapped and Blood ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome's Trust

A/N- Here is chapter 25 already for you to read. Enjoy it. I would like to say thank you my beta reader Akira Darely for beta reading this story for me and wit m new beta reader named TheSparkledMoon, thank more to say here is ch 25 of Kagome's Trust.

Chapter Twenty-five: Kidnapped and Blood

The two ladies worked into the evening and a bit of the night with ideas for the ball, food, and music. Finally…well in Kagome's case they were done.

"Finally," She signed in relief.

Lady Masa looked at her and wondered about her clothing, she was thinking about that all day.

"Kagome, may I ask you a question?" Lady Masa asked.

"Of course milady," Kagome said.

"Where are you from?" Lady Masa asked gently, after she asked she saw Kagome stiffen up.

"Oh no, the dreaded four word question," Kagome thought. She didn't know that she stiffened up, but somehow she managed to breathe in and out.

"Lady Masa, I'm sorry but I can't tell you where I'm from," Kagome said as she smiled a bit but it didn't reach up.

Lady Masa just nodded her head at the young women in front of her. "Kagome, why don't you fully mate with Sesshomaru?"

Kagome looked at Lady Masa in shock at that question. "I will never mate with him; just because I was raped by his beast to produce pups. I want it to be out of love, I want to be in love with a person before I marriage or mate with them. But yokai's don't or can't show emotions. Sorry, but my answer is no still. Until Sesshomaru can say he loves me for who I am and for what I am I won't mate with him."

"Kagome, the pups need their father," Lady Masa replied.

"They can be with him, but until he tells me that he loves me, he won't be mated with me. And I'm still scared of his beast." Kagome uttered to her.

Kagome looked at the sky and saw some shooting stars, so she closed her eyes and placed her hands together and maked a wish "I wish someone can love me for who I am and for what I am."
"Kagome, I think we should go in and get some rest," Lady Masa suggested at her.

"Hai, we should," Kagome said, as she got up from ground with Lady Masa doing the same. They started to walk, until both females felt a malicious and malevolence power coming fast their way.

"Lady Masa, get Sesshomaru now," Kagome ordered as she started to run towards the power.

"Kagome!" Lady Masa called back, but stopped when she saw black clouds coming Kagome's way. Lady Masa quickly raced into the palace and down the halls toward one room. Without knocking she blasted into the room.

"Sesshomaru, something is coming and it has a malicious and malevolent power to it. Kagome is going to check out what it is," Lady Masa said.

Sesshomaru stood up and raced out of his office with Lord Kenta and Tenga at his heels. Once he got outside he saw Kagome just at the gates. He took after her, his beast whining at her to come back.


Kagome finally saw and sensed the present of a large jewel shard coming this way. "Naraku" she whispered as she felt Sesshomaru right behind her.

"Miko, give me the jewel," Naraku ordered as he appeared within sight, with Kagura, Kanna, and tons of demons behind.

"Never," Kagome said, thankful that she decided to give the shards to Sesshomaru for now.


"Sesshomaru hold on to them," Kagome ordered.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled, as he tried to pull off the pissed look.

"Inuyasha, I may have gotten stronger but I don't know what Naraku would do for my shards," Kagome said giving the shards to Sesshomaru.

"I will keep them safe," Sesshomaru said.

"I know," Kagome whispered as she walked away from him.

End of flashback.

"Fine then," Naraku said "Attack!" The demons flew towards them. Sesshomaru used his whip of light with poison within it to twist around and kill all the demons around him.

Kagome summoned her reiki sword and charged lightly and swiftly at the demons that were trying to surround her. She cut one by one until she felt six more powerful ones surround her.
"Damn it," she whispered. Dodging a hit from the back, she jumped into the air and landed gracefully and muttered out "Hikari burçdo o jôka." Four blades of pink purifying light come out and flew straight into two out of the six demons around her.

Purifying them, she ducked and swept her leg, trying to make one demon go down. She then stabbed the ground and shouted out while breathing hard, "Jôka-sui no seishin shôheki." A water barrier made from water and her reiki appeared around her.

Three of the demons charged at her and as they hit her barrier the water moved a bit but purified the demons. There was two left now, and Kagome was feeling tired. She just got these new powers but she never practiced them. Looking at both, one was a tiger and the other was an Inu with golden long hair without a symbol of his forehead.

"Wench," Inu yelled as he waited for her to attack. Kagome felt her blood boil when she heard him, but stayed silent and watched the tiger demon. She knew he would attack first because of his stance. Placing a hand out, she muttered under her breath " Kokoro no arashi no kaze." The wind picked up, when a large heart came from her now light pink sword that raced towards the tiger demon.

Kagome looked up to see the tiger demon scream out in pain and agony at this spell, but now the attack drained more of her strength, and she could barely get up. While the Inu looked at her power to see she was down, he quickly pinned her to ground with one of his hand over hers while the other was holding her neck.

"Naraku," the Inu called out. Naraku flew over to the Inu to see the miko struggling to get away from him. "Good, now hold her still." He ordered. Naraku thought back just a few hours ago with this Inu.


Naraku was flying towards the western palace to get some blood from the miko named Kagome, when he felt someone approaching him from the south side. Looking to his south side, he noticed a black Inu with the mark of two red swords and a blue moon behind them. Stopping, he waited for a few seconds.

"You must be Naraku?" He asked.

"Yes, I am, now what do you want?" Naraku replied.

"I have searched far and low for you; may I ask you a favor? Help me get Sesshomaru back from banishing me." He told him.

"Why are you asking for my help?" Naraku asked suspiously at him.

He told Naraku that a hundred years ago, he used to live with Sesshomaru and was banished from Sesshomaru's home, grace and present. Naraku smirked at him, and told him to join but he had to help get some blood from Sesshomaru's miko.

End of flashback

Naraku landed on the groun, and looked at the others to see that they were still fighting against the rest. He walked over to Kagome, and bent over Kagome body.

"Hello miko," He said sweetly at her. He pulled out a knife from his fur. Placing it against her cheek, he slashed hard making Kagome scream in pain.

"Naraku, what are you thinking?" Kagome asked while blood dripped from her cheek.

"That my dear is for me to know and you to find out," Naraku said spilling her blood and catching it within a jar. He filled it up with her blood, and then stopped. He then got up and walked away but not before saying "You can have her now," He disappeared. His cloak over the Inu was gone and now a mark of red swords and a blue moon could be seen.

"Good, you'll make a good concubine for me," He whispered to her, and then licked at her ear.

"No!" Kagome yelled as she pulled her reiki into her hands, burning his hand. The Inu let go of her and he looked at her with malice eyes that promised death; what scared her most was the look of lust in his eyes that was the same with Sesshomaru when his beast took over him. Kagome wasn't going through that again so she concerted of her reiki once more and shouted out "Shinpi-tekina jôka burçdo" Light pink blades that were mystic and purifying came out and rush towards the Inu. The Inu was batting them away with his green light whip that has spike made with on it.

"Sesshomaru!" Kagome croaked out as she falls unconscious from her reiki use.

Sesshomaru had just finished off his last demon when he heard Kagome, his mate, well to be mate he hope, calling his name. Looking over to where he heard her, he saw a person that he banished over hundred years ago. Racing toward Kagome, he stood in front of her. "Kenjimaru," Sesshomaru growled at him.

"Oh Sesshomaru, haven't seen you in a long time," Kenjimaru sneered at him.
"Brother, who is he?" Inuyasha said as he jumped beside his older half-brother.

"Oh a half breed, that is rich," Kenjimaru hissed at him.

"Who the hell are you and what have you done to Kagome?" Inuyasha yelled at him.

"Kagome will be mine soon" Kenjimaru said with a sickly smirk on his face.

"She is mine…"Sesshomaru's beast came out at Kenjimaru declaration. He attacked with rage and Kenjimaru just side-stepped all his attacks. The group watched on while Inuyasha went to Kagome's side, trying to wake her up.

"Kagome, Kagome," He said shaking her shoulder.

"Mmh…Inuyasha?" Kagome said tiredly as she woke up.

"Ya it's me," Inuyasha said as he helped her up.

"Where is Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha pointed to him, Kagome looked over to him and noticed his beast was out; a feeling of fear went through her, and she didn't notice that she whimpered.

"Kagome, he is not going to hurt you." Inuyasha replied as he heard her whimper in fright.


"Shh Kagome, he fighting for you," Inuyasha replied.

"Come on Sesshomaru, you'll never kill me like that," Kenjimaru taunted. Sesshomaru was so far into his blood rage that he was attacking sloppy, unlike him at all.

Kagome noticed this and breathed in and out to control her fear of his beast. "Sesshomaru get your act together!" Kagome yelled at him.

Sesshomaru heard Kagome and he looked at her with red eyes, smelling her fear from her and his beast whined a bit. He let his master take control again, and Sesshomaru's eyes went golden again.

"Oh Little doggy has a bitch….." Kenjimaru taunted again.

Kagome heard him talk to Sesshomaru like that, she knew that she liked him in this form, but she wasn't going to let anyone disrespected him at all. "Inuyasha move,"

Inuyasha moved away from her, when he felt her powers come out of her hands. "Be careful, Kagome,"

Kagome calmed a bit but her rage went deep into her mind with words forming into her mind. As she moved her hands in front of her and the into a full circle, she called out "Taiyôno wa o jôka" and a sun light came within the circle and produced a yellow and pink glow together as it was knocked over Kenjimaru form.

Sesshomaru moved back when he saw Kagome powers coming at them, watching as Kenjimaru was engulfed by her reiki. He heard him scream in agony and torture. The light dissipated and Sesshomaru saw nothing from Kenjimaru. Then he heard Inuyasha screaming "KAGOME"

He looked over to her, and saw that she was on the ground face first. He raced over to her and picked her up, sniffing her body. She was just very exhausted from her powers and he could only find one wound on her cheek. He brought his head down to it, and licked with his tongue, healing her wound.

"Inuyasha you stay with Lord Kenta and find anything about what happened with Naraku," Sesshomaru said as he held Kagome closer to his body, and then, with speed, he left without hearing Inuyasha's reply.

"There he goes, Kidnapping Kagome to see to her safety." Lord Kenta said as he looks at his friend's second pup. "Now let's get started"

A/N- I hope you like it, the next one should be out soon. Bye

This is the translation that I got from google translation site. If they are wrong please notify me.

Hikari burçdo o jôka" -Purifying light blades
Jôka-sui no seishin shôheki -Purifying water spirit barrier
Kokoro no arashi no kaze- Heart storm winds
Shinpi-tekina jôka burçdo.- Mystic Purifying blades.
Taiyô no wa o jôka-Purifying sun circle.