InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter twenty-six: Kagome with the Beast ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N- Here is chapter 26 already for you to read. Enjoy it. I would like to say thank you my beta reader beta reader named TheSparkledMoon, thank more to say here is ch 26 of Kagome's Trust.

Chapter twenty-six: Kagome with the Beast

Sesshomaru quickly flew into Kagome's room and walked over to her bed, placing her down. He moved her hair from her face and watched her sleep, his beast was whining that she had been hurt by Kenjimaru. Sesshomaru moved another piece of her hair from her face, and then he leaned in and smelled her one more time, as he moves back.

Sesshomaru smiled when he smells his pups walking down the halls with Rin, his first pup, and Shippo, his mate kit. He thought suddenly of his father's words, "Sesshomaru do you have someone to protect?"

He smiled at Kagome, then the doors opened up with four pups running in with a sad expression and tears coming down their faces. "Yes father, this Sesshomaru has a family to protect now,"

"Pups, mother is okay, she is just exhausted from the battle," Sesshomaru softy replied calming them down. Rin nodded her head and looked on to her mother sleeping on her bed, with her brothers and sister. She gathered them from the bed and walked with them out of them door while she smiled at her father, looking over her mother.

Sesshomaru heard the door close and he moved himself onto Kagome's bed, holding her close to his body, so his beast would stop whining and whimpering into his mind. Soon he fell asleep with Kagome in his arms, until a few hours later.

Kagome slowly opened her eyes, and she felt that she was on her bed. Suddenly she remembered Naraku and that other demon, the fighting with Sesshomaru, and his beast in control over him. Kagome tried to move herself from her bed, but felt an arm around her waist. She looked over to the arm, and to the body to see it was Sesshomaru sleeping right beside her.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome whispered at him.

Thus she woke him up from his sleep as he looks into her eyes. "Kagome, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine, but tired from my new powers, by the way how is it that I have new powers?" Kagome asked at him.

Sesshomaru stopped and thought for a few moments and opened his mouth but closed it. He knew the answer, and he also knew it would make Kagome mad at him. Suddenly he stood up and looked over at the door.

"Come in," he said as he saw the door opened up.

"Lord Sesshomaru, Lord Kenta would like to see you right now," Jaken said.

"Tell him that this Sesshomaru will be a few moments behind you," Sesshomaru ordered him.

Jaken nodded his head, and raced out the door to Lord Kenta to tell him Lord Sesshomaru's message, while Sesshomaru turned back to Kagome and looked her into the eyes. "Kagome, come with me, please," He said to her.

Kagome just nodded her head at him, and got up from the bed. She knew that he was hiding the answer to her question but she didn't know why he would do that. Nothing was coming to her mind right now. As she stood in front of him, she followed Sesshomaru into his room; his room was decorated in blue and black colors.

Kagome soon saw an odd looking mirror and watched as Sesshomaru walked over to the mirror. She followed him to it, and then she saw him step in front of it, and was shocked to see red eyes looking back at him.

"Kagome, this mirror allows me to talk with my beast; he will stay with you and answer your questions. Please trust this mirror, he won't be able to hurt you." Sesshomaru said to her. He then walked out of the room and left Kagome in it with his mirror beast.

"Mate," He growled lowly at her.

Kagome just looked at him, with awe that she wasn't afraid at the moment, but she did have questions for him and the beast to be unable to touch her was a good idea to get started. "Why did you rape me? Kagome asked.

The beast nodded his head though the mirror "My master and I like you alot, but he didn't want to mate with you because you were human and his heir would be a hanyou. That didn't count to me. So when it was the night of the new moon, I took control over him. I searched for six days until I found you. At the time I didn't regret what I did to you because I was securing you as my master's mate. Now I do regret it because you are scared all the time when I was in my master humanoid form."

Kagome nodded her head, now she knew why he raped her, but it didn't give him the right to do it. "Why didn't you ask to stay with me?"

"My master didn't want to travel with his hanyou brother; while I thought you would say no right after he or I asked." He replied.

Kagome just looked at him in shock, then a though went through her mind "Would I say no?"

"Next question, why do you want me to bite you?"
The beast looked at her and opened his mouth, "Why, is because I would like you to be safe from a mortal life that you have now. When you do bite him, you have a couple of chocies. One is turning into a Yokai or the mate you have, and still keep your miko powers. Two is becoming an immortal but not becoming a Yokai. You still would be a miko, and you will age like the Yokai you mate with. Anymore pups, you have will have both powers, unlike the twins, one power would be more dominant then the other."

Kagome widened her eyes at this and then nodded her head at him. "Now Sesshomaru hasn't answered this question at all when I ask him, how is it that I'm getting powers of the elements within my miko powers?"

"Well, that would mean you are accepting what happened to you, and that my master is your soul mate,"

Kagome's eyes went big, as this was new to her. After she stood still for a few minutes, her voice spoke up "What are soul mates?"

"Soul mates are either humans, demons, or hanyou's souls are linked to a similar soul. Like Inuyasha and Kikyo they are soul mates and that monk and slayer are too. Mate you and my master are soul mate. When a person finds their soul mate, their hearts fill with need and love. If a demon and a miko are soul mates they will be more powerful together and new powers will show within the miko first, then the demon. You have been getting new powers with the elements within it?"

"Yes, I have within the last couples battles," Kagome answered back to him as her mind was hay-wired with more thoughts and all.

"Any more questions mate?" the beast asked gentle to her.

Kagome nodded her head at more questions, "What do you regret about my rape?"

"Yes, the underhandedness that I went though and the pain that i brought you was very wrong of me, and for that I'm very sorry." He replied softy.

Kagome smiled at his answer and nodded her head. "Who was that Inu demon that we were fighting?"

"That was Kenjimaru, he was my master's royal adviser and friend, but when he attacked my master for the position for lord of the western lands. My master fought with him, and Kenjimaru lost the battle and he was banished from the Western Lands and if he came back. He would normally be sentence to death." He replied.

Kagome just nodded, then looked around his room, wondering what to say next when the beast beat her to it. "What is your favorite food, color, element, animal?

Kagome laughed at the questions, "Rice, sky blue, I have two favorite elements that are water and fire, I know they are opposites. My favorite animal would be dogs," Kagome replied.

He nodded then opened his mouth, "Why aren't you and the half breed mates?"

"Oh that is a short story, but I can tell you about it." Kagome said as she went back into her memories for it. When she regained the memory she began her story.

The night was silent with nothing moving around but the flicking of the flames from the traveler's camp until a red clothed hanyou jumped from his perch in the trees above the sleeping humans and kit.

"Kagome, wake up," Inuyasha voiced out as he shook her gently on her shoulder.

"Mmh, What Inuyasha?" Kagome asked tiredly as she rubbed her eyes then looked at him.
She saw that he was pointing his finger to the side of the camp that was the farthest away from them. Getting up, Kagome walked with Inuyasha a bit away from the group but near the heat so they were heated by it.

"Yes Inuyasha?" Kagome asked again while she was fully awaken now.

"Kagome i want to ask you something but i can't really ask you what I want to ask," Inuyasha concluded to her.

Kagome looked at him and then smiled. Kagome knew what he was trying to ask, "You mean that I only see me as a younger sister and you love Kikyo and you want to mate with her but you are afraid of my actions with it, right?" Kagome asked as she finished the thoughts to Inuyasha's problem.

Inuyasha had his mouth wide opened for a few moments and smirked as he looked at Kagome, "Ya that wants i wanted to say, so?" He questioned.

"You baka. Why ask me when you should be asking Kikyo if she accepts, and before you say anything else, Yes I gave you my support with it.

"Kagome I lo... what you said yes," Inuyasha said as he shook his head. Kagome just smiled at him and hugged him and then turned around to get more sleep.

End of flashback.

Sesshomaru's beast looked at Kagome, and smiled at her. Kagome thought about the battle then remembered that Naraku took her blood.

"Kagome are you done?" a voice asked at the door.

Kagome looked over to see Sesshomaru standing near the door; she smiled and nodded her head at him. "Yes, thank you, I would like to talk with you again," She told the mirror, as the beast smiled at her, then disappeared from sight when Sesshomaru placed himself in front of the mirror.

"The pups are worried about you, come and see them, so they can place their worry aside for you," Sesshomaru replied.

Kagome nodded her head at him, and took his arm when he offered his arm to her. Then they walked out of the door and down to the halls to the main door when someone called a name.

"Sesshomaru have you forgotten your own mother about this problem!" They both turned around to see a female demoness with long silver hair like Sesshomaru, green eyes that sparkled with unease, and wearing formal attire that screamed 'Royalty' at Kagome.

"Mother, you got here fast," Sesshomaru gathered from this.

"Yes, and I'm disappointed with you young man,"


A/N- Well I wonder what his mother is going to do? I hope you like this chapter. Next one should be done soon. Bye