InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Twenty-seven: Sesshomaru's Mother ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome's Trust

Chapter Twenty-seven: Sesshomaru's Mother

"Mother," Sesshomaru nodded his head at her.

"Sesshomaru, I heard you have pups now?" She said and then looked over at Kagome. "A human?" Then it clicked on her head. "This is the one that spoiled my son with awful claims,"

"Mother, come in my office and we can talk about this," Sesshomaru replied calmly as he directed Kagome with his arm and then looked at his mother.

"Fine, Sesshomaru," She replied as she followed her son and the human into his office.

Sesshomaru sat down with his mother on the left pillow and his Kagome on the right pillow. Then he began the story that his beast choose Kagome and that he didn't because that she was the object of his blood lust and his beast took control and raped her. Then he stopped and looked at his mother's face to see it was in shock, while Kagome had tears leaking from her eyes.

"I have twin pups, Toga was first born and Mizuki was second born," Sesshomaru replied.
Kagome looked at him with a look; she never told him who was born first, so she started to ask" Se-"

"Kagome, Toga has a bigger crescent moon then Mizuki. The oldest always have a bigger crescent moon on their foreheads, and since Toga has the bigger one, he is the oldest." Sesshomaru said to her.

Kagome nodded her head at him, and then turned to his mother.

"Sesshomaru, I'm mad at you for not coming to me about this problem first." Then she turned to Kagome and smiled" I'm sorry for my son's beast." She said to Kagome.

"Sesshomaru's mom, I have forgiven Sesshomaru, and I'm beginning to forgive his beast but he has a long way to go before he has my full trust," Kagome stated.

"Oh call me Seika," Seika replied then looked at Sesshomaru. "You come now," Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at his mother, but stopped when she returned it ten times more. He sighed as he got up from his seat and followed his mother outside.

"Sesshomaru, your beast was wrong but …."

"Mommy!" The door smashed opened and out raced Kagome down the halls to her daughter. Sesshomaru followed with his mother at his heels, wondering what could have happened.
"Mizuki, sweetie what?" Kagome asked when she got to her daughter that was on the ground holding her knee and had tears coming down her face.

"I was playing with siblings then I fell and I hurt myself on that rock," Mizuki replied as she sniffed and rubbed her eyes.

Kagome nodded her head at her, and then summoned some reiki to heal her daughter's knee. Soon it was healed and Mizuki smiled at her mother. Then she saw her daddy walking out with a very pretty lady at his side.

Getting up from the ground, she made her way over to Sesshomaru, and a walk turned in a run towards him. "Daddy!" She smiled as she threw herself at him as Sesshomaru caught her around the waist. He smirked at her and hugged and then placed her on the ground.

"Dad, who is that?" Toga asked as he came up to his father. Sesshomaru smiled at his son question, as he smirked at Kagome. "Toga this is my mother,"

"Does that mean I have two grandmas?" Mizuki asked with very cute eyes, and then turned to her mother. Kagome nodded her head at her, and watched as her daughter race over to her daddy's mother.

"Hi grandma, can I give you a hug?" Mizuki asked at the Seika. Seika looked down at the female pup to notice that she was full demon, and then looked over at her son who shrugged at her. Seika turned back at the female pup and gently picked her up and gave her a hug.

"What is your name?" Seika asked.

"I'm Mizuki," Mizuki replied with a smile on her face. "Mommy, get Toga,"

"Mizuki!" Kagome said as she gave her daughter the look.

"Fine, Mommy," Mizuki whispered at her mother and then looked at her grandma" Grandma please place me on the ground," Seika did what her grand pup asked as she watched her get Toga, and pulled him over.

"Grandma, Grandma this is Toga," Mizuki said as she stops in front of Seika. Toga looked at her for a moment or so, then smiled and ran over to her, latching on her leg until Seika picked him up and snuggled him.

"Toga," Seika replied as she gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Hi Grandma Seika," Rin said as she got closer to her.

"Rin you have grown lots since I last time I saw you," Seika replied.

"Yes, it has been, this is mother," Rin replied as she pointed to Kagome who smiled at her oldest daughter even she didn't give birth to her.

"Lady Seika, it's good to see you again," Lady Masa replied as she raced over to her and gave her a hug; in turn she gave one back.

"It's good to see you too, Lady Masa, and you too Lords Kento and Tenga," Lady Seika said but stopped as she looked over the three females that stood besides Tenga, a smirk lit up her face. "I guess it is time for that law to come in,"

Sesshomaru raised is eyebrow at his mother," Mother what is this law?"

Seika looked at her pup, then sighed "It's an ancient law that says, the male of every lords family is not mated a trial is made. You pick three chosen and the trial begins with courting rules and all and at the end you will have to mate with the person that wins you love and affection."

"Well, since you Have a mate, you won't have to go through the trial," Lady Seika replied as she smirked at him.

"This Sesshomaru doesn't want in the trail," He said as he looked at Kagome, then his pups. He almost growled at the thought of more pups within Kagome stomach.

"By the way, we should be getting the servants ready for the ball that is within two weeks," Lady Seika stated as she took both Kagome's and Lady Masa hands pulling them into the Western

Leaving the males with the pups, soldiers and friends to the family stood outside with and played. Sesshomaru played with his twin pups; Toga and Mizuki had lots of surprises to show him. He knew both had Kagome's and his powers, but he was very shocked to see them not battling against to overpower the either.

Toga was better at controlling his yokai than his miko powers, while Mizuki was better with her miko powers then her yokai powers. Mizuki could transform only with rage while Toga could transform under pressure. Sesshomaru was very pleased with his pups. He had to teach them more in the transformed state abilities and Mizuki and Toga with more yokai powers.

"Daddy, I love you," Mizuki sighed as she sat on his lap after she showed him what she could do.

"I love you too," Sesshomaru replied then heard a snicker behind him. "Inuyasha can't I tell my daughter that I love her without you laughing at it,"

Inuyasha looked at him and thought, "Sesshomaru has changed since Kagome came into his life with pups. He would have cut off my head by now, and he also helped me with my mating with Kikyo."

Inuyasha thought back what he had told him and took it to his heart and he actually started to do the ritual with Kikyo in secret. Kikyo understood all the steps within the ritual. He wondered where Kikyo was, he turned to the left then to the right but saw her nowhere in sight, getting up he went to find her.

…..Meanwhile with the ladies….

Kagome stood there watching the two argue over something about the ball for at least fifteen minutes, Lady Masa liked it, but lady Seika didn't. Kagome sighed and rubbed her eyebrow, "Ladies, stop," Kagome yelled at them. She watched as they looked at her, with shocked looks on their faces.

"Now let's use both ideas and combine them in a way to make both of you happy." Kagome replied at them.

They looked at each other and nodded back to Kagome. "Good, let's get this ball ready and done," Kagome grumbled out, then walked away from them back towards the outside.


While walking, Kagome came across a servant looking for her, "Milady, lady Sango requests you," she said walking off with Kagome behind her.

Moments later, Kagome came to the gates to the flower garden that Sango was in, and sat down and waited for her.

"Sango you needed me?" Kagome asked as she walked over to Sango.

"Yes, I don't know how to tell Miroku," Sango replied as she looked at Kagome.

"Okay, I know, he could ask him on a date, and have supper within the gardens," Kagome suggested to her.

Sango looked up and then to Kagome and she nodded." I like it."

Good," Kagome replied.

A/N-I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is a little bit boring. Bye