InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Twenty-nine: Kagome's chant and Sango's Day in the future ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N- Chapter twenty-nine is very long for me, while the story is almost done now. I have seven more chapters including this one, left to type up. Thanks to all you fans for reading the whole story and reviewing. Thank you to my beta reader named TheSparklingMoon for beta reading this story this far, thanks again. Bye

Chapter Twenty-nine: Kagome's chant and Sango's Day in the future

Miroku sat motionless after Sango said the word 'pregnant.' Then he looked at her with an odd expression.

"Sango are you sure?" Miroku asked after he smiled after her.

Sango looked at him, and heard his words. "Yes, Miroku I'm pregnant, Kagome and I made sure that I was with her future tests, but Kagome did say sometimes it was wrong, but…,"

Miroku just smiled at her and stood up and walked over to her. He took her hand and leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips gently. He then let go and walked back to his seat. Miroku and Sango ate and talked about the having the baby, naming and all. Until they came across the subject revolving around Naraku, "Miroku I will fight,"

"Sango no you will not, you have someone else to think about within you." Miroku stated at her.
Sango looked at him angrily and then got up and left the table with Miroku calling her but she didn't stop until she found her room. Opening it up and storming into her room at the palace, Sango started to cry within her hands.

"Sango?" Kagome asked at her door.

" Kagome," Sango sniffed out towards to the door.
"I'm coming in," Kagome said as Sango heard the knob turning and then it opened up to see Kagome walking in.

"What happened? Sango," Kagome asked as she sat down next to Sango.

"Miroku knows that I'm pregnant and he is happy for it, but when the final battle comes, he wants me to stay here," Sango wailed out.

"Sango, I'm going to be frank with you, Miroku said that to be you stay safe with your baby's life, even I said you should stay, now you must stay. What would happen if you lost the baby?" Kagome said.

Sango looked at Kagome, then spoke, "I'm not sure, I would be mad at myself I suppose, and mad at Miroku for not stopping me,"

"You see, he isn't trying to make you feel out of sorts or just not being strong even. It is now that you are pregnant, he doesn't want you or the baby to be in trouble. My mom said the same thing to me too," Kagome said.

"Really?" Sango asked.

"Yes, I think all people actually say that when a loved one is going to fight or is depressed or anything," Kagome said. "Now I'm taking the pups... I mean... you know, to the future time. I found a chant to make the well open up to anyone that I say. I would like you to come to my time and meet my mother and to see a healer/doctor in my time to really confirm that you are pregnant,"

Sango straight at Kagome for a few moments," You mean that I can go through the well?"

"Yes, from what I understand from the scroll, it will allow the people anyone who I say at the well," Kagome replied.

Sango looked at Kagome and then smiled, "Then I will come with you,"

Kagome smiled and leaped up as she hugged Sango with her might. "Thanks Sango and we can get you to see a healer in my time. I will be with you and Miroku too. I told him, about it too after he came to found me about the argument. I think you should talk with him more about it,"
Sango nodded her head and walked over to the door, opening it up and walking out. Her search was to find Miroku and talk with him. Leaving Kagome to her own devices, she went outside.


She stood up from the ground and smiled at her friend, she was hopeless in love with Miroku. Shaking her head at herself, she walked over to the door and walked out and closed it behind her and went to find her children.

She walked down a few doors, and opened it to see Mizuki throwing her clothes onto her bed without folding them.

"Oh mama," Mizuki said when she saw her mother watching her throw clothes on her bed to pack.

'Need help Mizuki?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, mama," Mizuki replied.

Kagome walked over and started to fold Mizuki's clothes and packed them into her small backpack. Soon she was done and Mizuki leapt up and raced towards the door.

"Daddy!"" Mizuki yelled as the door opened.

Mizuki jumped into his arms and hugged Sesshomaru with her arms, smiling at him.
"Daddy are you going to come with us? Mizuki asked.

'Mizuki..." He started to say when he was cut off by Kagome, "Yes he is, now go help your brothers or sister,"

Sesshomaru let Mizuki down to the floor and then watched as she raced out of her room before turning back to Kagome. "Kagome I'm coming,"

"Yes you are, now … oh no that sucks now." Kagome replied.

"What does sucks mean?" Sesshomaru asked.

"It means something is not good at all," Kagome stated "We are going to leave but who will watch over the ball and the land problems?"

"Well, lord Kenta and lady Masa and mother can," Sesshomaru replied.

"But.., well they can, but what if they ask about where we are going?" Kagome frantically asked.

"Well, that would be up to you," Sesshomaru sighed as he nodded at her to follow him to his office.

Within moments, Sesshomaru and Kagome were sitting on some white comfortable pillows with the sun light glowing on them like angels, soon there was a knock on the door and Sesshomaru commanded, "Come in" In came Lord Kenta and Lady Masa and Sesshomaru's mother," Please sit,"

They did as they were told, "This Sesshomaru and Kagome, Rin, Shippo, Mizuki and Toga and her friends are going to visit Kagome's home for a week of vacation,"

"Sesshomaru stop talking like that," Lord Kenta sighed said as he looked at them both.

"Why?" Seika asked as she wondered about the vacation before the ball.

"The pups are missing their other grandma and wish to see her," Sesshomaru replied.


"Seika, let them," Lady Masa suggested. "But why would Kagome's friends and you, Sesshomaru, go?"

Sesshomaru looked at Kagome; she sighed and looked at them all. "Lord, and ladies you might have noticed things about me, that are weird or just not right, well, that is because… now keep in mind that you can smell a lie or the truth. I'm from the future to be exact it would be five hundred years into the future."

They looked at her with shocked and disbelieving looks, but they couldn't smell any lies behind it.

"Why? How? When? Where?, the first questions that came from their mouths.

"When? That when I was fifteen. How? because of the Shikon no Tama was inside of me. Why? Because of a demon named mistress centipede pulled me into the well in my time to this time. Because of this jewel…" She said as she pulled out the bottle with the jewel shards in them glittering with the light. "She was after that within my body.' Kagome answered them.

They all looked at her with astonishment and awe, "So I see now," Lady Seika replied. "I have seen you asking not ordering the servants around like most would."

"Yes, in my time, they would be called Maids or butlers for the genders." Kagome asked.

As they talked and asked more questions, Kagome answered some of them but the other ones she said it was not the right time to tell them. Sesshomaru looked at her and smiled, hoping that she would trust him with more information soon.

"Now, it is getting late and we would like to get going with the pups," Kagome replied as she nodded her head at them all, then walked over to the door and opened it. Stepping outside, she smiled at them.

Kagome walked into her room and within a few minutes after leaving the office, she packed all her items and started to look for her pups, child and kit. Kagome came across Inuyasha playing with them. Laughing at them, she walked into the inside garden area to see Sango and Miroku sitting on a blanket with Kikyo off to the side showing Koshi healing herbs for humans, half demons and demons.

"Hello," Kagome said.

They all turned to her and smiled," Mama, mom, Mother," the children screamed as they raced to her and gave her hugs.

"So are you almost ready to go now?" Kagome asked them.

"Of course mama," Mizuki replied with a smile.

"Same here mom," Rin told her. But the looks of her sons, told her differently.

"Come on Toga and Shippo." Kagome said. "Inuyasha are you ready too? Kikyo, Sango, and Miroku?"

"Yes," came from Sango and Inuyasha.


"Yes, Miroku and you too Kikyo are coming to the future with us. I have a chant to say to the well and that would be that "Kagome said, "Now, you two need to pack up too,"

As they walked together into the halls, Kagome saw children following the demoness that was rude to her limping away with a red spots on her kimono. Kagome turned to them and nodded her head at them and left to go and pack.

After she felt them leave, Kagome followed her to the grounds, where she heard the demoness cry from her heart. Suddenly she stepped on a stick the made a "crack" into the air.

"Who's there?" the demoness snarled out loud.

Kagome stepped out and looked at her, "What happened?"

"Why would you care?" She snarled asked Kagome.

"Well, it's because it is my nature to care about all life, even though I'm miko I don't like to see demons die unless it is the only way," Kagome uttered as she looked at her.

The demoness was taken aback by her words. As she looked at her, she laughed at her nerve. Since her father and mother died, she never trusted anyone anymore, but with this miko, her words were breaking the small emotional barrier she placed around herself.

"Prince Tenga's punishment because I was rude to you," She said.

Kagome nodded her head at her, "Okay, where are you hurt? And what is your name?"

The demoness almost fell when those two questions were asked, but she was still looked at the miko, with her own questions once more." Why are you helping me?"

"Because you might be a bitch and you might be rude but this is no way to talk to you about it." Kagome replied. While she waited for the demoness to show her wounds, Kagome sighed, it was almost time to get going home.

"Fine, my back and shoulders is where he placed his acid on me," She said, "My name is Reikanna,"

Kagome smiled at her and started to heal her using her reiki powers on her wounds. After she was done, she got up and looked over at her. "See you later, bye,"

Kagome left Reikanna along in the grounds, while she quickly found her sons and helped them pack up for the trip to the future.

Hours later, the group was down at the gates and Sesshomaru nodded his head while the rest gave hugs and kisses. Soon they were off on their way to the bone eater well.

Kagome taught the children a new game called I spy. "I spy with my little eye something that is white."

They all thought before they answered "Mama is it uncles hair?" Mizuki asked.


Rin looked up and smiled" is it the clouds,"

"Yes it was. Rin's turn now," Kagome said, as she walked beside Sesshomaru and started to ask something,"

"What is it Kagome?' Sesshomaru stated at her.

"Oh nothing," Kagome replied as she moved back with Sango and Kikyo who were talking.

"So Kikyo are you and Inuyasha mated yet?" Kagome asked.

"Inuyasha told me about the steps and Inuyasha has my full trust with all three sides, confrontation was very funny to actually do, the safety one was very easy as he looked up a way to protect me and I him. This necklace… Kikyo pulled out of her top with a fang attract to it. Is the protection on it and I gave him a necklace woven from the locks of hair. The friendship was also easy too. We are on health now, he makes sure I have food and drink and clothes. He is just a loveable guy," Kikyo sighed.

"Hey I heard that," Inuyasha yelled.

Kagome looked at Kikyo, she felt her heart telling her something about Kikyo. She looked closer and noticed that she hadn't seen any more of the soul stealers around her anymore.

"Kikyo are you? Kagome asked.

"Yes, since I'm in the ritual of mating, it allowed me to come back alive." Kikyo said then smiled.

"Yes," Kagome squealed with happiness at Kikyo.

"Mama, how much longer?" Mizuki asked.

Kagome looked around to see the village up ahead of her, and smiled. "Not much Mizuki,"
After twenty minutes, including stopping off by Kaede's house to get her up on the gossip, they went to the well.

While the rest stood back, Kagome walked up to the well and pulled out the scroll. She read it once more and then placed her hands on the well.

"Oh well of time; grant the impossible, grant these people entrance to your greatest secret of all, the future. Those names are by title and name Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Kikyo, Lady Sango, Lord and Son Shippo, Lord Miroku and Lady and Daughter Rin," Kagome chanted in a whispered tone to the well, as it hummed into life, the chant was done.

"Okay, Mizuki and Inuyasha will go first, followed by Sesshomaru and Me, Kikyo and Inuyasha when he gets back, Inuyasha and Rin, Inuyasha and Shippo and last Miroku and Sango." Kagome lightly ordered them to do.

Mizuki and Inuyasha jumped into the well and pale blue light came and took them to the future. "Ready Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked as she felt his arm went around her.

They jumped into the well, and lights came around them both. Sesshomaru landed on the ground with Kagome within his arms a feeling he loved. Kagome looked up at him and smiled, she would be lying if she said she didn't like been held by Sesshomaru.

He took a sniff, and his face was so funny to Kagome that she burst out laughing at him, holding her sides from it, she stopped as her friends came in.

"Well I say welcome to the future time, the smell is bad for demons. It is also loud and there are very different sights to see, like this you see… she pointed up to the ceiling .." this was built around the well." Kagome said.

"Let's get going," Mizuki yelled out as she opened the door and raced out with Toga hot on her heels. They all walked to the door while Mizuki opened it and yelled" Grandma, Uncle Souta and great grandpa!"

The sounds of three different feet were heard within Sesshomaru ears. He saw a women with black hair with a bit of grey coming into it, an older male with grey hair with a traditional clothes of a priest on, and a younger male with short black hair coming in after them.

"Mizuki! Toga!" the women screamed. She had tears coming down her face as she gave her grandchildren hugs.

"Mom," Souta said as he gave the twins hugs too.

"Toga, Mizuki, thank goodness you two are alright," Great grandpa said as he gave them hugs.

"Grandma, uncle and great grandpa," Mizuki whispered as her face showed that she was tired along with Toga.

"Let's get you two into bed," Kagome said, as her women took up the twins. Soon they were back down stairs and Kagome went up and introduce everyone.

"Mom, this is Sango, Kikyo, Shippo, you remember Rin and this is Miroku and Sesshomaru," Kagome replied.

They all looked at them and wondered why they were here, only one asked a different question. "What? The one raped you?" Grandpa snarled at them.

"Grandpa, yes I told you I was raped but not who did it, only mom knows," Kagome stated at him. While on the inside's she was mad at him for asking that question.

"Yes, grandpa, that was uncalled called for," Souta replied. "Hey Inuyasha,"

"Souta," Inuyasha replied as he gave a hand shake to the boy.

Sesshomaru looked at the old man, then to the Souta. When he felt eyes on him, he turned to see Kagome's mother's eyeing him. The eyes weren't enraged on what he did to her daughter, but of the understanding kind. He felt his heart become lighter, as this went on.

"So Kagome, why are your friends in this time? How could you bring them here?" Taytai asked.

"Well, why is because of Sango. She would like to make sure that she is pregnant. Shippo wanted to see and meet you, Miroku wanted to make sure Sango was okay, Kikyo and Sesshomaru came along for the trip." Kagome replied to the first question.

"How, I found a chant to bring people that I say to the future time," She said after the first question to the second one. "Now it is almost night and we humans need our sleep.

"Rin, you will be staying with Mizuki in her room, Shippo in Toga's room, Kikyo and Inuyasha together, Miroku and Sango together. Sesshomaru will have a room alone," Kagome stated as she took Rin's hand and showed her to Mizuki's room, the rest following her.

Soon the groups went to sleep with the only one up was Sesshomaru staring up at the ceiling, thinking about this time. His nose was still trying to get used to the smell, and his ears hurt from whatever sounds were out. Finally he fell asleep on the bed.

Soon night was coming to a close when the sun light secretly started to rise up from the east side.

Day one had begun; Kagome woke up and took a shower. Kagome then got dressed and woke up the girls first. Both had a bath washing each other's hair as Kagome watched on. After they were done, they got dressed and went down to help out with breakfast, all but Mizuki of course.

Some moments after, the rest came down stairs and looked into the kitchen. Everyone but Inuyasha was shocked at the items they saw. A few asked what this was or this was, Kagome and her mother told them what they were and what they did.

Soon Souta and grandpa came down and walked into the kitchen and saw the girls making breakfast. They smiled, then Souta looked at the boys that were still in there PJ's.

"Hey sis shouldn't Toga and Shippo have baths?" Souta asked.

"Yes, hey Souta, could you bathe them?" Kagome asked. "I'm busy with mom,"

"Sure sis, Toga, Shippo lets go have a bath," Souta replied as he looked at them both.

"Uncle, I want dad to come with me," Toga said as he saw his dad walking into the room.

Sesshomaru felted his eyebrow go up, as he walked into the room, to see Toga saying he wanted him to help. He smiled at Toga and said, "Sure son,"

Grandpa looked at the young male and then to his great grandchildren then his mind snapped together and he started to open his mouth to yell at him, but was stopped by his daughter giving him a firm and stern look. He just grumbled at him and then walked away to see to the shrine.
Souta took Shippo's hand and lead the way to the bathroom; he felt Sesshomaru eyes wondering around the place.

He took the plunger and put it in the tub and started the water, making it warm hot. He turned to see Sesshomaru looking at the tub with an expression that was so funny, he almost laughed. Instead he stopped and explained what the tub was and where the water was coming from. Then he asked Shippo to undress and get into the tub while he stopped the water as Toga was in the tub already washing himself.

Soon the boys were laughing in the water. Souta asked Sesshomaru lots of questions about him, what kind of demon was he, and lots more until he came across the subject about his sister being raped by him.

"My sister told me she was raped but she didn't say who until Toga said dad. Why did you rape my sister?" Souta asked.

"This Sesshomaru's beast wanted her and then he took what he wanted, and now he feels regret on it," Sesshomaru replied with his third person talk.

"Oh what beast?" Souta asked.

Sesshomaru launched into the whole life between his beast and him, what a beast was and what it can do, to Souta. When he was finished, the boys were done with their bath. Souta nodded his head and told him he would keep it a secret until he was ready to tell people. Soon the boys were dressed up again, and walked down the stairs to get some breakfast.

Kagome was cleaning the dirty dishes when she turned to see her boys; she smiled at them.
"Sit and have somethin to eat," Kagome said as she went back to cleaning.

The boys sat down while Souta took Toga's plate and filled it up with hash browns, bacon, and a small waffle. He then gave it back to him, and then took Shippo's plate filling his up, and then his own.

Soon Kagome was done and looked up at the clock, then sighed. It was time to see if she could make an appointment for Sango. She called the one she went to and found out that they had an opening today at eleven o'clock; she looked up at Sango and smiled, saying she would take it.

"Sango, you have appointment at eleven today, so I will explain what the doctor will be doing," Kagome replied.

As she told Sango what the doctor would be looking for and all the tests after, Sango looked at Miroku and smiled.

"Kagome you said I could bring anyone right?" Sango asked.

"Yes Sango you can, let me example more. Males can be at the appointments and can be within the birthing room in this time," Kagome stated as she told them more within this time, leaving the males in shocked.

"Kagome, why are you telling us this?" Miroku asked.

"Because Miroku, you are coming with us today," Kagome stated at him.

He nodded and he looked forward to this appointment with Sango and Kagome. After a few moments, Kagome, Sango and Miroku got up and told the rest where they were going. Souta was given a special mission to get some clothes for all of them.

"Now, Sango you would fit in my clothes. Mom, can we get something for Miroku to wear from dad's clothes," Kagome uttered.

After a few minutes, Taytai came back with some clothes and then looked to Souta to help Miroku with them.

An hour later, Kagome, Sango and Miroku were ready to get going to the appointment for Sango. Stepping outside, Kagome lead them to the elevator, and told them what it does again.

They talked about Kagome's world more, and Kagome told them about cars and trucks until they came across one car moving out of the garage.

"Kagome, what was that?" Miroku exclaimed out loud to her.

"Miroku that was a car moving," Kagome replied. "Now I did this last night, your names are Miroku Nackumaru and Sango Nackumaru. You are distant relatives of mine. You come from my father's side, and you are from the country. Okay?"

"Got it," They told her.

"Now, Miroku here is your wallet with some cash and I.D, don't lose it. Sango, here is your small purse with your items, don't lose it." Kagome stated as she handed two items over to Miroku and Sango, while they took them and held onto them.

Kagome lead them to the car, and opened the door for each of them and then closed it. She walked over to her side and got into the car.

"Okay, this is my mom's car, now this ..." she pointed the seatbelt. "Is a seatbelt to buckle you in and keep you safe," Kagome said as she showed them both, and then helped them put it on. After she put hers on, she started the car, making Sango jump in fright. Kagome calmed her down and said that it was just the car starting and all cars make the sound.

Kagome drove outside to see sunlight; she smiled at it, and continued to drive. She explained to her friends about her time and the buildings that seemed to go on forever. She stopped at the turning line and told Sango that she would go in the room with her too.

Sango nodded her head at her. While her eyes were out on the sights, Miroku took in all the places he would like to visit, including asking Kagome, "Kagome what is that shop?"

Kagome looked over to see it had "love signs" all over it; she sighed and looked at Miroku. "Miroku that is an adult store, and no you are not going,"

She turned down the street, and stopped at the crosswalk where some children were walking across from the school grounds. Kagome smiled at them and waited until no child was left on the street before she started driving again. She turned right and then to the left into a parking lot and parked in the second space. Kagome showed them how to get out of the seatbelt and the car.

She walked them into the clinic and went up to the desk, saying their name to the lady in front; she took out papers for them sign. Kagome took them and lead them to the back where the tables were, and asked them to sit in front while she took the one in front of them.

Kagome wrote their names down and all the others items that were required until she heard their names begin called; she stood up with them and walked to the room. Sango was scared but with her Miroku and Kagome, she knew she would be fine. Soon the nurse came in and smiled at her new patient and smiled at Kagome.

"Hello Kagome, how are the twins?"

"They are fine now, this is my... Kagome placed a finger near her head as if to remember. '…My eighth cousins Miroku and his wife Sango. They are visiting the city for the first time," Kagome replied.

The nurse smiled at the couple, and they smiled back after what Kagome told them what the nurse would do, with Sango. They felt okay with the check up with the pregnancy.

"Okay, so what do you use to see if you are pregnant?" the nurse asked as she wrote down her question and what of them to asked it.

"Well, I took three pregnancy home tests, but they all said Positive and I would like to have a real test performed by an actually doctor," Sango replied.

Miroku nodded his head at her, and then looked at Kagome, "So I called my great uncle, Kagome's father and that is when I found out that he was dead; we packed and got a bus to the city." Miroku replied.

"That's why the letter came back with wrong address," Kagome exclaimed at them.

"Okay, so you haven't had your menstrual at all?" she asked.
"No, the last one I had was about seven weeks ago, and I'm really on time all the time,' Sango replied.

She nodded at Sango and then stood up, she did her job taking her blood pressure and writing it down, the took out a paper that was white and yellow on it, circle three items on it, she gave it to Sango. "That is for you to get some tests done," She said as she got up and left the room.

Kagome looked it over and smiled, she told Sango what it said. Then they got up and left the room too, down the halls and up the stairs into the lab area. Sango and Kagome went up to the desk, she gave the lady the paper and took the plastic cup, with a confused looked.

"Let's go," Kagome said, as she led Sango to the bathroom. She then explained what the cup was for. Kagome looked at Sango and almost laughed at her, Sango's face was bright red with embarrassment.

Sango went into the bathroom, and filled up the cup, and then she placed it in the side area with her name on it. Then she washed her hands and walked out as a nurse called her name to another room, with Kagome.

Moments after, Sango was looking at the needle that was in her arm taking some blood from her. Kagome was talking to the nurse about how much blood she was going to take.

Soon the nurse had taken out the needle and placed a band aid on it with a cotton ball. Kagome looked at the time to see it read one o'clock in the afternoon. She sighed; she forgot that appointments take too long to understand. She got Miroku and Sango back into the car and drove home. Walking into the house, Kagome saw Toga showing Sesshomaru how to play a video game.

"No dad, this way," She heard Toga say before showing once again.

"Oh Mama," Mizuki yelled as she walked into the room with apple in her hand. She raced over to her and gave her a hug.

Kagome took out the rest of a walked around the shrine as she told them about the lands around them. She also showed them the large builds around the shrine.

Soon it was time to eat some dinner. After dinner the boys went and played outside while the girls helped clean the kitchen and started to watch a movie. Soon the boys came in and they started to watch the movie, until it was time to go to bed.

Falling asleep, Sango wondered when the tests would be done, as she placed a hand on her belly.
The next day came and they went to the mall. Kagome's friends and Sesshomaru were shocked at all the shops and humans that inhabited the land. Sesshomaru wondered what happened to demons, but never questioned out loud to Kagome, he would do it in secret.

Kagome took the girls to shops first, as the males followed, carrying their bags much to their dismay. With one look from the girls they shut up about it quickly. Then Kagome and the girls took the males to get new clothes for them too, as they protested against saying they were fine with their clothes on.

Later the day went by, as they started to go home. The girls had lots of fun while the boys, not so much. Kagome looked at Sesshomaru new clothes; he was wearing black pants with a tight white shirt with his long silver hair shining with the sun. Walking into the shrine, Kagome wondered when the tests would be done. When they all walked into the house, Kagome's mother came up to them.

"How was the day out?" Taytai asked.

"It was fun," Kikyo uttered as she looked over at Inuyasha that was carrying around twelve bags of her clothes then plus his bags.

"We got to do it tomorrow," Sango exclaimed out loud.

"We're busy," the males said quickly as they placed the bags down and raced outside away from the girls that were laughing at them.

Kagome and the rest took their bags upstairs and into their rooms and unpacked as the males came back into the house after it was safe.

Kagome went out of her room when she bumped into Sesshomaru. "Sesshomaru you needed something?"

"Yes, Kagome, what happened to the demons?" He asked.

"I read some old scrolls in the library when I was pregnant. I have knowledge of a few great demons wars that could have wiped the demons race out but nothing is saying it all, why?" Kagome asked.

"This Sesshomaru felt someone following us with demon youki," He answered back as he wondered who it was.

"Where? When?" Kagome asked.

"The mall, just after we got here," He stated as he looked at her. He could tell she was a bit of upset about it. He slowly brought his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

"Sesshomaru, do you know who it was?" Kagome asked while she was still in the hug from him, she leaned more on him. Her heart was telling her to trust him more than before. Her heart knew something that she didn't.

"No, I don't but I will protect you," Sesshomaru whispered as he let go of her and then walked down the stairs. Leaving Kagome beside her room, then she heard her name being called down to help with supper.

Soon it was time to eat some dinner. After dinner the boys went played outside while the girls helped clean the kitchen and after they were done, they started to do their own thing that night. Kagome started to read bedtime stories to the children, Sango looked at the new pregnancy books she got today, and Kikyo looked over the instructions on how to needle point. Soon the boys came back in and watched their females doing what most females of their time did, until it was time to go to bed.

The next day came, while Kagome didn't take them back to the mall, much thanks to the males, then the females. She took them to the national park just a bit of outside of the city.

The children played in the trees and climbed on the paths that were made. Soon they came across some picnic tables, and the girls sat down while the boys took the children out more to explore of the nature.

The girls talked about all sorts of things. They all wondered what the final battle with Naraku will be, until Kagome thought of the blood he took from her.

"Kikyo can I ask a question?" Kagome asked.

"Sure," Kikyo uttered.

"Naraku attacked the palace not long ago, and he took some of my blood with him, what would be wanted with my blood?" Kagome asked.

"Well, with blood it would be lots of plans, but to be sure, we won't know until he attacks. But one could be a spell, chant or a potion with it or a new detachment with your powers that have been growing lately." Kikyo explained to her.

"Great, so we won't know until he attacks," Kagome mumbled out with a sighed that followed it.
The girls started to talk about other items and also did the food, setting it out. Kagome screamed out" TIME TO EAT!"

Suddenly sounds of Inuyasha and the others were heard by them all. They laughed at it, as they saw them coming out of the woods and taking seats at the table.

They ate and talked about what their children found. The sky turned dark and Kagome looked up and remembered the weather report in the morning. It had the chance to shower, so she looked back down and told them about rain, and they nodded their heads at her. Everyone quickly helped to tidy and place things back into the large box.

They started to walk when Sesshomaru stopped and turned to look behind them. Soon the rest of the group felt it too. They all turned around and everyone thought about how they could be so stupid leaving their weapons at Kagome's home.

Mist formed around them, as the children screamed in fear. Kagome grabbed them around her fast and whispered soothing words them as Kikyo and Sango took up spaces beside them too. They helped comfort them while Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Miroku stood in front of them.

Soon a silhouette in the distance started coming towards them. While the girls whispered soothing thoughts to the children, the males, well one, was snarling at them while one was thinking on who that was, as the last one was calm while his eyes looked on.

The silhouette came closer and closer to the group, making Kagome and the girls mad as it was scaring the children too much. She nodded at them; she walked up to Sesshomaru's side and look at it, then called out, "Who are you and what do you want?"

Sesshomaru smirked at her, he could tell she was getting mad at this person, and then it stopped and waved it hands at the group. Instinct had made him step in front of Kagome and shield her, as the rest did that to their loves and the children. He let out a growl letting the enemy know he was going to be hurt.

"My," It said, as the form waved its hands once again, it slowly waved them to the group, making them sleepily. Everyone fell to the ground asleep, and Sesshomaru and Kagome were the only ones that were up, but Kagome was fast falling asleep with her friends.

Her eyes closed and fell slumped against Sesshomaru body. He growled at the form that started to walked closer towards them.

"Finally, she's asleep. She was always stubborn," A deep voice said out, as it declared that it was a male's voice.

"Oh Sesshomaru, stop growling at me," it replied, as the mist stopped, and there in front of him was a person with silver hair and same clothes.

"Who are you?" Sesshomaru growled at him.

It shook his head at him, and then spoke, "I'm you, in this time."

Sesshomaru looked at him with unease eyes still, as he looked at Kagome, and then the rest.

"What did you place on them?" Sesshomaru growled.

"Sleep," the future of him said as he looked at his past self.

"What do you want?" Sesshomaru replied.

"You need to protect Kagome; she will be in danger when you go back to the past. Work with her to bring death to Naraku," Sesshomaru from the future said then jumped up forming his cloud and disappearing.

Sesshomaru took the words to heart,while he looked at Kagome. Boy he couldn't wait; he wanted to slap his beast for making her so scared about him. He promised he would go slowly and soon they will be mated.

"Sesshomaru, what happened?" Kagome recalled as she woke up within his arms, feeling happy.

"My future self," that was a he said to her.

They waited for the rest to wake up, and afterwards they went home. Driving the way home, Kagome wondered when the doctor's will call, and then to what they would do tomorrow. When they got home they walked into the house to see supper was...Well done by smell. This time it was the boys that went to help out in the kitchen, leaving the girls Shocked. When supper was done it was the boys that washed the dishes and cleaned up the room, leaving the girls once again in shock.

Kagome started to read bedtime stories to the children. Sango looked at a different new pregnancy books she got today; Kikyo started on her needle point after she finished reading the instructions once more. As the boys just watched them doing their thing, they wondered if this is peace.

Kagome took the girls to get baths, with Kikyo and Sango following her. After they were done they got ready for bed and soon fell asleep, while the boys were just getting ready to sleep.

The next day came, and Taytai got up when the phone rang. She walked over to the phone and after she picked it up she answered, "Hello"

"Hi, is Mrs. Nackumaru in?" The lady said on the phone.

"Just one moment, "Taytai said as Kagome came into view." Kagome it's for Sango,"
Kagome nodded and went up to get Sango, and within moments Sango and Kagome were down stairs. "Here, she is," Taytai said as she held the phone over to Sango, who was looking at it funny. Kagome did a motion and mouthed out "Place it to your ear" Sango did that and said Hello after Kagome mouthed it to her.

"Mrs. Nackumaru, we have your results," The lady said. "Would you like to hear them on the phone or would you like to come down for them?"

"On the phone," Sango said because she just wanted to stay home.

"Okay, Mrs. Nackumaru," Sango heard then also heard some papers noise's.

"You are pregnant by three weeks. Now we would like to you come for appointments once a mouth, so would you like to book now or later?" The lady questioned.

"Later, bye," Sango replied as her eyes were in shocked once again. She then gave the phone back to Taytai, who placed it back on the charger.

"Sango-chan?" Taytai asked.

Sango had a smile on her face and raced back upstairs and started to yell happily at Miroku.
"Well I guess she is truly pregnant," Kagome replied.

"Yup," Taytai replied while she walked into the kitchen and started to make some breakfast.
That left Kagome to think about Sesshomaru and his future self, and why would he come out and freak them.


"Sesshomaru where were you?" Kagome yelled at him.

"Kagome, mate calm down," He whispered at her.

"Sesshomaru-kun stop with the whispers," Kagome muttered out as she gave him a sweet and small kiss.

"Kagome, stop unless you want me to pounce on you," he replied lightly as he felt her kisses going down his neck.

"And if that is what I want?" Kagome uttered asked as she continued while her hands traveled down to his lower parts.

Sesshomaru started to panted, as he moved his hands down to her breasts needing them softly, making Kagome moan lightly until a voice came into the room.

"MOM! Akira is being mean to me," a small girl that had long black hair raced in as tears came down her face.

A/N- Very long chapter I did for you. I hope you are happy with it. Also I don't have it beta reader for it, she/he is on vacation for a bit from her/his last message. You will see next time, is the ball.

Akira- Bright, or intelligent