InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter thirty: The Peace Ball ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N- Almost done with this story, I hope your all enjoyed it. I had fun typing it up. Thank you to my beta reader named TheSparklingMoon for beta reading this story for me. Thanks to all my fans that read and reviewed it this far. Please continue to do so.

Chapter thirty: The Peace Ball

Kagome woke up by a hand shaking her shoulder and a voice that saying "Mom." Opening her eyes to see Rin standing beside her, she smiled at Rin. It had been three days since they returned to the future and the whole palace was in uproar with the oncoming minor lord and ladies, plus the other two lords from the Southern and Eastern lands.

Kagome got up, and quickly got dressed as she raced into the dining room and ate quickly. Leaving the rest in awe at her, she didn't say anything and soon she was done with eating. Getting up from the table, Kagome smiled and left the room. Leaving the rest in the room, with their food untouched, they begin eating theirs.

Kagome went to the first maid she found and told her what she needed to do still.Then she started to look for Lady's Seika and Masa to see that all of the rooms were ready to have people in them. She oversaw the servants dusting, washing and making food, or beds. The south side was getting rebuild but it would be done for other guests to use by the time that they arrive.

There was also a festive dance to prepare as was custom, which the four lords and their mates had to dance at begining of the ball and at the end of the ball. Lady Seika and Lady Masa had helped her catalog every meal or snack at dinner and after and at the ball.

Kagome and the two ladies had servants running to do their bidding; many of the servants were in shock with the new lady of the Western Lands. They knew that she had never done this before, but she stepped into an authoritative position with grace. Kagome and the ladies expected results, and they oversaw them with gentleness and the occasional show of force. Soon it was time to go and get ready to greet the Eastern lord's family and then the Southern family.

Walking along, she met up with Rin and Mizuki. The girls went into the bath room together and started to soak their skins in night gale flowers with some very light vanilla with it. Soon the door opened up to show four female servants that had their bath items within their arms.

"Milady's, milord deems us to get to you ready," One whispered in a soft tone, as she waited be addressed or to recieve a nod from her milady. She was wearing the servants' dress, a white yukata with blue sashes around their waists.

Kagome looked at her and then nodded her head her as her mind went back to Sesshomaru's and her agreement. When the ball comes she would get ready with the servant that he sent to her.
She hated it, but she respected Sesshomaru for telling her about the Eastern lord with her flower smells from the future, would make him very rude.

"Please call me Kagome, "Kagome said as she felt one gently rubbing her back with lotions that wouldn't make the Eastern Lord rude. Sango's, Rin's and Mizuki's backs were getting done by the other three servants. Kagome wondered when the lords and ladies with their families were coming.

"Milady?" the one that was bathing her called her.

"Hai," Kagome said as she looked at her.

"Milady, I need to wash your hair now," she said softly.

"Alright, "Kagome said as she let the servant wash her hair with gentle and skillful hands. The hands had small claws which made Kagome wonder what kind of demon she was.

An hour later, the girls were lead back to their rooms, with the servants still attending them as Kagome and hers went into her room.

"Milady," She said once more.

"Please stop calling me that, my name is Kagome, Ka-go-me," Kagome uttered as her hands waved in annoyance at her servant.

"Mil…Kagome," The servant finally called her as she saw the look Kagome was giving her.

"Thank you, now what is your name?" Kagome asked as she tinted her head at her.

"Yuri," She said as she dried off Kagome legs and body.

Yuri took out a bluish silver kimono with blue moons on the bottom and on the sleeves' bottom, from the dresser and opened it up with all the layers within it already. Kagome sighed at it, she didn't like all the layers within and on her body it felt like she would be weighted down, but she didn't voice this out. She just let Yuri place one layer that was white, tying it around Kagome's body, Yuri moved on to the next layer.

Ten minutes later, Yuri was done with Kagome's kimono. She moved onto Kagome's hair, placing it up and an elegant half-bun with the rest flowing down. She then placed one dark blue moon clip in front like a crown.

"No make-up," Kagome replied as she saw her taking out a large powder puff.

"Milady," Yuri stated then stopped and nodded her head at her. "I take my leave now,"

Then Yuri checked to make she Kagome was completely ready and then took her leave out of the door.

Kagome sighed and took out her make-up from her time, looking for light blues or silvery colors. She started to place on her eye shadow that was light blue first on the upper part of her eye lids, then moved into her silver color placing it under the light blue, last it was her middle color blue she place it at the bottom.

She took out her nice pink lipstick, placing lightly on. Kagome looked into the long mirror that they had brought back from her time and placed into her room. She smiled at it, and picked up her light blue fan that was to be used in the dance.

Kagome never knew how to dance with a fan. Lady Seika said to watch them and she would get the hang of it. Kagome heard her door knock.

"Come in," Kagome called out. The door opened to show, Sesshomaru standing with Rin, Shippo, Toga and Mizuki smiling at her.

"Mother, you look very pretty," Toga said as he walked over to her and gave his mother a hug.

"Toga my boy, you look very handsome, Shippo is too," Kagome said as she gave him a hug back. Then walked over to Shippo, who she just noticed that was getting very tall, he was the same size as Rin now. Her first baby was growing up so fast, she wondered why now.

"Mommy looks very beautiful," Mizuki replied with a bright smile and gave her a hug, then turned to her Sesshomaru. "Right daddy?"

Sesshomaru smiled at Mizuki, and then stated, "Yes she is the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen."

"Oh Sesshomaru," Kagome uttered, while she blushed a bit from what he said. "Okay, so how does the whole greeting work with each Lord families?"

"Well, the protocol is a bit different with each lord and his family. With the Northern lord here, already it is just Eastern and Southern lords and families. This Sesshomaru stands in front to the right side to me would be my mate, which would be you Kagome. Any siblings would be on my left side and any generals would be on the left side too. Pups would be on the right side to my mate." Sesshomaru uttered to her.

"So I stand on right side while Inuyasha stands on your left side. Now let's pray to god that I won't make a fool out of myself with this. Oh, what about the children?" Kagome said then asked.

"Since the Eastern lord and Southern lord have no idea that This Sesshomaru has a mate or pups, they still will be with us," Sesshomaru answered as he heard the Eastern family a bit off from the palace.

"We should be going to the front now," Sesshomaru replied.

The group left Kagome's room and walked down the halls to the stairs. Inuyasha met them at the bottom with Sesshomaru's first general named Dai, a demon wolf that was taller than Inuyasha by a good five inches. He was wearing dark blue hakama's and a silver shirt with black and blue armor covering his chest areas, ribs, arms and shoulders areas. His sword was tucked into his side as he stood up straight waiting for them.

Dai bowed to Sesshomaru then to his mate and pups. "Are you ready milord?" he asked with a soft tone.

"Hai we are General Dai, let's get going to the front," Sesshomaru said as they walked to the front.

Sesshomaru glazed around his front yard once again, to see it was beautiful. He also saw a servant watering the flowers that Rin wanted in and Mizuki's water fountain from Kagome's time but they made lots of adjustments to use here. There were guards along the Northern walls, Eastern walls and Western halls, keeping his family safe. Then he looked at his mate [well half mate] she was beautiful with her kimono on and he was very proud of her taking charge with his mother and Northern lady Seika with preparing the ball.

They soon came to the front; General Dai called out to open the gates. The Eastern family just glided to a stop on the small hill before the palace. Kagome felt nervous about meeting the family from what Lady Masa and Lady Seika said, she would have to prove herself to that family more than the Southern family.

Kagome saw a tall lean male approximately a bit taller than Sesshomaru strode purposefully to the front gate with his family behind him; once they stopped Kagome took a good look at the male in front of Sesshomaru. While Sesshomaru's hair was silver and Lord Kento was green, his hair was orange that stood straight out in many different directions.

To her the most noticeable features were his yellowish red eyes which were colder than Sesshomaru's when he is mad. The second noticeable feature was a few scars along his face, one was right under his right eye to his hair line, second was on his left side from his nose down and onto his neck, and the last one was on his forehead on the left side before the sign of the sphere that was light green while his skin was lightly tanned.

He was wearing a hakama that was dark green, with golden embroidery. His long kosode was a very little green color, his armor was black and it was just protecting his chest area, and his sword was hanging from his right side, indicating that he was right handed.

Kagome looked to her left to see was another male. She looked over him to see he had orange hair but it was long and straight down. His eyes were red, with a bit of yellow lining around them, and his skin was white. On his forehead was a green sphere that made him the heir to the Eastern lands. He was wearing green hakama's with a darker green kosode, his armor was just around his chest area like his fathers, but he had a pair of Sais on his sides. Indicating he can use both hands effectively in a duel or battle.

Then she turned to the right side and in front of her was the lady of the East. Kagome took a glance at her to see she was small, her face was very lightly tan, with very long red hair with sky blue eyes that she thought could piece you to death. She was wearing a kimono that had light greens and dark greens with small light or dark green spheres at the bottom of it and around the end of the sleeves. She was holding a green fan between her slender clawed hands.

Next to her was another female with a smaller green sphere on her forehead that indicted that she was second heir to the Eastern lands. Kagome glanced over her too. She had tanner skin like her fathers, but had the same red hair was her mothers, but had her father's eyes the yellowish red eyes. She was wearing a kimono much like her mother's but the only item that was added was the length in the sleeves indicting that she was not mated.

"Welcome lord Daigoro, lady Cho, prince Yuudai and princess Megumi to the Western lands," Sesshomaru said at them, then he bowed leaving Kagome and the rest bowing to them too.

"We accept your offer," Lord Daigoro replied then he and his family bowed to them showing respect to the lands lord and family.

"This Sesshomaru says thank you, I would like you to re-meet my younger half-brother Inuyasha," Sesshomaru introduce to them.

Inuyasha stepped forward with his blue hakama and kosode, and then stepped back with a nodded from Sesshomaru.

"This is my mate, Kagome," Sesshomaru introduce to them.

Kagome stepped forward, smiled at them, bowed to them, and soon stepped back. While she saw the family glare at her then looked at Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru, a human?" Lord Daigoro stated.

Sesshomaru didn't answer and went on to introduce, Rin, Shippo, Toga and Mizuki to them.
"Humans, kitune," Prince Yuudai snarled at him. "Let's get started with the half demon,"
Kagome looked at Inuyasha to see his ears were down, against his head. She tightened her hands together, if Sesshomaru doesn't say something and fast she would take matters into her own hands, and shut up this young demon male.

"Yuudai enough," Lord Daigoro ordered his son.

"Lord Daigoro, keep your sons options to himself, or This Sesshomaru will do it for you," Sesshomaru growled out at him.

"My apologies, lord Sesshomaru. I understand that the Northern Lord is at the palace already," Lord Daigoro replied.

"This Sesshomaru accepts the apologies, and yes the Northern Lord and his family are here. You may talk to him if you so desire." Sesshomaru uttered at him. Sesshomaru moved to the side with Inuyasha. Kagome moved over, so the Eastern lord and his family could walk into the palace courtyard.

Kagome bowed to them as they walked up but her eyes were staring at the two ladies that were sending obtrusive glances at her as they walked by. Kagome glared back at them but stopped seconds later when she was being like them. She smiled at them, catching them off guard by her smile.

When they were gone, Kagome moved towards Sesshomaru and stated. "If I have to go through that again Sesshomaru, I will scream and purify someone,"

"Just one more to do," Sesshomaru said, when some minor lords arrived at the gate, "Lord Sesshomaru," They said.

"Minor lord Dai, Minor lord Sai, Minor lord Bashotaro, Minor lord Hiro, welcome to the West Palace," Sesshomaru said, and then led them into the courtyard to the palace leaving Kagome pissed off.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome growled out madly at the taiyoukai walking away from her with his minor lords.

"Kagome, calm down," Inuyasha lightly said at her.

"But… fine you are right, let's go and see the ball room," Kagome said. They followed her into the courtyard and back into the palace down some halls to two large doors.

***********************Lady Cho and Princess Megumi*********************

"Mother! How could he?" Princess Megumi ushered out with tears on her face.

"He is a disgrace, just like his father," Lady Cho snarled out as she hugged her daughter.

"I want him," Princess Megumi cried out.

"I know, but your father is talking with the Northern Lord right now about this," Lady Cho recalled.

"That old fool is always on Sesshomaru side, father can't get him to agree with This Megumi to mate with Sesshomaru," Princess Megumi fumed out at her mother.

"Don't worry my dear, your father will get Lord Sesshomaru as your mate," Lady Cho leered to her daughter.

"Mother, can I kill that human female?" Princess Megumi solicits to her mother.

"Megumi, Yes you can, but later," Lady Cho instructed as she got up from the bed that her daughter and her sat down on.

******************Lord Daigoro and Lord Kento************************

"You idiot! You supported him," Lord Daigoro yelled at Lord Kento.

"Lord, Daigoro, settled down or I'll do it for you," Lord Kento threatened him.

"I will not settle down, you supported Sesshomaru with a human female. That's a disgrace of his royal blood," Lord Daigoro sneered at him and at the thought.

"Yes, I do, he loves her and she will come to love him," Lord Kento stated at him. "You in breeding will be the down fall of your clan,"

"Don't start that up again, fool," Lord Daigoro growled at him.

"Then stop with this nonsense, and let me tell you what is going on," Lord Kento ordered lightly.
Lord Daigoro nodded his head at him as he listened to all Lord Kento had said. Until the end, he face had no expression but when he heard Lady Kagome's rape, his face light up with soar.

"You mean his beast raped her and then marked her without going through the mating ritual," Lord Daigoro murmured at him.

"Yes, that is true," Lord Kento firmed stated. "But you can tell that Sesshomaru is in love with her."

*******************Lord Sesshomaru****************************

Sesshomaru walked into his room, and stood in front of his mirror to see his beast, it appeared. "Kill him," Beast snarled at him.

"We can't kill him, without good reason too," Sesshomaru masked out.

"We have good reason too, he insulted your mate," Beast snapped at him.

"Most demons think that way and I do recall that we thought so too," Sesshomaru uttered to him.

"That was long ago," Beast proclaimed at him.

Sesshomaru heard the Southern Family stepping towards his palace. He looked at his beast once more and walked out of the room, catching Inuyasha with Kagome and the pups.

"Let's go, the Southern family should be here soon," Sesshomaru called out to them.

Kagome walked straight at him and jabbed her finger into his chest,"Sesshomaru you never walk away from me when I'm talking to you, and I'm not going,"

"Kagome, you have too," Inuyasha butted in.

"Inuyasha…SIT" Kagome snarled out then made a growl like sounds from her throat. Then she twisted around to reface Sesshomaru, "Now why should I go when all they did is glare at me like I'm dirt or unworthy,"

"Kagome, just this once, please come and greet them like a proper hostess and mate would do," Sesshomaru pleaded with her with his eyes.

Kagome just stared at him, and then she nodded her head at him. "But if one glares at me again….."

"I will deal with them," Lord Daigoro uttered as he stepped into the light.

"Lord Daigoro, I thought you hated me, what's the sudden change?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, Lord Daigoro," Sesshomaru replied.

"I heard about what happened…" Lord Daigoro hesitatingly stated.

Kagome glowed with rage for a few moments, then looked at him to find that he wasn't being rude about it but instead very sincere to her. Kagome bowed to him and said out loud" Thank you milord,"

That was when his general Dai walked in and bowed to Sesshomaru then to his mate and pups. "Are you ready milord?" he asked with a soft tone.

"Hai we are General Dai, let's get going to the front," Sesshomaru said as they walked to the front.

They soon came to the front; General Dai called out to open the gate to see the Southern family just gliding to a stop on the small hill before the palace. Kagome saw a tall lean male approximately a bit taller than Sesshomaru strode purposefully to the front gate with is family behind him; once they stopped Kagome took a good look at the male in front of Sesshomaru. While Sesshomaru's hair was silver and Lord Kento was green, and Lord Daigoro was orange, his was bright blue that was mushroom style hair.

To her most noticeable were his ice blue eyes, which were like her daughter's Mizuki friendly but guarded. The second noticeable thing was the brown fur pelts that were hanging around his shoulders, and then she wondered what kind of demon he was and same with the Eastern family too. His skin was darkly tan with golden sun that was placed on his forehead.

He wearing hakama that was red with silver embroidery, his long kosode was a very black color, his armor was black and it was just protecting his chest area, his sword was hanging from his left side, indicating that he was left handed.

Kagome looked to her left to see another male. She looked over him to see he had dark blue hair but it was long and straight down, and his eyes were black with a bit of red within them, plus his skin was tanned, much like his fathers. On his forehead at a golden sun that made him the heir to the Southern lands. He was wearing a black hakama's with a dark blue kosode, his armor was just around his chest area like his fathers, but he had a spear that was hanging off to the side of his back and some bow & arrows that were in a hold on his back.

Then she turned to the right side and in front of her was a lady of the South. Kagome took a glance at her to see she was small; her face was tanned but not like her mate's and she had shoulder length light blue hair with b black eyes. She was wearing a dark red kimono that had lights blues and whites with small golden suns at the bottom of it and around the end of the sleeves. She was holding a yellow fan between her slender clawed hands.

Next to her was four females with the same look of glares at her. She smiled but not very well at them. She took the time to glance over them, they all had smaller golden suns on their foreheads indicating they were heirs to the Southern lands.

The one nearest to the lady of the Southern lands had dark skin like her fathers, her eyes were icy blue and that were glaring at her with unease looks. Her hair was longer then her mothers, which was bright blue. She was wearing a kimono much like her mother's but the color was light red and the only item that was added was the length in the sleeves indicting that she was not mated.

The second female had black eyes without the red lining around them, with that pierced her heart with terror. Her hair was very long then her mothers and was blue also. She was wearing a kimono much like her mother's but red and light pinks and the only item that was added on was the length in the sleeves indicating that she was not mated.

The third was blue eyes; skin color was like her mothers, her hair was short to her shoulder that was light blue. Her kimono that she was wearing was like her mother's but it was pink and white, with her sash that was red and the only item that was added on was the length in the sleeves indicating that she was not mated.

The last had black eyes with red lining around them, bright blue long hair, and her skin was dark like hers fathers. Her kimono that she was wearing was very much like her mothers with red and yellow sash and the only item that was added on was the length in the sleeves indicating that she was not mated.

"Welcome lord Susumu, lady Sun-Hi, prince Rei and princesses Salima, Hama, Ima and Jin to the Western lands," Sesshomaru said at them, then he bowed leaving Kagome and the rest bowing to them too.

"We accept your offer," Lord Susumu replied then he and his family bowed to them to show respect to the lands lord and family.

"This Sesshomaru says thank you, I would like you to re-meet my younger half-brother Inuyasha," Sesshomaru introduce to them. Inuyasha stepped forward with his blue hakama and kosode, then stepped back with a nod from Sesshomaru.

"This is my mate, Kagome," Sesshomaru introduced to them. Kagome stepped forward, smiled at them, bowed to them, and soon stepped back. She saw the family glare at her, then looked at Sesshomaru. While Sesshomaru moved to the side with Inuyasha, Kagome moved over, so the Southern lord and his family could walk into the palace courtyard.

Kagome bowed to them as they walked up but her eyes were staring at the five ladies that were sending obtrusive glances at her as they walked by. Kagome glared back at them but stopped seconds later when she was being like them. She smiled at them, catching them off guard by her smile.

The group walked back to the palace and Sesshomaru went to his office where the three other lords were. Kagome, Lady Seika and Lady Masa looked after the servants making sure all was fine, taking care of anymore kind of disagreements within the walls of the palace of the moon.

Inuyasha took the children to Sango and Miroku and Kikyo while they played outside until the dinner and then the ball.

*********************Lord Daigoro and Lady Cho*******************

"Mate, how did it go?" Lady Cho wondered.

"Not good, my mate, listen closely okay," Lord Daigoro answered then launched into the story about Kagome and her rape from Sesshomaru.

"Just like your father," Lady Cho gasped as her slender clawed hand went over her mouth in shock and disbelief.

"Yes, just like my father, I think they waited too long to find a mate because that is how Lord Kento and his mate came to be too," Lord Daigoro stated.

"But what about Megumi, she loves Sesshomaru," Lady Cho required to her mate.

"Megumi doesn't love Sesshomaru; she wants his land to rule alone, she is a manipulative pup. I will go talk with her about this." Lord Daigoro declared out to his mate.

"Be careful mate," Lady Cho warned him. He then walked away from her leaving her in the middle of a hall.

******************Lord Daigoro and Princess Megumi********************

Lord Daigoro stepped up to his daughter's room at the palace of the moon, and knocked on it. He heard faint "come in" from his daughter so opened the door and stepped into the room; she was practicing her dancing steps.

"My daughter, we need to talk," Lord Daigoro claimed at her.

Watching him come to a stop, she turned and smiled at her father. She walked over to him and said "Sure father,"

Lord Daigoro took his daughters hand and led her to the chairs that were in the far corner of the room; he stopped and then took a seat in front of her.

"Megumi, Lord Sesshomaru loves Lady Kagome; she is his mate, you need to stop this whatever you are planning," Lord Daigoro ordered his daughter.

"Father, I love him, and I want him," Princess Megumi hissed out. "I will get him,"

Her father shook his head at her, and brought his hand across her face twice leaving a bruise.
"You will do as you are told, you will not mate with Lord Sesshomaru. You will mate whoever I say," Lord Daigoro snarled out as his daughter that was holding her cheek that was bruised by his hand. Lord Daigoro stood up and left the room, leaving his daughter only to cry in pain and rage.

"Father," Princess Megumi whispered as her healing abilities took care of her bruise.

********************Lady Sun-Hi and Princesses Salima, Hama****************

"Salima, Hama you can't mate with lord Sesshomaru, he has a mate," Lady Sun-Hi made known to her two eldest daughters.

"Mother!" Princess Hama yelled, "I want him"

"Oh please sister, if anyone having him it will be me," Princess Salima preached out.

"I want him," Princess Hama cried out.

"No I will have him," Princess Salima said, "I'm the eldest, so he's mine,"

"Girls!" Lady Sun-Hi scolded at them, making them stop in an instant.

"Salima you are to be mated to Minor lord Ryu, Hama yours is Minor lord Jun, so you can't have or will never have Lord Sesshomaru. Stop looking at me like that, that's your father's decision about it," Lady Sun-Hi said to them, then left the room, leaving the two elder princesses of the Southern lands together with enraged looks across their faces.

"How could mother say that?" Princess Hama seethed out to her sister.

"Oh father, he knows I detest Minor lord Ryu and his womanizing ways," Princess Salima hissed out.

"Sister, what am I going to do? I mean I want Sesshomaru and you're not stopping me," Princess Hama snarled at her sister then left the room and walked into hers.

******************Princess Hama Room*********************

"Okay, Sesshomaru has mated but I sense it isn't done yet," Princess Hama whispered as she took out a scroll. Her father ordered them to learn how to read and write, but nothing else like ruling the land.

Princess Hama read her scroll, and found something very interesting on it: How to kill a half mate. She grinned at it. After she was done reading it, she walked over to her chest of items she brought from home.

Princess Hama opened the chest and looked into the chest where her items would be. She took out three bottles that had liquid within. The colors were different, red, green and purple.

She brought them to her mirror and made her hair clips look like needles. Opening the bottoms, she dripped each of six clips into the liquid, and Princess Hama smirked at it. She then got ready for the ball, placing her hair clips in her hair and then walked over to the door and took her leave.

*****************Kagome and Sesshomaru**************

Kagome was finally done with the preparations to the ball now. Walking away from Lady Seika and Lady Masa, she went towards her room. Taking out her fan from her obi, she breathed in and out, twisting the fan around her hand to another hand practicing what Lady Seika and Lady Masa showed her.

Kagome felt nervous about performing in front of anyone and especially Sesshomaru, who she wasn't even mated too. Continuing to practice with her fan, her mind went to Sesshomaru. This was the fourth time in this day, that he creept into her mind as she was doing the preparations and now her practicing.

"Damn it," Kagome said with her teeth, she stopped and went on her bed lying down.

"Kagome, what's wrong?" His voice came out to the side of her room.

"Damn youkai and their great hearing," Kagome thought.

"Nothing right now, just more nervous with most of the ball, like the damn fan dance I have to perform," Kagome grunted out at him.

"You don't have to perform," Sesshomaru told her.

"Oh, have you forgotten already, Sesshomaru you told them that I was your mate, so I have to do the fan dance now," Kagome jabbered, as she looked at him.

Sesshomaru just smirked at her, then nodded his head, "The dinner and the ball should be starting soon, we should be going,"

Kagome nodded her head and got off her bed, fixing her kimono and hair before taking Sesshomaru's hand. They walked out of her room and down the halls, to the large ballroom, the guards at the opened saw them. They nodded their head at them and opened the door and informed the speaker that his lord and lady had arrived and were waiting to be introduced.

"The Western lands welcome our guests. Now here are the lord of the Western land and his mate: Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Kagome," The male proclaimed out into the guests.

They walked into the room, and everyone bowed to them to show respect to them. Sesshomaru led Kagome around the room in a circle greeting all the lords, and Minor lords. They went to their seats at the front of the large floor to dance on. The tables were set up like a large square so no one was facing behind anyone.

Sesshomaru helped Kagome in her seat, and saw as the rest of the lords and Minor lords doing so with their mates. The servants were helping the rest into their seats. Once the rest were seated, he waved his hand to beckon silence throughout of the room.

"This Sesshomaru welcomes you for coming to the peace ball, before we enjoy the meal, I would like to say thank you to my mate, Lady Kagome for helping out with the preparations," Sesshomaru. He then waved to the servants to start servicing the food.

Kagome listened to Sesshomaru's conversations with the Northern Lord, but then turned back to her own conversation with Lady Seika about Sesshomaru when he was a pup.

"You should have seen him, small pup for his age, but he took down two much older pups. Needless to say, his father wasn't happy and I wasn't happy about it either," Lady Seika told her a story about Sesshomaru," And this one time, Prince Tenga and him where playing out in the snow, doing pup play, and then they got into a fight over something, to this day they never told anyone. They started to throw snow ball at each other, while his father was walking with Prince Tenga's father both got hit with a few snow balls. Needless to say both pups were in trouble with them,"

Kagome giggled at the stories of Sesshomaru when he was a pup. "Oh, one last story before the fan dance. It was raining one day, when he was a pup, he rolled in the dirt or mud until it was time to come in, but when he was told to take a bath, he raced into his hiding spot.

Needless to say, it took his father and I over five hours to find him. When we did, I picked him up and stormed into his room hot springs and threw him in. Then I started to scrub him down from all the dry mud and dirt." Lady Seika told her with a bitter smile on her face. "I wish he was small again."

"Mother, will you discontinue telling stories about this Sesshomaru when he was just a pup to my mate," Sesshomaru called over to them.

"No," Lady Seika said then giggled at his face.

Sesshomaru commanded the room once again with a wave form his hand; the talking stopped and looked at him. "The ladies are to perform their fan dances for us," Sesshomaru informed the groups.

The ladies stood up and walked over to the side, they were joined by five of the Minor lord's mates that wanted to do the fan dance.

"Lady Seika, Lady Kagome, Lady Sun-Hi, Lady Cho and Lady Masa," they said.

"Lady Seika, how will go first?" A minor Lord's mate asked.

"Well, first, Minor Lady Sakura. Next will be Minor Lady Akiko, then Minor Lady Sachi, followed by Minor Lady Mariko, and later Minor Lady Natsu. After you are done Ladies, the next in line will be Lady Cho, Lady Sun-Hi, Lady Masa and then Lady Kagome," Lady Seika told them all. She then ushered Minor Lady Sakura out on the dance floor with her two fans within her hands, she went up before her mate and the rest. Kagome heard the sounds of Biwas, Kotos, Hotchikus, Shinobues and Taikos.

************Minor Lady Sakura*****************

Sakura took a breath in and out, and then waited for the music to start. Hearing soft sounds, she gently revealed her cherry blossom fan, with some twists to the side, she slowly flipped the fan into her other hand. Moving carefully with each step, her fan went over her face and then she bowed down, her dance was finished.

****************Minor Lady Akiko********************

She watched as Minor Lady Sakura left the floor. She moved with sharp and crisp movements, as she walked over to her mate. She took out two fans that were orange and went into position. Her head was facing down with her left hand pointing upwards, while her right hand was pointing downwards.

The sounds came again, and she slowly rose up as her fans blocked her face all but her eyes. With speed and gracefulness she moved backwards with her fans, twirling them slowly and quickly. She threw them up in the air and she bent down to the ground as she caught her fan and placed them in the same place was she begin.

***************Minor Lady Sachi ****************************

Sachi watched the first two fan dances as she walked up to her mate's seat; she bowed to him first, and then took out her fan that was light red with spheres on it. She placed it in the air as her head was turned to the right side her eyes were closed.
The music came back on, as she gently moved into her second position like a ballerina. She was on her toes, as she twirled and twisted around elegantly with one leg on the ground. She moved her other leg up and twisted around until she stopped, placing her leg back and foot on the ground and bowed to her mate once again.

****************Minor Lady Mariko*************************

Mariko smiled at them all, and walked out to the floor. Spotting her mate right away, she confidently walked over to him, while taking out her two fans that were white with strips of purple on them. She made a sharp bow and waited for the music to start while her fans were in front of her chest.

Music started, as she moved one fan to the side then the other to the another side, slowly moving the in alluding ways. She twirled around a couple times and then twisted as she bowed to finish her dance.

****************Minor Lady Natsu*************************************

Natsu quickly walked over to her mate, this was her first time performing the fan dance in front of everyone. She took a breath and smiled at her mate. She took out her fan that was pink and placed face down on the ground, as she kneed beside it.

The music came back on as she slowly and gracefully, twirled it around and slowly stood up. She twisted a couple times and threw her fan in the air catching it and then lowered back to the floor.

*******************Lady Cho**************************** ************

Lady Cho smiled as she walked over to her mate Lord Daigoro, bowing to him. She saw him smile at her. She brought out her green fan and brought it to her right side. She waited for the music to start. Slowly the Biwa started and she moved to the strings movement, graceful and sharp. She dipped low and sharply turned around as she stopped as the music stopped.

*************************Lady Sun-Hi********************* **********

Lady Sun-Hi firmly walked over to her mate and pulled out her yellow fan. She bowed to her mate, as she waited for the music to play. Slowly the Hotchiku started and she moved with the rhythm. Her movements were graceful and refined as she moved forward and backwards with her fans making it very alluring for her mate. As the music solely came to a stop, she did.

************************Lady Masa**************************** *******

Lady Masa stood up and walked over to her mate. Taking out her red fans, she placed each of them above her head and started to dance when the Koto and the Shinobue started to play this way. She twirled around and twisted with movements of a tap or jazz dancer from Kagome's time. She was graceful and stylish within her movements making it a very calming dance. Soon it came to an end; Lady Masa bowed and walked back to Kagome.

"You'll do fine," Lady Masa stated to her.

**************************Lady Kagome************************ ********

Kagome breathed in and out, and then walked in front of Sesshomaru and quickly glared at him with a phony smile. She slowly took out her blue fan with moons on them and closed her eyes not wishing to look at Sesshomaru until the end.

All the instruments came to play for her; she bent down and slowly moved up with her fan like a snake charmer. She shifted her body fluidly to the other side and did the same thing with her other hand. She brought the fan together as she gently moved her right hand down in a show of flowing motion down her body. Her eyes opened as she continued to dance. Slowly the music came to an end; she moved her fan over her face but her eyes, looking at Sesshomaru's eyes that held happiness within them.

******End of Dances*****

Kagome moved back towards her seat, smiling at her pups…she meant children. She sat down as she felt a hand on her thigh. Sesshomaru came, leaned in, and gave her a small kiss on her lips.

Moving back, he smirked at her face and waved to the servants to start clearing the tables.

"Mate, that was a nice dace for me," Sesshomaru replied at her.

Kagome smiled at him and then lead closer to him, "You owe me one," She then got up and went towards her children.

"Lords of the lands and their mates the ball is about to start, please come to the dance floor," Minor Lord called out.

Sighing, Kagome went over to her MATE and placed her hand on his shoulder as her other hand went onto his hand. The music started up and they started to dance along themselves. Twirling around, Sesshomaru smirked at her but his eyes were filled with happiness and love, something that Kagome never would have thought that he would have.

While they were dancing, Kagome's mind went back to a few days ago when she talked with his beast again. She felt different with him, more at ease around his beast. Maybe it's a sign to move on and forgot about the past. She hoped it would happen soon, for her children and silently for her too.

"Milord thank you for the dance," Kagome said then bowed to Sesshomaru as the music came to a stop.

"Milady you honor me with the dance," Sesshomaru noted at Kagome.

Kagome nodded her head as she went around the ball and making sure that all the preparations were still going okay. The servants told her that they had a bit of trouble making the deserts but they got then done in time. Kagome then took a walk outside as she breathed in the fresh air around her making her feel light as a feather. She smiled at the night sky as she heard Inuyasha coming out.

"So Inuyasha how are you?" Kagome asked.

"Keh, fine, but those females are driving me crazy," Inuyasha growled out as he looked up at the night sky.

"Oh poor you," Kagome joked at Inuyasha. "How's Kikyo?"

"Kikyo is fine, she's in there…" Inuyasha gulped out.

"Scared?" Kagome asked said then laughed at his face, his expression said it all.

"No," Inuyasha growled at her. "But I'm going back in," He then left her alone again outside, breathing in the fresh night air around her.

*****************Princess Hama*******************

She growled at Kagome as watched her fan dance to her mate, not Kagome's. Then the ball started and she took his first dance away from her...HER DANCE.

She watched the human female going about HER duty as if it was her own, maybe it was, for now. Then she saw her walking outside, she sneered then followed."Lady Kagome," Princess Hama replied as she looked at her.

"Yes, Princess Hama," Kagome said. "Are you okay?"

I just feel faint right now," Princess Hama faintly said as she dropped to the ground with her hand over her face.

"Hama!" Kagome yelled as she darted over to her as she took her hand and felt her pulse. It was quickened but Kagome never noticed her taking out one needle. She quickly poked it into Kagome's neck, making her eyes widen in fear.

"That will teach you not to take my mate," Princess Hama sneered at her. She then looked around to see if anyone was watching and she grinned evilly when she found no one. She ripped out her purple needle. She smiled at Kagome, she knew that someone would find her, but not alive. She took out her others ones and poked Kagome's throat, and then near her heart. Soon she heard someone coming outside. Cursing, she raced back inside from another door after she fixed her hair.

********************The children*******************

"Auntie Sango where is mother?" Toga asked.

Sango looked around to try and find Kagome, but she couldn't see her. "I don't know maybe outside?"

Toga nodded his head and started to walked outside with Shippo following. Opening the doors, they looked around to see their mother on the ground. Not knowing she was hurt or poisoned, they walked over to her and shook her.

"Mother," Toga replied.

"Mom," Shippo said after five minutes, still nothing happened. Shippo stood next her lips which were purple and her eyes were dilated. He knew that from her lessons a bit back. "Toga get father now,"

Toga looked at him and asked, "Why?"

"Mother's been attacked by poison, please go now and get father," Shippo ordered.

Toga nodded his head and raced back into the ball. Using his nose, he quickly found his father in conservations with Lord Kento and Lord Daigoro.

"Father, Mother is hurt," Toga cried out at him getting the attention of the other two lords.

"Toga, what do you mean?" Sesshomaru asked his son.

"Shippo and I were looking for mother to dance with, but we couldn't find her,]. I asked Auntie Sango, and she said she might be outside. We went outside and find her, but she wasn't …sniff...moving, Shippo said to get you and that she was poisoned." Toga said as tears fell out of his eyes.

Sesshomaru nodded his head and grabbed his son and took off, leaving the other two lords as he went outside to see Shippo crying out.

"Shippo, it's okay," Sesshomaru said, then looked over Kagome; he heard her heartbeat very weak and unstable. Her lips were now dark purple and her eyes were still the same.

"Get her to the healer now, Sesshomaru," Lady Seika yelled at him when she followed him out.
Sesshomaru gently picked Kagome up as he swiftly took off to Koshi, getting to the room within seconds; he almost broke the doors down.

"Milord?" Koshi asked then saw her Lady. "Hurry?" Sesshomaru placed Kagome on the bed, as Koshi looked at her lady, to find out what was wrong. When she pulled off her kimono, she saw most of her whole body was purple or dark blue turning purple.

"Milord Come," Koshi voice was shaking.

"Koshi what's wrong?" Sesshomaru asked then saw Kagome.

"Milady was been poisoned from Morinanna flowers, its toxin can kill anyone. It looks like only half was placed in her," Koshi said then raced to her bookshelf filled with scrolls on medicine. Looking up Morinanna flowers, she saw that there was three specific flowers to make the poison. The red Morinanna is to inflict pain and heat, the green Morinanna was to displace all thoughts to powers and body movements, lastly was the purple Morinanna was too insure suffering was at its best.

Koshi placed her hand on Kagome's forehead and felt that she was heating up quickly. Kagome then let out a scream in agonizing pain as her body didn't moved. Still screaming in pain, Sesshomaru placed one hand on her mouth and his other went to her forehead to send some yokai energy to calm her down a bit but he knew from what Koshi said, her pain and suffering would continue.

Reading more, to see the only cure, was a list of items, the nightingale flower, the sunflower, dragon's heart and blood, Inu youkai's poison, hair of a tiger and a feather of a crane, dirt of a holy place and the powers of a monk and a miko,

"Milord, there is a way to save her," Koshi said.

Sesshomaru glanced at her when she said that, and then looked back at Kagome. His beast was howling out loudly and it wanted out to kill whoever did this to her.

"Koshi what is the cure?" Sesshomaru asked.

"You need to collect the nightingale flower from the Northern Lands, the Sunflower from the Eastern lands, Dragon's heart and blood from the Southern lands, Your poison, hair of a tiger, that could be Lord Kento, milord is he a tiger yokai? Then a feather of a crane youkai, dirt from a holy place, and the powers of a monk and miko." Koshi replied

"We have the poison, and Miroku who is a monk and Kikyo who is a miko," Koshi answered all the items that they have already.

"I take care of all the rest," Sesshomaru growled out.

"Milord, Lady Kagome can't survive more than a couple of hours, unless you somehow share your yokai with her." Koshi replied, as Lady Seika, Lord Kento, Lady Masa and Lady Kagome's friends raced into the wing.

"Kagome!" Sango yelled as she saw her friend.

"Kagome," Miroku faintly said as he looked at her face.

"Koshi how can we help?" Lord Kento asked.

"Milord, the nightingale flowers from your lands," Koshi replied.

Lord Kento nodded as he took a look at Sesshomaru and walked near." Sesshomaru you need to stop looking like death,"

"Someone has to be with the pups," Koshi observed out.

"Sango, Lady Seika, Kikyo, let's make sure the pups are okay," Lady Masa told them.

"No, I need Kikyo and Miroku here to help," Koshi shouted out. They nodded and left Kikyo and Miroku with her.

"Keh what about me?" Inuyasha growled in raged as he looked at Kagome.


"Inuyasha you will get the sunflower from the Eastern lands," Sesshomaru said as he got out of his depression fast. "I'll get the dragons and blood,"

"Miroku and Kikyo either of you can get the dirt of a holy place and the feather of a crane," Koshi replied after her lord. Then started to take bowls out and waved her hands at the people to get a move on.

Inuyasha was the first out of the door, then Miroku and Kikyo each having their own tasks to do and get back, leaving Sesshomaru looking at Kagome once again


"Hold on Kagome," He thought as he raced towards the Eastern lands. His hair flowing behind him as the air moved around him.

< br> Miroku was on Kirara going to an old Holy place that was near the palace, he wondered what happened to Lady Kagome, and more yet how did it to her and why?

********************Lord Kento**********************

Soon as he left the inside of the palace, he used his speed of the tiger, and he got to his lands in no time at all. Picking out some nightingale flowers he raced back to Sesshomaru's palace.


Kikyo placed her hands on Kagome's naked chest, not blushing at all. She called forth her reiki to keep her blood moving around her body, and she hoped that the others would be here soon. Koshi placed the crane's feather in a bowl and slowly ripped the small feather apart with the mixtures.

Sesshomaru looked at Koshi when they all left the room. After he told Kikyo that there was a crane youkai at the ball, he gave her the name then she left. He turned back to Koshi and asked her how he can save her.

"Your yokai. You need to kiss her and summon a bit of your yokai into her body." Koshi replied before she heard the door opening again, to see Kikyo breathing hard and with the feather in her hands.

Sesshomaru saw Kikyo placing her hands with her reiki, and he looked art Koshi he nodded his head. "Kikyo, This Sesshomaru can help," Sesshomaru said as he had not left yet.

She nodded her head at him and stopped her reiki and stood back a bit, leaving Kagome in the hands of Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru leaned down to his half mate and looked over at Koshi who nodded her head at him and then turned away from him. He then looked at Kikyo who was actually reading about the poison, or at least he gathered from the scroll she was holding.

Then Sesshomaru licked the active the mark as it was the only way he knew to transfer some of his yokai willingly into her body. Before he placed his lips on hers, he hesitated for few seconds but he gently and gracefully placed his lips on his mate's, slowly her lips drew on his youki. He made sure he didn't give too much as Kagome wasn't his full mate and she would not be able to hold lots of his youki within her body.

He stopped as his licked her lips, then stood up and raced out of the door and down the halls. He raced over the walls into his Western mountains where he knew that dragons lived. He opened his senses to find one only. When he found one, he raced over to the dragon and basically ripped out the dragons heart and gathered the silver blood.

Sesshomaru shot back to his palace and gave the two items he had to Koshi. While he was gone the monk Miroku was back with a bag of dirt from a holy place. He heard lord Kento storming into his palace and smelled Inuyasha following him.

"How is she?" Inuyasha growled out to Koshi.

"She's stable and all we need to mix the items together and get her to drink it," Koshi recalled from the scroll.

Koshi started to mix the liquid feather together with the holy dirt. She pounded the dragon's heart with its blood. She continued to mix and pour the mixture together and finally she added the nightingale flower and the sunflower with in mixture. She gave the bowl to Sesshomaru, and walked over to Kagome; tilting her head back, she opened her mouth.

"Place some in her mouth," Koshi ordered lightly to her lord. Sesshomaru nodded his head at her and poured a bit of the liquid mixture into Kagome's mouth. Koshi somehow got her to swallow and then opened it again; Sesshomaru poured more into her mouth, as the progress went on for twenty minutes before the bowl was emptied.

"Miroku, Kikyo, come and demons all the must leave the wing. Your powers are too active, we don't want them to inferred, plus we don't want you to be purified." Koshi ordered as Lord Kento, Inuyasha and herself went towards the doors.


Sesshomaru never moved from his spot, "Milord, you will be hurt, even you can't stop their powers together," Still Sesshomaru didn't move at all, all he was doing was staring at Kagome.
Koshi looked at Lord Kento and Inuyasha did the same thing. They nodded their heads and Lord Kento went up to Sesshomaru and whispered sorry and knocked him out with a punch to his face.

Soon Lord Kento carried Sesshomaru out of the wing with Inuyasha and Koshi tagging along, leaving Miroku and Kikyo to help Kagome as the last part to the cure.

Kikyo asked Miroku to place his hands on Kagome's forehead and summon his powers to her mind, as she would do to her heart. They placed their hands over the places, and summoned their powers, and pushed them into Kagome's body, leaving lights of blue and pink around them and Kagome.

Slowly her body was turning her normal color and she screamed only once. As she got better from the poison, as her own reiki came out and started to heal her more with Miroku's and Kikyo's help.

A/N- I hope you like it, next one should hopefully be done soon again. The instruments that I used are down below. I have 439 reviews for this story. I like to say thank you to all that read it and more thanks to whoever reviewed it too. I only need 51 more reviews to get my 500 that I wanted this story to have.

The Instruments
Biwa is Japanese short-necked fretted lute.
The koto is a traditional Japanese stringed musical instrument.
Hotchiku sometimes romanized as hocchiku or hochiku, is a Japanese end-blown flute.
The Shinobue is a Japanese transverse flute or fue
Taiko means drum in Japanese (etymologically "great" or "wide drum")

Special Thanks
Kouga's older women
Dark Neko 4000