InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Kitsune ❯ The Confrontation ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome the Kitsune

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or YuYu Hakusho.

Summary: Kagome wakes up and notes the changes in her appearance. InuYasha barges in Kaede's hut. Now what's going to happen?

Rating: PG-13 just to be safe.

"Speaking" `Thinking' *Telepathic communication* ***Scene change***

Chapter 3: The Confrontation

"What the hell happened Kagome?" InuYasha demanded. Her scent was driving him insane. It was still the cherry blossom scent that he remembered, but it was intensified ten fold. If he thought Kagome attractive before, she was gorgeous now. InuYasha would be damned if he'd show it, though.

"I don't know InuYasha." Kagome softly replied. "The last I remember I was in the hot springs. Then, I felt a searing pain and blacked out."

"Sango got worried and went to the hot springs to look for you. She was shocked to find you unconscious on the shore. They wouldn't let me see you until now. You're a kitsune Kagome. Something must have happened." InuYasha shouted, frustrated.

Kagome remembered her wish, but was too shamed to tell him of it. He would just compare her to Kikyou again. She didn't know how this could possibly tie into her past incarnation, but she was willing to bet InuYasha could find something.

When Kagome remained silent in thought, InuYasha started to get angry. `Why isn't that baka of a ningen answering me. Wait, she's not a ningen anymore. Damn. Well, at least she'll be able to fight now. Oh no, can she still sense shards?' InuYasha was continuously babbling in his head. Not a very good sign of sanity if you ask me.

***In the Mountains***

Kouga and his men had just got back from raiding a village. Kouga decided it was time for him to visit his woman, Kagome. He took off with stolen speed from the Shikon no Kakera. He would be at Kaede's village in a few minutes.

`I smell Kagome near, but something is off about her scent. It's not bad, just different.' Kouga thought as he arrived at the quaint village. His keen nose led him to Kaede's hut, where he saw the old miko, the monk, and the demon exterminator. Kaede was mixing herbs, Miroku seemed to be deep in thought, and Sango was polishing her boomerang with a kitten Kirara snuggling her.

`Huh, Kagome, dog turd, and the kit are inside the hut,' Kouga thought. "Hello, I am here to see my woman," Kouga declared.

***Inside the Hut***

"InuYasha, I wished for this," Kagome declared softly. You could see she was ashamed. "I was upset about what you had said earlier and carelessly made a wish to be like Shippou."

Shippou was so happy his mother wanted to be like him. He hurled himself at her and snuggled into her warm embrace. "Thank you Kagome. Now you can be my real momma. Is it alright if I call you that?" Shippou softly questioned, mindful of her enhanced hearing.

InuYasha was ready to open his mouth and give Shippou a verbal bashing for mucking up Kagome's scent, when Kouga burst through the hut door. Kagome rolled her eyes; everyone was doing that these days.

"Hello Kouga, how are you doing?" Kagome questioned. She knew a fight would break out between the two youkai, but she wasn't in the mood for it right now. Well, she was never in the mood to watch her two friends fight.

"Ka-Kagome. What happened?" Kouga's eyes were like saucers as he took in her gorgeous appearance.