InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Kitsune ❯ Fights ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome the Kitsune

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or YuYu Hakusho.

Summary: A fight breaks out between InuYasha and Kouga, disturbing Youko Kurama. Youko is instantly taken with Kagome's scent.

Rating: PG-13 just in case

"Speaking" `Thinking' *Telepathic communication* ***Scene change***

Chapter 4: Fights

"Kagome, you're truly gorgeous." Kouga declared. "You're a kitsune now, which will make you an even more worthy mate."

"Kouga…" Kagome tried to stop the fight before it started, but it was too late. For Kouga had thrown an arm around her. InuYasha was seething with jealousy at the wimpy wolf touching HIS Kagome.

"Get your filthy hands off of her, you wimpy wolf," InuYasha screamed.

"Dog turd, if you are challenging my claim to her, I will fight for it." Kouga seethed. `He dare challenge my claim?'

"Of course I'm challenging your claim. Kagome is mine. My shard detector, my friend, and MY future mate." InuYasha declared.

"Fine. We shall fight to the death for Kagome." Kouga stated.

***A field outside the village***

`Good, another great mission completed,' Youko Kurama, the legendary bandit, thought proudly. `I stole another Shikon no Kakera to add to my collection. That makes twenty.' Youko did not use the shards to enhance his strength, though. That would have been dishonorable. He used them for bargaining chips and distractions. Youko always stole them back, though. He was very intelligent; Youko knew how important they were.

Youko's ears twitched as he heard shouting coming near. He could smell a wolf youkai, an inu-hanyou, and two kitsunes. One was a woman who smelt delicious; the other was a kit. He knew the woman wasn't the mother though, because they smelt too different. Youko decided to investigate.

***On the outskirts of the field***

"We shall fight for Kagome, and I shall win, dog turd," Kouga stated angrily.

"That is where you are wrong, wimpy wolf, I will win. Kagome ain't going with you." InuYasha seethed.

Meanwhile, Kagome stood with Shippou on her left shoulder, intently watching the verbal battle. She knew in a few minutes she would have to intervene. InuYasha would probably win the battle, but before he could strike the fatal blow, she would sit him and protect him from Kouga. `Why do men have to be so difficult?' she thought.