InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Kitsune ❯ Youko ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome the Kitsune

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or YuYu Hakusho.

Summary: Youko sees Kagome and fall in love with her. What happens when he confronts two other lovesick demons?

Rating: PG-13 just in case

Umm, hi. It's me, animechick824 again. Thanks for the reviews. I'm trying to get the chapters posted as soon as I can. I'm taking a poll. In the end, I'm going to have two alternate endings. In one, Kagome will be with Youko. In the other, she will be with Kurama. I need to know who else you think she should also be paired with.









Chapter 5: Youko

Youko silently glided through the treetops, tracking his preys' movement with his ears and nose. That enticing scent was driving him insane. He hoped that the youkai the scent belonged to would be as beautiful as her scent was. She would truly make a worthy mate then.

***InuYasha and Kouga's fight***

They had been going at it for about ten minutes now. InuYasha just couldn't seem to get a dead on blow because of Kouga's speed, but that wasn't to say he didn't get a piece of the wolf. Kouga was covered in scratches and there was a deep wound on his shoulder. Kouga couldn't get too close to InuYasha because of the Tessaiga. He had managed to hit him a couple of times, though. InuYasha had a few claw marks on his face and a mediocre gash on his stomach.

Kagome looked on, getting angrier by the moment. They were fighting over her like she was a piece of meat! She didn't even get a choice in this, according to them. She hated it when they fought, especially when it was over her. She should get to choose whom she wanted to marry, or mate, and they called it. That word, mate, was starting to leave a foul taste in her mouth. Kagome sighed again and gazed down at Shippou. `Why can't all youkai be as adorable and innocent as my kit? Well, his not really innocent, more mischievous.' Kagome averted her gaze back to the fight. `Hopefully, when he grows up, he won't act as territorial as InuYasha and Kouga.

Youko Kurama arrived at the field to witness an inu-hanyou and a wolf youkai battle. A beautiful female kitsune stood off to the side, obviously displeased with the quarrel. `Hmm. That's strange, usually female youkai are delighted when males fight over them. Maybe this one is special.' Youko thought. In her arms, lay a content kit. They made an adorable picture. Youko knew that the female kitsune with the enticing scent was not the mother of the kit. First of all, they look nothing alike. Second, their scents differed too much. Besides, it was unusual for a female youkai to care for anything other than control. That is why the number of hanyous was increasing; the male youkai wanted female ningens because they were `sensitive'.

Youko knew he was dangerously attracted to her. She was gorgeous and had the most beautiful scent he had ever had the honor to bask in. Besides, there was something different about her. He could see the caring for the kit and the two warriors in her eyes. `No, she is not a power hungry ruthless female youkai that will do whatever needed to get what she wants. She's different,' Youko thought with absolute certainty.

`I will reveal myself now,' he decided. Youko took the simple spells covering his scent and aura off. Then, he stepped out of the cover of the bushes. Just in time to witness the beautiful youkai snap. Her rage overflowed and she screamed, "Sit. Sit. Sit. Sit." Youko looked towards the battle and found the inu hanyou to be buried in a crater four feet deep. Youko chucked, causing the group before him, minus the inu, to look towards him finally.

***Kagome's POV***

I had screamed sit to InuYasha after he hit Kouga with a particularly vicious blow. I knew it was time to step in. Before I could shield InuYasha's prone form though, someone chuckled. I looked towards the source of the sound, and there stood the most gorgeous youkai I have every seen. He was wearing a devilish smirk and an outfit similar to Kouga's, but white. His hair was a flowing silver mane. I instantly knew I had a new crush. Kami, he was so gorgeous.

The youkai suddenly appeared before me and bent down on a knee. I blushed fiercely and could feel Kouga and InuYasha's glares on this stranger. He kissed my hand and looked up to me with a twinkle in his eye and a cunning smirk on his face. The look in his eye was similar to Miroku's, but something told me he had more honor than to do anything so hentaii.

"Hello, my fair maiden, may I inquire your name? Mine is Youko Kurama. As you can see, I am a kitsune such as yourself. Your beauty and scent surprised me and I knew I just had to hear your voice," this stranger, Youko said.

I blushed even redder and could feel InuYasha was ready to strangle Youko. I suddenly remembered my manners and was even more embarrassed.

"My name is Kagome. Thank you for the compliments. These are my companions." I rambled. Youko just smirked wider.

InuYasha interrupted our conversation with a growl. My eyes widened and I turned around just in time to see InuYasha lunge at Youko with a growl. "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!"