InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Kitsune ❯ Can I Court You? ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome the Kitsune

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or YuYu Hakusho.

Summary: InuYasha and Kouga want to battle it out with Youko for Kagome. Youko refuses and says it's dishonorable to fight over someone who obviously doesn't want you to. Kagome is starting to have strange feelings for Youko.

Rating: PG-13 just in case.

Thanx to all the reviewers. Please tell me whom you think Kagome should be paired up with in the alternate ending. I already have a -1 for InuYasha, and I totally agree. Please also take into consideration:




Koenma (teenage form)

I just want to let you guys know that I hate Hojo and Kuwabara, and don't really like InuYasha/Kagome pairings, but I will write whatever the reviewers want.

Chapter 6: Can I court you?

(Youko's POV)

He beauty and scent were absolutely enticing. I couldn't believe she would be acquainted with such honor less mongrels. She truly was the perfect mate. I will never tire of her subduing the inu with nothing but a `sit'. It was amazing. I sense Shikon no Kakera on her, many. I wonder if I should take the concealing spell off of mine and join in alliance with her. It will probably upset the mongrels she travels with, but that's all right if I can have the chance to be with her, protect her. I know I'm already in love with her. I know she is attracted to me; it is in her scent, and her blush. Now all I have to do is turn on the charm, and maybe I'll have a chance.

***Back to the Story***

"InuYasha, I can't believe you would attack Youko-kun like that. He didn't do anything." Kagome shouted at InuYasha's prone form.

InuYasha jumped up after the spell wore off and glared. "Youko-kun, Kouga-kun, Shippou-kun, Miroku-kun," he imitated in a high-pitched voice. "Why do you always befriend all the youkai and hentaii you meet? There is no reason you should stop me from attacking this stranger."

"Actually," Youko interrupted, pissing InuYasha off. "Befriending people is actually a good trait, and I think you're jealous."

Youko had hit the nail on the head and InuYasha was furious. `Who does this baka kitsune think he is? Kagome is mine. She belongs to me,' InuYasha seethed. "Why would I be jealous? Because of Kagome? Pftt. She is just a shard detector. I don't feel like getting a new one," Kouga and Youko knew InuYasha was lying through his teeth, but Kagome didn't.

"That's how you really think of me InuYasha? I can't believe you. I thought we were at least friends," Kagome whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks. `I thought we were friends. Is that all he thinks of me? A shard detector? A replacement for Kikyou?'

"Kagome. No… I didn't mean that." InuYasha started to apologize, but Kagome held a hand up.

"Leave me alone InuYasha, I'm going home for a while. Don't even think about following me, baka," she whimpered. Then, she turned and fled for the well.

***Kagome's time***

(Kagome's POV)

I can't believe InuYasha. I hope he doesn't attack Shippou, Miroku, Kouga, or Youko while I'm gone. I wonder what happened to Youko-kun? I don't think I should have left him with the gang. Especially Kouga, InuYasha, and Miroku. Kouga and InuYasha will probably attack him, and Miroku might give him some bad ideas. He really is gorgeous.

***The Next Day***

Kagome woke up at 7:00. `Damn, I'm late for school,' she thought. Kagome rushed to get changed, grabbed a bite to eat as she left the house, and started to run to school.

"Oomph," she let out as she collided with someone and fell to the ground. She looked up, and saw a short fire apparition and two humans. One human had dark hair and a smirk on his face, while the other, the one she bumped into, had bright orange hair and was very ugly. He was looking at her with puppy-dog eyes. Kagome sighed and rolled her eyes.

Someone called out for the group of boys before her while she was getting up. Kagome turned around and was met with gorgeous emerald eyes, beautiful hair, and a kitsune aura. One that was vaguely familiar. `It was a good thing I remember the concealment spell that makes me look human,' Kagome thought. `Or else I might have been in more trouble than I'm already in.