InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome ❯ Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Shelby Brown

On the way to release.
You would think, that pretty girls in high school would have it easy. Get the grades, the guys, the friends. Well not for this high school girl. Yes i got the grades of a valadictorian, although my attendance is horrible on account of my situation---- the fact that i can travel five hundredyears into the past. But my friends are limited down to four, not something I mind, but everyone else in school would tease me and I was either almost non existant, or completely in the eye of public humiliation. Not a place anyone liked to be.

My big trouble isn't with school though, it's with Inuyasha, the half demon I fell in love with. His ego is so big, and he gets so jealous, although he denies every bit of it. Another problem with our relationship, is Kikyo. A dead priestess, that was brought back to life using part of my soul, but she's not real. When Kikyo was brought back to life, the witch Urasae, used the graveyard soil from the site where Kikyo was buried, clay, and half of my soul. Kikyo has to use other peoples souls to live, or stay in existance. She never was the same Kikyo Inuyasha once knew. But it's the memory of her that he's still in love with.

Every time I try to show any type of emotion or caring toward him he brushes it off like it's nothing, or he completely ignores it. But I still love him, He's the only one I've ever felt this way about. Somewhere deep, deep inside me says that he might feel the same way about me, but right now I don't have the time or niether am I in the state of mind to search for that.

Today things were gonna change. All the pain, suffering, and humility I felt would disappear and I would never again have to deal with anyone or anything anymore. No one had any idea what I was about to do today. Not even Inuyasha or my mother. But it was going to be done, I had to gather the courage, that or numb myself to any sort of emotion, or common sense.

I made a list just for this day. To make sure that all the deserving people got their just rewards, and to make sure the innocent people were not involved. It was hard enough to do this but to think that I might get innocent bystandards involved was just the thought I didn't want. It would rattle my nerves. I couldn't back down now, not after leaving that letter to my mother, brother, and grandfather. I had personally taken the time to write Inuyasha's letter, although short and sweet it would be meaningful none the less. I just hop he understands that I can't take this anymore.

I want everybody to understand how I feel almost every day of my life. They need to understand.