InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lady Kagome- can hearts melt together ❯ Lady Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Lady Kagome and Lord Sesshoumru-sama

Hello my name is Kagome I am 19 years old now no longer the naive and gentle person I was long ago I am cruel, cold and hard now because of that cursed half breed hanyou named Inuyasha. The only thing I love now is my adopted kitsune son and my brother they are the only things that keep me grounded else I would be heartless. The jewel has been completed and I bear it. Inuyasha was always making out with Kikyou when he thought I didn't see him and was still gone. The well is no more I told my brother to come with me after my parents were slaughter by Inuyasha I am in search of him now and plan to slaughter him for destroying my family. I bear scars from when I was depressed I had to be treated by Kiade (spelling). I stopped cutting myself after my heart grew cold she helped my brother with his wounds and my brother and son stayed with me through the nights in our own hut that was guarded. We are walking through a forest right now taking a trip to go to see Sango and Miroku. I am wearing a long sleeved demon fighter dress that is black and blue the slits come up to my knees. My breasts are fuller and my eyes are cold without emotion except when I am holding my son. I sense a demon far ahead coming fast and tell my brother and son to hide in the bushes.

"Hey Kagome why do I have to hide I am 15."

"GO NOW!" I glare at him with my cold eyes and he runs away hiding with my son.

"Well now what have we here a Snake Demoness." I draw my bow and arrow and shot my arrow hitting it from 15 feet away I run over and cut its throat off with my sacred sword. I smirk and then my face goes back to being expressionless. Suddenly I feel a little girl pounce on me I start to fling her to the ground but then realize it is the child that follows Sesshoumaru around. I yell for Shippo and my brother to come out slightly harsh. Shippo comes running jumping onto my shoulder. I then see Jakan the ugly toad that serves Sesshoumaru I want to kill him so bad sometimes. I haven't seen them since after the battle with Naraku. Rin is now probably about 12 or 13 now. I saw my brother looking at her and I smirk. The jewel around me neck is still slightly tainted because of my anger and hatred towards Inuyasha.

"Rin go talk and play with Shippo and my brother for a while." I fix something to eat for the three of us knowing that Jakan won't get near me after watching me ruthlessness on that Snake Demoness. I hum a song of the dead still slightly wishing but knowing I won't die till I see my child and brother married and Inuyasha dead. I sense a familiar demon and get ready looking at the children making a shield to hide them. I slightly let out a low cat growl, which I picked up from befriending the princess of the cat demoness'. Sesshoumaru walks out with Jakan by his side.

"What do you want?" I ask with no emotion in voice. Sesshoumaru looked at me curious for a second. He smelled the air and then asked me.

"Where is my little brother the one supposed to be guarding you?"

"I am hunting him because he slew my family except my brother and son. I assume that you want Rin back." I lower the shield and he sees my brother Shippo and Rin playing together. Rin sees Sesshoumaru and sequels happy running to him.

"Rin was hit by Jakan and then Rin hit him back and he threaten her with evil fire man woman staff!" Rin clung to him. Sesshoumaru growled and hit Jakan. Shippo appeared on my shoulder and my brother appeared next to me.

"So why is it that you seem like ice these days wench?" He then smelled the dried blood from 2 months before and ripped the sleeves off showing my scars my brother gasped and Shippo tried to cover them cause only he knew. I glare at him with hatred.

"How dare you Lord Of Western lands!" I screamed drawing my sword. My brother walked over ignoring the demon and touched my arms.

"Sis when did you do this?" he asked me.

"It is none of your business." I look at him with my ice-cold evil stare. The Shikon Jewel slightly glowed and I winced. Sesshoumaru witnessed this.

"Why did you let your son know and not your brother eh Wench?"

"Shippo walked in on me my brother was busy with Kiade and I thought that Shippo was there and I hit a low but after Kiade healed my wounds I grew cold only kind to my brother and son." I stare at him wanting to hurt him just because he looked like his half brother. I turned away quickly trying to suppress it.

"You really hate him don't you?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Yes I do and I shall kill him and that dead bitch Kikyou!"

" The jewel you protect is still tainted with evil because of your heart."

"I know Sesshoumaru. I think that is why I don't make a wish yet. Demon coming this way GET OUTTA MY WAY AND HIDE THE CHILDREN!" I run at it with speed almost as fast as a demoness except a little slower and then stab him and slit his throat. I then sense Kouga.